import os import re from contextlib import contextmanager from cProfile import Profile from functools import wraps from ..util import escape from .state import state def render_pyinstrument(sessions, timeline=False, show_all=False): from pyinstrument.session import Session from pyinstrument.renderers import HTMLRenderer r = HTMLRenderer(timeline=timeline, show_all=show_all) session = sessions[0] if not timeline: for s in sessions[1:]: session = Session.combine(session, s) return escape(r.render(session)), "" def render_snakeviz(name, sessions): import snakeviz from pstats import Stats from snakeviz.stats import json_stats, table_rows from tornado.template import Template SNAKEVIZ_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(snakeviz.__file__), 'templates', 'viz.html') with open(SNAKEVIZ_PATH) as f: SNAKEVIZ_TEMPLATE = Template( pstats = Stats(sessions[0]) for session in sessions[1:]: pstats.add(session) rendered = SNAKEVIZ_TEMPLATE.generate( profile_name=name, table_rows=table_rows(pstats), callees=json_stats(pstats) ).decode('utf-8').replace('/static/', '/snakeviz/static/') return escape(rendered), "background-color: white;" def get_profiles(profilers, **kwargs): from ..pane import HTML, Markdown profiles = [] for (path, engine), sessions in profilers.items(): if not sessions: continue if engine == 'pyinstrument': src, style = render_pyinstrument(sessions, **kwargs) elif engine == 'snakeviz': src, style = render_snakeviz(path, sessions) html = HTML( f'', sizing_mode='stretch_both', margin=0, min_height=400 ) profiles.append((path, html)) if not profiles: profiles.append(('', Markdown('No profiling output available'))) return profiles def get_sessions(allow=None, deny=None): return {(name, e): ps for (name, e), ps in state._profiles.items() if (not allow or re.match(allow, name)) and (not deny or not re.match(deny, name))} def profiling_tabs(state, allow=None, deny=[]): from ..layout import Accordion, Column, Row, Tabs from ..widgets import Checkbox tabs = Tabs( *get_profiles(get_sessions(allow, deny)), margin=(0, 5), sizing_mode='stretch_width' ) def update_profiles(*args): tabs[:] = get_profiles( get_sessions(allow, deny), timeline=timeline.value, show_all=show_all.value ), '_profiles') timeline = Checkbox(name='Enable timeline', margin=(5, 0)), 'value') show_all = Checkbox(name='Show All', margin=(5, 0)), 'value') return Column( Accordion( ('Config', Row( timeline, show_all, sizing_mode='stretch_width' )), active=[], active_header_background='#444444', header_background='#333333', sizing_mode='stretch_width', margin=0 ), tabs, sizing_mode='stretch_width' ) @contextmanager def profile_ctx(engine='pyinstrument'): """ A context manager which profiles the body of the with statement with the supplied profiling engine and returns the profiling object in a list. Arguments --------- engine: str The profiling engine, e.g. 'pyinstrument' or 'snakeviz' Returns ------- sessions: list A list containing the profiling session. """ if engine == 'pyinstrument': from pyinstrument import Profiler try: prof = Profiler() prof.start() except RuntimeError: prof = Profiler(async_mode='disabled') prof.start() elif engine == 'snakeviz': prof = Profile() prof.enable() elif engine is None: pass sessions = [] yield sessions if engine == 'pyinstrument': sessions.append(prof.stop()) elif engine == 'snakeviz': prof.disable() sessions.append(prof) def profile(name, engine='pyinstrument'): """ A decorator which may be added to any function to record profiling output. Arguments --------- name: str A unique name for the profiling session. engine: str The profiling engine, e.g. 'pyinstrument' or 'snakeviz' """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise ValueError("Profiler must be given a name.") def wrapper(func): @wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): if state.curdoc and state.curdoc in state._launching: return func(*args, **kwargs) with profile_ctx(engine) as sessions: ret = func(*args, **kwargs) state._profiles[(name, engine)] += sessions state.param.trigger('_profiles') return ret return wrapped return wrapper