s within subslides. Subslide and fragment
# elements can contain content:
# (content)
# (content)
# Get the slide type. If type is subslide or slide,
# end the last slide/subslide/fragment as applicable.
if cell.metadata.slide_type == 'slide':
previous_cell.metadata.slide_end = True
cell.metadata.slide_start = True
if cell.metadata.slide_type in {'subslide', 'slide'}:
previous_cell.metadata.fragment_end = in_fragment
previous_cell.metadata.subslide_end = True
cell.metadata.subslide_start = True
in_fragment = False
elif cell.metadata.slide_type == 'fragment':
cell.metadata.fragment_start = True
if in_fragment:
previous_cell.metadata.fragment_end = True
in_fragment = True
# The last cell will always be the end of a slide
nb.cells[-1].metadata.fragment_end = in_fragment
nb.cells[-1].metadata.subslide_end = True
nb.cells[-1].metadata.slide_end = True
return nb, resources
class SlidesExporter(HTMLExporter):
"""Exports HTML slides with reveal.js"""
# Overrides from HTMLExporter
export_from_notebook = "Reveal.js slides"
def _template_name_default(self):
return 'reveal'
def _file_extension_default(self):
return '.slides.html'
def _template_extension_default(self):
return '.html.j2'
# Extra resources
reveal_url_prefix = Unicode(
help="""The URL prefix for reveal.js (version 3.x).
This defaults to the reveal CDN, but can be any url pointing to a copy
of reveal.js.
For speaker notes to work, this must be a relative path to a local
copy of reveal.js: e.g., "reveal.js".
If a relative path is given, it must be a subdirectory of the
current directory (from which the server is run).
See the usage documentation
for more details.
def _reveal_url_prefix_default(self):
if 'RevealHelpPreprocessor.url_prefix' in self.config:
warn("Please update RevealHelpPreprocessor.url_prefix to "
"SlidesExporter.reveal_url_prefix in config files.")
return self.config.RevealHelpPreprocessor.url_prefix
return 'https://unpkg.com/reveal.js@4.0.2'
reveal_theme = Unicode('simple',
Name of the reveal.js theme to use.
We look for a file with this name under
https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/tree/master/css/theme has
list of themes that ship by default with reveal.js.
reveal_transition = Unicode('slide',
Name of the reveal.js transition to use.
The list of transitions that ships by default with reveal.js are:
none, fade, slide, convex, concave and zoom.
reveal_scroll = Bool(False,
If True, enable scrolling within each slide
reveal_number = Unicode('',
slide number format (e.g. 'c/t'). Choose from:
'c': current, 't': total, 'h': horizontal, 'v': vertical
font_awesome_url = Unicode(
URL to load font awesome from.
Defaults to loading from cdnjs.
def _init_resources(self, resources):
resources = super()._init_resources(resources)
if 'reveal' not in resources:
resources['reveal'] = {}
resources['reveal']['url_prefix'] = self.reveal_url_prefix
resources['reveal']['theme'] = self.reveal_theme
resources['reveal']['transition'] = self.reveal_transition
resources['reveal']['scroll'] = self.reveal_scroll
resources['reveal']['number'] = self.reveal_number
return resources