import re import operator import heapq from collections import namedtuple from import Sequence from contextlib import contextmanager from numba.core.utils import cached_property from numba.core import config import llvmlite.binding as llvm class RecordLLVMPassTimings: """A helper context manager to track LLVM pass timings. """ __slots__ = ["_data"] def __enter__(self): """Enables the pass timing in LLVM. """ llvm.set_time_passes(True) return self def __exit__(self, exc_val, exc_type, exc_tb): """Reset timings and save report internally. """ self._data = llvm.report_and_reset_timings() llvm.set_time_passes(False) return def get(self): """Retrieve timing data for processing. Returns ------- timings: ProcessedPassTimings """ return ProcessedPassTimings(self._data) PassTimingRecord = namedtuple( "PassTimingRecord", [ "user_time", "user_percent", "system_time", "system_percent", "user_system_time", "user_system_percent", "wall_time", "wall_percent", "pass_name", ], ) def _adjust_timings(records): """Adjust timing records because of truncated information. Details: The percent information can be used to improve the timing information. Returns ------- res: List[PassTimingRecord] """ total_rec = records[-1] assert total_rec.pass_name == "Total" # guard for implementation error def make_adjuster(attr): time_attr = f"{attr}_time" percent_attr = f"{attr}_percent" time_getter = operator.attrgetter(time_attr) def adjust(d): """Compute percent x total_time = adjusted""" total = time_getter(total_rec) adjusted = total * d[percent_attr] * 0.01 d[time_attr] = adjusted return d return adjust # Make adjustment functions for each field adj_fns = [ make_adjuster(x) for x in ["user", "system", "user_system", "wall"] ] # Extract dictionaries from the namedtuples dicts = map(lambda x: x._asdict(), records) def chained(d): # Chain the adjustment functions for fn in adj_fns: d = fn(d) # Reconstruct the namedtuple return PassTimingRecord(**d) return list(map(chained, dicts)) class ProcessedPassTimings: """A class for processing raw timing report from LLVM. The processing is done lazily so we don't waste time processing unused timing information. """ def __init__(self, raw_data): self._raw_data = raw_data def __bool__(self): return bool(self._raw_data) def get_raw_data(self): """Returns the raw string data. Returns ------- res: str """ return self._raw_data def get_total_time(self): """Compute the total time spend in all passes. Returns ------- res: float """ return self.list_records()[-1].wall_time def list_records(self): """Get the processed data for the timing report. Returns ------- res: List[PassTimingRecord] """ return self._processed def list_top(self, n): """Returns the top(n) most time-consuming (by wall-time) passes. Parameters ---------- n: int This limits the maximum number of items to show. This function will show the ``n`` most time-consuming passes. Returns ------- res: List[PassTimingRecord] Returns the top(n) most time-consuming passes in descending order. """ records = self.list_records() key = operator.attrgetter("wall_time") return heapq.nlargest(n, records[:-1], key) def summary(self, topn=5, indent=0): """Return a string summarizing the timing information. Parameters ---------- topn: int; optional This limits the maximum number of items to show. This function will show the ``topn`` most time-consuming passes. indent: int; optional Set the indentation level. Defaults to 0 for no indentation. Returns ------- res: str """ buf = [] prefix = " " * indent def ap(arg): buf.append(f"{prefix}{arg}") ap(f"Total {self.get_total_time():.4f}s") ap("Top timings:") for p in self.list_top(topn): ap(f" {p.wall_time:.4f}s ({p.wall_percent:5}%) {p.pass_name}") return "\n".join(buf) @cached_property def _processed(self): """A cached property for lazily processing the data and returning it. See ``_process()`` for details. """ return self._process() def _process(self): """Parses the raw string data from LLVM timing report and attempts to improve the data by recomputing the times (See `_adjust_timings()``). """ def parse(raw_data): """A generator that parses the raw_data line-by-line to extract timing information for each pass. """ lines = raw_data.splitlines() colheader = r"[a-zA-Z+ ]+" # Take at least one