Numexpr was initially written by David Cooke, and extended to more types by Tim Hochberg. Francesc Alted contributed support for booleans and simple-precision floating point types, efficient strided and unaligned array operations and multi-threading code. Ivan Vilata contributed support for strings. Gregor Thalhammer implemented the support for Intel VML (Vector Math Library). Mark Wiebe added support for the new iterator in NumPy, which allows for better performance in more scenarios (like broadcasting, fortran-ordered or non-native byte orderings). Gaƫtan de Menten contributed important bug fixes and speed enhancements. Antonio Valentino contributed the port to Python 3. Google Inc. contributed bug fixes. David Cox improved readability of the Readme. Robert A. McLeod contributed bug fixes and ported the documentation to He is the maintainer of the package since 2016.