import math import os import sys from math import pi import numpy as np import param from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, FixedTicker from tqdm.asyncio import tqdm as _tqdm from ..layout import Column, Row from ..models import ( HTML, Progress as _BkProgress, TrendIndicator as _BkTrendIndicator ) from ..pane.markup import Str from ..reactive import SyncableData from ..util import escape, updating from ..viewable import Viewable from .base import Widget RED = "#d9534f" GREEN = "#5cb85c" BLUE = "#428bca" class Indicator(Widget): """ Indicator is a baseclass for widgets which indicate some state. """ sizing_mode = param.ObjectSelector(default='fixed', objects=[ 'fixed', 'stretch_width', 'stretch_height', 'stretch_both', 'scale_width', 'scale_height', 'scale_both', None]) __abstract = True def _filter_properties(self, properties): "Indicators are solely display units so we do not need to sync properties." return [] class BooleanIndicator(Indicator): value = param.Boolean(default=False, doc=""" Whether the indicator is active or not.""") __abstract = True class BooleanStatus(BooleanIndicator): """ The `BooleanStatus` is a boolean indicator providing a visual representation of a boolean status as filled or non-filled circle. If the value is set to `True` the indicator will be filled while setting it to `False` will cause it to be non-filled. Reference: :Example: >>> BooleanStatus(value=True, color='primary', width=100, height=100) """ color = param.ObjectSelector(default='dark', objects=[ 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'info', 'danger', 'warning', 'light', 'dark'], doc=""" The color of the circle, one of 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'info', 'danger', 'warning', 'light', 'dark'""") height = param.Integer(default=20, doc=""" height of the circle.""") width = param.Integer(default=20, doc=""" Width of the circle.""") value = param.Boolean(default=False, doc=""" Whether the indicator is active or not.""") _rename = {} _source_transforms = {'value': None, 'color': None} _widget_type = HTML def _process_param_change(self, msg): msg = super()._process_param_change(msg) value = msg.pop('value', None) color = msg.pop('color', None) if value is None and not color: return msg msg['css_classes'] = ['dot-filled', self.color] if self.value else ['dot'] return msg class LoadingSpinner(BooleanIndicator): """ The `LoadingSpinner` is a boolean indicator providing a visual representation of the loading status. If the value is set to `True` the spinner will rotate while setting it to `False` will disable the rotating segment. Reference: :Example: >>> LoadingSpinner(value=True, color='primary', bgcolor='light', width=100, height=100) """ bgcolor = param.ObjectSelector(default='light', objects=['dark', 'light']) color = param.ObjectSelector(default='dark', objects=[ 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'info', 'danger', 'warning', 'light', 'dark']) height = param.Integer(default=125, doc=""" height of the circle.""") width = param.Integer(default=125, doc=""" Width of the circle.""") value = param.Boolean(default=False, doc=""" Whether the indicator is active or not.""") _rename = {} _source_transforms = {'value': None, 'color': None, 'bgcolor': None} _widget_type = HTML def _process_param_change(self, msg): msg = super()._process_param_change(msg) value = msg.pop('value', None) color = msg.pop('color', None) bgcolor = msg.pop('bgcolor', None) if value is None and not (color or bgcolor): return msg color_cls = f'{self.color}-{self.bgcolor}' msg['css_classes'] = ['loader', 'spin', color_cls] if self.value else ['loader', self.bgcolor] return msg class ValueIndicator(Indicator): """ A ValueIndicator provides a visual representation for a numeric value. """ value = param.Number(default=None, allow_None=True) __abstract = True class Progress(ValueIndicator): """ The `Progress` widget displays the progress towards some target based on the current `value` and the `max` value. If no `value` is set, the `Progress` widget is in indeterminate mode and will animate depending on whether it is `active` or not. A more beautiful indicator for this use case is the `LoadingSpinner`. Reference: :Example: >>> Progress(value=20, max=100, bar_color="primary") """ active = param.Boolean(default=True, doc=""" If no value is set the active property toggles animation of the progress bar on and off.""") bar_color = param.ObjectSelector(default='success', objects=[ 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'info', 'danger', 'warning', 'light', 'dark']) max = param.Integer(default=100, doc="The maximum value of the progress bar.") value = param.Integer(default=-1, bounds=(-1, None), doc=""" The current value of the progress bar. If set to -1 the progress bar will be indeterminate and animate depending on the active parameter.""") _rename = {'name': None} _widget_type = _BkProgress @param.depends('max', watch=True) def _update_value_bounds(self): self.param.value.bounds = (-1, self.max) def __init__(self,**params): super().__init__(**params) self._update_value_bounds() class Number(ValueIndicator): """ The `Number` indicator renders the `value` as text optionally colored according to the `colors` thresholds. Reference: :Example: >>> Number(name='Rate', value=72, format='{value}%', colors=[(80, 'green'), (100, 'red')] """ default_color = param.String(default='black', doc=""" The color of the Number indicator if no colors are provided""") colors = param.List(default=None, doc=""" Color thresholds for the Number indicator, specified as a tuple of the absolute thresholds and the color to switch to.""") format = param.String(default='{value}', doc=""" A formatter string which accepts a {value}.""") font_size = param.String(default='54pt', doc=""" The size of number itself.""") nan_format = param.String(default='-', doc=""" How to format nan values.""") title_size = param.String(default='18pt', doc=""" The size of the title given by the name.""") _rename = {} _source_transforms = { 'value': None, 'colors': None, 'default_color': None, 'font_size': None, 'format': None, 'nan_format': None, 'title_size': None } _widget_type = HTML def _process_param_change(self, msg): msg = super()._process_param_change(msg) font_size = msg.pop('font_size', self.font_size) title_font_size = msg.pop('title_size', self.title_size) name = msg.pop('name', format = msg.pop('format', self.format) value = msg.pop('value', self.value) nan_format = msg.pop('nan_format', self.nan_format) color = msg.pop('default_color', self.default_color) colors = msg.pop('colors', self.colors) for val, clr in (colors or [])[::-1]: if value is not None and value <= val: color = clr if value is None: value = float('nan') value = format.format(value=value).replace('nan', nan_format) text = f'
' if title_font_size = msg.pop('title_size', self.title_size) text = f'
\n{text}' msg['text'] = escape(text) return msg class String(ValueIndicator): """ The String indicator renders a string with a title. """ default_color = param.String(default='black', doc=""" The color of the Number indicator if no colors are provided""") font_size = param.String(default='54pt', doc=""" The size of number itself.""") title_size = param.String(default='18pt', doc=""" The size of the title given by the name.""") value = param.String(default=None, allow_None=True, doc=""" The string to display""") _rename = {} _source_transforms = { 'value': None, 'default_color': None, 'font_size': None, 'title_size': None } _widget_type = HTML def _process_param_change(self, msg): msg = super()._process_param_change(msg) font_size = msg.pop('font_size', self.font_size) title_font_size = msg.pop('title_size', self.title_size) name = msg.pop('name', value = msg.pop('value', self.value) color = msg.pop('default_color', self.default_color) text = f'
' if title_font_size = msg.pop('title_size', self.title_size) text = f'
