""" Boxing and unboxing of native Numba values to / from CPython objects. """ from llvmlite import ir from numba.core import types, cgutils from numba.core.pythonapi import box, unbox, reflect, NativeValue from numba.core.errors import NumbaNotImplementedError from numba.cpython import setobj, listobj from numba.np import numpy_support # # Scalar types # @box(types.Boolean) def box_bool(typ, val, c): return c.pyapi.bool_from_bool(val) @unbox(types.Boolean) def unbox_boolean(typ, obj, c): istrue = c.pyapi.object_istrue(obj) zero = ir.Constant(istrue.type, 0) val = c.builder.icmp_signed('!=', istrue, zero) return NativeValue(val, is_error=c.pyapi.c_api_error()) @box(types.IntegerLiteral) @box(types.BooleanLiteral) def box_literal_integer(typ, val, c): val = c.context.cast(c.builder, val, typ, typ.literal_type) return c.box(typ.literal_type, val) @box(types.Integer) def box_integer(typ, val, c): if typ.signed: ival = c.builder.sext(val, c.pyapi.longlong) return c.pyapi.long_from_longlong(ival) else: ullval = c.builder.zext(val, c.pyapi.ulonglong) return c.pyapi.long_from_ulonglong(ullval) @unbox(types.Integer) def unbox_integer(typ, obj, c): ll_type = c.context.get_argument_type(typ) val = cgutils.alloca_once(c.builder, ll_type) longobj = c.pyapi.number_long(obj) with c.pyapi.if_object_ok(longobj): if typ.signed: llval = c.pyapi.long_as_longlong(longobj) else: llval = c.pyapi.long_as_ulonglong(longobj) c.pyapi.decref(longobj) c.builder.store(c.builder.trunc(llval, ll_type), val) return NativeValue(c.builder.load(val), is_error=c.pyapi.c_api_error()) @box(types.Float) def box_float(typ, val, c): if typ == types.float32: dbval = c.builder.fpext(val, c.pyapi.double) else: assert typ == types.float64 dbval = val return c.pyapi.float_from_double(dbval) @unbox(types.Float) def unbox_float(typ, obj, c): fobj = c.pyapi.number_float(obj) dbval = c.pyapi.float_as_double(fobj) c.pyapi.decref(fobj) if typ == types.float32: val = c.builder.fptrunc(dbval, c.context.get_argument_type(typ)) else: assert typ == types.float64 val = dbval return NativeValue(val, is_error=c.pyapi.c_api_error()) @box(types.Complex) def box_complex(typ, val, c): cval = c.context.make_complex(c.builder, typ, value=val) if typ == types.complex64: freal = c.builder.fpext(cval.real, c.pyapi.double) fimag = c.builder.fpext(cval.imag, c.pyapi.double) else: assert typ == types.complex128 freal, fimag = cval.real, cval.imag return c.pyapi.complex_from_doubles(freal, fimag) @unbox(types.Complex) def unbox_complex(typ, obj, c): # First unbox to complex128, since that's what CPython gives us c128 = c.context.make_complex(c.builder, types.complex128) ok = c.pyapi.complex_adaptor(obj, c128._getpointer()) failed = cgutils.is_false(c.builder, ok) with cgutils.if_unlikely(c.builder, failed): c.pyapi.err_set_string("PyExc_TypeError", "conversion to %s failed" % (typ,)) if typ == types.complex64: # Downcast to complex64 if necessary cplx = c.context.make_complex(c.builder, typ) cplx.real = c.context.cast(c.builder, c128.real, types.float64, types.float32) cplx.imag = c.context.cast(c.builder, c128.imag, types.float64, types.float32) else: assert typ == types.complex128 cplx = c128 return NativeValue(cplx._getvalue(), is_error=failed) @box(types.NoneType) def box_none(typ, val, c): return c.pyapi.make_none() @unbox(types.NoneType) @unbox(types.EllipsisType) def unbox_none(typ, val, c): return NativeValue(c.context.get_dummy_value()) @box(types.NPDatetime) def box_npdatetime(typ, val, c): return c.pyapi.create_np_datetime(val, typ.unit_code) @unbox(types.NPDatetime) def unbox_npdatetime(typ, obj, c): val = c.pyapi.extract_np_datetime(obj) return NativeValue(val, is_error=c.pyapi.c_api_error()) @box(types.NPTimedelta) def box_nptimedelta(typ, val, c): return c.pyapi.create_np_timedelta(val, typ.unit_code) @unbox(types.NPTimedelta) def unbox_nptimedelta(typ, obj, c): val = c.pyapi.extract_np_timedelta(obj) return NativeValue(val, is_error=c.pyapi.c_api_error()) @box(types.RawPointer) def box_raw_pointer(typ, val, c): """ Convert a