""" Routines for filling missing data. """ from __future__ import annotations from functools import ( partial, wraps, ) from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, cast, ) import numpy as np from pandas._libs import ( algos, lib, ) from pandas._typing import ( ArrayLike, Axis, F, npt, ) from pandas.compat._optional import import_optional_dependency from pandas.core.dtypes.cast import infer_dtype_from from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( is_array_like, is_numeric_v_string_like, needs_i8_conversion, ) from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import ( is_valid_na_for_dtype, isna, na_value_for_dtype, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from pandas import Index def check_value_size(value, mask: np.ndarray, length: int): """ Validate the size of the values passed to ExtensionArray.fillna. """ if is_array_like(value): if len(value) != length: raise ValueError( f"Length of 'value' does not match. Got ({len(value)}) " f" expected {length}" ) value = value[mask] return value def mask_missing(arr: ArrayLike, values_to_mask) -> npt.NDArray[np.bool_]: """ Return a masking array of same size/shape as arr with entries equaling any member of values_to_mask set to True Parameters ---------- arr : ArrayLike values_to_mask: list, tuple, or scalar Returns ------- np.ndarray[bool] """ # When called from Block.replace/replace_list, values_to_mask is a scalar # known to be holdable by arr. # When called from Series._single_replace, values_to_mask is tuple or list dtype, values_to_mask = infer_dtype_from(values_to_mask) # error: Argument "dtype" to "array" has incompatible type "Union[dtype[Any], # ExtensionDtype]"; expected "Union[dtype[Any], None, type, _SupportsDType, str, # Union[Tuple[Any, int], Tuple[Any, Union[int, Sequence[int]]], List[Any], # _DTypeDict, Tuple[Any, Any]]]" values_to_mask = np.array(values_to_mask, dtype=dtype) # type: ignore[arg-type] na_mask = isna(values_to_mask) nonna = values_to_mask[~na_mask] # GH 21977 mask = np.zeros(arr.shape, dtype=bool) for x in nonna: if is_numeric_v_string_like(arr, x): # GH#29553 prevent numpy deprecation warnings pass else: new_mask = arr == x if not isinstance(new_mask, np.ndarray): # usually BooleanArray new_mask = new_mask.to_numpy(dtype=bool, na_value=False) mask |= new_mask if na_mask.any(): mask |= isna(arr) return mask def clean_fill_method(method, allow_nearest: bool = False): # asfreq is compat for resampling if method in [None, "asfreq"]: return None if isinstance(method, str): method = method.lower() if method == "ffill": method = "pad" elif method == "bfill": method = "backfill" valid_methods = ["pad", "backfill"] expecting = "pad (ffill) or backfill (bfill)" if allow_nearest: valid_methods.append("nearest") expecting = "pad (ffill), backfill (bfill) or nearest" if method not in valid_methods: raise ValueError(f"Invalid fill method. Expecting {expecting}. Got {method}") return method # interpolation methods that dispatch to np.interp NP_METHODS = ["linear", "time", "index", "values"] # interpolation methods that dispatch to _interpolate_scipy_wrapper SP_METHODS = [ "nearest", "zero", "slinear", "quadratic", "cubic", "barycentric", "krogh", "spline", "polynomial", "from_derivatives", "piecewise_polynomial", "pchip", "akima", "cubicspline", ] def clean_interp_method(method: str, index: Index, **kwargs) -> str: order = kwargs.get("order") if method in ("spline", "polynomial") and order is None: raise ValueError("You must specify the order of the spline or polynomial.") valid = NP_METHODS + SP_METHODS if method not in valid: raise ValueError(f"method must be one of {valid}. Got '{method}' instead.") if method in ("krogh", "piecewise_polynomial", "pchip"): if not index.is_monotonic: raise ValueError( f"{method} interpolation requires that the index be monotonic." ) return method def find_valid_index(values, *, how: str) -> int | None: """ Retrieves the index of the first valid value. Parameters ---------- values : ndarray or ExtensionArray how : {'first', 'last'} Use this parameter to change between the first or last valid index. Returns ------- int or None """ assert how in ["first", "last"] if