\n{text}' msg['text'] = escape(text) return msg class Gauge(ValueIndicator): """ A `Gauge` represents a value in some range as a position on speedometer or gauge. It is similar to a `Dial` but visually a lot busier. Reference: :Example: >>> Gauge(name='Speed', value=79, bounds=(0, 200), colors=[(0.4, 'green'), (1, 'red')]) """ annulus_width = param.Integer(default=10, doc=""" Width of the gauge annulus.""") bounds = param.Range(default=(0, 100), doc=""" The upper and lower bound of the dial.""") colors = param.List(default=None, doc=""" Color thresholds for the Gauge, specified as a list of tuples of the fractional threshold and the color to switch to.""") custom_opts = param.Dict(doc=""" Additional options to pass to the ECharts Gauge definition.""") height = param.Integer(default=300, bounds=(0, None)) end_angle = param.Number(default=-45, doc=""" Angle at which the gauge ends.""") format = param.String(default='{value}%', doc=""" Formatting string for the value indicator.""") num_splits = param.Integer(default=10, doc=""" Number of splits along the gauge.""") show_ticks = param.Boolean(default=True, doc=""" Whether to show ticks along the dials.""") show_labels = param.Boolean(default=True, doc=""" Whether to show tick labels along the dials.""") start_angle = param.Number(default=225, doc=""" Angle at which the gauge starts.""") tooltip_format = param.String(default='{b} : {c}%', doc=""" Formatting string for the hover tooltip.""") title_size = param.Integer(default=18, doc=""" Size of title font.""") value = param.Number(default=25, doc=""" Value to indicate on the gauge a value within the declared bounds.""") width = param.Integer(default=300, bounds=(0, None)) _rename = {} _source_transforms = { 'annulus_width': None, 'bounds': None, 'colors': None, 'custom_opts': None, 'end_angle': None, 'format': None, 'num_splits': None, 'show_ticks': None, 'show_labels': None, 'start_angle': None, 'tooltip_format': None, 'title_size': None, 'value': None } @property def _widget_type(self): if 'panel.models.echarts' not in sys.modules: from ..models.echarts import ECharts else: ECharts = getattr(sys.modules['panel.models.echarts'], 'ECharts') return ECharts def __init__(self, **params): super().__init__(**params) self._update_value_bounds() @param.depends('bounds', watch=True) def _update_value_bounds(self): self.param.value.bounds = self.bounds def _process_param_change(self, msg): msg = super()._process_param_change(msg) vmin, vmax = msg.pop('bounds', self.bounds) msg['data'] = { 'tooltip': { 'formatter': msg.pop('tooltip_format', self.tooltip_format) }, 'series': [{ 'name': 'Gauge', 'type': 'gauge', 'axisTick': {'show': msg.pop('show_ticks', self.show_ticks)}, 'axisLabel': {'show': msg.pop('show_labels', self.show_labels)}, 'title': {'fontWeight': 'bold', 'fontSize': msg.pop('title_size', self.title_size)}, 'splitLine': {'show': True}, 'radius': '100%', 'detail': {'formatter': msg.pop('format', self.format)}, 'min': vmin, 'max': vmax, 'startAngle': msg.pop('start_angle', self.start_angle), 'endAngle': msg.pop('end_angle', self.end_angle), 'splitNumber': msg.pop('num_splits', self.num_splits), 'data': [{'value': msg.pop('value', self.value), 'name':}], 'axisLine': { 'lineStyle': { 'width': msg.pop('annulus_width', self.annulus_width), } } }] } colors = msg.pop('colors', self.colors) if colors: msg['data']['series'][0]['axisLine']['lineStyle']['color'] = colors custom_opts = msg.pop('custom_opts', self.custom_opts) if custom_opts: gauge = msg['data']['series'][0] for k, v in custom_opts.items(): if k not in gauge or not isinstance(gauge[k], dict): gauge[k] = v else: gauge[k].update(v) return msg class Dial(ValueIndicator): """ A `Dial` represents a value in some range as a position on an annular dial. It is similar to a `Gauge` but more minimal visually. Reference: :Example: >>> Dial(name='Speed', value=79, format="{value} km/h", bounds=(0, 200), colors=[(0.4, 'green'), (1, 'red')]) """ annulus_width = param.Number(default=0.2, doc=""" Width of the radial annulus as a fraction of the total.""") bounds = param.Range(default=(0, 100), doc=""" The upper and lower bound of the dial.""") colors = param.List(default=None, doc=""" Color thresholds for the Dial, specified as a list of tuples of the fractional threshold and the color to switch to.""") default_color = param.String(default='lightblue', doc=""" Color of the radial annulus if not color thresholds are supplied.""") end_angle = param.Number(default=25, doc=""" Angle at which the dial ends.""") format = param.String(default='{value}%', doc=""" Formatting string for the value indicator and lower/upper bounds.""") height = param.Integer(default=250, bounds=(1, None)) nan_format = param.String(default='-', doc=""" How to format nan