import warnings import numba from numba import jit, njit from import TestCase import unittest class TestNumbaModule(TestCase): """ Test the APIs exposed by the top-level `numba` module. """ def check_member(self, name): self.assertTrue(hasattr(numba, name), name) self.assertIn(name, numba.__all__) def test_numba_module(self): # jit self.check_member("jit") self.check_member("vectorize") self.check_member("guvectorize") self.check_member("njit") # errors self.check_member("NumbaError") self.check_member("TypingError") # types self.check_member("int32") # misc numba.__version__ # not in __all__ class TestJitDecorator(TestCase): """ Test the jit and njit decorators """ def test_jit_nopython_forceobj(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: jit(nopython=True, forceobj=True) self.assertIn( "Only one of 'nopython' or 'forceobj' can be True.", str(cm.exception) ) def py_func(x): return x jit_func = jit(nopython=True)(py_func) jit_func(1) # Check length of nopython_signatures to check # which mode the function was compiled in self.assertEqual(len(jit_func.nopython_signatures), 1) jit_func = jit(forceobj=True)(py_func) jit_func(1) self.assertEqual(len(jit_func.nopython_signatures), 0) def test_njit_nopython_forceobj(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter('always', RuntimeWarning) njit(forceobj=True) self.assertEqual(len(w), 1) self.assertIn( 'forceobj is set for njit and is ignored', str(w[0].message) ) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter('always', RuntimeWarning) njit(nopython=True) self.assertEqual(len(w), 1) self.assertIn( 'nopython is set for njit and is ignored', str(w[0].message) ) def py_func(x): return x jit_func = njit(nopython=True)(py_func) jit_func(1) self.assertEqual(len(jit_func.nopython_signatures), 1) jit_func = njit(forceobj=True)(py_func) jit_func(1) # Since forceobj is ignored this has to compile in nopython mode self.assertEqual(len(jit_func.nopython_signatures), 1) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()