import unittest from numba import njit from numba.core.funcdesc import PythonFunctionDescriptor, default_mangler from numba.core.compiler import run_frontend from numba.core.itanium_mangler import mangle_abi_tag class TestModule(unittest.TestCase): def test_module_not_in_namespace(self): """ Test of trying to run a compiled function where the module from which the function is being compiled doesn't exist in the namespace. """ filename = '' name = 'mypackage' code = """ def f(x): return x """ objs = dict(__file__=filename, __name__=name) compiled = compile(code, filename, 'exec') exec(compiled, objs) compiled_f = njit(objs['f']) with self.assertRaises(ModuleNotFoundError) as raises: compiled_f(0) msg = "can't compile f: import of module mypackage failed" self.assertIn(msg, str(raises.exception)) class TestFuncDescMangledName(unittest.TestCase): def test_mangling_abi_tags(self): """ This is a minimal test for the abi-tags support in the mangler. """ def udt(): pass # run minimal frontend to create a function descriptor func_ir = run_frontend(udt) typemap = {} restype = None calltypes = () mangler = default_mangler inline = False noalias = False abi_tags = ("Shrubbery", "Herring") fd = PythonFunctionDescriptor.from_specialized_function( func_ir, typemap, restype, calltypes, mangler, inline, noalias, abi_tags=abi_tags, ) # mangled tag must exist in the mangled name self.assertIn("".join([mangle_abi_tag(x) for x in abi_tags]), fd.mangled_name) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()