values.""") needle_color = param.String(default='black', doc=""" Color of the Dial needle.""") needle_width = param.Number(default=0.1, doc=""" Radial width of the needle.""") start_angle = param.Number(default=-205, doc=""" Angle at which the dial starts.""") tick_size = param.String(default=None, doc=""" Font size of the Dial min/max labels.""") title_size = param.String(default=None, doc=""" Font size of the Dial title.""") unfilled_color = param.String(default='whitesmoke', doc=""" Color of the unfilled region of the Dial.""") value_size = param.String(default=None, doc=""" Font size of the Dial value label.""") value = param.Number(default=25, allow_None=True, doc=""" Value to indicate on the dial a value within the declared bounds.""") width = param.Integer(default=250, bounds=(1, None)) _manual_params = [ 'value', 'start_angle', 'end_angle', 'bounds', 'annulus_width', 'format', 'background', 'needle_width', 'tick_size', 'title_size', 'value_size', 'colors', 'default_color', 'unfilled_color', 'height', 'width', 'nan_format', 'needle_color' ] _data_params = _manual_params _rename = {'background': 'background_fill_color'} def __init__(self, **params): super().__init__(**params) self._update_value_bounds() @param.depends('bounds', watch=True) def _update_value_bounds(self): self.param.value.bounds = self.bounds def _get_data(self): vmin, vmax = self.bounds value = self.value if value is None: value = float('nan') fraction = (value-vmin)/(vmax-vmin) start = (np.radians(360-self.start_angle) - pi % (2*pi)) + pi end = (np.radians(360-self.end_angle) - pi % (2*pi)) + pi distance = (abs(end-start) % (pi*2)) if end>start: distance = (pi*2)-distance radial_fraction = distance*fraction angle = start if np.isnan(fraction) else (start-radial_fraction) inner_radius = 1-self.annulus_width color = self.default_color for val, clr in (self.colors or [])[::-1]: if fraction <= val: color = clr annulus_data = { 'starts': np.array([start, angle]), 'ends' : np.array([angle, end]), 'color': [color, self.unfilled_color], 'radius': np.array([inner_radius, inner_radius]) } x0s, y0s, x1s, y1s, clrs = [], [], [], [], [] colors = self.colors or [] for (val, _), (_, clr) in zip(colors[:-1], colors[1:]): tangle = start-(distance*val) if (vmin + val * (vmax-vmin)) <= value: continue x0, y0 = np.cos(tangle), np.sin(tangle) x1, y1 = x0*inner_radius, y0*inner_radius x0s.append(x0) y0s.append(y0) x1s.append(x1) y1s.append(y1) clrs.append(clr) threshold_data = { 'x0': x0s, 'y0': y0s, 'x1': x1s, 'y1': y1s, 'color': clrs } center_radius = 1-self.annulus_width/2. x, y = np.cos(angle)*center_radius, np.sin(angle)*center_radius needle_start = pi+angle-(self.needle_width/2.) needle_end = pi+angle+(self.needle_width/2.) needle_data = { 'x': np.array([x]), 'y': np.array([y]), 'start': np.array([needle_start]), 'end': np.array([needle_end]), 'radius': np.array([center_radius]) } value = self.format.format(value=value).replace('nan', self.nan_format) min_value = self.format.format(value=vmin) max_value = self.format.format(value=vmax) tminx, tminy = np.cos(start)*center_radius, np.sin(start)*center_radius tmaxx, tmaxy = np.cos(end)*center_radius, np.sin(end)*center_radius tmin_angle, tmax_angle = start+pi, end+pi % pi scale = (self.height/400) title_size = self.title_size if self.title_size else '%spt' % (scale*32) value_size = self.value_size if self.value_size else '%spt' % (scale*48) tick_size = self.tick_size if self.tick_size else '%spt' % (scale*18) text_data= { 'x': np.array([0, 0, tminx, tmaxx]), 'y': np.array([-.2, -.5, tminy, tmaxy]), 'text': [, value, min_value, max_value], 'rot': np.array([0, 0, tmin_angle, tmax_angle]), 'size': [title_size, value_size, tick_size, tick_size], 'color': ['black', color, 'black', 'black'] } return annulus_data, needle_data, threshold_data, text_data def _get_model(self, doc, root=None, parent=None, comm=None): params = self._process_param_change(self._init_params()) model = figure( x_range=(-1,1), y_range=(-1,1), tools=[], outline_line_color=None, toolbar_location=None, width=self.width, height=self.height, **params ) model.xaxis.visible = False model.yaxis.visible = False model.grid.visible = False annulus, needle, threshold, text = self._get_data() # Draw