raw pointer to a Python int. """ ll_intp = c.context.get_value_type(types.uintp) addr = c.builder.ptrtoint(val, ll_intp) return c.box(types.uintp, addr) @box(types.EnumMember) def box_enum(typ, val, c): """ Fetch an enum member given its native value. """ valobj = c.box(typ.dtype, val) # Call the enum class with the value object cls_obj = c.pyapi.unserialize(c.pyapi.serialize_object(typ.instance_class)) return c.pyapi.call_function_objargs(cls_obj, (valobj,)) @unbox(types.EnumMember) def unbox_enum(typ, obj, c): """ Convert an enum member's value to its native value. """ valobj = c.pyapi.object_getattr_string(obj, "value") return c.unbox(typ.dtype, valobj) # # Composite types # @box(types.Record) def box_record(typ, val, c): # Note we will create a copy of the record # This is the only safe way. size = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(32), val.type.pointee.count) ptr = c.builder.bitcast(val, ir.PointerType(ir.IntType(8))) return c.pyapi.recreate_record(ptr, size, typ.dtype, c.env_manager) @unbox(types.Record) def unbox_record(typ, obj, c): buf = c.pyapi.alloca_buffer() ptr = c.pyapi.extract_record_data(obj, buf) is_error = cgutils.is_null(c.builder, ptr) ltyp = c.context.get_value_type(typ) val = c.builder.bitcast(ptr, ltyp) def cleanup(): c.pyapi.release_buffer(buf) return NativeValue(val, cleanup=cleanup, is_error=is_error) @box(types.UnicodeCharSeq) def box_unicodecharseq(typ, val, c): # XXX could kind be determined from strptr? unicode_kind = { 1: c.pyapi.py_unicode_1byte_kind, 2: c.pyapi.py_unicode_2byte_kind, 4: c.pyapi.py_unicode_4byte_kind}[numpy_support.sizeof_unicode_char] kind = c.context.get_constant(types.int32, unicode_kind) rawptr = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, value=val) strptr = c.builder.bitcast(rawptr, c.pyapi.cstring) fullsize = c.context.get_constant(types.intp, typ.count) zero = fullsize.type(0) one = fullsize.type(1) step = fullsize.type(numpy_support.sizeof_unicode_char) count = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, zero) with cgutils.loop_nest(c.builder, [fullsize], fullsize.type) as [idx]: # Get char at idx ch = c.builder.load(c.builder.gep(strptr, [c.builder.mul(idx, step)])) # If the char is a non-null-byte, store the next index as count with c.builder.if_then(cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, ch)): c.builder.store(c.builder.add(idx, one), count) strlen = c.builder.load(count) return c.pyapi.string_from_kind_and_data(kind, strptr, strlen) @unbox(types.UnicodeCharSeq) def unbox_unicodecharseq(typ, obj, c): lty = c.context.get_value_type(typ) ok, buffer, size, kind, is_ascii, hashv = \ c.pyapi.string_as_string_size_and_kind(obj) # If conversion is ok, copy the buffer to the output storage. with cgutils.if_likely(c.builder, ok): # Check if the returned string size fits in the charseq storage_size = ir.Constant(size.type, typ.count) size_fits = c.builder.icmp_unsigned("<=", size, storage_size) # Allow truncation of string size = c.builder.select(size_fits, size, storage_size) # Initialize output to zero bytes null_string = ir.Constant(lty, None) outspace = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, null_string) # We don't need to set the NULL-terminator because the storage # is already zero-filled. cgutils.memcpy(c.builder, c.builder.bitcast(outspace, buffer.type), buffer, size) ret = c.builder.load(outspace) return NativeValue(ret, is_error=c.builder.not_(ok)) @box(types.Bytes) def box_bytes(typ, val, c): obj = c.context.make_helper(c.builder, typ, val) ret = c.pyapi.bytes_from_string_and_size(obj.data, obj.nitems) c.context.nrt.decref(c.builder, typ, val) return ret @box(types.CharSeq) def box_charseq(typ, val, c): rawptr = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, value=val) strptr = c.builder.bitcast(rawptr, c.pyapi.cstring) fullsize = c.context.get_constant(types.intp, typ.count) zero = fullsize.type(0) one = fullsize.type(1) count = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, zero) # Find the length of the string, mimicking