import param from ..reactive import ReactiveHTML from ..util import classproperty from .datamodel import _DATA_MODELS, construct_data_model from .resources import bundled_files, CSS_URLS class Notification(param.Parameterized): background = param.Color(default=None) duration = param.Integer(default=3000, constant=True) icon = param.String(default=None) message = param.String(default='', constant=True) notification_area = param.Parameter(constant=True, precedence=-1) notification_type = param.String(default=None, constant=True, label='type') _destroyed = param.Boolean(default=False) def destroy(self): from .notebook import push_on_root self._destroyed = True for ref in self.notification_area._models: push_on_root(ref) class NotificationAreaBase(ReactiveHTML): notifications = param.List(item_type=Notification) position = param.Selector(default='bottom-right', objects=[ 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left', 'bottom-center', 'top-left', 'top-right', 'top-center', 'center-center', 'center-left', 'center-right']) _clear = param.Integer(default=0) _notification_type = Notification _template = """
""" __abstract = True def __init__(self, **params): super().__init__(**params) self._notification_watchers = {} def send(self, message, duration=3000, type=None, background=None, icon=None): """ Sends a notification to the frontend. """ notification = self._notification_type( message=message, duration=duration, notification_type=type, notification_area=self, background=background, icon=icon ) self._notification_watchers[notification] = (, '_destroyed') ) self.notifications.append(notification) self.param.trigger('notifications') return notification def error(self, message, duration=3000): return self.send(message, duration, type='error') def info(self, message, duration=3000): return self.send(message, duration, type='info') def success(self, message, duration=3000): return self.send(message, duration, type='success') def warning(self, message, duration=3000): return self.send(message, duration, type='warning') def clear(self): self._clear += 1 self.notifications[:] = [] def _remove_notification(self, event): if event.obj in self.notifications: self.notifications.remove(event.obj) event.obj.param.unwatch(self._notification_watchers.pop(event.obj)) class NotificationArea(NotificationAreaBase): types = param.List(default=[ {'type': 'warning', 'background': '#ffc107', 'icon': { 'className': 'fas fa-exclamation-triangle', 'tagName': 'i', 'color': 'white' } }, {'type': 'info', 'background': '#007bff', 'icon': { 'className': 'fas fa-info-circle', 'tagName': 'i', 'color': 'white' } }, ]) __javascript_raw__ = [""] @classproperty def __javascript__(cls): return bundled_files(cls) @classproperty def __js_skip__(cls): return {'Notyf': cls.__javascript__} __js_require__ = { "paths": {"notyf": __javascript_raw__[0][:-3]} } __css_raw__ = [ "", CSS_URLS['font-awesome'] ] @classproperty def __css__(cls): return bundled_files(cls, 'css') _template = "" _scripts = { "render": """ var [y, x] = data.position.split('-') state.toaster = new Notyf({ dismissible: true, position: {x: x, y: y}, types: data.types }) """, "notifications": """ var notification = state.current || data.notifications[data.notifications.length-1] if (notification._destroyed) { return } var config = { duration: notification.duration, type: notification.notification_type, message: notification.message } if (notification.background != null) { config.background = notification.background; } if (notification.icon != null) { config.icon = notification.icon; } var toast =; function destroy() { if (state.current !== notification) { notification._destroyed = true; } } toast.on('dismiss', destroy) if (notification.duration) { setTimeout(destroy, notification.duration) } if ( === undefined) return view.connect(, function () { state.toaster.dismiss(toast) }) """, "_clear": "state.toaster.dismissAll()", "position": """ script('_clear'); script('render'); for (notification of data.notifications) { state.current = notification; script('notifications'); } state.current = undefined """ } @classmethod def demo(cls): """ Generates a layout which allows demoing the component. """ from ..layout import Column from ..widgets import Button, ColorPicker, NumberInput, Select, TextInput msg = TextInput(name='Message', value='This is a message') duration = NumberInput(name='Duration', value=0, end=10000) ntype = Select( name='Type', options=['info', 'warning', 'error', 'success', 'custom'], value='info' ) background = ColorPicker(name='Color', value='#000000') button = Button(name='Notify') notifications = cls() button.js_on_click( args={ 'notifications': notifications, 'msg': msg, 'duration': duration, 'ntype': ntype, 'color': background }, code=""" var config = { message: msg.value, duration: duration.value, notification_type: ntype.value, _destroyed: false } if (ntype.value === 'custom') { config.background = color.color } console.log(config, ntype.value) """ ) return Column(msg, duration, ntype, background, button, notifications) # Construct a DataModel for Notification _DATA_MODELS[Notification] = construct_data_model(Notification)