import datetime as dt import logging import os import sys import time from functools import partial import bokeh import numpy as np import pandas as pd import param from bokeh.models import HoverTool from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource, figure from ..config import config from ..models import terminal # noqa from ..pane import Bokeh, HTML from ..layout import Accordion, Column, Row, Tabs, FlexBox from ..template import FastListTemplate from ..widgets import MultiSelect, Terminal, TextInput from ..widgets.indicators import Trend from .logging import ( LOG_SESSION_CREATED, LOG_SESSION_LAUNCHING, LOG_SESSION_DESTROYED, panel_logger ) from .notebook import push_notebook from .profile import profiling_tabs from .server import set_curdoc from .state import state try: import psutil process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) except Exception: process = None log_sessions = [] class LogFilter(logging.Filter): def filter(self, record): if 'Session ' not in record.msg: return True session_id = record.args[0] if session_id in log_sessions: return False elif session_id not in session_filter.options: session_filter.options = session_filter.options + [session_id] if session_filter.value and session_id not in session_filter.value: return False if name_filter.value and name_filter.value not in return False return True class Data(param.Parameterized): data = param.List() class LogDataHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def __init__(self, data): super().__init__() self._data = data def emit(self, record): if 'Session ' not in record.msg: return self._data.param.trigger('data') # Set up logging data = Data() log_data_handler = LogDataHandler(data) log_handler = logging.StreamHandler() log_handler.setLevel('DEBUG') panel_logger.addHandler(log_handler) panel_logger.addHandler(log_data_handler) log_filter = LogFilter() log_handler.addFilter(log_filter) log_data_handler.addFilter(log_filter) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(name)s - %(message)s') log_handler.setFormatter(formatter) log_terminal = Terminal(sizing_mode='stretch_both', min_height=400) log_handler.setStream(log_terminal) session_filter = MultiSelect(name='Filter by session', options=[]) name_filter = TextInput(name='Filter by component') EVENT_TYPES = { 'initializing': 'MediumSeaGreen', 'destroyed': 'red', 'rendering': 'Orange', 'processing': 'DodgerBlue', 'periodic': 'Violet', 'logging': 'white' } def get_timeline(doc=None): sessions = [] # Configure plot p = figure( y_range=list(sessions), x_axis_type='datetime', sizing_mode='stretch_both' ) cds = ColumnDataSource(data={ 'x0': [], 'x1': [], 'y0': [], 'y1': [], 'msg': [], 'session': [], 'color': [], 'line_color': [], 'type': [] }) p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Sessions' p.quad( left='x0', right='x1', top='y1', bottom='y0', source=cds, line_color='line_color', fill_color='color', alpha=0.7, legend_field='type' ) p.legend.location = "top_left" p.add_tools(HoverTool( tooltips=[ ('Start', '@x0{%F %T}'), ('End', '@x1{%F %T}'), ('Session', '@session'), ('Message', '@msg'), ], formatters={'@x0': 'datetime', '@x1': 'datetime'} )) def update_cds(new, nb=False): sid = str(new.args[0]) if sid not in sessions: sessions.append(sid) if 'finished processing events' in new.msg: msg = new.getMessage() etype = 'processing' try: index =['msg'].index(msg.replace('finished processing', 'received')) except Exception: return patch = { 'x1': [(index, new.created*1000)], 'color': [(index, EVENT_TYPES[etype])], 'type': [(index, etype)], 'msg': [(index, msg.replace('finished processing', 'processed'))] } cds.patch(patch) elif new.msg == LOG_SESSION_CREATED: index =['msg'].index(LOG_SESSION_LAUNCHING % sid) etype = 'initializing' patch = { 'x1': [(index, new.created*1000)], 'color': [(index, EVENT_TYPES[etype])], 'type': [(index, etype)], 'msg': [(index, f'Session {sid} initializing')] } cds.patch(patch) elif 'finished executing periodic callback' in new.msg: etype = 'periodic' msg = new.getMessage() index =['msg'].index(msg.replace('finished executing', 'executing')) patch = { 'x1': [(index, new.created*1000)], 'color': [(index, EVENT_TYPES[etype])], 'type': [(index, etype)] } cds.patch(patch) elif new.msg.endswith('rendered'): try: index =['msg'].index(f'Session {sid} initializing') x0 =['x1'][index] except ValueError: x0 = new.created*1000 etype = 'rendering' event = { 'x0': [x0], 'x1': [new.created*1000], 'y0': [(sid, -.25)], 'y1': [(sid, .25)], 'session': [sid], 'msg': [new.getMessage().replace('rendered', 'rendering')], 'color': [EVENT_TYPES[etype]], 'line_color': ['black'], 'type': [etype] } else: msg = new.getMessage() line_color = 'black' if msg.startswith('Session %s logged' % sid): etype = 'logging' line_color = EVENT_TYPES.get(etype) elif msg.startswith(LOG_SESSION_DESTROYED % sid): etype = 'destroyed' line_color = EVENT_TYPES.get(etype) elif 