import plotly.graph_objs as go import as pio from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict from ._special_inputs import IdentityMap, Constant, Range from .trendline_functions import ols, lowess, rolling, expanding, ewm from _plotly_utils.basevalidators import ColorscaleValidator from plotly.colors import qualitative, sequential import math import pandas as pd import numpy as np from plotly.subplots import ( make_subplots, _set_trace_grid_reference, _subplot_type_for_trace_type, ) NO_COLOR = "px_no_color_constant" trendline_functions = dict( lowess=lowess, rolling=rolling, ewm=ewm, expanding=expanding, ols=ols ) # Declare all supported attributes, across all plot types direct_attrables = ( ["base", "x", "y", "z", "a", "b", "c", "r", "theta", "size", "x_start", "x_end"] + ["hover_name", "text", "names", "values", "parents", "wide_cross"] + ["ids", "error_x", "error_x_minus", "error_y", "error_y_minus", "error_z"] + ["error_z_minus", "lat", "lon", "locations", "animation_group"] ) array_attrables = ["dimensions", "custom_data", "hover_data", "path", "wide_variable"] group_attrables = ["animation_frame", "facet_row", "facet_col", "line_group"] renameable_group_attrables = [ "color", # renamed to marker.color or line.color in infer_config "symbol", # renamed to marker.symbol in infer_config "line_dash", # renamed to line.dash in infer_config "pattern_shape", # renamed to marker.pattern.shape in infer_config ] all_attrables = ( direct_attrables + array_attrables + group_attrables + renameable_group_attrables ) cartesians = [go.Scatter, go.Scattergl, go.Bar, go.Funnel, go.Box, go.Violin] cartesians += [go.Histogram, go.Histogram2d, go.Histogram2dContour] class PxDefaults(object): __slots__ = [ "template", "width", "height", "color_discrete_sequence", "color_discrete_map", "color_continuous_scale", "symbol_sequence", "symbol_map", "line_dash_sequence", "line_dash_map", "pattern_shape_sequence", "pattern_shape_map", "size_max", "category_orders", "labels", ] def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.template = None self.width = None self.height = None self.color_discrete_sequence = None self.color_discrete_map = {} self.color_continuous_scale = None self.symbol_sequence = None self.symbol_map = {} self.line_dash_sequence = None self.line_dash_map = {} self.pattern_shape_sequence = None self.pattern_shape_map = {} self.size_max = 20 self.category_orders = {} self.labels = {} defaults = PxDefaults() del PxDefaults MAPBOX_TOKEN = None def set_mapbox_access_token(token): """ Arguments: token: A Mapbox token to be used in `` and \ `` figures. See \ for more details """ global MAPBOX_TOKEN MAPBOX_TOKEN = token def get_trendline_results(fig): """ Extracts fit statistics for trendlines (when applied to figures generated with the `trendline` argument set to `"ols"`). Arguments: fig: the output of a `` charting call Returns: A `pandas.DataFrame` with a column "px_fit_results" containing the `statsmodels` results objects, along with columns identifying the subset of the data the trendline was fit on. """ return fig._px_trendlines Mapping = namedtuple( "Mapping", [ "show_in_trace_name", "grouper", "val_map", "sequence", "updater", "variable", "facet", ], ) TraceSpec = namedtuple("TraceSpec", ["constructor", "attrs", "trace_patch", "marginal"]) def get_label(args, column): try: return args["labels"][column] except Exception: return column def invert_label(args, column): """Invert mapping. Find key corresponding to value column in dict args["labels"]. Returns `column` if the value does not exist. """ reversed_labels = {value: key for (key, value) in args["labels"].items()} try: return reversed_labels[column] except Exception: return column def _is_continuous(df, col_name): return df[col_name].dtype.kind in "ifc" def get_decorated_label(args, column, role): original_label = label = get_label(args, column) if "histfunc" in args and ( (role == "z") or (role == "x" and "orientation" in args and args["orientation"] == "h") or (role == "y" and "orientation" in args and args["orientation"] == "v") ): histfunc = args["histfunc"] or "count" if histfunc != "count": label = "%s of %s" % (histfunc, label) else: label = "count" if "histnorm" in args and args["histnorm"] is not None: if label == "count": label = args["histnorm"] else: histnorm = args["histnorm"] if histfunc == "sum": if histnorm == "probability": label = "%s of %s" % ("fraction", label) elif histnorm == "percent": label = "%s of %s" % (histnorm, label) else: label = "%s weighted by %s" % (histnorm, original_label) elif histnorm == "probability": label = "%s of sum of %s" % ("fraction", label) elif histnorm == "percent": label = "%s of sum of %s" % ("percent", label) else: label = "%s of %s" % (histnorm, label) if "barnorm" in args and args["barnorm"] is not None: label = "%s (normalized as %s)" % (label, args["barnorm"]) return label def make_mapping(args, variable): if variable == "line_group" or variable == "animation_frame": return Mapping( show_in_trace_name=False, grouper=args[variable], val_map={}, sequence=[""], variable=variable, updater=(lambda trace, v: v), facet=None, ) if variable == "facet_row" or variable == "facet_col": letter = "x" if variable == "facet_col" else "y" return Mapping( show_in_trace_name=False, variable=letter, grouper=args[variable], val_map={}, sequence=[i for i in range(1, 1000)], updater=(lambda trace, v: v), facet="row" if variable == "facet_row" else "col", ) (parent, variable, *other_variables) = variable.split(".") vprefix = variable arg_name = variable if variable == "color": vprefix = "color_discrete" if variable == "dash": arg_name = "line_dash" vprefix = "line_dash" if variable == "pattern": arg_name = "pattern_shape" vprefix = "pattern_shape" if args[vprefix + "_map"] == "identity": val_map = IdentityMap() else: val_map = args[vprefix + "_map"].copy() return Mapping( show_in_trace_name=True, variable=variable, grouper=args[arg_name], val_map=val_map, sequence=args[vprefix + "_sequence"], updater=lambda trace, v: trace.update( {parent: {".".join([variable] + other_variables): v}} ), facet=None, ) def make_trace_kwargs(args, trace_spec, trace_data, mapping_labels, sizeref): """Populates a dict with arguments to update trace Parameters ---------- args : dict args to be used for the trace trace_spec : NamedTuple which kind of trace to be used (has constructor, marginal etc. attributes) trace_data : pandas DataFrame data mapping_labels : dict to be used for hovertemplate sizeref : float marker sizeref Returns ------- trace_patch : dict dict to be used to update trace fit_results : dict fit information to be used for trendlines """ if "line_close" in args and args["line_close"]: trace_data = trace_data.append(trace_data.iloc[0]) trace_patch = trace_spec.trace_patch.copy() or {} fit_results = None hover_header = "" for attr_name in trace_spec.attrs: attr_value = args[attr_name] attr_label = get_decorated_label(args, attr_value, attr_name) if attr_name == "dimensions": dims = [ (name, column) for (name, column) in trace_data.iteritems() if ((not attr_value) or (name in attr_value)) and ( trace_spec.constructor != go.Parcoords or _is_continuous(args["data_frame"], name) ) and ( trace_spec.constructor != go.Parcats or (attr_value is not None and name in attr_value) or len(args["data_frame"][name].unique()) <= args["dimensions_max_cardinality"] ) ] trace_patch["dimensions"] = [ dict(label=get_label(args, name), values=column) for (name, column) in dims ] if trace_spec.constructor == go.Splom: for d in trace_patch["dimensions"]: d["axis"] = dict(matches=True) mapping_labels["%{xaxis.title.text}"] = "%{x}" mapping_labels["%{yaxis.title.text}"] = "%{y}" elif attr_value is not None: if attr_name == "size": if "marker" not in trace_patch: trace_patch["marker"] = dict() trace_patch["marker"]["size"] = trace_data[attr_value] trace_patch["marker"]["sizemode"] = "area" trace_patch["marker"]["sizeref"] = sizeref mapping_labels[attr_label] = "%{marker.size}" elif attr_name == "marginal_x": if trace_spec.constructor == go.Histogram: mapping_labels["count"] = "%{y}" elif attr_name == "marginal_y": if trace_spec.constructor == go.Histogram: mapping_labels["count"] = "%{x}" elif attr_name == "trendline": if ( args["x"] and args["y"] and len(trace_data[[args["x"], args["y"]]].dropna()) > 1 ): # sorting is bad but trace_specs with "trendline" have no other attrs sorted_trace_data = trace_data.sort_values(by=args["x"]) y = sorted_trace_data[args["y"]].values x = sorted_trace_data[args["x"]].values if x.dtype.type == np.datetime64: x = x.astype(int) / 10 ** 9 # convert to unix epoch seconds elif x.dtype.type == np.object_: try: x = x.astype(np.float64) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Could not convert value of 'x' ('%s') into a numeric type. " "If 'x' contains stringified dates, please convert to a datetime column." % args["x"] ) if y.dtype.type == np.object_: try: y = y.astype(np.float64) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Could not convert value of 'y' into a numeric type." ) # preserve original values of "x" in case they're dates # otherwise numpy/pandas can mess with the timezones # NB this means trendline functions must output one-to-one with the input series # i.e. we can't do resampling, because then the X values might not line up! non_missing = np.logical_not( np.logical_or(np.isnan(y), np.isnan(x)) ) trace_patch["x"] = sorted_trace_data[args["x"]][non_missing] trendline_function = trendline_functions[attr_value] y_out, hover_header, fit_results = trendline_function( args["trendline_options"], sorted_trace_data[args["x"]], x, y, args["x"], args["y"], non_missing, ) assert len(y_out) == len( trace_patch["x"] ), "missing-data-handling failure in trendline code" trace_patch["y"] = y_out mapping_labels[get_label(args, args["x"])] = "%{x}" mapping_labels[get_label(args, args["y"])] = "%{y} (trend)" elif attr_name.startswith("error"): error_xy = attr_name[:7] arr = "arrayminus" if attr_name.endswith("minus") else "array" if error_xy not in trace_patch: trace_patch[error_xy] = {} trace_patch[error_xy][arr] = trace_data[attr_value] elif attr_name == "custom_data": if len(attr_value) > 0: # here we store a data frame in customdata, and it's serialized # as a list of row lists, which is what we want trace_patch["customdata"] = trace_data[attr_value] elif attr_name == "hover_name": if trace_spec.constructor not in [ go.Histogram, go.Histogram2d, go.Histogram2dContour, ]: trace_patch["hovertext"] = trace_data[attr_value] if hover_header == "": hover_header = "%{hovertext}

" elif attr_name == "hover_data": if trace_spec.constructor not in [ go.Histogram, go.Histogram2d, go.Histogram2dContour, ]: hover_is_dict = isinstance(attr_value, dict) customdata_cols = args.get("custom_data") or [] for col in attr_value: if hover_is_dict and not attr_value[col]: continue if col in [ args.get("x"), args.get("y"), args.get("z"), args.get("base"), ]: continue try: position = args["custom_data"].index(col) except (ValueError, AttributeError, KeyError): position = len(customdata_cols) customdata_cols.append(col) attr_label_col = get_decorated_label(args, col, None) mapping_labels[attr_label_col] = "%%{customdata[%d]}" % ( position ) if len(customdata_cols) > 0: # here we store a data frame in customdata, and it's serialized # as a list of row lists, which is what we want trace_patch["customdata"] = trace_data[customdata_cols] elif attr_name == "color": if trace_spec.constructor in [go.Choropleth, go.Choroplethmapbox]: trace_patch["z"] = trace_data[attr_value] trace_patch["coloraxis"] = "coloraxis1" mapping_labels[attr_label] = "%{z}" elif trace_spec.constructor in [ go.Sunburst, go.Treemap, go.Icicle, go.Pie, go.Funnelarea, ]: if "marker" not in trace_patch: trace_patch["marker"] = dict() if args.get("color_is_continuous"): trace_patch["marker"]["colors"] = trace_data[attr_value] trace_patch["marker"]["coloraxis"] = "coloraxis1" mapping_labels[attr_label] = "%{color}" else: trace_patch["marker"]["colors"] = [] if args["color_discrete_map"] is not None: mapping = args["color_discrete_map"].copy() else: mapping = {} for cat in trace_data[attr_value]: if mapping.get(cat) is None: mapping[cat] = args["color_discrete_sequence"][ len(mapping) % len(args["color_discrete_sequence"]) ] trace_patch["marker"]["colors"].append(mapping[cat]) else: colorable = "marker" if trace_spec.constructor in [go.Parcats, go.Parcoords]: colorable = "line" if colorable not in trace_patch: trace_patch[colorable] = dict() trace_patch[colorable]["color"] = trace_data[attr_value] trace_patch[colorable]["coloraxis"] = "coloraxis1" mapping_labels[attr_label] = "%%{%s.color}" % colorable elif attr_name == "animation_group": trace_patch["ids"] = trace_data[attr_value] elif attr_name == "locations": trace_patch[attr_name] = trace_data[attr_value] mapping_labels[attr_label] = "%{location}" elif attr_name == "values": trace_patch[attr_name] = trace_data[attr_value] _label = "value" if attr_label == "values" else attr_label mapping_labels[_label] = "%{value}" elif attr_name == "parents": trace_patch[attr_name] = trace_data[attr_value] _label = "parent" if attr_label == "parents" else attr_label mapping_labels[_label] = "%{parent}" elif attr_name == "ids": trace_patch[attr_name] = trace_data[attr_value] _label = "id" if attr_label == "ids" else attr_label mapping_labels[_label] = "%{id}" elif attr_name == "names": if trace_spec.constructor in [ go.Sunburst, go.Treemap, go.Icicle, go.Pie, go.Funnelarea, ]: trace_patch["labels"] = trace_data[attr_value] _label = "label" if attr_label == "names" else attr_label mapping_labels[_label] = "%{label}" else: trace_patch[attr_name] = trace_data[attr_value] else: trace_patch[attr_name] = trace_data[attr_value] mapping_labels[attr_label] = "%%{%s}" % attr_name elif (trace_spec.constructor == go.Histogram and attr_name in ["x", "y"]) or ( trace_spec.constructor in [go.Histogram2d, go.Histogram2dContour] and attr_name == "z" ): # ensure that stuff like "count" gets into the hoverlabel mapping_labels[attr_label] = "%%{%s}" % attr_name if trace_spec.constructor not in [go.Parcoords, go.Parcats]: # Modify mapping_labels according to hover_data keys # if hover_data is a dict mapping_labels_copy = OrderedDict(mapping_labels) if args["hover_data"] and isinstance(args["hover_data"], dict): for k, v in mapping_labels.items(): # We need to invert the mapping here k_args = invert_label(args, k) if k_args in args["hover_data"]: formatter = args["hover_data"][k_args][0] if formatter: if isinstance(formatter, str): mapping_labels_copy[k] = v.replace("}", "%s}" % formatter) else: _ = mapping_labels_copy.pop(k) hover_lines = [k + "=" + v for k, v in mapping_labels_copy.items()] trace_patch["hovertemplate"] = hover_header + "
