""" Tests for TimedeltaIndex methods behaving like their Timedelta counterparts """ import numpy as np import pytest from pandas._libs.tslibs.offsets import INVALID_FREQ_ERR_MSG from pandas import ( Index, Series, Timedelta, TimedeltaIndex, timedelta_range, ) import pandas._testing as tm class TestVectorizedTimedelta: def test_tdi_total_seconds(self): # GH#10939 # test index rng = timedelta_range("1 days, 10:11:12.100123456", periods=2, freq="s") expt = [ 1 * 86400 + 10 * 3600 + 11 * 60 + 12 + 100123456.0 / 1e9, 1 * 86400 + 10 * 3600 + 11 * 60 + 13 + 100123456.0 / 1e9, ] tm.assert_almost_equal(rng.total_seconds(), Index(expt)) # test Series ser = Series(rng) s_expt = Series(expt, index=[0, 1]) tm.assert_series_equal(ser.dt.total_seconds(), s_expt) # with nat ser[1] = np.nan s_expt = Series( [1 * 86400 + 10 * 3600 + 11 * 60 + 12 + 100123456.0 / 1e9, np.nan], index=[0, 1], ) tm.assert_series_equal(ser.dt.total_seconds(), s_expt) # with both nat ser = Series([np.nan, np.nan], dtype="timedelta64[ns]") tm.assert_series_equal( ser.dt.total_seconds(), Series([np.nan, np.nan], index=[0, 1]) ) def test_tdi_round(self): td = timedelta_range(start="16801 days", periods=5, freq="30Min") elt = td[1] expected_rng = TimedeltaIndex( [ Timedelta("16801 days 00:00:00"), Timedelta("16801 days 00:00:00"), Timedelta("16801 days 01:00:00"), Timedelta("16801 days 02:00:00"), Timedelta("16801 days 02:00:00"), ] ) expected_elt = expected_rng[1] tm.assert_index_equal(td.round(freq="H"), expected_rng) assert elt.round(freq="H") == expected_elt msg = INVALID_FREQ_ERR_MSG with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): td.round(freq="foo") with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): elt.round(freq="foo") msg = " is a non-fixed frequency" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): td.round(freq="M") with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): elt.round(freq="M") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "freq,msg", [ ("Y", " is a non-fixed frequency"), ("M", " is a non-fixed frequency"), ("foobar", "Invalid frequency: foobar"), ], ) def test_tdi_round_invalid(self, freq, msg): t1 = timedelta_range("1 days", periods=3, freq="1 min 2 s 3 us") with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): t1.round(freq) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): # Same test for TimedeltaArray t1._data.round(freq) # TODO: de-duplicate with test_tdi_round def test_round(self): t1 = timedelta_range("1 days", periods=3, freq="1 min 2 s 3 us") t2 = -1 * t1 t1a = timedelta_range("1 days", periods=3, freq="1 min 2 s") t1c = TimedeltaIndex([1, 1, 1], unit="D") # note that negative times round DOWN! so don't give whole numbers for (freq, s1, s2) in [ ("N", t1, t2), ("U", t1, t2), ( "L", t1a, TimedeltaIndex( ["-1 days +00:00:00", "-2 days +23:58:58", "-2 days +23:57:56"] ), ), ( "S", t1a, TimedeltaIndex( ["-1 days +00:00:00", "-2 days +23:58:58", "-2 days +23:57:56"] ), ), ("12T", t1c, TimedeltaIndex(["-1 days", "-1 days", "-1 days"])), ("H", t1c, TimedeltaIndex(["-1 days", "-1 days", "-1 days"])), ("d", t1c, TimedeltaIndex([-1, -1, -1], unit="D")), ]: r1 = t1.round(freq) tm.assert_index_equal(r1, s1) r2 = t2.round(freq) tm.assert_index_equal(r2, s2) def test_components(self): rng = timedelta_range("1 days, 10:11:12", periods=2, freq="s") rng.components # with nat s = Series(rng) s[1] = np.nan result = s.dt.components assert not result.iloc[0].isna().all() assert result.iloc[1].isna().all()