""" Implementation of the Tabulator model. See http://tabulator.info/ """ from bokeh.core.properties import ( Any, Bool, Dict, Either, Enum, Instance, Int, List, Nullable, String, Tuple ) from bokeh.events import ModelEvent from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, LayoutDOM from bokeh.models.layouts import HTMLBox from bokeh.models.widgets.tables import TableColumn from ..io.resources import bundled_files from ..util import classproperty JS_SRC = "https://unpkg.com/tabulator-tables@4.9.3/dist/js/tabulator.js" MOMENT_SRC = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/luxon/build/global/luxon.min.js" THEME_PATH = "tabulator-tables@4.9.3/dist/css/" THEME_URL = f"https://unpkg.com/{THEME_PATH}" PANEL_CDN = f'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@holoviz/panel/dist/bundled/{THEME_PATH}' TABULATOR_THEMES = [ 'default', 'site', 'simple', 'midnight', 'modern', 'bootstrap', 'bootstrap4', 'materialize', 'bulma', 'semantic-ui', 'fast' ] class TableEditEvent(ModelEvent): event_name = 'table-edit' def __init__(self, model, column, row, value=None, old=None): self.column = column self.row = row self.value = value self.old = old super().__init__(model=model) class CellClickEvent(ModelEvent): event_name = 'cell-click' def __init__(self, model, column, row, value=None): self.column = column self.row = row self.value = value super().__init__(model=model) def _get_theme_url(url, theme): if 'bootstrap' in theme: url += 'bootstrap/' elif 'materialize' in theme: url += 'materialize/' elif 'semantic-ui' in theme: url += 'semantic-ui/' elif 'bulma' in theme: url += 'bulma/' elif 'fast' in theme: if url.startswith(THEME_URL): url = url.replace(THEME_URL, PANEL_CDN) url += 'fast/' return url CSS_URLS = [] for theme in TABULATOR_THEMES: _url = _get_theme_url(THEME_URL, theme) if theme == 'default': _url += 'tabulator.min.css' else: _url += f'tabulator_{theme}.min.css' CSS_URLS.append(_url) class DataTabulator(HTMLBox): """A Bokeh Model that enables easy use of Tabulator tables See http://tabulator.info/ """ aggregators = Dict(String, String) buttons = Dict(String, String) configuration = Dict(String, Any) columns = List(Instance(TableColumn), help=""" The list of child column widgets. """) download = Bool(default=False) children = Dict(Int, Instance(LayoutDOM)) editable = Bool(default=True) expanded = List(Int) filename = String(default="table.csv") filters = List(Any) follow = Bool(True) frozen_rows = List(Int) groupby = List(String) hidden_columns = List(String) indexes = List(String) layout = Enum('fit_data', 'fit_data_fill', 'fit_data_stretch', 'fit_data_table', 'fit_columns', default="fit_data") source = Instance(ColumnDataSource) styles = Dict(String, Either(String, Dict(Int, Dict(Int, List(Either(String, Tuple(String, String))))))) pagination = Nullable(String) page = Nullable(Int) page_size = Int() max_page = Int() sorters = List(Dict(String, String)) select_mode = Any() selectable_rows = Nullable(List(Int)) theme = Enum(*TABULATOR_THEMES, default="simple") theme_url = String(default=THEME_URL) __css_raw__ = CSS_URLS @classproperty def __css__(cls): cls.__css_raw__ = [ url for url in cls.__css_raw__ if 'simple' in url or len(cls.__css_raw__) == 1 ] return bundled_files(cls, 'css') __javascript_raw__ = [ JS_SRC, MOMENT_SRC ] @classproperty def __javascript__(cls): return bundled_files(cls) @classproperty def __js_skip__(cls): return {'Tabulator': cls.__javascript__[:1], 'moment': cls.__javascript__[1:]} __js_require__ = { 'paths': { 'tabulator': JS_SRC[:-3], 'moment': MOMENT_SRC[:-3] }, 'exports': { 'tabulator': 'Tabulator', 'moment': 'moment' } }