".join(hover_lines) trace_patch["hovertemplate"] += "" return trace_patch, fit_results def configure_axes(args, constructor, fig, orders): configurators = { go.Scatter3d: configure_3d_axes, go.Scatterternary: configure_ternary_axes, go.Scatterpolar: configure_polar_axes, go.Scatterpolargl: configure_polar_axes, go.Barpolar: configure_polar_axes, go.Scattermapbox: configure_mapbox, go.Choroplethmapbox: configure_mapbox, go.Densitymapbox: configure_mapbox, go.Scattergeo: configure_geo, go.Choropleth: configure_geo, } for c in cartesians: configurators[c] = configure_cartesian_axes if constructor in configurators: configurators[constructor](args, fig, orders) def set_cartesian_axis_opts(args, axis, letter, orders): log_key = "log_" + letter range_key = "range_" + letter if log_key in args and args[log_key]: axis["type"] = "log" if range_key in args and args[range_key]: axis["range"] = [math.log(r, 10) for r in args[range_key]] elif range_key in args and args[range_key]: axis["range"] = args[range_key] if args[letter] in orders: axis["categoryorder"] = "array" axis["categoryarray"] = ( orders[args[letter]] if isinstance(axis, go.layout.XAxis) else list(reversed(orders[args[letter]])) # top down for Y axis ) def configure_cartesian_marginal_axes(args, fig, orders): if "histogram" in [args["marginal_x"], args["marginal_y"]]: fig.layout["barmode"] = "overlay" nrows = len(fig._grid_ref) ncols = len(fig._grid_ref[0]) # Set y-axis titles and axis options in the left-most column for yaxis in fig.select_yaxes(col=1): set_cartesian_axis_opts(args, yaxis, "y", orders) # Set x-axis titles and axis options in the bottom-most row for xaxis in fig.select_xaxes(row=1): set_cartesian_axis_opts(args, xaxis, "x", orders) # Configure axis ticks on marginal subplots if args["marginal_x"]: fig.update_yaxes( showticklabels=False, showline=False, ticks="", range=None, row=nrows ) if args["template"].layout.yaxis.showgrid is None: fig.update_yaxes(showgrid=args["marginal_x"] == "histogram", row=nrows) if args["template"].layout.xaxis.showgrid is None: fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=True, row=nrows) if args["marginal_y"]: fig.update_xaxes( showticklabels=False, showline=False, ticks="", range=None, col=ncols ) if args["template"].layout.xaxis.showgrid is None: fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=args["marginal_y"] == "histogram", col=ncols) if args["template"].layout.yaxis.showgrid is None: fig.update_yaxes(showgrid=True, col=ncols) # Add axis titles to non-marginal subplots y_title = get_decorated_label(args, args["y"], "y") if args["marginal_x"]: fig.update_yaxes(title_text=y_title, row=1, col=1) else: for row in range(1, nrows + 1): fig.update_yaxes(title_text=y_title, row=row, col=1) x_title = get_decorated_label(args, args["x"], "x") if args["marginal_y"]: fig.update_xaxes(title_text=x_title, row=1, col=1) else: for col in range(1, ncols + 1): fig.update_xaxes(title_text=x_title, row=1, col=col) # Configure axis type across all x-axes if "log_x" in args and args["log_x"]: fig.update_xaxes(type="log") # Configure axis type across all y-axes if "log_y" in args and args["log_y"]: fig.update_yaxes(type="log") # Configure matching and axis type for marginal y-axes matches_y = "y" + str(ncols + 1) if args["marginal_x"]: for row in range(2, nrows + 1, 2): fig.update_yaxes(matches=matches_y, type=None, row=row) if args["marginal_y"]: for col in range(2, ncols + 1, 2): fig.update_xaxes(matches="x2", type=None, col=col) def configure_cartesian_axes(args, fig, orders): if ("marginal_x" in args and args["marginal_x"]) or ( "marginal_y" in args and args["marginal_y"] ): configure_cartesian_marginal_axes(args, fig, orders) return # Set y-axis titles and axis options in the left-most column y_title = get_decorated_label(args, args["y"], "y") for yaxis in fig.select_yaxes(col=1): yaxis.update(title_text=y_title) set_cartesian_axis_opts(args, yaxis, "y", orders) # Set x-axis titles and axis options in the bottom-most row x_title = get_decorated_label(args, args["x"], "x") for xaxis in fig.select_xaxes(row=1): if "is_timeline" not in args: xaxis.update(title_text=x_title) set_cartesian_axis_opts(args, xaxis, "x", orders) # Configure axis type across all x-axes if "log_x" in args and args["log_x"]: fig.update_xaxes(type="log") # Configure axis type across all y-axes if "log_y" in args and args["log_y"]: fig.update_yaxes(type="log") if "is_timeline" in args: fig.update_xaxes(type="date") if "ecdfmode" in args: if args["orientation"] == "v": fig.update_yaxes(rangemode="tozero") else: fig.update_xaxes(rangemode="tozero") def configure_ternary_axes(args, fig, orders): fig.update_ternaries( aaxis=dict(title_text=get_label(args, args["a"])), baxis=dict(title_text=get_label(args, args["b"])), caxis=dict(title_text=get_label(args, args["c"])), ) def configure_polar_axes(args, fig, orders): patch = dict( angularaxis=dict(direction=args["direction"], rotation=args["start_angle"]), radialaxis=dict(), ) for var, axis in [("r", "radialaxis"), ("theta", "angularaxis")]: if args[var] in orders: patch[axis]["categoryorder"] = "array" patch[axis]["categoryarray"] = orders[args[var]] radialaxis = patch["radialaxis"] if args["log_r"]: radialaxis["type"] = "log" if args["range_r"]: radialaxis["range"] = [math.log(x, 10) for x in args["range_r"]] else: if args["range_r"]: radialaxis["range"] = args["range_r"] if args["range_theta"]: patch["sector"] = args["range_theta"] fig.update_polars(patch) def configure_3d_axes(args, fig, orders): patch = dict( xaxis=dict(title_text=get_label(args, args["x"])), yaxis=dict(title_text=get_label(args, args["y"])), zaxis=dict(title_text=get_label(args, args["z"])), ) for letter in ["x", "y", "z"]: axis = patch[letter + "axis"] if args["log_" + letter]: axis["type"] = "log" if args["range_" + letter]: axis["range"] = [math.log(x, 10) for x in args["range_" + letter]] else: if args["range_" + letter]: axis["range"] = args["range_" + letter] if args[letter] in orders: axis["categoryorder"] = "array" axis["categoryarray"] = orders[args[letter]] fig.update_scenes(patch) def configure_mapbox(args, fig, orders): center = args["center"] if not center and "lat" in args and "lon" in args: center = dict( lat=args["data_frame"][args["lat"]].mean(), lon=args["data_frame"][args["lon"]].mean(), ) fig.update_mapboxes( accesstoken=MAPBOX_TOKEN, center=center, zoom=args["zoom"], style=args["mapbox_style"], ) def configure_geo(args, fig, orders): fig.update_geos( center=args["center"], scope=args["scope"], fitbounds=args["fitbounds"], visible=args["basemap_visible"], projection=dict(type=args["projection"]), ) def configure_animation_controls(args, constructor, fig): def frame_args(duration): return { "frame": {"duration": duration, "redraw": constructor != go.Scatter}, "mode": "immediate", "fromcurrent": True, "transition": {"duration": duration, "easing": "linear"}, } if "animation_frame" in args and args["animation_frame"] and len(fig.frames) > 1: fig.layout.updatemenus = [ { "buttons": [ { "args": [None, frame_args(500)], "label": "▶", "method": "animate", }, { "args": [[None], frame_args(0)], "label": "◼", "method": "animate", }, ], "direction": "left", "pad": {"r": 10, "t": 70}, "showactive": False, "type": "buttons", "x": 0.1, "xanchor": "right", "y": 0, "yanchor": "top", } ] fig.layout.sliders = [ { "active": 0, "yanchor": "top", "xanchor": "left", "currentvalue": { "prefix": get_label(args, args["animation_frame"]) + "=" }, "pad": {"b": 10, "t": 60}, "len": 0.9, "x": 0.1, "y": 0, "steps": [ { "args": [[], frame_args(0)], "label":, "method": "animate", } for f in fig.frames ], } ] def make_trace_spec(args, constructor, attrs, trace_patch): if constructor in [go.Scatter, go.Scatterpolar]: if "render_mode" in args and ( args["render_mode"] == "webgl" or ( args["render_mode"] == "auto" and len(args["data_frame"]) > 1000 and args["animation_frame"] is None ) ): if constructor == go.Scatter: constructor = go.Scattergl if "orientation" in trace_patch: del trace_patch["orientation"] else: constructor = go.Scatterpolargl # Create base trace specification result = [TraceSpec(constructor, attrs, trace_patch, None)] # Add marginal trace specifications for letter in ["x", "y"]: if "marginal_" + letter in args and args["marginal_" + letter]: trace_spec = None axis_map = dict( xaxis="x1" if letter == "x" else "x2", yaxis="y1" if letter == "y" else "y2", ) if args["marginal_" + letter] == "histogram": trace_spec = TraceSpec( constructor=go.Histogram, attrs=[letter, "marginal_" + letter], trace_patch=dict(opacity=0.5, bingroup=letter, **axis_map), marginal=letter, ) elif args["marginal_" + letter] == "violin": trace_spec = TraceSpec( constructor=go.Violin, attrs=[letter, "hover_name", "hover_data"], trace_patch=dict(scalegroup=letter), marginal=letter, ) elif args["marginal_" + letter] == "box": trace_spec = TraceSpec( constructor=go.Box, attrs=[letter, "hover_name", "hover_data"], trace_patch=dict(notched=True), marginal=letter, ) elif args["marginal_" + letter] == "rug": symbols = {"x": "line-ns-open", "y": "line-ew-open"} trace_spec = TraceSpec( constructor=go.Box, attrs=[letter, "hover_name", "hover_data"], trace_patch=dict( fillcolor="rgba(255,255,255,0)", line={"color": "rgba(255,255,255,0)"}, boxpoints="all", jitter=0, hoveron="points", marker={"symbol": symbols[letter]}, ), marginal=letter, ) if "color" in attrs or "color" not in args: if "marker" not in trace_spec.trace_patch: trace_spec.trace_patch["marker"] = dict() first_default_color = args["color_continuous_scale"][0] trace_spec.trace_patch["marker"]["color"] = first_default_color result.append(trace_spec) # Add trendline trace specifications if args.get("trendline") and args.get("trendline_scope", "trace") == "trace": result.append(make_trendline_spec(args, constructor)) return result def make_trendline_spec(args, constructor): trace_spec = TraceSpec( constructor=go.Scattergl if constructor == go.Scattergl # could be contour else go.Scatter, attrs=["trendline"], trace_patch=dict(mode="lines"), marginal=None, ) if args["trendline_color_override"]: trace_spec.trace_patch["line"] = dict(color=args["trendline_color_override"]) return trace_spec def one_group(x): return "" def apply_default_cascade(args): # first we apply px.defaults to unspecified args for param in defaults.__slots__: if param in args and args[param] is None: args[param] = getattr(defaults, param) # load the default template if set, otherwise "plotly" if args["template"] is None: if pio.templates.default is not None: args["template"] = pio.templates.default else: args["template"] = "plotly" try: # retrieve the actual template if we were given a name args["template"] = pio.templates[args["template"]] except Exception: # otherwise try to build a real template args["template"] = go.layout.Template(args["template"]) # if colors not set explicitly or in px.defaults, defer to a template # if the template doesn't have one, we set some final fallback defaults if "color_continuous_scale" in args: if ( args["color_continuous_scale"] is None and args["template"].layout.colorscale.sequential ): args["color_continuous_scale"] = [ x[1] for x in args["template"].layout.colorscale.sequential ] if args["color_continuous_scale"] is None: args["color_continuous_scale"] = sequential.Viridis if "color_discrete_sequence" in args: if args["color_discrete_sequence"] is None and args["template"].layout.colorway: args["color_discrete_sequence"] = args["template"].layout.colorway if args["color_discrete_sequence"] is None: args["color_discrete_sequence"] = qualitative.D3 # if symbol_sequence/line_dash_sequence not set explicitly or in px.defaults, # see if we can defer to template. If not, set reasonable defaults if "symbol_sequence" in args: if args["symbol_sequence"] is None and args["template"].data.scatter: args["symbol_sequence"] = [ scatter.marker.symbol for scatter in args["template"].data.scatter ] if not args["symbol_sequence"] or not any(args["symbol_sequence"]): args["symbol_sequence"] = ["circle", "diamond", "square", "x", "cross"] if "line_dash_sequence" in args: if args["line_dash_sequence"] is None and args["template"].data.scatter: args["line_dash_sequence"] = [ scatter.line.dash for scatter in args["template"].data.scatter ] if not args["line_dash_sequence"] or not any(args["line_dash_sequence"]): args["line_dash_sequence"] = [ "solid", "dot", "dash", "longdash", "dashdot", "longdashdot", ] if "pattern_shape_sequence" in args: if args["pattern_shape_sequence"] is None and args["template"] args["pattern_shape_sequence"] = [ bar.marker.pattern.shape for bar in args["template"] ] if not args["pattern_shape_sequence"] or not any( args["pattern_shape_sequence"] ): args["pattern_shape_sequence"] = ["", "/", "\\", "x", "+", "."] def _check_name_not_reserved(field_name, reserved_names): if field_name not in reserved_names: return field_name else: raise NameError( "A name conflict was encountered for argument '%s'. " "A column or index with name '%s' is ambiguous." % (field_name, field_name) ) def _get_reserved_col_names(args): """ This function builds a list of columns of the data_frame argument used as arguments, either as str/int arguments or given as columns (pandas series type). """ df = args["data_frame"] reserved_names = set() for field in args: if field not in all_attrables: continue names = args[field] if field in array_attrables else [args[field]] if names is None: continue for arg in names: if arg is None: continue elif isinstance(arg, str): # no need to add ints since kw arg are not ints reserved_names.add(arg) elif isinstance(arg, pd.Series): arg_name = if arg_name and hasattr(df, arg_name): in_df = arg is df[arg_name] if in_df: reserved_names.add(arg_name) elif arg is df.index and is not None: reserved_names.add( return reserved_names def _is_col_list(df_input, arg): """Returns True if arg looks like it's a list of columns or references to columns in df_input, and