Numpy's behaviour: # search for the last non-null byte in the underlying storage # (e.g. b'A\0\0B\0\0\0' will return the logical string b'A\0\0B') with cgutils.loop_nest(c.builder, [fullsize], fullsize.type) as [idx]: # Get char at idx ch = c.builder.load(c.builder.gep(strptr, [idx])) # If the char is a non-null-byte, store the next index as count with c.builder.if_then(cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, ch)): c.builder.store(c.builder.add(idx, one), count) strlen = c.builder.load(count) return c.pyapi.bytes_from_string_and_size(strptr, strlen) @unbox(types.CharSeq) def unbox_charseq(typ, obj, c): lty = c.context.get_value_type(typ) ok, buffer, size = c.pyapi.string_as_string_and_size(obj) # If conversion is ok, copy the buffer to the output storage. with cgutils.if_likely(c.builder, ok): # Check if the returned string size fits in the charseq storage_size = ir.Constant(size.type, typ.count) size_fits = c.builder.icmp_unsigned("<=", size, storage_size) # Allow truncation of string size = c.builder.select(size_fits, size, storage_size) # Initialize output to zero bytes null_string = ir.Constant(lty, None) outspace = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, null_string) # We don't need to set the NULL-terminator because the storage # is already zero-filled. cgutils.memcpy(c.builder, c.builder.bitcast(outspace, buffer.type), buffer, size) ret = c.builder.load(outspace) return NativeValue(ret, is_error=c.builder.not_(ok)) @box(types.Optional) def box_optional(typ, val, c): optval = c.context.make_helper(c.builder, typ, val) ret = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, c.pyapi.borrow_none()) with c.builder.if_else(optval.valid) as (then, otherwise): with then: validres = c.box(typ.type, optval.data) c.builder.store(validres, ret) with otherwise: c.builder.store(c.pyapi.make_none(), ret) return c.builder.load(ret) @unbox(types.Optional) def unbox_optional(typ, obj, c): """ Convert object *obj* to a native optional structure. """ noneval = c.context.make_optional_none(c.builder, typ.type) is_not_none = c.builder.icmp_signed('!=', obj, c.pyapi.borrow_none()) retptr = cgutils.alloca_once(c.builder, noneval.type) errptr = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, cgutils.false_bit) with c.builder.if_else(is_not_none) as (then, orelse): with then: native = c.unbox(typ.type, obj) just = c.context.make_optional_value(c.builder, typ.type, native.value) c.builder.store(just, retptr) c.builder.store(native.is_error, errptr) with orelse: c.builder.store(noneval, retptr) if native.cleanup is not None: def cleanup(): with c.builder.if_then(is_not_none): native.cleanup() else: cleanup = None ret = c.builder.load(retptr) return NativeValue(ret, is_error=c.builder.load(errptr), cleanup=cleanup) @unbox(types.SliceType) def unbox_slice(typ, obj, c): """ Convert object *obj* to a native slice structure. """ from numba.cpython import slicing ok, start, stop, step = c.pyapi.slice_as_ints(obj) sli = c.context.make_helper(c.builder, typ) sli.start = start sli.stop = stop sli.step = step return NativeValue(sli._getvalue(), is_error=c.builder.not_(ok)) @unbox(types.StringLiteral) def unbox_string_literal(typ, obj, c): # A string literal is a dummy value return NativeValue(c.context.get_dummy_value()) # # Collections # # NOTE: boxing functions are supposed to steal any NRT references in # the given native value. @box(types.Array) def box_array(typ, val, c): nativearycls = c.context.make_array(typ) nativeary = nativearycls(c.context, c.builder, value=val) if c.context.enable_nrt: np_dtype = numpy_support.as_dtype(typ.dtype) dtypeptr = c.env_manager.read_const(c.env_manager.add_const(np_dtype)) newary = c.pyapi.nrt_adapt_ndarray_to_python(typ, val, dtypeptr) # Steals NRT ref c.context.nrt.decref(c.builder, typ, val) return newary else: parent = nativeary.parent c.pyapi.incref(parent) return parent @unbox(types.Buffer) def unbox_buffer(typ, obj, c): """ Convert a Py_buffer-providing object to a native array structure. """ buf = c.pyapi.alloca_buffer() res = c.pyapi.get_buffer(obj, buf) is_error = cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, res) nativearycls = c.context.make_array(typ) nativeary = nativearycls(c.context, c.builder) aryptr = nativeary._getpointer() with cgutils.if_likely(c.builder, c.builder.not_(is_error)): ptr = c.builder.bitcast(aryptr, c.pyapi.voidptr) if c.context.enable_nrt: c.pyapi.nrt_adapt_buffer_from_python(buf, ptr) else: c.pyapi.numba_buffer_adaptor(buf, ptr) def cleanup(): c.pyapi.release_buffer(buf) return NativeValue(c.builder.load(aryptr), is_error=is_error, cleanup=cleanup) @unbox(types.Array) def unbox_array(typ, obj, c): """ Convert a Numpy array object to a native array structure. """ # This is necessary because unbox_buffer() does not work on some # dtypes, e.g. datetime64 and timedelta64. # TODO check matching dtype. # currently, mismatching dtype will still work and causes # potential memory corruption nativearycls = c.context.make_array(typ) nativeary = nativearycls(c.context, c.builder) aryptr = nativeary._getpointer() ptr = c.builder.bitcast(aryptr, c.pyapi.voidptr) if c.context.enable_nrt: errcode = c.pyapi.nrt_adapt_ndarray_from_python(obj, ptr) else: errcode = c.pyapi.numba_array_adaptor(obj, ptr) # TODO: here we have minimal typechecking by the itemsize. # need to do better try: expected_itemsize = numpy_support.as_dtype(typ.dtype).itemsize except NumbaNotImplementedError: # Don't check types that can't be `as_dtype()`-ed itemsize_mismatch = cgutils.false_bit else: expected_itemsize = nativeary.itemsize.type(expected_itemsize) itemsize_mismatch = c.builder.icmp_unsigned( '!=', nativeary.itemsize, expected_itemsize, ) failed = c.builder.or_( cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, errcode), itemsize_mismatch, ) # Handle error with c.builder.if_then(failed, likely=False): c.pyapi.err_set_string("PyExc_TypeError", "can't unbox array from PyObject into " "native value. The object maybe of a " "different type") return NativeValue(c.builder.load(aryptr), is_error=failed) @box(types.Tuple) @box(types.UniTuple) def box_tuple(typ, val, c): """ Convert native array or structure *val* to a tuple object. """ tuple_val = c.pyapi.tuple_new(typ.count) for i, dtype in enumerate(typ): item = c.builder.extract_value(val, i) obj = c.box(dtype, item) c.pyapi.tuple_setitem(tuple_val, i, obj) return tuple_val @box(types.NamedTuple) @box(types.NamedUniTuple) def box_namedtuple(typ, val, c): """ Convert native array or structure *val* to a namedtuple object. """ cls_obj = c.pyapi.unserialize(c.pyapi.serialize_object(typ.instance_class)) tuple_obj = box_tuple(typ, val, c) obj = c.pyapi.call(cls_obj, tuple_obj) c.pyapi.decref(cls_obj) c.pyapi.decref(tuple_obj) return obj @unbox(types.BaseTuple) def unbox_tuple(typ, obj, c): """ Convert tuple *obj* to a native array (if homogeneous) or structure. """ n = len(typ) values = [] cleanups = [] lty = c.context.get_value_type(typ) is_error_ptr = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, cgutils.false_bit) value_ptr = cgutils.alloca_once(c.builder, lty) # Issue #1638: need to check the tuple size actual_size = c.pyapi.tuple_size(obj) size_matches = c.builder.icmp_unsigned('==', actual_size, ir.Constant(actual_size.type, n)) with c.builder.if_then(c.builder.not_(size_matches), likely=False): c.pyapi.err_format( "PyExc_ValueError", "size mismatch for tuple, expected %d element(s) but got %%zd" % (n,), actual_size) c.builder.store(cgutils.true_bit, is_error_ptr) # We unbox the items even if not `size_matches`, to avoid issues with # the generated IR (instruction doesn't dominate all uses) for i, eltype in enumerate(typ): elem = c.pyapi.tuple_getitem(obj, i) native = c.unbox(eltype, elem) values.append(native.value) with c.builder.if_then(native.is_error, likely=False): c.builder.store(cgutils.true_bit, is_error_ptr) if native.cleanup is not None: cleanups.append(native.cleanup) value = c.context.make_tuple(c.builder, typ, values) c.builder.store(value, value_ptr) if cleanups: with c.builder.if_then(size_matches, likely=True): def