annulus annulus_source = ColumnDataSource(data=annulus, name='annulus_source') model.annular_wedge( x=0, y=0, inner_radius='radius', outer_radius=1, start_angle='starts', end_angle='ends', line_color='gray', color='color', direction='clock', source=annulus_source ) # Draw needle needle_source = ColumnDataSource(data=needle, name='needle_source') model.wedge( x='x', y='y', radius='radius', start_angle='start', end_angle='end', fill_color=self.needle_color, line_color=self.needle_color, source=needle_source, name='needle_renderer' ) # Draw thresholds threshold_source = ColumnDataSource(data=threshold, name='threshold_source') model.segment( x0='x0', x1='x1', y0='y0', y1='y1', line_color='color', source=threshold_source, line_width=2 ) # Draw labels text_source = ColumnDataSource(data=text, name='label_source') model.text( x='x', y='y', text='text', font_size='size', text_align='center', text_color='color', source=text_source, text_baseline='top', angle='rot' ) if root is None: root = model self._models[root.ref['id']] = (model, parent) return model def _manual_update(self, events, model, doc, root, parent, comm): update_data = False for event in events: if in ('width', 'height'): model.update(**{}) if in self._data_params: update_data = True elif == 'needle_color': needle_r ='needle_renderer') needle_r.glyph.line_color = needle_r.glyph.fill_color = if not update_data: return annulus, needle, threshold, labels = self._get_data()'annulus_source').data.update(annulus)'needle_source').data.update(needle)'threshold_source').data.update(threshold)'label_source').data.update(labels) class LinearGauge(ValueIndicator): """ A LinearGauge represents a value in some range as a position on an linear scale. It is similar to a Dial/Gauge but visually more compact. Reference: :Example: >>> LinearGauge(value=30, default_color='red', bounds=(0, 100)) """ bounds = param.Range(default=(0, 100), doc=""" The upper and lower bound of the gauge.""") default_color = param.String(default='lightblue', doc=""" Color of the radial annulus if not color thresholds are supplied.""") colors = param.Parameter(default=None, doc=""" Color thresholds for the gauge, specified as a list of tuples of the fractional threshold and the color to switch to.""") format = param.String(default='{value:.2f}%', doc=""" Formatting string for the value indicator and lower/upper bounds.""") height = param.Integer(default=300, bounds=(1, None)) horizontal = param.Boolean(default=False, doc=""" Whether to display the linear gauge horizontally.""") nan_format = param.String(default='-', doc=""" How to format nan values.""") needle_color = param.String(default='black', doc=""" Color of the gauge needle.""") show_boundaries = param.Boolean(default=False, doc=""" Whether to show the boundaries between colored regions.""") unfilled_color = param.String(default='whitesmoke', doc=""" Color of the unfilled region of the LinearGauge.""") title_size = param.String(default=None, doc=""" Font size of the gauge title.""") tick_size = param.String(default=None, doc=""" Font size of the gauge tick labels.""") value_size = param.String(default=None, doc=""" Font size of the gauge value label.""") value = param.Number(default=25, allow_None=True, doc=""" Value to indicate on the dial a value within the declared bounds.""") width = param.Integer(default=125, bounds=(1, None)) _manual_params = [ 'value', 'bounds', 'format', 'title_size', 'value_size', 'horizontal', 'height', 'colors', 'tick_size', 'unfilled_color', 'width', 'nan_format', 'needle_color' ] _data_params = [ 'value', 'bounds', 'format', 'nan_format', 'needle_color', 'colors' ] _rerender_params = ['horizontal'] _rename = { 'background': 'background_fill_color', 'show_boundaries': None, 'default_color': None } _updates = False def __init__(self, **params): super().