'executing periodic callback' in msg: etype = 'periodic' line_color = EVENT_TYPES.get(etype) else: etype = 'processing' event = { 'x0': [new.created*1000], 'x1': [new.created*1000], 'y0': [(sid, -.25)], 'y1': [(sid, .25)], 'session': [sid], 'msg': [msg], 'color': [EVENT_TYPES[etype]], 'line_color': [line_color], 'type': [etype] } if p.y_range.factors != sessions: p.y_range.factors = list(sessions) if nb: push_notebook(bk_pane) for record in update_cds(record) def schedule_cds_update(event): new =[-1] if doc: doc.add_next_tick_callback(partial(update_cds, new)) else: update_cds(new, nb=True) watcher =, 'data') if doc: def _unwatch_data(session_context): log_data_handler._data.param.unwatch(watcher) doc.on_session_destroyed(_unwatch_data) bk_pane = Bokeh(p) return bk_pane def get_version_info(): from panel import __version__ return HTML(f"""

Panel Server running on following versions:

Python {sys.version.split('|')[0]}
Panel: {__version__}
Bokeh: {bokeh.__version__}
Param: {param.__version__}
""", width=300, height=300, margin=(0, 5)) def get_mem(): return pd.DataFrame([(time.time(), process.memory_info().rss/1024/1024)], columns=['time', 'memory']) def get_cpu(): return pd.DataFrame([(time.time(), process.cpu_percent())], columns=['time', 'cpu']) def get_process_info(): memory = Trend( data=get_mem(), plot_x='time', plot_y='memory', plot_type='step', title='Memory Usage (MB)', width=300, height=300 ) cpu = Trend( data=get_cpu(), plot_x='time', plot_y='cpu', plot_type='step', title='CPU Usage (%)', width=300, height=300 ) def update_memory(): def update_cpu(): state.add_periodic_callback(update_memory, period=1000) state.add_periodic_callback(update_cpu, period=1000) return memory, cpu def get_session_data(): durations, renders, sessions = [], [], [] session_info = state.session_info['sessions'] for i, session in enumerate(session_info.values()): is_live = session['ended'] is None live = sum([ 1 for s in session_info.values() if s['launched'] < session['launched'] and (not s['ended'] or s['ended'] > session['launched']) ]) + 1 if session['rendered'] is not None: renders.append(session['rendered']-session['started']) if not is_live: durations.append(session['ended']-session['launched']) duration = np.mean(durations) if durations else 0 render = np.mean(renders) if renders else 0 sessions.append((session['launched'], live, i+1, render, duration)) if not sessions: i = -1 duration = 0 render = 0 now = live = sum([ 1 for s in session_info.values() if s['launched'] < now and (not s['ended'] or s['ended'] > now) ]) sessions.append((now, live, i+1, render, duration)) return pd.DataFrame(sessions, columns=['time', 'live', 'total', 'render', 'duration']) def get_session_info(doc=None): df = get_session_data() total = Trend( data=df[['time', 'total']], plot_x='time', plot_y='total', plot_type='step', title='Total Sessions', width=300, height=300 ) active = Trend( data=df[['time', 'live']], plot_x='time', plot_y='live', plot_type='step', title='Active Sessions', width=300, height=300 ) render = Trend( data=df[['time', 'render']], plot_x='time', plot_y='render', plot_type='step', title='Avg. Time to Render (s)', width=300, height=300 ) duration = Trend( data=df[['time', 'duration']], plot_x='time', plot_y='duration', plot_type='step', title='Avg. Session Duration (s)', width=300, height=300 ) # Set up callbacks def update_session_info(event): df = get_session_data() for trend in (total, active, render, duration): = df[[trend.plot_x, trend.plot_y]] watcher =, 'session_info') if doc: def _unwatch_session_info(session_context): state.param.unwatch(watcher) doc.on_session_destroyed(_unwatch_session_info) return total, active, render, duration def get_overview(doc=None): layout = FlexBox(*get_session_info(doc), margin=0, sizing_mode='stretch_width') info = get_version_info() if process is None: layout.append(info) return layout layout.extend([*get_process_info(), info]) return layout def log_component(): return Column( Accordion( ('Filters', Row( session_filter, name_filter, sizing_mode='stretch_width' )), active=[], active_header_background='#444444', header_background='#333333', sizing_mode='stretch_width' ), log_terminal, sizing_mode='stretch_both' ) def admin_panel(doc): # Add and remove admin panel app from log sessions list log_sessions.append(id(doc)) def _remove_log_session(session_context): log_sessions.remove(id(doc)) doc.on_session_destroyed(_remove_log_session) # Set up admin panel template = FastListTemplate(title='Admin Panel', theme='dark') tabs = Tabs( ('Overview', get_overview(doc)), ('Timeline', get_timeline(doc)), margin=0, sizing_mode='stretch_both' ) if config.profiler: tabs.append( ('Launch Profiling', profiling_tabs(state, r'^\/.*', None)) ) tabs.extend([ ('User Profiling', profiling_tabs(state, None, r'^\/.*')), ('Logs', log_component()) ]) template.main.append(tabs) with set_curdoc(doc): template.server_doc(doc) return doc