import numpy as np from ctypes import byref, c_size_t from numba.cuda.cudadrv.driver import device_memset, driver, USE_NV_BINDING from numba import cuda from numba.cuda.testing import unittest, ContextResettingTestCase from numba.cuda.testing import skip_on_cudasim, skip_on_arm from import linux_only @skip_on_cudasim('CUDA Driver API unsupported in the simulator') @linux_only @skip_on_arm('Managed Alloc support is experimental/untested on ARM') class TestManagedAlloc(ContextResettingTestCase): def get_total_gpu_memory(self): # We use a driver function to directly get the total GPU memory because # an EMM plugin may report something different (or not implement # get_memory_info at all). if USE_NV_BINDING: free, total = driver.cuMemGetInfo() return total else: free = c_size_t() total = c_size_t() driver.cuMemGetInfo(byref(free), byref(total)) return total.value def skip_if_cc_major_lt(self, min_required, reason): """ Skip the current test if the compute capability of the device is less than `min_required`. """ ctx = cuda.current_context() cc_major = ctx.device.compute_capability[0] if cc_major < min_required: self.skipTest(reason) # CUDA Unified Memory comes in two flavors. For GPUs in the Kepler and # Maxwell generations, managed memory allocations work as opaque, # contiguous segments that can either be on the device or the host. For # GPUs in the Pascal or later generations, managed memory operates on a # per-page basis, so we can have arrays larger than GPU memory, where only # part of them is resident on the device at one time. To ensure that this # test works correctly on all supported GPUs, we'll select the size of our # memory such that we only oversubscribe the GPU memory if we're on a # Pascal or newer GPU (compute capability at least 6.0). def test_managed_alloc_driver_undersubscribe(self): msg = "Managed memory unsupported prior to CC 3.0" self.skip_if_cc_major_lt(3, msg) self._test_managed_alloc_driver(0.5) # This test is skipped by default because it is easy to hang the machine # for a very long time or get OOM killed if the GPU memory size is >50% of # the system memory size. Even if the system does have more than 2x the RAM # of the GPU, this test runs for a very long time (in comparison to the # rest of the tests in the suite). # # However, it is left in here for manual testing as required. @unittest.skip def test_managed_alloc_driver_oversubscribe(self): msg = "Oversubscription of managed memory unsupported prior to CC 6.0" self.skip_if_cc_major_lt(6, msg) self._test_managed_alloc_driver(2.0) def test_managed_alloc_driver_host_attach(self): msg = "Host attached managed memory is not accessible prior to CC 6.0" self.skip_if_cc_major_lt(6, msg) # Only test with a small array (0.01 * memory size) to keep the test # quick. self._test_managed_alloc_driver(0.01, attach_global=False) def _test_managed_alloc_driver(self, memory_factor, attach_global=True): # Verify that we can allocate and operate on managed # memory through the CUDA driver interface. total_mem_size = self.get_total_gpu_memory() n_bytes = int(memory_factor * total_mem_size) ctx = cuda.current_context() mem = ctx.memallocmanaged(n_bytes, attach_global=attach_global) dtype = np.dtype(np.uint8) n_elems = n_bytes // dtype.itemsize ary = np.ndarray(shape=n_elems, dtype=dtype, buffer=mem) magic = 0xab device_memset(mem, magic, n_bytes) ctx.synchronize() # Note that this assertion operates on the CPU, so this # test effectively drives both the CPU and the GPU on # managed memory. self.assertTrue(np.all(ary == magic)) def _test_managed_array(self, attach_global=True): # Check the managed_array interface on both host and device. ary = cuda.managed_array(100, dtype=np.double) ary.fill(123.456) self.assertTrue(all(ary == 123.456)) @cuda.jit('void(double[:])') def kernel(x): i = cuda.grid(1) if i < x.shape[0]: x[i] = 1.0 kernel[10, 10](ary) cuda.current_context().synchronize() self.assertTrue(all(ary == 1.0)) def test_managed_array_attach_global(self): self._test_managed_array() def test_managed_array_attach_host(self): self._test_managed_array() msg = "Host attached managed memory is not accessible prior to CC 6.0" self.skip_if_cc_major_lt(6, msg) self._test_managed_array(attach_global=False) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()