len(values) == 0: # early stop return None is_valid = ~isna(values) if values.ndim == 2: is_valid = is_valid.any(1) # reduce axis 1 if how == "first": idxpos = is_valid[::].argmax() elif how == "last": idxpos = len(values) - 1 - is_valid[::-1].argmax() chk_notna = is_valid[idxpos] if not chk_notna: return None return idxpos def interpolate_array_2d( data: np.ndarray, method: str = "pad", axis: int = 0, index: Index | None = None, limit: int | None = None, limit_direction: str = "forward", limit_area: str | None = None, fill_value: Any | None = None, coerce: bool = False, downcast: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Wrapper to dispatch to either interpolate_2d or _interpolate_2d_with_fill. Notes ----- Alters 'data' in-place. """ try: m = clean_fill_method(method) except ValueError: m = None if m is not None: if fill_value is not None: # similar to validate_fillna_kwargs raise ValueError("Cannot pass both fill_value and method") interpolate_2d( data, method=m, axis=axis, limit=limit, limit_area=limit_area, ) else: assert index is not None # for mypy _interpolate_2d_with_fill( data=data, index=index, axis=axis, method=method, limit=limit, limit_direction=limit_direction, limit_area=limit_area, fill_value=fill_value, **kwargs, ) return def _interpolate_2d_with_fill( data: np.ndarray, # floating dtype index: Index, axis: int, method: str = "linear", limit: int | None = None, limit_direction: str = "forward", limit_area: str | None = None, fill_value: Any | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Column-wise application of _interpolate_1d. Notes ----- Alters 'data' in-place. The signature does differ from _interpolate_1d because it only includes what is needed for Block.interpolate. """ # validate the interp method clean_interp_method(method, index, **kwargs) if is_valid_na_for_dtype(fill_value, data.dtype): fill_value = na_value_for_dtype(data.dtype, compat=False) if method == "time": if not needs_i8_conversion(index.dtype): raise ValueError( "time-weighted interpolation only works " "on Series or DataFrames with a " "DatetimeIndex" ) method = "values" valid_limit_directions = ["forward", "backward", "both"] limit_direction = limit_direction.lower() if limit_direction not in valid_limit_directions: raise ValueError( "Invalid limit_direction: expecting one of " f"{valid_limit_directions}, got '{limit_direction}'." ) if limit_area is not None: valid_limit_areas = ["inside", "outside"] limit_area = limit_area.lower() if limit_area not in valid_limit_areas: raise ValueError( f"Invalid limit_area: expecting one of {valid_limit_areas}, got " f"{limit_area}." ) # default limit is unlimited GH #16282 limit = algos.validate_limit(nobs=None, limit=limit) indices = _index_to_interp_indices(index, method) def func(yvalues: np.ndarray) -> None: # process 1-d slices in the axis direction _interpolate_1d( indices=indices, yvalues=yvalues, method=method, limit=limit, limit_direction=limit_direction, limit_area=limit_area, fill_value=fill_value, bounds_error=False, **kwargs, ) # Argument 1 to "apply_along_axis" has incompatible type # "Callable[[ndarray[Any, Any]], None]"; expected # "Callable[..., Union[_SupportsArray[dtype[]], # Sequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[ # ]]], Sequence[Sequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[]]]], # Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[]]]]], # Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[]]]]]]]]" # interp each column independently np.apply_along_axis(func, axis, data) # type: ignore[arg-type] return def _index_to_interp_indices(index: Index, method: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Convert Index to ndarray of indices to pass to NumPy/SciPy. """ xarr = index._values if needs_i8_conversion(xarr.dtype): # GH#1646 for dt64tz xarr = xarr.view("i8") if method == "linear": inds = xarr inds = cast(np.ndarray, inds) else: inds = np.asarray(xarr) if method in ("values", "index"): if inds.dtype == np.object_: inds = lib.maybe_convert_objects(inds) return inds def _interpolate_1d( indices: np.ndarray, yvalues: np.ndarray, method: str | None = "linear", limit: int | None = None, limit_direction: