""" Pane class which render plots from different libraries """ import sys from io import BytesIO from contextlib import contextmanager import param from bokeh.models import CustomJS, LayoutDOM, Model, Spacer as BkSpacer from bokeh.themes import Theme from ..io import remove_root from ..io.notebook import push from ..util import escape from ..viewable import Layoutable from .base import PaneBase from .ipywidget import IPyWidget from .markup import HTML from .image import PNG FOLIUM_BEFORE = '
' @contextmanager def _wrap_callback(cb, wrapped, doc, comm, callbacks): """ Wraps a bokeh callback ensuring that any events triggered by it appropriately dispatch events in the notebook. Also temporarily replaces the wrapped callback with the real one while the callback is exectuted to ensure the callback can be removed as usual. """ hold = doc.callbacks.hold_value doc.hold('combine') if wrapped in callbacks: index = callbacks.index(wrapped) callbacks[index] = cb yield if cb in callbacks: index = callbacks.index(cb) callbacks[index] = wrapped push(doc, comm) doc.hold(hold) class Bokeh(PaneBase): """ The Bokeh pane allows displaying any displayable Bokeh model inside a Panel app. Reference: https://panel.holoviz.org/reference/panes/Bokeh.html :Example: >>> Bokeh(some_bokeh_figure) """ theme = param.ClassSelector(default=None, class_=(Theme, str), doc=""" Bokeh theme to apply to the plot.""") priority = 0.8 _rename = {'theme': None} @classmethod def applies(cls, obj): return isinstance(obj, LayoutDOM) @classmethod def _property_callback_wrapper(cls, cb, doc, comm, callbacks): def wrapped_callback(attr, old, new): with _wrap_callback(cb, wrapped_callback, doc, comm, callbacks): cb(attr, old, new) return wrapped_callback @classmethod def _event_callback_wrapper(cls, cb, doc, comm, callbacks): def wrapped_callback(event): with _wrap_callback(cb, wrapped_callback, doc, comm, callbacks): cb(event) return wrapped_callback @classmethod def _wrap_bokeh_callbacks(cls, root, bokeh_model, doc, comm): for model in bokeh_model.select({'type': Model}): for key, cbs in model._callbacks.items(): callbacks = model._callbacks[key] callbacks[:] = [ cls._property_callback_wrapper(cb, doc, comm, callbacks) for cb in cbs ] for key, cbs in model._event_callbacks.items(): callbacks = model._event_callbacks[key] callbacks[:] = [ cls._event_callback_wrapper(cb, doc, comm, callbacks) for cb in cbs ] def _get_model(self, doc, root=None, parent=None, comm=None): if root is None: return self._get_root(doc, comm) if self.object is None: model = BkSpacer() else: model = self.object properties = {} for p, value in self.param.values().items(): if (p not in Layoutable.param or p == 'name' or value is self.param[p].default): continue properties[p] = value model.update(**properties) if comm: self._wrap_bokeh_callbacks(root, model, doc, comm) ref = root.ref['id'] for js in model.select({'type': CustomJS}): js.code = js.code.replace(model.ref['id'], ref) if model._document and doc is not model._document: remove_root(model, doc) self._models[ref] = (model, parent) if self.theme: doc.theme = self.theme return model class Matplotlib(PNG, IPyWidget): """ The `Matplotlib` pane allows displaying any displayable Matplotlib figure inside a Panel app. - It will render the plot to PNG at the declared DPI and then embed it. - If you find the figure to be clipped on the edges, you can set `tight=True` to automatically resize objects to fit within the pane. - If you have installed `ipympl` you will also be able to use the interactive backend. Reference: https://panel.holoviz.org/reference/panes/Matplotlib.html :Example: >>> Matplotlib(some_matplotlib_figure, dpi=144) """ dpi = param.Integer(default=144, bounds=(1, None), doc=""" Scales the dpi of the matplotlib figure.""") interactive = param.Boolean(default=False, constant=True, doc=""" """) tight = param.Boolean(default=False, doc=""" Automatically adjust the figure size to fit the subplots and other artist elements.""") _rename = {'object': 'text', 'interactive': None, 'dpi': None, 'tight': None} _rerender_params = PNG._rerender_params + ['object', 'dpi', 'tight'] @classmethod def applies(cls, obj): if 'matplotlib' not in sys.modules: return False from matplotlib.figure import Figure is_fig = isinstance(obj, Figure) if is_fig and obj.canvas is None: raise ValueError('Matplotlib figure has no canvas and ' 'cannot be rendered.') return is_fig def __init__(self, object=None, **params): super().