False otherwise (in which case it's assumed to be a single column or reference to a column). """ if arg is None or isinstance(arg, str) or isinstance(arg, int): return False if isinstance(arg, pd.MultiIndex): return False # just to keep existing behaviour for now try: iter(arg) except TypeError: return False # not iterable for c in arg: if isinstance(c, str) or isinstance(c, int): if df_input is None or c not in df_input.columns: return False else: try: iter(c) except TypeError: return False # not iterable return True def _isinstance_listlike(x): """Returns True if x is an iterable which can be transformed into a pandas Series, False for the other types of possible values of a `hover_data` dict. A tuple of length 2 is a special case corresponding to a (format, data) tuple. """ if ( isinstance(x, str) or (isinstance(x, tuple) and len(x) == 2) or isinstance(x, bool) or x is None ): return False else: return True def _escape_col_name(df_input, col_name, extra): while df_input is not None and (col_name in df_input.columns or col_name in extra): col_name = "_" + col_name return col_name def to_unindexed_series(x): """ assuming x is list-like or even an existing pd.Series, return a new pd.Series with no index, without extracting the data from an existing Series via numpy, which seems to mangle datetime columns. Stripping the index from existing pd.Series is required to get things to match up right in the new DataFrame we're building """ return pd.Series(x).reset_index(drop=True) def process_args_into_dataframe(args, wide_mode, var_name, value_name): """ After this function runs, the `all_attrables` keys of `args` all contain only references to columns of `df_output`. This function handles the extraction of data from `args["attrable"]` and column-name-generation as appropriate, and adds the data to `df_output` and then replaces `args["attrable"]` with the appropriate reference. """ df_input = args["data_frame"] df_provided = df_input is not None df_output = pd.DataFrame() constants = dict() ranges = list() wide_id_vars = set() reserved_names = _get_reserved_col_names(args) if df_provided else set() # Case of functions with a "dimensions" kw: scatter_matrix, parcats, parcoords if "dimensions" in args and args["dimensions"] is None: if not df_provided: raise ValueError( "No data were provided. Please provide data either with the `data_frame` or with the `dimensions` argument." ) else: df_output[df_input.columns] = df_input[df_input.columns] # hover_data is a dict hover_data_is_dict = ( "hover_data" in args and args["hover_data"] and isinstance(args["hover_data"], dict) ) # If dict, convert all values of hover_data to tuples to simplify processing if hover_data_is_dict: for k in args["hover_data"]: if _isinstance_listlike(args["hover_data"][k]): args["hover_data"][k] = (True, args["hover_data"][k]) if not isinstance(args["hover_data"][k], tuple): args["hover_data"][k] = (args["hover_data"][k], None) if df_provided and args["hover_data"][k][1] is not None and k in df_input: raise ValueError( "Ambiguous input: values for '%s' appear both in hover_data and data_frame" % k ) # Loop over possible arguments for field_name in all_attrables: # Massaging variables argument_list = ( [args.get(field_name)] if field_name not in array_attrables else args.get(field_name) ) # argument not specified, continue if argument_list is None or argument_list is [None]: continue # Argument name: field_name if the argument is not a list # Else we give names like ["hover_data_0, hover_data_1"] etc. field_list = ( [field_name] if field_name not in array_attrables else [field_name + "_" + str(i) for i in range(len(argument_list))] ) # argument_list and field_list ready, iterate over them # Core of the loop starts here for i, (argument, field) in enumerate(zip(argument_list, field_list)): length = len(df_output) if argument is None: continue col_name = None # Case of multiindex if isinstance(argument, pd.MultiIndex): raise TypeError( "Argument '%s' is a pandas MultiIndex. " "pandas MultiIndex is not supported by plotly express " "at the moment." % field ) # ----------------- argument is a special value ---------------------- if isinstance(argument, Constant) or isinstance(argument, Range): col_name = _check_name_not_reserved( str(argument.label) if argument.label is not None else field, reserved_names, ) if isinstance(argument, Constant): constants[col_name] = argument.value else: ranges.append(col_name) # ----------------- argument is likely a col name ---------------------- elif isinstance(argument, str) or not hasattr(argument, "__len__"): if ( field_name == "hover_data" and hover_data_is_dict and args["hover_data"][str(argument)][1] is not None ): # hover_data has onboard data # previously-checked to have no name-conflict with data_frame col_name = str(argument) real_argument = args["hover_data"][col_name][1] if length and len(real_argument) != length: raise ValueError( "All arguments should have the same length. " "The length of hover_data key `%s` is %d, whereas the " "length of previously-processed arguments %s is %d" % ( argument, len(real_argument), str(list(df_output.columns)), length, ) ) df_output[col_name] = to_unindexed_series(real_argument) elif not df_provided: raise ValueError( "String or int arguments are only possible when a " "DataFrame or an array is provided in the `data_frame` " "argument. No DataFrame was provided, but argument " "'%s' is of type str or int." % field ) # Check validity of column name elif argument not in df_input.columns: if wide_mode and argument in (value_name, var_name): continue else: err_msg = ( "Value of '%s' is not the name of a column in 'data_frame'. " "Expected one of %s but received: %s" % (field, str(list(df_input.columns)), argument) ) if argument == "index": err_msg += "\n To use the index, pass it in directly as `df.index`." raise ValueError(err_msg) elif length and len(df_input[argument]) != length: raise ValueError( "All arguments should have the same length. " "The length of column argument `df[%s]` is %d, whereas the " "length of previously-processed arguments %s is %d" % ( field, len(df_input[argument]), str(list(df_output.columns)), length, ) ) else: col_name = str(argument) df_output[col_name] = to_unindexed_series(df_input[argument]) # ----------------- argument is likely a column / array / list.... ------- else: if df_provided and hasattr(argument, "name"): if argument is df_input.index: if is None or in df_input: col_name = "index" else: col_name = col_name = _escape_col_name( df_input, col_name, [var_name, value_name] ) else: if ( is not None and in df_input and argument is df_input[] ): col_name = if col_name is None: # numpy array, list... col_name = _check_name_not_reserved(field, reserved_names) if length and len(argument) != length: raise ValueError( "All arguments should have the same length. " "The length of argument `%s` is %d, whereas the " "length of previously-processed arguments %s is %d" % (field, len(argument), str(list(df_output.columns)), length) ) df_output[str(col_name)] = to_unindexed_series(argument) # Finally, update argument with column name now that column exists assert col_name is not None, ( "Data-frame