__init__(**params) self._update_value_bounds() @param.depends('bounds', watch=True) def _update_value_bounds(self): self.param.value.bounds = self.bounds @property def _color_intervals(self): vmin, vmax = self.bounds value = self.value ncolors = len(self.colors) if self.colors else 1 interval = (vmax-vmin) if math.isfinite(value): fraction = value / interval idx = round(fraction * (ncolors-1)) else: fraction = 0 idx = 0 if not self.colors: intervals = [ (fraction, self.default_color) ] intervals.append((1, self.unfilled_color)) elif self.show_boundaries: intervals = [ c if isinstance(c, tuple) else ((i+1)/(ncolors), c) for i, c in enumerate(self.colors) ] else: intervals = [ self.colors[idx] if isinstance(self.colors[0], tuple) else (fraction, self.colors[idx]) ] intervals.append((1, self.unfilled_color)) return intervals def _get_data(self): vmin, vmax = self.bounds value = self.value interval = (vmax-vmin) colors, values = [], [vmin] above = False prev = None for (v, color) in self._color_intervals: val = v*interval if val == prev: continue elif val > value: if not above: colors.append(color) values.append(value) above = True color = self.unfilled_color colors.append(color) values.append(val) prev = val value = self.format.format(value=value).replace('nan', self.nan_format) return ( {'y0': values[:-1], 'y1': values[1:], 'color': colors}, {'y': [self.value], 'text': [value]} ) def _get_model(self, doc, root=None, parent=None, comm=None): params = self._process_param_change(self._init_params()) model = figure( outline_line_color=None, toolbar_location=None, tools=[], x_axis_location='above', y_axis_location='right', **params ) model.grid.visible = False model.xaxis.major_label_standoff = 2 model.yaxis.major_label_standoff = 2 model.xaxis.axis_label_standoff = 2 model.yaxis.axis_label_standoff = 2 self._update_name(model) self._update_title_size(model) self._update_tick_size(model) self._update_figure(model) self._update_axes(model) self._update_renderers(model) self._update_bounds(model) if root is None: root = model self._models[root.ref['id']] = (model, parent) return model def _update_name(self, model): model.xaxis.axis_label = model.yaxis.axis_label = def _update_title_size(self, model): title_size = self.title_size or f'{self.width/6}px' model.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = title_size model.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = title_size def _update_tick_size(self, model): tick_size = self.tick_size or f'{self.width/9}px' model.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = tick_size model.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = tick_size def _update_renderers(self, model): model.renderers = [] data, needle_data = self._get_data() bar_source = ColumnDataSource(data=data, name='bar_source') needle_source = ColumnDataSource(data=needle_data, name='needle_source') if self.horizontal: model.hbar( y=0.1, left='y0', right='y1', height=1, color='color', source=bar_source ) wedge_params = {'y': 0.5, 'x': 'y', 'angle': np.deg2rad(180)} text_params = { 'y': -0.4, 'x': 0, 'text_align': 'left', 'text_baseline': 'top' } else: model.vbar( x=0.1, bottom='y0', top='y1', width=0.9, color='color', source=bar_source ) wedge_params = {'x': 0.5, 'y': 'y', 'angle': np.deg2rad(90)} text_params = { 'x': -0.4, 'y': 0, 'text_align': 'left', 'text_baseline': 'bottom', 'angle': np.deg2rad(90) } model.scatter( fill_color=self.needle_color, line_color=self.needle_color, source=needle_source, name='needle_renderer', marker='triangle', size=int(self.width/8), level='overlay', **wedge_params ) value_size = self.value_size or f'{self.width/8}px' model.text( text='text', source=needle_source, text_font_size=value_size, **text_params ) def _update_bounds(self, model): if self.horizontal: x_range, y_range = tuple(self.bounds), (-0.8, 0.5) else: x_range, y_range = (-0.8, 0.5), tuple(self.bounds) model.x_range.update(start=x_range[0], end=x_range[1]) model.y_range.update(start=y_range[0], end=y_range[1]) def _update_axes(self, model): vmin, vmax = self.bounds interval = (vmax-vmin) if self.show_boundaries: ticks = [vmin] + [v*interval for (v, _) in self._color_intervals] else: ticks = [vmin, vmax] ticker = FixedTicker(ticks=ticks) if self.horizontal: model.xaxis.visible = True model.xaxis.ticker = ticker model.yaxis.visible = False else: model.xaxis.visible = False model.yaxis.visible = True model.yaxis.ticker = ticker def _update_figure(self, model): params = self._process_param_change(self._init_params()) if self.horizontal: params.update(width=self.height, height=self.width) else: params.update(width=self.width, height=self.height) model.update(**params) def _manual_update(self, events, model, doc, root, parent, comm): update_data = False for event in events: if in ('width', 'height'): self._update_figure(model) elif == 'bounds': self._update_bounds(model) self._update_renderers(model) elif in self._data_params: update_data = True elif == 'needle_color': needle_r ='needle_renderer') needle_r.glyph.line_color = needle_r.glyph.fill_color = elif == 'horizontal': self._update_bounds(model) self._update_figure(model) self._update_axes(model) self._update_renderers(model) elif == 'name': self._update_name(model) elif == 'tick_size': self._update_tick_size(model) elif == 'title_size': self._update_title_size(model) if not update_data: return data, needle_data = self._get_data()'bar_source').data.update(data)'needle_source').data.update(needle_data) class Trend(SyncableData, Indicator): """ The `Trend` indicator enables the user to display a dashboard kpi card. The card can be layout out as: * a column (text and plot on top of each other) or a row (text and * plot after each other) Reference: :Example: >>> data = {'x': np.arange(50), 'y': np.random.randn(50).cumsum()} >>> Trend(title='Price', data=data, plot_type='area', width=200, height=200) """ data = param.Parameter(doc=""" The plot data declared as a dictionary of arrays or a DataFrame.""") layout = param.ObjectSelector(default="column", objects=["column", "row"]) plot_x = param.String(default="x", doc=""" The name of the key in the plot_data to use on the x-axis.""") plot_y = param.String(default="y", doc=""" The name of the key in the plot_data to use on the y-axis.""") plot_color = param.String(default=BLUE, doc=""" The color to use in the plot.""") plot_type = param.ObjectSelector(default="bar", objects=["line", "step", "area", "bar"], doc=""" The plot type to render the plot data as.""") pos_color = param.String(GREEN, doc=""" The color used to indicate a positive change.""") neg_color = param.String(RED, doc=""" The color used to indicate a negative change.""") title = param.String(doc="""The title or a short description of the card""") value = param.Parameter(default='auto', doc=""" The primary value to be displayed.""") value_change = param.Parameter(default='auto', doc=""" A secondary value. For example the change in percent.""") _data_params = ['data'] _manual_params = ['data'] _rename = {'data': None, 'selection': None} _widget_type = _BkTrendIndicator def _get_data(self): if is None: return None, {self.plot_x: [], self.plot_y: []} elif isinstance(, dict): return, return, ColumnDataSource.from_df( def _init_params(self): props = super()._init_params() self._processed, self._data = self._get_data() props['source'] = ColumnDataSource(data=self._data) return props def _trigger_auto_values(self): trigger = [] if self.value == 'auto': trigger.append('value') if self.value_change == 'auto': trigger.append('value_change') if trigger: self.param.trigger(*trigger) @updating def _stream(self, stream, rollover=None): self._trigger_auto_values() super()._stream(stream, rollover) def _update_cds(self, *events): super()._update_cds(*events) self._trigger_auto_values() def _update_data(self, data): if isinstance(data, _BkTrendIndicator): return super()._update_data(data) def _process_param_change(self, msg): msg = super()._process_param_change(msg) ys = self._data.get(self.plot_y, []) if 'value' in msg and msg['value'] == 'auto': if len(ys): msg['value'] = ys[-1] else: msg['value'] = 0 if 'value_change' in msg and msg['value_change'] == 'auto': if len(ys) > 1: y1, y2 = self._data.get(self.plot_y)[-2:] msg['value_change'] = 0 if y1 == 0 else (y2/y1 - 1) else: msg['value_change'] = 0 return msg MARGIN = { "text_pane": {"column": (5, 10, 0, 10), "row": (0, 10, 0, 10)}, "progress": {"column": (0, 10, 5, 10), "row": (12, 10, 0, 10)}, } class ptqdm(_tqdm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._indicator = kwargs.pop('indicator') super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def display(self, msg=None, pos=None, bar_style=None): super().display(msg, pos) style = or {} if not "color" in style: color = self.colour or 'black' = dict(style, color=color) if is not None and self.n is not None: self._indicator.max = int( # Can be numpy.int64 self._indicator.value = int(self.n) self._indicator.text = self._to_text(**self.format_dict) return True def _to_text(self, n, total, **kwargs): return self.format_meter(n, total, **{**kwargs, "ncols": 0}) def close(self): super().close() if not self.leave: self._indicator.reset() return _tqdm class Tqdm(Indicator): """ The `Tqdm` indicator wraps the well known `tqdm` progress indicator and displays the progress towards some target in your Panel app. Reference: :Example: >>> tqdm = Tqdm() >>> for i in tqdm(range(0,10), desc="My loop", leave=True, colour='#666666'): ... time.sleep(timeout) """ value = param.Integer(default=0, bounds=(-1, None), doc=""" The current value of the progress bar. If set to -1 the progress bar will be indeterminate and animate depending on the active parameter.""") layout = param.ClassSelector(class_=(Column, Row), precedence=-1, constant=True, doc=""" The layout for the text and progress indicator.""",) max = param.Integer(default=100, doc="The maximum value of the progress bar.") progress = param.ClassSelector(class_=Progress, precedence=-1, doc=""" The Progress indicator used to display the progress.""",) text = param.String(default='', doc=""" The current tqdm style progress text.""") text_pane = param.ClassSelector(class_=Str, precedence=-1, doc=""" The pane to display the text to.""") margin = param.Parameter(default=0, doc=""" Allows to create additional space around the component. May be specified as a two-tuple of the form (vertical, horizontal) or a four-tuple (top, right, bottom, left).""") width = param.Integer(default=400, bounds=(0, None), doc=""" The width of the component (in pixels). This can be either fixed or preferred width, depending on width sizing policy.""") write_to_console = param.Boolean(default=False, doc=""" Whether or not to also write to the console.""") _layouts = {Row: 'row', Column: 'column'} _rename = {'value': None, 'min': None, 'max': None, 'text': None} def __init__(self, **params): layout = params.pop('layout', 'column') layout = self._layouts.get(layout, layout) if "text_pane" not in params: sizing_mode = 'stretch_width' if layout == 'column' else 'fixed' params["text_pane"] = Str( None, min_height=20, min_width=280, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, margin=MARGIN["text_pane"][layout], ) if "progress" not in params: params["progress"] = Progress( active=False, sizing_mode="stretch_width", min_width=100, margin=MARGIN["progress"][layout], ) layout_params = {p: params.get(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in Viewable.param} if layout == 'row' or layout is Row: params['layout'] = Row( params['progress'], params['text_pane'], **layout_params ) else: params['layout'] = Column( params['text_pane'], params['progress'], **layout_params ) super().__init__(**params), list(Viewable.param)) self.progress.max = self.max self.progress.value = self.value self.text_pane.object = self.text def _get_model(self, doc, root=None, parent=None, comm=None): model = self.layout._get_model(doc, root, parent, comm) if root is None: root = model self._models[root.ref['id']] = (model, parent) return model def _cleanup(self, root): super()._cleanup(root) self.layout._cleanup(root) def _update_layout(self, *events): self.layout.param.update(**{ for event in events}) @param.depends("text", watch=True) def _update_text(self): if self.text_pane: self.text_pane.object = self.text @param.depends("value", watch=True) def _update_value(self): if self.progress: self.progress.value = self.value @param.depends("max", watch=True) def _update_max(self): if self.progress: self.progress.max = self.max def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['indicator'] = self if not self.write_to_console: f = open(os.devnull, 'w') kwargs['file'] = f return ptqdm(*args, **kwargs) __call__.__doc__ = ptqdm.__doc__ def pandas(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['indicator'] = self if not self.write_to_console and 'file' not in kwargs: f = open(os.devnull, 'w') kwargs['file'] = f return ptqdm.pandas(*args, **kwargs) def reset(self): """Resets the parameters""" self.value = self.param.value.default self.text = self.param.text.default