""" Panel panes renders the Python objects you know and love ❤️ =========================================================== Panes may render anything including plots, text, images, equations etc. For example Panel contains Bokeh, HoloViews, Matplotlib and Plotly panes. Check out the Panel gallery of panes https://panel.holoviz.org/reference/index.html#panes for inspiration. How to use Panel panes in 2 simple steps ---------------------------------------- 1. Define your Python objects >>> some_python_object = ... >>> another_python_object = ... 2. Define your panes >>> pn.pane.SomePane(some_python_object).servable() >>> pn.pane.AnotherPane(another_python_object).servable() Most often you don't have to wrap your Python object into a specific pane. Just add your Python object to `pn.panel`, `pn.Column`, `pn.Row` or other layouts, then Panel will automatically wrap it in the right pane. For more detail see the Getting Started Guide https://panel.holoviz.org/getting_started/index.html """ from .alert import Alert # noqa from .base import PaneBase, Pane, panel # noqa from .equation import LaTeX # noqa from .deckgl import DeckGL # noqa from .echarts import ECharts # noqa from .holoviews import HoloViews, Interactive # noqa from .idom import IDOM # noqa0 from .ipywidget import IPyWidget # noqa from .image import GIF, ICO, JPG, PDF, PNG, SVG # noqa from .markup import DataFrame, HTML, JSON, Markdown, Str # noqa from .media import Audio, Video # noqa from .perspective import Perspective # noqa from .plotly import Plotly # noqa from .plot import Bokeh, Matplotlib, RGGPlot, YT # noqa from .streamz import Streamz # noqa from .vega import Vega # noqa from .vtk import VTKVolume, VTK # noqa