import numpy as np from numba.cuda import compile_ptx from numba.core.types import f2, i1, i2, i4, i8, u1, u2, u4, u8 from numba import cuda from numba.core import types from numba.cuda.testing import (CUDATestCase, skip_on_cudasim, skip_unless_cc_53) import itertools import unittest def to_int8(x): return np.int8(x) def to_int16(x): return np.int16(x) def to_int32(x): return np.int32(x) def to_int64(x): return np.int64(x) def to_uint8(x): return np.uint8(x) def to_uint16(x): return np.uint16(x) def to_uint32(x): return types.uint32(x) def to_uint64(x): return types.uint64(x) def to_float16(x): # When division and operators on float16 types are supported, this should # be changed to match the implementation in to_float32. return (np.float16(x) * np.float16(0.5)) def to_float32(x): return np.float32(x) / np.float32(2) def to_float64(x): return np.float64(x) / np.float64(2) def to_complex64(x): return np.complex64(x) def to_complex128(x): return np.complex128(x) # Since multiplication of float16 is not supported via the operator * on # float16s yet, and the host does not implement cuda.fp16.*, we need two # versions of the following functions: # # - The device version uses cuda.fp16.hmul # - The host version uses the * operator def cuda_int_literal_to_float16(x): # Note that we need to use `2` and not `np.float16(2)` to ensure that this # types as a literal int and not a const float16. return cuda.fp16.hmul(np.float16(x), 2) def reference_int_literal_to_float16(x): return np.float16(x) * np.float16(2) def cuda_float_literal_to_float16(x): # Note that `2.5` types as a const float64 and not a literal float, but # this case is provided in case that changes in future. return cuda.fp16.hmul(np.float16(x), 2.5) def reference_float_literal_to_float16(x): return np.float16(x) * np.float16(2.5) class TestCasting(CUDATestCase): def _create_wrapped(self, pyfunc, intype, outtype): wrapped_func = cuda.jit(device=True)(pyfunc) @cuda.jit def cuda_wrapper_fn(arg, res): res[0] = wrapped_func(arg[0]) def wrapper_fn(arg): argarray = np.zeros(1, dtype=intype) argarray[0] = arg resarray = np.zeros(1, dtype=outtype) cuda_wrapper_fn[1, 1](argarray, resarray) return resarray[0] return wrapper_fn def test_float_to_int(self): pyfuncs = (to_int8, to_int16, to_int32, to_int64) totys = (np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64) fromtys = (np.float16, np.float32, np.float64) for pyfunc, toty in zip(pyfuncs, totys): for fromty in fromtys: with self.subTest(fromty=fromty, toty=toty): cfunc = self._create_wrapped(pyfunc, fromty, toty) self.assertEqual(cfunc(12.3), pyfunc(12.3)) self.assertEqual(cfunc(12.3), int(12.3)) self.assertEqual(cfunc(-12.3), pyfunc(-12.3)) self.assertEqual(cfunc(-12.3), int(-12.3)) @skip_on_cudasim('Compilation unsupported in the simulator') def test_float16_to_int_ptx(self): pyfuncs = (to_int8, to_int16, to_int32, to_int64) sizes = (8, 16, 32, 64) for pyfunc, size in zip(pyfuncs, sizes): ptx, _ = compile_ptx(pyfunc, [f2], device=True) self.assertIn(f"cvt.rni.s{size}.f16", ptx) def test_float_to_uint(self): pyfuncs = (to_int8, to_int16, to_int32, to_int64) totys = (np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64) fromtys = (np.float16, np.float32, np.float64) for pyfunc, toty in zip(pyfuncs, totys): for fromty in fromtys: with self.subTest(fromty=fromty, toty=toty): cfunc = self._create_wrapped(pyfunc, fromty, toty) self.assertEqual(cfunc(12.3), pyfunc(12.3)) self.assertEqual(cfunc(12.3), int(12.3)) @skip_on_cudasim('Compilation unsupported in the simulator') def test_float16_to_uint_ptx(self): pyfuncs = (to_uint8, to_uint16, to_uint32, to_uint64) sizes = (8, 16, 32, 64) for pyfunc, size in zip(pyfuncs, sizes): ptx, _ = compile_ptx(pyfunc, [f2], device=True) self.assertIn(f"cvt.rni.u{size}.f16", ptx) def test_int_to_float(self): pyfuncs = (to_float16, to_float32, to_float64) totys = (np.float16, np.float32, np.float64) for pyfunc, toty in zip(pyfuncs, totys): with self.subTest(toty=toty): cfunc = self._create_wrapped(pyfunc, np.int64, toty) self.assertEqual(cfunc(321), pyfunc(321)) @skip_unless_cc_53 def test_literal_to_float16(self): cudafuncs = (cuda_int_literal_to_float16, cuda_float_literal_to_float16) hostfuncs = (reference_int_literal_to_float16, reference_float_literal_to_float16) for cudafunc, hostfunc in zip(cudafuncs, hostfuncs): with self.subTest(func=cudafunc): cfunc = self._create_wrapped(cudafunc, np.float16, np.float16) self.assertEqual(cfunc(321), hostfunc(321)) @skip_on_cudasim('Compilation unsupported in the simulator') def test_int_to_float16_ptx(self): fromtys = (i1, i2, i4, i8) sizes = (8, 16, 32, 64) for ty, size in zip(fromtys, sizes): ptx, _ = compile_ptx(to_float16, [ty], device=True) self.assertIn(f"cvt.rn.f16.s{size}", ptx) @skip_on_cudasim('Compilation unsupported in the simulator') def test_uint_to_float16_ptx(self): fromtys = (u1, u2, u4, u8) sizes = (8, 16, 32, 64) for ty, size in zip(fromtys, sizes): ptx, _ = compile_ptx(to_float16, [ty], device=True) self.assertIn(f"cvt.rn.f16.u{size}", ptx) def test_float_to_float(self): pyfuncs = (to_float16, to_float32, to_float64) tys = (np.float16, np.float32, np.float64) for (pyfunc, fromty), toty in itertools.product(zip(pyfuncs, tys), tys): with self.subTest(fromty=fromty, toty=toty): cfunc = self._create_wrapped(pyfunc, fromty, toty) # For this test we cannot use the pyfunc for comparison because # the CUDA target doesn't yet implement division (or operators) # for float16 values, so we test by comparing with the computed # expression instead. np.testing.assert_allclose(cfunc(12.3), toty(12.3) / toty(2), rtol=0.0003) np.testing.assert_allclose(cfunc(-12.3), toty(-12.3) / toty(2), rtol=0.0003) @skip_on_cudasim('Compilation unsupported in the simulator') def test_float16_to_float_ptx(self): pyfuncs = (to_float32, to_float64) postfixes = ("f32", "f64") for pyfunc, postfix in zip(pyfuncs, postfixes): ptx, _ = compile_ptx(pyfunc, [f2], device=True) self.assertIn(f"cvt.{postfix}.f16", ptx) def test_float_to_complex(self): pyfuncs = (to_complex64, to_complex128) totys = (np.complex64, np.complex128) fromtys = (np.float16, np.float32, np.float64) for pyfunc, toty in zip(pyfuncs, totys): for fromty in fromtys: with self.subTest(fromty=fromty, toty=toty): cfunc = self._create_wrapped(pyfunc, fromty, toty) # Here we need to explicitly cast the input to the pyfunc # to match the casting that is automatically applied when # passing the input to the cfunc as part of wrapping it in # an array of type fromtype. np.testing.assert_allclose(cfunc(3.21), pyfunc(fromty(3.21))) np.testing.assert_allclose(cfunc(-3.21), pyfunc(fromty(-3.21)) + 0j) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()