import time import ctypes import numpy as np from import captured_stdout from numba import vectorize, guvectorize import unittest class TestParUfuncIssues(unittest.TestCase): _numba_parallel_test_ = False def test_thread_response(self): """ Related to #89. This does not test #89 but tests the fix for it. We want to make sure the worker threads can be used multiple times and with different time gap between each execution. """ @vectorize('float64(float64, float64)', target='parallel') def fnv(a, b): return a + b sleep_time = 1 # 1 second while sleep_time > 0.00001: # 10us time.sleep(sleep_time) a = b = np.arange(10**5) np.testing.assert_equal(a + b, fnv(a, b)) # Reduce sleep time sleep_time /= 2 def test_gil_reacquire_deadlock(self): """ Testing issue #1998 due to GIL reacquiring """ # make a ctypes callback that requires the GIL proto = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_int32) characters = 'abcdefghij' def bar(x): print(characters[x]) cbar = proto(bar) # our unit under test @vectorize(['int32(int32)'], target='parallel', nopython=True) def foo(x): print(x % 10) # this reacquires the GIL cbar(x % 10) # this reacquires the GIL return x * 2 # Numpy ufunc has a heuristic to determine whether to release the GIL # during execution. Small input size (10) seems to not release the GIL. # Large input size (1000) seems to release the GIL. for nelem in [1, 10, 100, 1000]: # inputs a = np.arange(nelem, dtype=np.int32) acopy = a.copy() # run and capture stdout with captured_stdout() as buf: got = foo(a) stdout = buf.getvalue() buf.close() # process outputs from print got_output = sorted(map(lambda x: x.strip(), stdout.splitlines())) # build expected output expected_output = [str(x % 10) for x in range(nelem)] expected_output += [characters[x % 10] for x in range(nelem)] expected_output = sorted(expected_output) # verify self.assertEqual(got_output, expected_output) np.testing.assert_equal(got, 2 * acopy) class TestParGUfuncIssues(unittest.TestCase): _numba_parallel_test_ = False def test_gil_reacquire_deadlock(self): """ Testing similar issue to #1998 due to GIL reacquiring for Gufunc """ # make a ctypes callback that requires the GIL proto = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_int32) characters = 'abcdefghij' def bar(x): print(characters[x]) cbar = proto(bar) # our unit under test @guvectorize(['(int32, int32[:])'], "()->()", target='parallel', nopython=True) def foo(x, out): print(x % 10) # this reacquires the GIL cbar(x % 10) # this reacquires the GIL out[0] = x * 2 # Numpy ufunc has a heuristic to determine whether to release the GIL # during execution. Small input size (10) seems to not release the GIL. # Large input size (1000) seems to release the GIL. for nelem in [1, 10, 100, 1000]: # inputs a = np.arange(nelem, dtype=np.int32) acopy = a.copy() # run and capture stdout with captured_stdout() as buf: got = foo(a) stdout = buf.getvalue() buf.close() # process outputs from print got_output = sorted(map(lambda x: x.strip(), stdout.splitlines())) # build expected output expected_output = [str(x % 10) for x in range(nelem)] expected_output += [characters[x % 10] for x in range(nelem)] expected_output = sorted(expected_output) # verify self.assertEqual(got_output, expected_output) np.testing.assert_equal(got, 2 * acopy) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()