import numpy as np import pytest import pandas.util._test_decorators as td import pandas as pd from pandas import ( DataFrame, MultiIndex, Series, Timestamp, date_range, isna, notna, ) import pandas._testing as tm import pandas.core.common as com def assert_equal(a, b): assert a == b class TestMultiIndexSetItem: def check(self, target, indexers, value, compare_fn=assert_equal, expected=None): target.loc[indexers] = value result = target.loc[indexers] if expected is None: expected = value compare_fn(result, expected) def test_setitem_multiindex(self): # GH#7190 cols = ["A", "w", "l", "a", "x", "X", "d", "profit"] index = MultiIndex.from_product( [np.arange(0, 100), np.arange(0, 80)], names=["time", "firm"] ) t, n = 0, 2 df = DataFrame( np.nan, columns=cols, index=index, ) self.check(target=df, indexers=((t, n), "X"), value=0) df = DataFrame(-999, columns=cols, index=index) self.check(target=df, indexers=((t, n), "X"), value=1) df = DataFrame(columns=cols, index=index) self.check(target=df, indexers=((t, n), "X"), value=2) # gh-7218: assigning with 0-dim arrays df = DataFrame(-999, columns=cols, index=index) self.check( target=df, indexers=((t, n), "X"), value=np.array(3), expected=3, ) def test_setitem_multiindex2(self): # GH#5206 df = DataFrame( np.arange(25).reshape(5, 5), columns="A,B,C,D,E".split(","), dtype=float ) df["F"] = 99 row_selection = df["A"] % 2 == 0 col_selection = ["B", "C"] df.loc[row_selection, col_selection] = df["F"] output = DataFrame(99.0, index=[0, 2, 4], columns=["B", "C"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(df.loc[row_selection, col_selection], output) self.check( target=df, indexers=(row_selection, col_selection), value=df["F"], compare_fn=tm.assert_frame_equal, expected=output, ) def test_setitem_multiindex3(self): # GH#11372 idx = MultiIndex.from_product( [["A", "B", "C"], date_range("2015-01-01", "2015-04-01", freq="MS")] ) cols = MultiIndex.from_product( [["foo", "bar"], date_range("2016-01-01", "2016-02-01", freq="MS")] ) df = DataFrame(np.random.random((12, 4)), index=idx, columns=cols) subidx = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("A", Timestamp("2015-01-01")), ("A", Timestamp("2015-02-01"))] ) subcols = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("foo", Timestamp("2016-01-01")), ("foo", Timestamp("2016-02-01"))] ) vals = DataFrame(np.random.random((2, 2)), index=subidx, columns=subcols) self.check( target=df, indexers=(subidx, subcols), value=vals, compare_fn=tm.assert_frame_equal, ) # set all columns vals = DataFrame(np.random.random((2, 4)), index=subidx, columns=cols) self.check( target=df, indexers=(subidx, slice(None, None, None)), value=vals, compare_fn=tm.assert_frame_equal, ) # identity copy = df.copy() self.check( target=df, indexers=(df.index, df.columns), value=df, compare_fn=tm.assert_frame_equal, expected=copy, ) # TODO(ArrayManager) df.loc["bar"] *= 2 doesn't raise an error but results in # all NaNs -> doesn't work in the "split" path (also for BlockManager actually) @td.skip_array_manager_not_yet_implemented def test_multiindex_setitem(self): # GH 3738 # setting with a multi-index right hand side arrays = [ np.array(["bar", "bar", "baz", "qux", "qux", "bar"]), np.array(["one", "two", "one", "one", "two", "one"]), np.arange(0, 6, 1), ] df_orig = DataFrame( np.random.randn(6, 3), index=arrays, columns=["A", "B", "C"] ).sort_index() expected = df_orig.loc[["bar"]] * 2 df = df_orig.copy() df.loc[["bar"]] *= 2 tm.assert_frame_equal(df.loc[["bar"]], expected) # raise because these have differing levels msg = "cannot align on a multi-index with out specifying the join levels" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): df.loc["bar"] *= 2 def test_multiindex_setitem2(self): # from SO # df_orig = DataFrame.from_dict( { "price": { ("DE", "Coal", "Stock"): 2, ("DE", "Gas", "Stock"): 4, ("DE", "Elec", "Demand"): 1, ("FR", "Gas", "Stock"): 5, ("FR", "Solar", "SupIm"): 0, ("FR", "Wind", "SupIm"): 0, } } ) df_orig.index = MultiIndex.from_tuples( df_orig.index, names=["Sit", "Com", "Type"] ) expected = df_orig.copy() expected.iloc[[0, 2, 3]] *= 2 idx = pd.IndexSlice df = df_orig.copy() df.loc[idx[:, :, "Stock"], :] *= 2 tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) df = df_orig.copy() df.loc[idx[:, :, "Stock"], "price"] *= 2 tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_multiindex_assignment(self): # GH3777 part 2 # mixed dtype df = DataFrame( np.random.randint(5, 10, size=9).reshape(3, 3), columns=list("abc"), index=[[4, 4, 8], [8, 10, 12]], ) df["d"] = np.nan arr = np.array([0.0, 1.0]) df.loc[4, "d"] = arr tm.assert_series_equal(df.loc[4, "d"], Series(arr, index=[8, 