cleanup(): for func in reversed(cleanups): func() else: cleanup = None return NativeValue(c.builder.load(value_ptr), cleanup=cleanup, is_error=c.builder.load(is_error_ptr)) @box(types.List) def box_list(typ, val, c): """ Convert native list *val* to a list object. """ list = listobj.ListInstance(c.context, c.builder, typ, val) obj = list.parent res = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, obj) with c.builder.if_else(cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, obj)) as (has_parent, otherwise): with has_parent: # List is actually reflected => return the original object # (note not all list instances whose *type* is reflected are # actually reflected; see numba.tests.test_lists for an example) c.pyapi.incref(obj) with otherwise: # Build a new Python list nitems = list.size obj = c.pyapi.list_new(nitems) with c.builder.if_then(cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, obj), likely=True): with cgutils.for_range(c.builder, nitems) as loop: item = list.getitem(loop.index) list.incref_value(item) itemobj = c.box(typ.dtype, item) c.pyapi.list_setitem(obj, loop.index, itemobj) c.builder.store(obj, res) # Steal NRT ref c.context.nrt.decref(c.builder, typ, val) return c.builder.load(res) class _NumbaTypeHelper(object): """A helper for acquiring `numba.typeof` for type checking. Usage ----- # `c` is the boxing context. with _NumbaTypeHelper(c) as nth: # This contextmanager maintains the lifetime of the `numba.typeof` # function. the_numba_type = nth.typeof(some_object) # Do work on the type object do_checks(the_numba_type) # Cleanup c.pyapi.decref(the_numba_type) # At this point *nth* should not be used. """ def __init__(self, c): self.c = c def __enter__(self): c = self.c numba_name = c.context.insert_const_string(c.builder.module, 'numba') numba_mod = c.pyapi.import_module_noblock(numba_name) typeof_fn = c.pyapi.object_getattr_string(numba_mod, 'typeof') self.typeof_fn = typeof_fn c.pyapi.decref(numba_mod) return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): c = self.c c.pyapi.decref(self.typeof_fn) def typeof(self, obj): res = self.c.pyapi.call_function_objargs(self.typeof_fn, [obj]) return res def _python_list_to_native(typ, obj, c, size, listptr, errorptr): """ Construct a new native list from a Python list. """ def check_element_type(nth, itemobj, expected_typobj): typobj = nth.typeof(itemobj) # Check if *typobj* is NULL with c.builder.if_then( cgutils.is_null(c.builder, typobj), likely=False, ): c.builder.store(cgutils.true_bit, errorptr) loop.do_break() # Mandate that objects all have the same exact type type_mismatch = c.builder.icmp_signed('!=', typobj, expected_typobj) with c.builder.if_then(type_mismatch, likely=False): c.builder.store(cgutils.true_bit, errorptr) c.pyapi.err_format( "PyExc_TypeError", "can't unbox heterogeneous list: %S != %S", expected_typobj, typobj, ) c.pyapi.decref(typobj) loop.do_break() c.pyapi.decref(typobj) # Allocate a new native list ok, list = listobj.ListInstance.allocate_ex(c.context, c.builder, typ, size) with c.builder.if_else(ok, likely=True) as (if_ok, if_not_ok): with if_ok: list.size = size zero = ir.Constant(size.type, 0) with c.builder.if_then(c.builder.icmp_signed('>', size, zero), likely=True): # Traverse Python list and unbox objects into native list with _NumbaTypeHelper(c) as nth: # Note: *expected_typobj* can't be NULL expected_typobj = nth.typeof(c.pyapi.list_getitem(obj, zero)) with cgutils.for_range(c.builder, size) as loop: itemobj = c.pyapi.list_getitem(obj, loop.index) check_element_type(nth, itemobj, expected_typobj) # XXX we don't call native cleanup for each # list element, since that would require keeping # of which unboxings have been successful. native = c.unbox(typ.dtype, itemobj) with c.builder.if_then(native.is_error, likely=False): c.builder.store(cgutils.true_bit, errorptr) loop.do_break() # The reference is borrowed so incref=False list.setitem(loop.index, native.value, incref=False) c.pyapi.decref(expected_typobj) if typ.reflected: list.parent = obj # Stuff meminfo pointer into the Python object for # later reuse. with c.builder.if_then(c.builder.not_(c.builder.load(errorptr)), likely=False): c.pyapi.object_set_private_data(obj, list.meminfo) list.set_dirty(False) c.builder.store(list.value, listptr) with if_not_ok: c.builder.store(cgutils.true_bit, errorptr) # If an error occurred, drop the whole native list with c.builder.if_then(c.builder.load(errorptr)): c.context.nrt.decref(c.builder, typ, list.value) @unbox(types.List) def unbox_list(typ, obj, c): """ Convert list *obj* to a native list. If list was previously unboxed, we reuse the existing native list to ensure consistency. """ size = c.pyapi.list_size(obj) errorptr = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, cgutils.false_bit) listptr = cgutils.alloca_once(c.builder, c.context.get_value_type(typ)) # See if the list was previously unboxed, if so, re-use the meminfo. ptr = c.pyapi.object_get_private_data(obj) with c.builder.if_else(cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, ptr)) \ as (has_meminfo, otherwise): with has_meminfo: # List was previously unboxed => reuse meminfo list = listobj.ListInstance.from_meminfo(c.context, c.builder, typ, ptr) list.size = size if typ.reflected: list.parent = obj c.builder.store(list.value, listptr) with otherwise: _python_list_to_native(typ, obj, c, size, listptr, errorptr) def cleanup(): # Clean up the associated pointer, as the meminfo is now invalid. c.pyapi.object_reset_private_data(obj) return NativeValue(c.builder.load(listptr), is_error=c.builder.load(errorptr), cleanup=cleanup) @reflect(types.List) def reflect_list(typ, val, c): """ Reflect the native list's contents into the Python object. """ if not typ.reflected: return if typ.dtype.reflected: msg = "cannot reflect element of reflected container: {}\n".format(typ) raise TypeError(msg) list = listobj.ListInstance(c.context, c.builder, typ, val) with c.builder.if_then(list.dirty, likely=False): obj = list.parent size = c.pyapi.list_size(obj) new_size = list.size diff = c.builder.sub(new_size, size) diff_gt_0 = c.builder.icmp_signed('>=', diff, ir.Constant(diff.type, 0)) with c.builder.if_else(diff_gt_0) as (if_grow, if_shrink): # XXX no error checking below with if_grow: # First overwrite existing items with cgutils.for_range(c.builder, size) as loop: item = list.getitem(loop.index) list.incref_value(item) itemobj = c.box(typ.dtype, item) c.pyapi.list_setitem(obj, loop.index, itemobj) # Then add missing items with cgutils.for_range(c.builder, diff) as loop: idx = c.builder.add(size, loop.index) item = list.getitem(idx) list.incref_value(item) itemobj = c.box(typ.dtype, item) c.pyapi.list_append(obj, itemobj) c.pyapi.decref(itemobj) with if_shrink: # First delete list tail c.pyapi.list_setslice(obj, new_size, size, None) # Then overwrite remaining items with cgutils.for_range(c.builder, new_size) as loop: item = list.getitem(loop.index) list.incref_value(item) itemobj = c.box(typ.dtype, item) c.pyapi.list_setitem(obj, loop.index, itemobj) # Mark the list clean, in case it is reflected twice list.set_dirty(False) def _python_set_to_native(typ, obj, c, size, setptr, errorptr): """ Construct a new native set from a Python set. """ # Allocate a new native set ok, inst = setobj.SetInstance.allocate_ex(c.context, c.builder, typ, size) with c.builder.if_else(ok, likely=True) as (if_ok, if_not_ok): with if_ok: # Traverse Python set and unbox objects into native set typobjptr = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, ir.Constant(c.pyapi.pyobj, None)) with c.pyapi.set_iterate(obj) as loop: itemobj = loop.value # Mandate that objects all have the same exact type typobj = c.pyapi.get_type(itemobj) expected_typobj = c.builder.load(typobjptr) with c.builder.if_else( cgutils.is_null(c.builder, expected_typobj), likely=False) as (if_first, if_not_first): with if_first: # First iteration => store item type c.builder.store(typobj, typobjptr) with if_not_first: # Otherwise, check item type type_mismatch = c.builder.icmp_signed('!