str = "forward", limit_area: str | None = None, fill_value: Any | None = None, bounds_error: bool = False, order: int | None = None, **kwargs, ): """ Logic for the 1-d interpolation. The input indices and yvalues will each be 1-d arrays of the same length. Bounds_error is currently hardcoded to False since non-scipy ones don't take it as an argument. Notes ----- Fills 'yvalues' in-place. """ invalid = isna(yvalues) valid = ~invalid if not valid.any(): return if valid.all(): return # These are sets of index pointers to invalid values... i.e. {0, 1, etc... all_nans = set(np.flatnonzero(invalid)) first_valid_index = find_valid_index(yvalues, how="first") if first_valid_index is None: # no nan found in start first_valid_index = 0 start_nans = set(range(first_valid_index)) last_valid_index = find_valid_index(yvalues, how="last") if last_valid_index is None: # no nan found in end last_valid_index = len(yvalues) end_nans = set(range(1 + last_valid_index, len(valid))) # Like the sets above, preserve_nans contains indices of invalid values, # but in this case, it is the final set of indices that need to be # preserved as NaN after the interpolation. # For example if limit_direction='forward' then preserve_nans will # contain indices of NaNs at the beginning of the series, and NaNs that # are more than'limit' away from the prior non-NaN. # set preserve_nans based on direction using _interp_limit preserve_nans: list | set if limit_direction == "forward": preserve_nans = start_nans | set(_interp_limit(invalid, limit, 0)) elif limit_direction == "backward": preserve_nans = end_nans | set(_interp_limit(invalid, 0, limit)) else: # both directions... just use _interp_limit preserve_nans = set(_interp_limit(invalid, limit, limit)) # if limit_area is set, add either mid or outside indices # to preserve_nans GH #16284 if limit_area == "inside": # preserve NaNs on the outside preserve_nans |= start_nans | end_nans elif limit_area == "outside": # preserve NaNs on the inside mid_nans = all_nans - start_nans - end_nans preserve_nans |= mid_nans # sort preserve_nans and convert to list preserve_nans = sorted(preserve_nans) if method in NP_METHODS: # np.interp requires sorted X values, #21037 indexer = np.argsort(indices[valid]) yvalues[invalid] = np.interp( indices[invalid], indices[valid][indexer], yvalues[valid][indexer] ) else: yvalues[invalid] = _interpolate_scipy_wrapper( indices[valid], yvalues[valid], indices[invalid], method=method, fill_value=fill_value, bounds_error=bounds_error, order=order, **kwargs, ) yvalues[preserve_nans] = np.nan return def _interpolate_scipy_wrapper( x, y, new_x, method, fill_value=None, bounds_error=False, order=None, **kwargs ): """ Passed off to scipy.interpolate.interp1d. method is scipy's kind. Returns an array interpolated at new_x. Add any new methods to the list in _clean_interp_method. """ extra = f"{method} interpolation requires SciPy." import_optional_dependency("scipy", extra=extra) from scipy import interpolate new_x = np.asarray(new_x) # ignores some kwargs that could be passed along. alt_methods = { "barycentric": interpolate.barycentric_interpolate, "krogh": interpolate.krogh_interpolate, "from_derivatives": _from_derivatives, "piecewise_polynomial": _from_derivatives, } if getattr(x, "_is_all_dates", False): # GH 5975, scipy.interp1d can't handle datetime64s x, new_x = x._values.astype("i8"), new_x.astype("i8") if method == "pchip": alt_methods["pchip"] = interpolate.pchip_interpolate elif method == "akima": alt_methods["akima"] = _akima_interpolate elif method == "cubicspline": alt_methods["cubicspline"] = _cubicspline_interpolate interp1d_methods = [ "nearest", "zero", "slinear", "quadratic", "cubic", "polynomial", ] if method in interp1d_methods: if method == "polynomial": method = order terp = interpolate.interp1d( x, y, kind=method, fill_value=fill_value, bounds_error=bounds_error ) new_y = terp(new_x) elif method == "spline": # GH #10633, #24014 if isna(order) or (order <= 0): raise ValueError( f"order needs to be specified and greater than 0; got order: {order}" ) terp = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(x, y, k=order, **kwargs) new_y = terp(new_x) else: # GH 7295: need to be able to write for some reason # in some circumstances: check all three if not x.flags.writeable: x = x.copy() if not y.flags.writeable: y = y.copy() if not new_x.flags.writeable: new_x = new_x.copy() method = alt_methods[method] new_y = method(x, y, new_x, **kwargs) return new_y def _from_derivatives(xi, yi, x, order=None, der=0, extrapolate=False): """ Convenience function for interpolate.BPoly.from_derivatives. Construct a piecewise polynomial in the Bernstein basis, compatible with the specified values and derivatives at breakpoints. Parameters ---------- xi : array-like sorted 1D array of x-coordinates yi : array-like or list of array-likes yi[i][j] is the j-th derivative known at xi[i] order: None or int or array-like of ints. Default: None. Specifies the degree of local polynomials. If not None, some derivatives are ignored. der : int or list How many derivatives to extract; None for all potentially nonzero derivatives (that is a number equal to the number of points), or a list of derivatives to extract. This number includes the function value as 0th derivative. extrapolate : bool, optional Whether to extrapolate to ouf-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. Default: True. See Also -------- scipy.interpolate.BPoly.from_derivatives Returns ------- y : scalar or array-like The result, of length R or length M or M by R. """ from scipy import interpolate # return the method for compat with scipy version & backwards compat method = interpolate.BPoly.from_derivatives m = method(xi, yi.reshape(-1, 1), orders=order, extrapolate=extrapolate) return m(x) def _akima_interpolate(xi, yi, x, der=0, axis=0): """ Convenience function for akima interpolation. xi and yi are arrays of values used to approximate some function f, with ``yi = f(xi)``. See `Akima1DInterpolator` for details. Parameters ---------- xi : array-like A sorted list of x-coordinates, of length N. yi : array-like A 1-D array of real values. `yi`'s length along the interpolation axis must be equal to the length of `xi`. If N-D array, use axis parameter to select correct axis. x : scalar or array-like Of length M. der : int, optional How many derivatives to extract; None for all potentially nonzero derivatives (that is a number equal to the number of points), or a list of derivatives to extract. This number includes the function value as 0th derivative. axis : int, optional Axis in the yi array corresponding to the x-coordinate values. See Also -------- scipy.interpolate.Akima1DInterpolator Returns ------- y : scalar or array-like The result, of length R or length M or M by R, """ from scipy import interpolate P = interpolate.Akima1DInterpolator(xi, yi, axis=axis) return P(x, nu=der) def _cubicspline_interpolate(xi, yi, x, axis=0, bc_type="not-a-knot", extrapolate=None): """ Convenience function for cubic spline data interpolator. See `scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline` for details. Parameters ---------- xi : array-like, shape (n,) 1-d array containing values of the independent variable. Values must be real, finite and in strictly increasing order. yi : array-like Array containing values of the dependent variable. It can have arbitrary number of dimensions, but the length along ``axis`` (see below) must match the length of ``x``. Values must be finite. x : scalar or array-like, shape (m,) axis : int, optional Axis along which `y` is assumed to be varying. Meaning that for ``x[i]`` the corresponding values are ``np.take(y, i, axis=axis)``. Default is 0. bc_type : string or 2-tuple, optional Boundary condition type. Two additional equations, given by the boundary conditions, are required to determine all coefficients of polynomials on each segment [2]_. If `bc_type` is a string, then the specified condition will be applied at both ends of a spline. Available conditions are: * 'not-a-knot' (default): The first and second segment at a curve end are the same polynomial. It is a good default when there is no information on boundary conditions. * 'periodic': The interpolated functions is assumed to be periodic of period ``x[-1] - x[0]``. The first and last value of `y` must be identical: ``y[0] == y[-1]``. This boundary condition will result in ``y'[0] == y'[-1]`` and ``y''[0] == y''[-1]``. * 'clamped': The first derivative at curves ends are zero. Assuming a 1D `y`, ``bc_type=((1, 0.0), (1, 0.0))`` is the same condition. * 'natural': The second derivative at curve ends are zero. Assuming a 1D `y`, ``bc_type=((2, 0.0), (2, 0.0))`` is the same condition. If `bc_type` is a 2-tuple, the first and the second value will be applied at the curve start and end respectively. The tuple values can be one of the previously mentioned strings (except 'periodic') or a tuple `(order, deriv_values)` allowing to specify arbitrary derivatives at curve ends: * `order`: the derivative order, 1 or 2. * `deriv_value`: array-like containing derivative values, shape must be the same as `y`, excluding ``axis`` dimension. For example, if `y` is 1D, then `deriv_value` must be a scalar. If `y` is 3D with the shape (n0, n1, n2) and axis=2, then `deriv_value` must be 2D and have the shape (n0, n1). extrapolate : {bool, 'periodic', None}, optional If bool, determines whether to extrapolate to out-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. If 'periodic', periodic extrapolation is used. If None (default), ``extrapolate`` is set to 'periodic' for ``bc_type='periodic'`` and to True otherwise. See Also -------- scipy.interpolate.CubicHermiteSpline Returns ------- y : scalar or array-like The result, of shape (m,) References ---------- .. [1] `Cubic Spline Interpolation `_ on Wikiversity. .. [2] Carl de Boor, "A Practical Guide to Splines", Springer-Verlag, 1978. """ from scipy import interpolate P = interpolate.CubicSpline( xi, yi, axis=axis, bc_type=bc_type, extrapolate=extrapolate ) return P(x) def _interpolate_with_limit_area( values: np.ndarray, method: str, limit: int | None, limit_area: str | None ) -> None: """ Apply interpolation and limit_area logic to values along a to-be-specified axis. Parameters ---------- values: np.ndarray Input array. method: str Interpolation method. Could be "bfill" or "pad" limit: int, optional Index limit on interpolation. limit_area: str Limit area for interpolation. Can be "inside" or "outside" Notes ----- Modifies values in-place. """ invalid = isna(values) if not invalid.all(): first = find_valid_index(values, how="first") if first is None: first = 0 last = find_valid_index(values, how="last") if last is None: last = len(values) interpolate_2d( values, method=method, limit=limit, ) if limit_area == "inside": invalid[first : last + 1] = False elif limit_area == "outside": invalid[:first] = invalid[last + 1 :] = False values[invalid] = np.nan return def interpolate_2d( values: np.ndarray, method: str = "pad", axis: Axis = 0, limit: int | None = None, limit_area: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ Perform an actual interpolation of values, values will be make 2-d if needed fills inplace, returns the result. Parameters ---------- values: np.ndarray Input array. method: str, default "pad" Interpolation method. Could be "bfill" or "pad" axis: 0 or 1 Interpolation axis limit: int, optional Index limit on interpolation. limit_area: str, optional Limit area for interpolation. Can be "inside" or "outside" Notes ----- Modifies values in-place. """ if limit_area is not None: # Argument 1 to "apply_along_axis" has incompatible type "partial[None]"; # expected "Callable[..., Union[_SupportsArray[dtype[]], # Sequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[]]], Sequence[Sequence # [_SupportsArray[dtype[]]]], # Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[]]]]], # Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[]]]]]]]]" # Argument 2 to "apply_along_axis" has incompatible type "Union[str, int]"; # expected "SupportsIndex" [arg-type] np.apply_along_axis( partial( _interpolate_with_limit_area, method=method, limit=limit, limit_area=limit_area, ), # type: ignore[arg-type] axis, # type: ignore[arg-type] values, ) return transf = (lambda x: x) if axis == 0 else (lambda x: x.T) # reshape a 1 dim if needed if values.ndim == 1: if axis != 0: # pragma: no cover raise AssertionError("cannot interpolate on a ndim == 1 with axis != 