column header. multicolheaders = fr"(?:\s*-+{colheader}-+)+" line_iter = iter(lines) # find column headers header_map = { "User Time": "user", "System Time": "system", "User+System": "user_system", "Wall Time": "wall", "Name": "pass_name", } for ln in line_iter: m = re.match(multicolheaders, ln) if m: # Get all the column headers raw_headers = re.findall(r"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z+ ]+", ln) headers = [header_map[k.strip()] for k in raw_headers] break assert headers[-1] == 'pass_name' # compute the list of available attributes from the column headers attrs = [] for k in headers[:-1]: attrs.append(f"{k}_time") attrs.append(f"{k}_percent") # put default value 0.0 to all missing attributes missing = {} for k in PassTimingRecord._fields: if k not in attrs and k != 'pass_name': missing[k] = 0.0 # parse timings n = r"\s*((?:[0-9]+\.)?[0-9]+)" pat = f"\\s+(?:{n}\\s*\\({n}%\\)|-+)" * (len(headers) - 1) pat += r"\s*(.*)" for ln in line_iter: m = re.match(pat, ln) if m is not None: raw_data = list(m.groups()) data = {k: float(v) if v is not None else 0.0 for k, v in zip(attrs, raw_data)} data.update(missing) pass_name = raw_data[-1] rec = PassTimingRecord( pass_name=pass_name, **data, ) yield rec if rec.pass_name == "Total": # "Total" means the report has ended break # Check that we have reach the end of the report remaining = '\n'.join(line_iter) if remaining: raise ValueError( f"unexpected text after parser finished:\n{remaining}" ) # Parse raw data records = list(parse(self._raw_data)) return _adjust_timings(records) NamedTimings = namedtuple("NamedTimings", ["name", "timings"]) class PassTimingsCollection(Sequence): """A collection of pass timings. This class implements the ``Sequence`` protocol for accessing the individual timing records. """ def __init__(self, name): self._name = name self._records = [] @contextmanager def record(self, name): """Record new timings and append to this collection. Note: this is mainly for internal use inside the compiler pipeline. See also ``RecordLLVMPassTimings`` Parameters ---------- name: str Name for the records. """ if config.LLVM_PASS_TIMINGS: # Recording of pass timings is enabled with RecordLLVMPassTimings() as timings: yield rec = timings.get() # Only keep non-empty records if rec: self._append(name, rec) else: # Do nothing. Recording of pass timings is disabled. yield def _append(self, name, timings): """Append timing records Parameters ---------- name: str Name for the records. timings: ProcessedPassTimings the timing records. """ self._records.append(NamedTimings(name, timings)) def get_total_time(self): """Computes the sum of the total time across all contained timings. Returns ------- res: float or None Returns the total number of seconds or None if no timings were recorded """ if self._records: return sum(r.timings.get_total_time() for r in self._records) else: return None def list_longest_first(self): """Returns the timings in descending order of total time duration. Returns ------- res: List[ProcessedPassTimings] """ return sorted(self._records, key=lambda x: x.timings.get_total_time(), reverse=True) @property def is_empty(self): """ """ return not self._records def summary(self, topn=5): """Return a string representing the summary of the timings. Parameters ---------- topn: int; optional, default=5. This limits the maximum number of items to show. This function will show the ``topn`` most time-consuming passes. Returns ------- res: str See also ``ProcessedPassTimings.summary()`` """ if self.is_empty: return "No pass timings were recorded" else: buf = [] ap = buf.append ap(f"Printing pass timings for {self._name}") overall_time = self.get_total_time() ap(f"Total time: {overall_time:.4f}") for i, r in enumerate(self._records): ap(f"== #{i} {}") percent = r.timings.get_total_time() / overall_time * 100 ap(f" Percent: {percent:.1f}%") ap(r.timings.summary(topn=topn, indent=1)) return "\n".join(buf) def __getitem__(self, i): """Get the i-th timing record. Returns ------- res: (name, timings) A named tuple with two fields: - name: str - timings: ProcessedPassTimings """ return self._records[i] def __len__(self): """Length of this collection. """ return len(self._records) def __str__(self): return self.summary()