=', typobj, expected_typobj) with c.builder.if_then(type_mismatch, likely=False): c.builder.store(cgutils.true_bit, errorptr) c.pyapi.err_set_string("PyExc_TypeError", "can't unbox heterogeneous set") loop.do_break() # XXX we don't call native cleanup for each set element, # since that would require keeping track # of which unboxings have been successful. native = c.unbox(typ.dtype, itemobj) with c.builder.if_then(native.is_error, likely=False): c.builder.store(cgutils.true_bit, errorptr) inst.add_pyapi(c.pyapi, native.value, do_resize=False) if typ.reflected: inst.parent = obj # Associate meminfo pointer with the Python object for later reuse. with c.builder.if_then(c.builder.not_(c.builder.load(errorptr)), likely=False): c.pyapi.object_set_private_data(obj, inst.meminfo) inst.set_dirty(False) c.builder.store(inst.value, setptr) with if_not_ok: c.builder.store(cgutils.true_bit, errorptr) # If an error occurred, drop the whole native set with c.builder.if_then(c.builder.load(errorptr)): c.context.nrt.decref(c.builder, typ, inst.value) @unbox(types.Set) def unbox_set(typ, obj, c): """ Convert set *obj* to a native set. If set was previously unboxed, we reuse the existing native set to ensure consistency. """ size = c.pyapi.set_size(obj) errorptr = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, cgutils.false_bit) setptr = cgutils.alloca_once(c.builder, c.context.get_value_type(typ)) # See if the set was previously unboxed, if so, re-use the meminfo. ptr = c.pyapi.object_get_private_data(obj) with c.builder.if_else(cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, ptr)) \ as (has_meminfo, otherwise): with has_meminfo: # Set was previously unboxed => reuse meminfo inst = setobj.SetInstance.from_meminfo(c.context, c.builder, typ, ptr) if typ.reflected: inst.parent = obj c.builder.store(inst.value, setptr) with otherwise: _python_set_to_native(typ, obj, c, size, setptr, errorptr) def cleanup(): # Clean up the associated pointer, as the meminfo is now invalid. c.pyapi.object_reset_private_data(obj) return NativeValue(c.builder.load(setptr), is_error=c.builder.load(errorptr), cleanup=cleanup) def _native_set_to_python_list(typ, payload, c): """ Create a Python list from a native set's items. """ nitems = payload.used listobj = c.pyapi.list_new(nitems) ok = cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, listobj) with c.builder.if_then(ok, likely=True): index = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, ir.Constant(nitems.type, 0)) with payload._iterate() as loop: i = c.builder.load(index) item = loop.entry.key itemobj = c.box(typ.dtype, item) c.pyapi.list_setitem(listobj, i, itemobj) i = c.builder.add(i, ir.Constant(i.type, 1)) c.builder.store(i, index) return ok, listobj @box(types.Set) def box_set(typ, val, c): """ Convert native set *val* to a set object. """ inst = setobj.SetInstance(c.context, c.builder, typ, val) obj = inst.parent res = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, obj) with c.builder.if_else(cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, obj)) as (has_parent, otherwise): with has_parent: # Set is actually reflected => return the original object # (note not all set instances whose *type* is reflected are # actually reflected; see numba.tests.test_sets for an example) c.pyapi.incref(obj) with otherwise: # Build a new Python list and then create a set from that payload = inst.payload ok, listobj = _native_set_to_python_list(typ, payload, c) with c.builder.if_then(ok, likely=True): obj = c.pyapi.set_new(listobj) c.pyapi.decref(listobj) c.builder.store(obj, res) # Steal NRT ref c.context.nrt.decref(c.builder, typ, val) return c.builder.load(res) @reflect(types.Set) def reflect_set(typ, val, c): """ Reflect the native set's contents into the Python object. """ if not typ.reflected: return inst = setobj.SetInstance(c.context, c.builder, typ, val) payload = inst.payload with c.builder.if_then(payload.dirty, likely=False): obj = inst.parent # XXX errors are not dealt with below c.pyapi.set_clear(obj) # Build a new