from numba.cuda.testing import skip_on_cudasim from numba import cuda from numba.core import types from numba.cuda.testing import CUDATestCase import re import unittest @skip_on_cudasim('Simulator does not produce lineinfo') class TestCudaLineInfo(CUDATestCase): """ These tests only check the compiled PTX for line mappings """ def _getasm(self, fn, sig): fn.compile(sig) return fn.inspect_asm(sig) def _check(self, fn, sig, expect): asm = self._getasm(fn, sig=sig) # The name of this file should be present in the line mapping # if lineinfo was propagated through correctly. re_section_lineinfo = re.compile(r"") match = assertfn = self.assertIsNotNone if expect else self.assertIsNone assertfn(match, msg=asm) def test_no_lineinfo_in_asm(self): @cuda.jit(lineinfo=False) def foo(x): x[0] = 1 self._check(foo, sig=(types.int32[:],), expect=False) def test_lineinfo_in_asm(self): @cuda.jit(lineinfo=True) def foo(x): x[0] = 1 self._check(foo, sig=(types.int32[:],), expect=True) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()