__init__(object, **params) self._managers = {} def _get_widget(self, fig): import matplotlib.backends old_backend = getattr(matplotlib.backends, 'backend', 'agg') from ipympl.backend_nbagg import FigureManager, Canvas, is_interactive from matplotlib._pylab_helpers import Gcf matplotlib.use(old_backend) def closer(event): Gcf.destroy(0) canvas = Canvas(fig) fig.patch.set_alpha(0) manager = FigureManager(canvas, 0) if is_interactive(): fig.canvas.draw_idle() canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', closer) return manager def _get_model(self, doc, root=None, parent=None, comm=None): if not self.interactive: return PNG._get_model(self, doc, root, parent, comm) self.object.set_dpi(self.dpi) manager = self._get_widget(self.object) props = self._process_param_change(self._init_params()) kwargs = {k: v for k, v in props.items() if k not in self._rerender_params+['interactive']} w, h = self.object.get_size_inches() kwargs['width'] = self.width or int(self.dpi * w) kwargs['height'] = self.height or int(self.dpi * h) kwargs['sizing_mode'] = self.sizing_mode model = self._get_ipywidget(manager.canvas, doc, root, comm, **kwargs) if root is None: root = model self._models[root.ref['id']] = (model, parent) self._managers[root.ref['id']] = manager return model def _update(self, ref=None, model=None): if not self.interactive: model.update(**self._get_properties()) return manager = self._managers[ref] if self.object is not manager.canvas.figure: self.object.set_dpi(self.dpi) self.object.patch.set_alpha(0) manager.canvas.figure = self.object self.object.set_canvas(manager.canvas) event = {'width': manager.canvas._width, 'height': manager.canvas._height} manager.canvas.handle_resize(event) manager.canvas.draw_idle() def _data(self): self.object.set_dpi(self.dpi) b = BytesIO() if self.tight: bbox_inches = 'tight' else: bbox_inches = None self.object.canvas.print_figure(b, bbox_inches=bbox_inches) return b.getvalue() class RGGPlot(PNG): """ An RGGPlot pane renders an r2py-based ggplot2 figure to png and wraps the base64-encoded data in a bokeh Div model. """ height = param.Integer(default=400) width = param.Integer(default=400) dpi = param.Integer(default=144, bounds=(1, None)) _rerender_params = PNG._rerender_params + ['object', 'dpi', 'width', 'height'] @classmethod def applies(cls, obj): return type(obj).__name__ == 'GGPlot' and hasattr(obj, 'r_repr') def _img(self): from rpy2.robjects.lib import grdevices from rpy2 import robjects with grdevices.render_to_bytesio(grdevices.png, type="cairo-png", width=self.width, height=self.height, res=self.dpi, antialias="subpixel") as b: robjects.r("print")(self.object) return b.getvalue() class YT(HTML): """ YT panes wrap plottable objects from the YT library. By default, the height and width are calculated by summing all contained plots, but can optionally be specified explicitly to provide additional space. """ priority = 0.5 @classmethod def applies(cls, obj): return (getattr(obj, '__module__', '').startswith('yt.') and hasattr(obj, "plots") and hasattr(obj, "_repr_html_")) def _get_properties(self): p = super()._get_properties() if self.object is None: return p width = height = 0 if self.width is None or self.height is None: for k,v in self.object.plots.items(): if hasattr(v, "_repr_png_"): img = v._repr_png_() w,h = PNG._imgshape(img) height += h width = max(w, width) if self.width is None: p["width"] = width if self.height is None: p["height"] = height return p class Folium(HTML): """ The Folium pane wraps Folium map components. """ sizing_mode = param.ObjectSelector(default='stretch_width', objects=[ 'fixed', 'stretch_width', 'stretch_height', 'stretch_both', 'scale_width', 'scale_height', 'scale_both', None]) priority = 0.6 @classmethod def applies(cls, obj): return (getattr(obj, '__module__', '').startswith('folium.') and hasattr(obj, "_repr_html_")) def _get_properties(self): properties = super()._get_properties() text = '' if self.object is None else self.object if hasattr(text, '_repr_html_'): text = text._repr_html_().replace(FOLIUM_BEFORE, FOLIUM_AFTER) return dict(properties, text=escape(text))