10], name="d")) def test_multiindex_assignment_single_dtype(self, using_array_manager): # GH3777 part 2b # single dtype arr = np.array([0.0, 1.0]) df = DataFrame( np.random.randint(5, 10, size=9).reshape(3, 3), columns=list("abc"), index=[[4, 4, 8], [8, 10, 12]], dtype=np.int64, ) view = df["c"].iloc[:2].values # arr can be losslessly cast to int, so this setitem is inplace df.loc[4, "c"] = arr exp = Series(arr, index=[8, 10], name="c", dtype="int64") result = df.loc[4, "c"] tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) if not using_array_manager: # FIXME(ArrayManager): this correctly preserves dtype, # but incorrectly is not inplace. # extra check for inplace-ness tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(view, exp.values) # arr + 0.5 cannot be cast losslessly to int, so we upcast df.loc[4, "c"] = arr + 0.5 result = df.loc[4, "c"] exp = exp + 0.5 tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # scalar ok df.loc[4, "c"] = 10 exp = Series(10, index=[8, 10], name="c", dtype="float64") tm.assert_series_equal(df.loc[4, "c"], exp) # invalid assignments msg = "Must have equal len keys and value when setting with an iterable" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df.loc[4, "c"] = [0, 1, 2, 3] with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df.loc[4, "c"] = [0] # But with a length-1 listlike column indexer this behaves like # `df.loc[4, "c"] = 0 df.loc[4, ["c"]] = [0] assert (df.loc[4, "c"] == 0).all() def test_groupby_example(self): # groupby example NUM_ROWS = 100 NUM_COLS = 10 col_names = ["A" + num for num in map(str, np.arange(NUM_COLS).tolist())] index_cols = col_names[:5] df = DataFrame( np.random.randint(5, size=(NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS)), dtype=np.int64, columns=col_names, ) df = df.set_index(index_cols).sort_index() grp = df.groupby(level=index_cols[:4]) df["new_col"] = np.nan # we are actually operating on a copy here # but in this case, that's ok for name, df2 in grp: new_vals = np.arange(df2.shape[0]) df.loc[name, "new_col"] = new_vals def test_series_setitem(self, multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data): ymd = multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data s = ymd["A"] s[2000, 3] = np.nan assert isna(s.values[42:65]).all() assert notna(s.values[:42]).all() assert notna(s.values[65:]).all() s[2000, 3, 10] = np.nan assert isna(s.iloc[49]) with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="49"): # GH#33355 dont fall-back to positional when leading level is int s[49] def test_frame_getitem_setitem_boolean(self, multiindex_dataframe_random_data): frame = multiindex_dataframe_random_data df = frame.T.copy() values = df.values result = df[df > 0] expected = df.where(df > 0) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) df[df > 0] = 5 values[values > 0] = 5 tm.assert_almost_equal(df.values, values) df[df == 5] = 0 values[values == 5] = 0 tm.assert_almost_equal(df.values, values) # a df that needs alignment first df[df[:-1] < 0] = 2 np.putmask(values[:-1], values[:-1] < 0, 2) tm.assert_almost_equal(df.values, values) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="boolean values only"): df[df * 0] = 2 def test_frame_getitem_setitem_multislice(self): levels = [["t1", "t2"], ["a", "b", "c"]] codes = [[0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1]] midx = MultiIndex(codes=codes, levels=levels, names=[None, "id"]) df = DataFrame({"value": [1, 2, 3, 7, 8]}, index=midx) result = df.loc[:, "value"] tm.assert_series_equal(df["value"], result) result = df.loc[df.index[1:3], "value"] tm.assert_series_equal(df["value"][1:3], result) result = df.loc[:, :] tm.assert_frame_equal(df, result) result = df df.loc[:, "value"] = 10 result["value"] = 10 tm.assert_frame_equal(df, result) df.loc[:, :] = 10 tm.assert_frame_equal(df, result) def test_frame_setitem_multi_column(self): df = DataFrame( np.random.randn(10, 4), columns=[["a", "a", "b", "b"], [0, 1, 0, 1]] ) cp = df.copy() cp["a"] = cp["b"] tm.assert_frame_equal(cp["a"], cp["b"]) # set with ndarray cp = df.copy() cp["a"] = cp["b"].values tm.assert_frame_equal(cp["a"], cp["b"]) def test_frame_setitem_multi_column2(self): # --------------------------------------- # GH#1803 columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples([("A", "1"), ("A", "2"), ("B", "1")]) df = DataFrame(index=[1, 3, 5], columns=columns) # Works, but adds a column instead of updating the two existing ones df["A"] = 0.0 # Doesn't work assert (df["A"].values == 0).all() # it broadcasts df["B", "1"] = [1, 2, 3] df["A"] = df["B", "1"] sliced_a1 = df["A", "1"] sliced_a2 = df["A", "2"] sliced_b1 = df["B", "1"] tm.assert_series_equal(sliced_a1, sliced_b1, check_names=False) tm.assert_series_equal(sliced_a2, sliced_b1, check_names=False) assert == ("A", "1") assert == ("A", "2") assert == ("B", "1") def test_loc_getitem_tuple_plus_columns( self, multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data ): # GH #1013 ymd = multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data df = ymd[:5] result = df.loc[(2000, 1, 6), ["A", "B", "C"]] expected = df.loc[2000, 1, 6][["A", "B", "C"]] tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_loc_getitem_setitem_slice_integers(self, frame_or_series): index = MultiIndex( levels=[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2]], codes=[[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]] ) obj = DataFrame( np.random.randn(len(index), 4), index=index, columns=["a", "b", "c", "d"] ) obj = tm.get_obj(obj, frame_or_series) res = obj.loc[1:2] exp = obj.reindex(obj.index[2:]) tm.assert_equal(res, exp) obj.loc[1:2] = 7 assert (obj.loc[1:2] == 7).values.all() def test_setitem_change_dtype(self, multiindex_dataframe_random_data): frame = multiindex_dataframe_random_data dft = frame.T s = dft["foo", "two"] dft["foo", "two"] = s > s.median() tm.assert_series_equal(dft["foo", "two"], s > s.median()) # assert isinstance(dft._data.blocks[1].items, MultiIndex) reindexed = dft.reindex(columns=[("foo", "two")]) tm.assert_series_equal(reindexed["foo", "two"], s > s.median()) def test_set_column_scalar_with_loc(self, multiindex_dataframe_random_data): frame = multiindex_dataframe_random_data subset = frame.index[[1, 4, 5]] frame.loc[subset] = 99 assert (frame.loc[subset].values == 99).all() col = frame["B"] col[subset] = 97 assert (frame.loc[subset, "B"] == 97).all() def test_nonunique_assignment_1750(self): df = DataFrame( [[1, 1, "x", "X"], [1, 1, "y", "Y"], [1, 2, "z", "Z"]], columns=list("ABCD") ) df = df.set_index(["A", "B"]) mi = MultiIndex.from_tuples([(1, 1)]) df.loc[mi, "C"] = "_" assert (df.xs((1, 1))["C"] == "_").all() def test_astype_assignment_with_dups(self): # GH 4686 # assignment with dups that has a dtype change cols = MultiIndex.from_tuples([("A", "1"), ("B", "1"), ("A", "2")]) df = DataFrame(np.arange(3).reshape((1, 3)), columns=cols, dtype=object) index = df.index.copy() df["A"] = df["A"].astype(np.float64) tm.assert_index_equal(df.index, index) def test_setitem_nonmonotonic(self): # index = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [("a", "c"), ("b", "x"), ("a", "d")], names=["l1", "l2"] ) df = DataFrame(data=[0, 1, 2], index=index, columns=["e"]) df.loc["a", "e"] = np.arange(99, 101, dtype="int64") expected = DataFrame({"e": [99, 1, 100]}, index=index) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) class TestSetitemWithExpansionMultiIndex: def test_setitem_new_column_mixed_depth(self): arrays = [ ["a", "top", "top", "routine1", "routine1", "routine2"], ["", "OD", "OD", "result1", "result2", "result1"], ["", "wx", "wy", "", "", ""], ] tuples = sorted(zip(*arrays)) index = MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples) df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 6), columns=index) result = df.copy() expected = df.copy() result["b"] = [1, 2, 3, 4] expected["b", "", ""] = [1, 2, 3, 4] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_setitem_new_column_all_na(self): # GH#1534 mix = MultiIndex.from_tuples([("1a", "2a"), ("1a", "2b"), ("1a", "2c")]) df = DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], index=mix) s = Series({(1, 1): 1, (1, 2): 2}) df["new"] = s assert df["new"].isna().all() @td.skip_array_manager_invalid_test # df["foo"] select multiple columns -> .values # is not a view def test_frame_setitem_view_direct(multiindex_dataframe_random_data): # this works because we are modifying the underlying array # really a no-no df = multiindex_dataframe_random_data.T df["foo"].values[:] = 0 assert (df["foo"].values == 0).all() def test_frame_setitem_copy_raises(multiindex_dataframe_random_data): # will raise/warn as its chained assignment df = multiindex_dataframe_random_data.T msg = "A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame" with pytest.raises(com.SettingWithCopyError, match=msg): df["foo"]["one"] = 2 def test_frame_setitem_copy_no_write(multiindex_dataframe_random_data): frame = multiindex_dataframe_random_data.T expected = frame df = frame.copy() msg = "A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame" with pytest.raises(com.SettingWithCopyError, match=msg): df["foo"]["one"] = 2 result = df tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)