""" Defines a custom PlotlyPlot bokeh model to render Plotly plots. """ from bokeh.core.properties import ( Any, Bool, Dict, Either, Enum, Int, Instance, List, Null, Nullable, String ) from bokeh.models import LayoutDOM, ColumnDataSource from ..io.resources import JS_URLS, bundled_files from ..util import classproperty class PlotlyPlot(LayoutDOM): """ A bokeh model that wraps around a plotly plot and renders it inside a bokeh plot. """ __javascript_raw__ = [ JS_URLS['jQuery'], 'https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-2.10.1.min.js' ] @classproperty def __javascript__(cls): return bundled_files(cls) @classproperty def __js_skip__(cls): return {'Plotly': cls.__javascript__[1:]} __js_require__ = { 'paths': { 'plotly': 'https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-2.10.1.min' }, 'exports': {'plotly': 'Plotly'} } data = List(Any) layout = Dict(String, Any) config = Dict(String, Any) data_sources = List(Instance(ColumnDataSource)) relayout = Nullable(Dict(String, Any)) restyle = Nullable(Dict(String, Any)) # Callback properties relayout_data = Dict(String, Any) restyle_data = List(Any) click_data = Either(Dict(String, Any), Null) hover_data = Either(Dict(String, Any), Null) clickannotation_data = Either(Dict(String, Any), Null) selected_data = Either(Dict(String, Any), Null) viewport = Either(Dict(String, Any), Null) viewport_update_policy = Enum( "mouseup", "continuous", "throttle") viewport_update_throttle = Int() visibility = Bool(True) _render_count = Int()