""" The Terminal Widget makes it easy to create Panel Applications with Terminals. - For example apps which streams the output of processes or logs. - For example apps which provide interactive bash, python or ipython terminals """ import os import select import shlex import signal import subprocess import sys from functools import partial import param from pyviz_comms import JupyterComm from ..io.callbacks import PeriodicCallback from ..util import edit_readonly, lazy_load from .base import Widget class TerminalSubprocess(param.Parameterized): """ The TerminalSubProcess is a utility class that makes running subprocesses via the Terminal easy. """ args = param.ClassSelector(class_=(str, list), doc=""" The arguments used to run the subprocess. This may be a string or a list. The string cannot contain spaces. See subprocess.run docs for more details.""") kill = param.Action(doc="Kills the running process", constant=True) kwargs = param.Dict(doc=""" Any other arguments to run the subprocess. See subprocess.run docs for more details.""" ) running = param.Boolean(default=False, constant=True, doc=""" Whether or not the subprocess is running.""") _child_pid = param.Integer(0, doc="Child process id") _fd = param.Integer(0, doc="Child file descriptor.") _max_read_bytes = param.Integer(1024 * 20) _periodic_callback = param.ClassSelector(class_=PeriodicCallback, doc=""" Watches the subprocess for output""") _period = param.Integer(50, doc="Period length of _periodic_callback") _terminal = param.Parameter(constant=True, doc=""" The Terminal to which the subprocess is connected.""") _timeout_sec = param.Integer(0) _watcher = param.Parameter(doc="Watches the subprocess for user input") def __init__(self, terminal, **kwargs): super().__init__(_terminal=terminal, kill=self._kill, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _quote(command): return "".join([shlex.quote(c) for c in command]) def _clean_args(self, args): if isinstance(args, str): return self._quote(args) if isinstance(args, list): return [self._quote(arg) for arg in args] return args def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Runs a subprocess command. """ import pty # Inspiration: https://github.com/cs01/pyxtermjs # Inspiration: https://github.com/jupyter/terminado if not args: args = self.args if not args: raise ValueError("Error. No args provided") if self.running: raise ValueError( "Error. A child process is already running. Cannot start another." ) args = self._clean_args(args) # Clean for security reasons if self.kwargs: kwargs = {**self.kwargs, **kwargs} # A fork is an operation whereby a process creates a copy of itself # The two processes will continue from here as a PARENT and a CHILD process (child_pid, fd) = pty.fork() if child_pid == 0: # This is the CHILD process fork. # Anything printed here will show up in the pty, including the output # of this subprocess # The process will end by printing 'CompletedProcess(...)' to signal to the parent # that it finished. try: result = subprocess.run(args, **kwargs) print(str(result)) except FileNotFoundError as e: print(str(e) + "\nCompletedProcess('FileNotFoundError')") else: # this is the PARENT process fork. self._child_pid = child_pid self._fd = fd self._set_winsize() self._periodic_callback = PeriodicCallback( callback=self._forward_subprocess_output_to_terminal, period=self._period ) self._periodic_callback.start() self._watcher = self._terminal.param.watch( self._forward_terminal_input_to_subprocess, 'value', onlychanged=False ) with param.edit_constant(self): self.running = True @param.depends('_terminal.ncols', '_terminal.nrows', watch=True) def _set_winsize(self): if self._fd is None: return import termios import struct import fcntl winsize = struct.pack("HHHH", self._terminal.nrows, self._terminal.ncols, 0, 0) fcntl.ioctl(self._fd, termios.TIOCSWINSZ, winsize) def _kill(self, *events): child_pid = self._child_pid self._reset() if child_pid: os.killpg(os.getpgid(child_pid), signal.SIGTERM) self._terminal.write(f"\nThe process {child_pid} was killed\n") else: self._terminal.write("\nNo running process to kill\n") def _reset(self): self._fd = 0 self._child_pid = 0 if self._periodic_callback: self._periodic_callback.stop() self._periodic_callback = None if self._watcher: self._terminal.param.unwatch(self._watcher) with param.edit_constant(self): self.running = False @staticmethod def _remove_last_line_from_string(value): return value[: value.rfind("CompletedProcess")] def _decode_utf8_on_boundary(self, fd, max_read_bytes, max_extra_bytes=2): "UTF-8 characters can be multi-byte so need to decode on correct boundary" data = os.read(fd, max_read_bytes) for _ in range(max_extra_bytes+1): try: return data.