from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from numba.core.registry import DelayedRegistry, CPUDispatcher from numba.core.decorators import jit from numba.core.errors import InternalTargetMismatchError, NumbaValueError from threading import local as tls _active_context = tls() _active_context_default = 'cpu' class _TargetRegistry(DelayedRegistry): def __getitem__(self, item): try: return super().__getitem__(item) except KeyError: msg = "No target is registered against '{}', known targets:\n{}" known = '\n'.join([f"{k: <{10}} -> {v}" for k, v in target_registry.items()]) raise NumbaValueError(msg.format(item, known)) from None # Registry mapping target name strings to Target classes target_registry = _TargetRegistry() # Registry mapping Target classes the @jit decorator for that target jit_registry = DelayedRegistry() class target_override(object): """Context manager to temporarily override the current target with that prescribed.""" def __init__(self, name): self._orig_target = getattr(_active_context, 'target', _active_context_default) = name def __enter__(self): = def __exit__(self, ty, val, tb): = self._orig_target def current_target(): """Returns the current target """ return getattr(_active_context, 'target', _active_context_default) def get_local_target(context): """ Gets the local target from the call stack if available and the TLS override if not. """ # TODO: Should this logic be reversed to prefer TLS override? if len(context.callstack._stack) > 0: target = context.callstack[0].target else: target = target_registry.get(current_target(), None) if target is None: msg = ("The target found is not registered." "Given target was {}.") raise ValueError(msg.format(target)) else: return target def resolve_target_str(target_str): """Resolves a target specified as a string to its Target class.""" return target_registry[target_str] def resolve_dispatcher_from_str(target_str): """Returns the dispatcher associated with a target string""" target_hw = resolve_target_str(target_str) return dispatcher_registry[target_hw] def _get_local_target_checked(tyctx, hwstr, reason): """Returns the local target if it is compatible with the given target name during a type resolution; otherwise, raises an exception. Parameters ---------- tyctx: typing context hwstr: str target name to check against reason: str Reason for the resolution. Expects a noun. Returns ------- target_hw : Target Raises ------ InternalTargetMismatchError """ # Get the class for the target declared by the function hw_clazz = resolve_target_str(hwstr) # get the local target target_hw = get_local_target(tyctx) # make sure the target_hw is in the MRO for hw_clazz else bail if not target_hw.inherits_from(hw_clazz): raise InternalTargetMismatchError(reason, target_hw, hw_clazz) return target_hw class JitDecorator(ABC): @abstractmethod def __call__(self): return NotImplemented class Target(ABC): """ Implements a target """ @classmethod def inherits_from(cls, other): """Returns True if this target inherits from 'other' False otherwise""" return issubclass(cls, other) class Generic(Target): """Mark the target as generic, i.e. suitable for compilation on any target. All must inherit from this. """ class CPU(Generic): """Mark the target as CPU. """ class GPU(Generic): """Mark the target as GPU, i.e. suitable for compilation on a GPU target. """ class CUDA(GPU): """Mark the target as CUDA. """ class NPyUfunc(Target): """Mark the target as a ufunc """ target_registry['generic'] = Generic target_registry['CPU'] = CPU target_registry['cpu'] = CPU target_registry['GPU'] = GPU target_registry['gpu'] = GPU target_registry['CUDA'] = CUDA target_registry['cuda'] = CUDA target_registry['npyufunc'] = NPyUfunc dispatcher_registry = DelayedRegistry(key_type=Target) # Register the cpu target token with its dispatcher and jit cpu_target = target_registry['cpu'] dispatcher_registry[cpu_target] = CPUDispatcher jit_registry[cpu_target] = jit