0") values = values.reshape(tuple((1,) + values.shape)) method = clean_fill_method(method) tvalues = transf(values) # _pad_2d and _backfill_2d both modify tvalues inplace if method == "pad": _pad_2d(tvalues, limit=limit) else: _backfill_2d(tvalues, limit=limit) return def _fillna_prep( values, mask: npt.NDArray[np.bool_] | None = None ) -> npt.NDArray[np.bool_]: # boilerplate for _pad_1d, _backfill_1d, _pad_2d, _backfill_2d if mask is None: mask = isna(values) mask = mask.view(np.uint8) return mask def _datetimelike_compat(func: F) -> F: """ Wrapper to handle datetime64 and timedelta64 dtypes. """ @wraps(func) def new_func(values, limit=None, mask=None): if needs_i8_conversion(values.dtype): if mask is None: # This needs to occur before casting to int64 mask = isna(values) result, mask = func(values.view("i8"), limit=limit, mask=mask) return result.view(values.dtype), mask return func(values, limit=limit, mask=mask) return cast(F, new_func) @_datetimelike_compat def _pad_1d( values: np.ndarray, limit: int | None = None, mask: npt.NDArray[np.bool_] | None = None, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, npt.NDArray[np.bool_]]: mask = _fillna_prep(values, mask) algos.pad_inplace(values, mask, limit=limit) return values, mask @_datetimelike_compat def _backfill_1d( values: np.ndarray, limit: int | None = None, mask: npt.NDArray[np.bool_] | None = None, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, npt.NDArray[np.bool_]]: mask = _fillna_prep(values, mask) algos.backfill_inplace(values, mask, limit=limit) return values, mask @_datetimelike_compat def _pad_2d(values: np.ndarray, limit=None, mask: npt.NDArray[np.bool_] | None = None): mask = _fillna_prep(values, mask) if np.all(values.shape): algos.pad_2d_inplace(values, mask, limit=limit) else: # for test coverage pass return values, mask @_datetimelike_compat def _backfill_2d(values, limit=None, mask: npt.NDArray[np.bool_] | None = None): mask = _fillna_prep(values, mask) if np.all(values.shape): algos.backfill_2d_inplace(values, mask, limit=limit) else: # for test coverage pass return values, mask _fill_methods = {"pad": _pad_1d, "backfill": _backfill_1d} def get_fill_func(method, ndim: int = 1): method = clean_fill_method(method) if ndim == 1: return _fill_methods[method] return {"pad": _pad_2d, "backfill": _backfill_2d}[method] def clean_reindex_fill_method(method): return clean_fill_method(method, allow_nearest=True) def _interp_limit(invalid: npt.NDArray[np.bool_], fw_limit, bw_limit): """ Get indexers of values that won't be filled because they exceed the limits. Parameters ---------- invalid : np.ndarray[bool] fw_limit : int or None forward limit to index bw_limit : int or None backward limit to index Returns ------- set of indexers Notes ----- This is equivalent to the more readable, but slower .. code-block:: python def _interp_limit(invalid, fw_limit, bw_limit): for x in np.where(invalid)[0]: if invalid[max(0, x - fw_limit):x + bw_limit + 1].all(): yield x """ # handle forward first; the backward direction is the same except # 1. operate on the reversed array # 2. subtract the returned indices from N - 1 N = len(invalid) f_idx = set() b_idx = set() def inner(invalid, limit): limit = min(limit, N) windowed = _rolling_window(invalid, limit + 1).all(1) idx = set(np.where(windowed)[0] + limit) | set( np.where((~invalid[: limit + 1]).cumsum() == 0)[0] ) return idx if fw_limit is not None: if fw_limit == 0: f_idx = set(np.where(invalid)[0]) else: f_idx = inner(invalid, fw_limit) if bw_limit is not None: if bw_limit == 0: # then we don't even need to care about backwards # just use forwards return f_idx else: b_idx_inv = list(inner(invalid[::-1], bw_limit)) b_idx = set(N - 1 - np.asarray(b_idx_inv)) if fw_limit == 0: return b_idx return f_idx & b_idx def _rolling_window(a: npt.NDArray[np.bool_], window: int) -> npt.NDArray[np.bool_]: """ [True, True, False, True, False], 2 -> [ [True, True], [True, False], [False, True], [True, False], ] """ # https://stackoverflow.com/a/6811241 shape = a.shape[:-1] + (a.shape[-1] - window + 1, window) strides = a.strides + (a.strides[-1],) return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)