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: data = data + os.read(fd, 1) raise UnicodeError('Could not find decode boundary for UTF-8') def _forward_subprocess_output_to_terminal(self): if not self._fd: return (data_ready, _, _) = select.select([self._fd], [], [], self._timeout_sec) if not data_ready: return output = self._decode_utf8_on_boundary(self._fd, self._max_read_bytes) # If Child Process finished it will signal this by appending "CompletedProcess(...)" if "CompletedProcess" in output: self._reset() output = self._remove_last_line_from_string(output) self._terminal.write(output) def _forward_terminal_input_to_subprocess(self, *events): if self._fd: os.write(self._fd, self._terminal.value.encode()) @param.depends("args", watch=True) def _validate_args(self): args = self.args if isinstance(args, str) and " " in args: raise ValueError( f"""The args '{args}' provided contains spaces. They must instead be provided as the list {args.split(" ")}""" ) @param.depends("_period", watch=True) def _update_periodic_callback(self): if self._periodic_callback: self._periodic_callback.period = self._period def __repr__(self, depth=None): return f"TerminalSubprocess(args={self.args}, running={self.running})" class Terminal(Widget): """ The `Terminal` widget renders a live terminal in the browser using the xterm.js library making it possible to display logs or even provide an interactive terminal in a Panel application. Reference: https://panel.holoviz.org/reference/widgets/Terminal.html :Example: >>> Terminal( ... "Welcome to the Panel Terminal!", options={"cursorBlink": True} ... ) """ clear = param.Action(doc="Clears the Terminal.", constant=True) options = param.Dict(default={}, precedence=-1, doc=""" Initial Options for the Terminal Constructor. cf. https://xtermjs.org/docs/api/terminal/interfaces/iterminaloptions/""") output = param.String(default="", doc=""" System output written to the Terminal""") ncols = param.Integer(readonly=True, doc=""" The number of columns in the terminal.""") nrows = param.Integer(readonly=True, doc=""" The number of rows in the terminal.""") value = param.String(label="Input", readonly=True, doc=""" User input received from the Terminal. Sent one character at the time.""") write_to_console = param.Boolean(default=False, doc=""" Whether or not to write to the server console.""") _clears = param.Integer(doc="Sends a signal to clear the terminal") _output = param.String(default="") _rename = { "clear": None, "output": None, "_output": "output", "write_to_console": None, "value": None } def __init__(self, output=None, **params): params['_output'] = output = output or "" params['clear'] = self._clear super().__init__(output=output, **params) self._subprocess = None def write(self, __s): cleaned = __s if isinstance(__s, str): cleaned = __s elif isinstance(__s, bytes): cleaned = __s.decode("utf8") else: cleaned = str(__s) if self._output == cleaned: # Hack to support writing the same string multiple times in a row self._output = "" self._output = cleaned self.output += cleaned return len(self.output) def _get_model(self, doc, root=None, parent=None, comm=None): if self._widget_type is None: self._widget_type = lazy_load( 'panel.models.terminal', 'Terminal', isinstance(comm, JupyterComm), root ) model = super()._get_model(doc, root, parent, comm) model.output = self.output if comm: model.on_event('keystroke', self._comm_event) else: model.on_event('keystroke', partial(self._server_event, doc)) return model def _process_event(self, event): with edit_readonly(self): self.value = event.key with param.discard_events(self): self.value = "" def _clear(self, *events): """ Clears all output on the terminal. """ self.output = "" self._clears += 1 @param.depends("_output", watch=True) def _write(self): if self.write_to_console: sys.__stdout__.write(self._output) def __repr__(self, depth=None): return f"Terminal(id={id(self)})" @property def subprocess(self): """ The subprocess enables running commands like 'ls', ['ls', '-l'], 'bash', 'python' and 'ipython' in the terminal. """ if not self._subprocess: self._subprocess = TerminalSubprocess(self) return self._subprocess # File API @property def closed(self): return False def fileno(self): return -1 def flush(self): pass def getvalue(self): return self.output def readable(self): return True def read(self, size=-1): if size == -1: return self.output return self.output[:size] def readlines(self, hint=-1): lines = [] size = 0 for line in self.output.split('\n'): if hint > -1 and size > hint: size += sys.getsizeof(line) break lines.append(line) return lines def seekable(self): return False def writable(self): return True def writelines(self, lines): for line in lines: self.write(line)