processing failure, likely due to a internal bug. " "Please report this to " " and we will try to " "replicate and fix it." ) if field_name not in array_attrables: args[field_name] = str(col_name) elif isinstance(args[field_name], dict): pass else: args[field_name][i] = str(col_name) if field_name != "wide_variable": wide_id_vars.add(str(col_name)) for col_name in ranges: df_output[col_name] = range(len(df_output)) for col_name in constants: df_output[col_name] = constants[col_name] return df_output, wide_id_vars def build_dataframe(args, constructor): """ Constructs a dataframe and modifies `args` in-place. The argument values in `args` can be either strings corresponding to existing columns of a dataframe, or data arrays (lists, numpy arrays, pandas columns, series). Parameters ---------- args : OrderedDict arguments passed to the px function and subsequently modified constructor : graph_object trace class the trace type selected for this figure """ # make copies of all the fields via dict() and list() for field in args: if field in array_attrables and args[field] is not None: args[field] = ( dict(args[field]) if isinstance(args[field], dict) else list(args[field]) ) # Cast data_frame argument to DataFrame (it could be a numpy array, dict etc.) df_provided = args["data_frame"] is not None if df_provided and not isinstance(args["data_frame"], pd.DataFrame): args["data_frame"] = pd.DataFrame(args["data_frame"]) df_input = args["data_frame"] # now we handle special cases like wide-mode or x-xor-y specification # by rearranging args to tee things up for process_args_into_dataframe to work no_x = args.get("x") is None no_y = args.get("y") is None wide_x = False if no_x else _is_col_list(df_input, args["x"]) wide_y = False if no_y else _is_col_list(df_input, args["y"]) wide_mode = False var_name = None # will likely be "variable" in wide_mode wide_cross_name = None # will likely be "index" in wide_mode value_name = None # will likely be "value" in wide_mode hist2d_types = [go.Histogram2d, go.Histogram2dContour] hist1d_orientation = constructor == go.Histogram or "ecdfmode" in args if constructor in cartesians: if wide_x and wide_y: raise ValueError( "Cannot accept list of column references or list of columns for both `x` and `y`." ) if df_provided and no_x and no_y: wide_mode = True if isinstance(df_input.columns, pd.MultiIndex): raise TypeError( "Data frame columns is a pandas MultiIndex. " "pandas MultiIndex is not supported by plotly express " "at the moment." ) args["wide_variable"] = list(df_input.columns) var_name = if var_name in [None, "value", "index"] or var_name in df_input: var_name = "variable" if constructor == go.Funnel: wide_orientation = args.get("orientation") or "h" else: wide_orientation = args.get("orientation") or "v" args["orientation"] = wide_orientation args["wide_cross"] = None elif wide_x != wide_y: wide_mode = True args["wide_variable"] = args["y"] if wide_y else args["x"] if df_provided and args["wide_variable"] is df_input.columns: var_name = if isinstance(args["wide_variable"], pd.Index): args["wide_variable"] = list(args["wide_variable"]) if var_name in [None, "value", "index"] or ( df_provided and var_name in df_input ): var_name = "variable" if hist1d_orientation: wide_orientation = "v" if wide_x else "h" else: wide_orientation = "v" if wide_y else "h" args["y" if wide_y else "x"] = None args["wide_cross"] = None if not no_x and not no_y: wide_cross_name = "__x__" if wide_y else "__y__" if wide_mode: value_name = _escape_col_name(df_input, "value", []) var_name = _escape_col_name(df_input, var_name, []) missing_bar_dim = None if ( constructor in [go.Scatter, go.Bar, go.Funnel] + hist2d_types and not hist1d_orientation ): if not wide_mode and (no_x != no_y): for ax in ["x", "y"]: if args.get(ax) is None: args[ax] = df_input.index if df_provided else Range() if constructor == go.Bar: missing_bar_dim = ax else: if args["orientation"] is None: args["orientation"] = "v" if ax == "x" else "h" if wide_mode and wide_cross_name is None: if no_x != no_y and args["orientation"] is None: args["orientation"] = "v" if no_x else "h" if df_provided: if isinstance(df_input.index, pd.MultiIndex): raise TypeError( "Data frame index is a pandas MultiIndex. " "pandas MultiIndex is not supported by plotly express " "at the moment." ) args["wide_cross"] = df_input.index else: args["wide_cross"] = Range( label=_escape_col_name(df_input, "index", [var_name, value_name]) ) no_color = False if type(args.get("color")) == str and args["color"] == NO_COLOR: no_color = True args["color"] = None # now that things have been prepped, we do the systematic rewriting of `args` df_output, wide_id_vars = process_args_into_dataframe( args, wide_mode, var_name, value_name ) # now that `df_output` exists and `args` contains only references, we complete # the special-case and wide-mode handling by further rewriting args and/or mutating # df_output count_name = _escape_col_name(df_output, "count", [var_name, value_name]) if not wide_mode and missing_bar_dim and constructor == go.Bar: # now that we've populated df_output, we check to see if the non-missing # dimension is categorical: if so, then setting the missing dimension to a # constant 1 is a less-insane thing to do than setting it to the index by # default and we let the normal auto-orientation-code do its thing later other_dim = "x" if missing_bar_dim == "y" else "y" if not _is_continuous(df_output, args[other_dim]): args[missing_bar_dim] = count_name df_output[count_name] = 1 else: # on the other hand, if the non-missing dimension is continuous, then we # can use this information to override the normal auto-orientation code if args["orientation"] is None: args["orientation"] = "v" if missing_bar_dim == "x" else "h" if constructor in hist2d_types: del args["orientation"] if wide_mode: # at this point, `df_output` is semi-long/semi-wide, but we know which columns # are which, so we melt it and reassign `args` to refer to the newly-tidy # columns, keeping track of various names and manglings set up above wide_value_vars = [c for c in args["wide_variable"] if c not in wide_id_vars] del args["wide_variable"] if wide_cross_name == "__x__": wide_cross_name = args["x"] elif wide_cross_name == "__y__": wide_cross_name = args["y"] else: wide_cross_name = args["wide_cross"] del args["wide_cross"] dtype = None for v in wide_value_vars: v_dtype = df_output[v].dtype.kind v_dtype = "number" if v_dtype in ["i", "f", "u"] else v_dtype if dtype is None: dtype = v_dtype elif dtype != v_dtype: raise ValueError( "Plotly Express cannot process wide-form data with columns of different type." ) df_output = df_output.melt( id_vars=wide_id_vars, value_vars=wide_value_vars, var_name=var_name, value_name=value_name, ) assert len(df_output.columns) == len(set(df_output.columns)), ( "Wide-mode name-inference failure, likely due to a internal bug. " "Please report this to " " and we will try to " "replicate and fix it." ) df_output[var_name] = df_output[var_name].astype(str) orient_v = wide_orientation == "v" if hist1d_orientation: args["x" if orient_v else "y"] = value_name args["y" if orient_v else "x"] = wide_cross_name