""" Password generation for the Notebook. """ from contextlib import contextmanager import getpass import hashlib import io import json import os import random import traceback import warnings from ipython_genutils.py3compat import cast_bytes, str_to_bytes, cast_unicode from traitlets.config import Config, ConfigFileNotFound, JSONFileConfigLoader from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_config_dir # Length of the salt in nr of hex chars, which implies salt_len * 4 # bits of randomness. salt_len = 12 def passwd(passphrase=None, algorithm='argon2'): """Generate hashed password and salt for use in notebook configuration. In the notebook configuration, set `c.NotebookApp.password` to the generated string. Parameters ---------- passphrase : str Password to hash. If unspecified, the user is asked to input and verify a password. algorithm : str Hashing algorithm to use (e.g, 'sha1' or any argument supported by :func:`hashlib.new`, or 'argon2'). Returns ------- hashed_passphrase : str Hashed password, in the format 'hash_algorithm:salt:passphrase_hash'. Examples -------- >>> passwd('mypassword', algorithm='sha1') 'sha1:7cf3:b7d6da294ea9592a9480c8f52e63cd42cfb9dd12' """ if passphrase is None: for i in range(3): p0 = getpass.getpass('Enter password: ') p1 = getpass.getpass('Verify password: ') if p0 == p1: passphrase = p0 break else: print('Passwords do not match.') else: raise ValueError('No matching passwords found. Giving up.') if algorithm == 'argon2': from argon2 import PasswordHasher ph = PasswordHasher( memory_cost=10240, time_cost=10, parallelism=8, ) h = ph.hash(passphrase) return ':'.join((algorithm, cast_unicode(h, 'ascii'))) else: h = hashlib.new(algorithm) salt = ('%0' + str(salt_len) + 'x') % random.getrandbits(4 * salt_len) h.update(cast_bytes(passphrase, 'utf-8') + str_to_bytes(salt, 'ascii')) return ':'.join((algorithm, salt, h.hexdigest())) def passwd_check(hashed_passphrase, passphrase): """Verify that a given passphrase matches its hashed version. Parameters ---------- hashed_passphrase : str Hashed password, in the format returned by `passwd`. passphrase : str Passphrase to validate. Returns ------- valid : bool True if the passphrase matches the hash. Examples -------- >>> from notebook.auth.security import passwd_check >>> passwd_check('argon2:...', 'mypassword') True >>> passwd_check('argon2:...', 'otherpassword') False >>> passwd_check('sha1:0e112c3ddfce:a68df677475c2b47b6e86d0467eec97ac5f4b85a', ... 'mypassword') True """ if hashed_passphrase.startswith('argon2:'): import argon2 import argon2.exceptions ph = argon2.PasswordHasher() try: return ph.verify(hashed_passphrase[7:], passphrase) except argon2.exceptions.VerificationError: return False else: try: algorithm, salt, pw_digest = hashed_passphrase.split(':', 2) except (ValueError, TypeError): return False try: h = hashlib.new(algorithm) except ValueError: return False if len(pw_digest) == 0: return False h.update(cast_bytes(passphrase, 'utf-8') + cast_bytes(salt, 'ascii')) return h.hexdigest() == pw_digest @contextmanager def persist_config(config_file=None, mode=0o600): """Context manager that can be used to modify a config object On exit of the context manager, the config will be written back to disk, by default with user-only (600) permissions. """ if config_file is None: config_file = os.path.join(jupyter_config_dir(), 'jupyter_notebook_config.json') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(config_file), exist_ok=True) loader = JSONFileConfigLoader(os.path.basename(config_file), os.path.dirname(config_file)) try: config = loader.load_config() except ConfigFileNotFound: config = Config() yield config with io.open(config_file, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(cast_unicode(json.dumps(config, indent=2))) try: os.chmod(config_file, mode) except Exception as e: tb = traceback.format_exc() warnings.warn("Failed to set permissions on %s:\n%s" % (config_file, tb), RuntimeWarning) def set_password(password=None, config_file=None): """Ask user for password, store it in notebook json configuration file""" hashed_password = passwd(password) with persist_config(config_file) as config: config.NotebookApp.password = hashed_password