Python list and then update the set with that ok, listobj = _native_set_to_python_list(typ, payload, c) with c.builder.if_then(ok, likely=True): c.pyapi.set_update(obj, listobj) c.pyapi.decref(listobj) # Mark the set clean, in case it is reflected twice inst.set_dirty(False) # # Other types # @box(types.Generator) def box_generator(typ, val, c): return c.pyapi.from_native_generator(val, typ, c.env_manager.env_ptr) @unbox(types.Generator) def unbox_generator(typ, obj, c): return c.pyapi.to_native_generator(obj, typ) @box(types.DType) def box_dtype(typ, val, c): np_dtype = numpy_support.as_dtype(typ.dtype) return c.pyapi.unserialize(c.pyapi.serialize_object(np_dtype)) @unbox(types.DType) def unbox_dtype(typ, val, c): return NativeValue(c.context.get_dummy_value()) @box(types.NumberClass) def box_number_class(typ, val, c): np_dtype = numpy_support.as_dtype(typ.dtype) return c.pyapi.unserialize(c.pyapi.serialize_object(np_dtype)) @unbox(types.NumberClass) def unbox_number_class(typ, val, c): return NativeValue(c.context.get_dummy_value()) @box(types.PyObject) @box(types.Object) def box_pyobject(typ, val, c): return val @unbox(types.PyObject) @unbox(types.Object) def unbox_pyobject(typ, obj, c): return NativeValue(obj) @unbox(types.ExternalFunctionPointer) def unbox_funcptr(typ, obj, c): if typ.get_pointer is None: raise NotImplementedError(typ) # Call get_pointer() on the object to get the raw pointer value ptrty = c.context.get_function_pointer_type(typ) ret = cgutils.alloca_once_value(c.builder, ir.Constant(ptrty, None), name='fnptr') ser = c.pyapi.serialize_object(typ.get_pointer) get_pointer = c.pyapi.unserialize(ser) with cgutils.if_likely(c.builder, cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, get_pointer)): intobj = c.pyapi.call_function_objargs(get_pointer, (obj,)) c.pyapi.decref(get_pointer) with cgutils.if_likely(c.builder, cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, intobj)): ptr = c.pyapi.long_as_voidptr(intobj) c.pyapi.decref(intobj) c.builder.store(c.builder.bitcast(ptr, ptrty), ret) return NativeValue(c.builder.load(ret), is_error=c.pyapi.c_api_error()) @box(types.DeferredType) def box_deferred(typ, val, c): out = c.pyapi.from_native_value(typ.get(), c.builder.extract_value(val, [0]), env_manager=c.env_manager) return out @unbox(types.DeferredType) def unbox_deferred(typ, obj, c): native_value = c.pyapi.to_native_value(typ.get(), obj) model = c.context.data_model_manager[typ] res = model.set(c.builder, model.make_uninitialized(), native_value.value) return NativeValue(res, is_error=native_value.is_error, cleanup=native_value.cleanup) @unbox(types.Dispatcher) def unbox_dispatcher(typ, obj, c): # In native code, Dispatcher types can be casted to FunctionType. return NativeValue(obj) @box(types.Dispatcher) def box_pyobject(typ, val, c): c.pyapi.incref(val) return val def unbox_unsupported(typ, obj, c): c.pyapi.err_set_string("PyExc_TypeError", "can't unbox {!r} type".format(typ)) res = c.context.get_constant_null(typ) return NativeValue(res, is_error=cgutils.true_bit) def box_unsupported(typ, val, c): msg = "cannot convert native %s to Python object" % (typ,) c.pyapi.err_set_string("PyExc_TypeError", msg) res = c.pyapi.get_null_object() return res @box(types.Literal) def box_literal(typ, val, c): # Const type contains the python object of the constant value, # which we can directly return. retval = typ.literal_value # Serialize the value into the IR return c.pyapi.unserialize(c.pyapi.serialize_object(retval)) @box(types.MemInfoPointer) def box_meminfo_pointer(typ, val, c): return c.pyapi.nrt_meminfo_as_pyobject(val) @unbox(types.MemInfoPointer) def unbox_meminfo_pointer(typ, obj, c): res = c.pyapi.nrt_meminfo_from_pyobject(obj) errored = cgutils.is_null(c.builder, res) return NativeValue(res, is_error=errored) @unbox(types.TypeRef) def unbox_typeref(typ, val, c): return NativeValue(c.context.get_dummy_value(), is_error=cgutils.false_bit) @box(types.LiteralStrKeyDict) def box_LiteralStrKeyDict(typ, val, c): return box_unsupported(typ, val, c)