args["color"] = args["color"] or var_name elif constructor in [go.Scatter, go.Funnel] + hist2d_types: args["x" if orient_v else "y"] = wide_cross_name args["y" if orient_v else "x"] = value_name if constructor != go.Histogram2d: args["color"] = args["color"] or var_name if "line_group" in args: args["line_group"] = args["line_group"] or var_name elif constructor == go.Bar: if _is_continuous(df_output, value_name): args["x" if orient_v else "y"] = wide_cross_name args["y" if orient_v else "x"] = value_name args["color"] = args["color"] or var_name else: args["x" if orient_v else "y"] = value_name args["y" if orient_v else "x"] = count_name df_output[count_name] = 1 args["color"] = args["color"] or var_name elif constructor in [go.Violin, go.Box]: args["x" if orient_v else "y"] = wide_cross_name or var_name args["y" if orient_v else "x"] = value_name if hist1d_orientation and constructor == go.Scatter: if args["x"] is not None and args["y"] is not None: args["histfunc"] = "sum" elif args["x"] is None: args["histfunc"] = None args["orientation"] = "h" args["x"] = count_name df_output[count_name] = 1 else: args["histfunc"] = None args["orientation"] = "v" args["y"] = count_name df_output[count_name] = 1 if no_color: args["color"] = None args["data_frame"] = df_output return args def _check_dataframe_all_leaves(df): df_sorted = df.sort_values(by=list(df.columns)) null_mask = df_sorted.isnull() df_sorted = df_sorted.astype(str) null_indices = np.nonzero(null_mask.any(axis=1).values)[0] for null_row_index in null_indices: row = null_mask.iloc[null_row_index] i = np.nonzero(row.values)[0][0] if not row[i:].all(): raise ValueError( "None entries cannot have not-None children", df_sorted.iloc[null_row_index], ) df_sorted[null_mask] = "" row_strings = list(df_sorted.apply(lambda x: "".join(x), axis=1)) for i, row in enumerate(row_strings[:-1]): if row_strings[i + 1] in row and (i + 1) in null_indices: raise ValueError( "Non-leaves rows are not permitted in the dataframe \n", df_sorted.iloc[i + 1], "is not a leaf.", ) def process_dataframe_hierarchy(args): """ Build dataframe for sunburst, treemap, or icicle when the path argument is provided. """ df = args["data_frame"] path = args["path"][::-1] _check_dataframe_all_leaves(df[path[::-1]]) discrete_color = False new_path = [] for col_name in path: new_col_name = col_name + "_path_copy" new_path.append(new_col_name) df[new_col_name] = df[col_name] path = new_path # ------------ Define aggregation functions -------------------------------- def aggfunc_discrete(x): uniques = x.unique() if len(uniques) == 1: return uniques[0] else: return "(?)" agg_f = {} aggfunc_color = None if args["values"]: try: df[args["values"]] = pd.to_numeric(df[args["values"]]) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Column `%s` of `df` could not be converted to a numerical data type." % args["values"] ) if args["color"]: if args["color"] == args["values"]: new_value_col_name = args["values"] + "_sum" df[new_value_col_name] = df[args["values"]] args["values"] = new_value_col_name count_colname = args["values"] else: # we need a count column for the first groupby and the weighted mean of color # trick to be sure the col name is unused: take the sum of existing names count_colname = ( "count" if "count" not in df.columns else "".join([str(el) for el in list(df.columns)]) ) # we can modify df because it's a copy of the px argument df[count_colname] = 1 args["values"] = count_colname agg_f[count_colname] = "sum" if args["color"]: if not _is_continuous(df, args["color"]): aggfunc_color = aggfunc_discrete discrete_color = True else: def aggfunc_continuous(x): return np.average(x, weights=df.loc[x.index, count_colname]) aggfunc_color = aggfunc_continuous agg_f[args["color"]] = aggfunc_color # Other columns (for color, hover_data, custom_data etc.) cols = list(set(df.columns).difference(path)) for col in cols: # for hover_data, custom_data etc. if col not in agg_f: agg_f[col] = aggfunc_discrete # Avoid collisions with reserved names - columns in the path have been copied already cols = list(set(cols) - set(["labels", "parent", "id"])) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- df_all_trees = pd.DataFrame(columns=["labels", "parent", "id"] + cols) # Set column type here (useful for continuous vs discrete colorscale) for col in cols: df_all_trees[col] = df_all_trees[col].astype(df[col].dtype) for i, level in enumerate(path): df_tree = pd.DataFrame(columns=df_all_trees.columns) dfg = df.groupby(path[i:]).agg(agg_f) dfg = dfg.reset_index() # Path label massaging df_tree["labels"] = dfg[level].copy().astype(str) df_tree["parent"] = "" df_tree["id"] = dfg[level].copy().astype(str) if i < len(path) - 1: j = i + 1 while j < len(path): df_tree["parent"] = ( dfg[path[j]].copy().astype(str) + "/" + df_tree["parent"] ) df_tree["id"] = dfg[path[j]].copy().astype(str) + "/" + df_tree["id"] j += 1 df_tree["parent"] = df_tree["parent"].str.rstrip("/") if cols: df_tree[cols] = dfg[cols] df_all_trees = df_all_trees.append(df_tree, ignore_index=True) # we want to make sure than (?) is the first color of the sequence if args["color"] and discrete_color: sort_col_name = "sort_color_if_discrete_color" while sort_col_name in df_all_trees.columns: sort_col_name += "0" df_all_trees[sort_col_name] = df[args["color"]].astype(str) df_all_trees = df_all_trees.sort_values(by=sort_col_name) # Now modify arguments args["data_frame"] = df_all_trees args["path"] = None args["ids"] = "id" args["names"] = "labels" args["parents"] = "parent" if args["color"]: if not args["hover_data"]: args["hover_data"] = [args["color"]] elif isinstance(args["hover_data"], dict): if not args["hover_data"].get(args["color"]): args["hover_data"][args["color"]] = (True, None) else: args["hover_data"].append(args["color"]) return args def process_dataframe_timeline(args): """ Massage input for bar traces for px.timeline() """ args["is_timeline"] = True if args["x_start"] is None or args["x_end"] is None: raise ValueError("Both x_start and x_end are required") try: x_start = pd.to_datetime(args["data_frame"][args["x_start"]]) x_end = pd.to_datetime(args["data_frame"][args["x_end"]]) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise TypeError( "Both x_start and x_end must refer to data convertible to datetimes." ) # note that we are not adding any columns to the data frame here, so no risk of overwrite args["data_frame"][args["x_end"]] = (x_end - x_start).astype("timedelta64[ms]") args["x"] = args["x_end"] del args["x_end"] args["base"] = args["x_start"] del args["x_start"] return args def infer_config(args, constructor, trace_patch, layout_patch): attrs = [k for k in direct_attrables + array_attrables if k in args] grouped_attrs = [] # Compute sizeref sizeref = 0 if "size" in args and args["size"]: sizeref = args["data_frame"][args["size"]].max() / args["size_max"] ** 2 # Compute color attributes and grouping attributes if "color" in args: if "color_continuous_scale" in args: if "color_discrete_sequence" not in args: attrs.append("color") else: if args["color"] and _is_continuous(args["data_frame"], args["color"]): attrs.append("color") args["color_is_continuous"] = True elif constructor in [go.Sunburst, go.Treemap, go.Icicle]: attrs.append("color") args["color_is_continuous"] = False else: grouped_attrs.append("marker.color") elif "line_group" in args or constructor == go.Histogram2dContour: grouped_attrs.append("line.color") elif constructor in [go.Pie, go.Funnelarea]: attrs.append("color") if args["color"]: if args["hover_data"] is None: args["hover_data"] = [] args["hover_data"].append(args["color"]) else: grouped_attrs.append("marker.color") show_colorbar = bool( "color" in attrs and args["color"] and constructor not in [go.Pie, go.Funnelarea] and ( constructor not in [go.Treemap, go.Sunburst, go.Icicle] or args.get("color_is_continuous") ) ) else: show_colorbar = False if "line_dash" in args: grouped_attrs.append("line.dash") if "symbol" in args: grouped_attrs.append("marker.symbol") if "pattern_shape" in args: grouped_attrs.append("marker.pattern.shape") if "orientation" in args: has_x = args["x"] is not None has_y = args["y"] is not None if args["orientation"] is None: if constructor in [go.Histogram, go.Scatter]: if has_y and not has_x: args["orientation"] = "h" elif constructor in [go.Violin, go.Box, go.Bar, go.Funnel]: if has_x and not has_y: args["orientation"] = "h" if args["orientation"] is None and has_x and has_y: x_is_continuous = _is_continuous(args["data_frame"], args["x"]) y_is_continuous = _is_continuous(args["data_frame"], args["y"]) if x_is_continuous and not y_is_continuous: args["orientation"] = "h" if y_is_continuous and not x_is_continuous: args["orientation"] = "v" if args["orientation"] is None: args["orientation"] = "v" if constructor == go.Histogram: if has_x and has_y and args["histfunc"] is None: args["histfunc"] = trace_patch["histfunc"] = "sum" orientation = args["orientation"] nbins = args["nbins"] trace_patch["nbinsx"] = nbins if orientation == "v" else None trace_patch["nbinsy"] = None if orientation == "v" else nbins trace_patch["bingroup"] = "x" if orientation == "v" else "y" trace_patch["orientation"] = args["orientation"] if constructor in [go.Violin, go.Box]: mode = "boxmode" if constructor == go.Box else "violinmode" if layout_patch[mode] is None and args["color"] is not None: if args["y"] == args["color"] and args["orientation"] == "h": layout_patch[mode] = "overlay" elif args["x"] == args["color"] and args["orientation"] == "v": layout_patch[mode] = "overlay" if layout_patch[mode] is None: layout_patch[mode] = "group" if ( constructor == go.Histogram2d and args["z"] is not None and args["histfunc"] is None ): args["histfunc"] = trace_patch["histfunc"] = "sum" if args.get("text_auto", False) is not False: if constructor in [go.Histogram2d, go.Histogram2dContour]: letter = "z" elif constructor == go.Bar: letter = "y" if args["orientation"] == "v" else "x" else: letter = "value" if args["text_auto"] is True: trace_patch["texttemplate"] = "%{" + letter + "}" else: trace_patch["texttemplate"] = "%{" + letter + ":" + args["text_auto"] + "}" if constructor in [go.Histogram2d, go.Densitymapbox]: show_colorbar = True trace_patch["coloraxis"] = "coloraxis1" if "opacity" in args: if args["opacity"] is None: if "barmode" in args and args["barmode"] == "overlay": trace_patch["marker"] = dict(opacity=0.5) elif constructor in [go.Densitymapbox, go.Pie, go.Funnel, go.Funnelarea]: trace_patch["opacity"] = args["opacity"] else: trace_patch["marker"] = dict(opacity=args["opacity"]) if ( "line_group" in args or "line_dash" in args ): # px.line, px.line_*, px.area, px.ecdf modes = set() if args.get("lines", True): modes.add("lines") if args.get("text") or args.get("symbol") or args.get("markers"): modes.add("markers") if args.get("text"): modes.add("text") if len(modes) == 0: modes.add("lines") trace_patch["mode"] = "+".join(modes) elif constructor != go.Splom and ( "symbol" in args or constructor == go.Scattermapbox ): trace_patch["mode"] = "markers" + ("+text" if args["text"] else "") if "line_shape" in args: trace_patch["line"] = dict(shape=args["line_shape"]) elif "ecdfmode" in args: trace_patch["line"] = dict( shape="vh" if args["ecdfmode"] == "reversed" else "hv" ) if "geojson" in args: trace_patch["featureidkey"] = args["featureidkey"] trace_patch["geojson"] = ( args["geojson"] if not hasattr(args["geojson"], "__geo_interface__") # for geopandas else args["geojson"].__geo_interface__ ) # Compute marginal attribute: copy to appropriate marginal_* if "marginal" in args: position = "marginal_x" if args["orientation"] == "v" else "marginal_y" other_position = "marginal_x" if args["orientation"] == "h" else "marginal_y" args[position] = args["marginal"] args[other_position] = None # If both marginals and faceting are specified, faceting wins if args.get("facet_col") is not None and args.get("marginal_y") is not None: args["marginal_y"] = None if args.get("facet_row") is not None and args.get("marginal_x") is not None: args["marginal_x"] = None # facet_col_wrap only works if no marginals or row faceting is used if ( args.get("marginal_x") is not None or args.get("marginal_y") is not None or args.get("facet_row") is not None ): args["facet_col_wrap"] = 0 if "trendline" in args and args["trendline"] is not None: if args["trendline"] not in trendline_functions: raise ValueError( "Value '%s' for `trendline` must be one of %s" % (args["trendline"], trendline_functions.keys()) ) if "trendline_options" in args and args["trendline_options"] is None: args["trendline_options"] = dict() if "ecdfnorm" in args: if args.get("ecdfnorm", None) not in [None, "percent", "probability"]: raise ValueError( "`ecdfnorm` must be one of None, 'percent' or 'probability'. " + "'%s' was provided." % args["ecdfnorm"] ) args["histnorm"] = args["ecdfnorm"] # Compute applicable grouping attributes for k in group_attrables: if k in args: grouped_attrs.append(k) # Create grouped mappings grouped_mappings = [make_mapping(args, a) for a in grouped_attrs] # Create trace specs trace_specs = make_trace_spec(args, constructor, attrs, trace_patch) return trace_specs, grouped_mappings, sizeref, show_colorbar def get_orderings(args, grouper, grouped): """ `orders` is the user-supplied ordering with the remaining data-frame-supplied ordering appended if the column is used for grouping. It includes anything the user gave, for any variable, including values not present in the dataset. It's a dict where the keys are e.g. "x" or "color" `sorted_group_names` is the set of groups, ordered by the order above. It's a list of tuples like [("value1", ""), ("value2", "")] where each tuple contains the name of a single dimension-group """ orders = {} if "category_orders" not in args else args["category_orders"].copy() for col in grouper: if col != one_group: uniques = list(args["data_frame"][col].unique()) if col not in orders: orders[col] = uniques else: orders[col] = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(list(orders[col]) + uniques)) sorted_group_names = [] for group_name in grouped.groups: if len(grouper) == 1: group_name = (group_name,) sorted_group_names.append(group_name) for i, col in reversed(list(enumerate(grouper))): if col != one_group: sorted_group_names = sorted( sorted_group_names, key=lambda g: orders[col].index(g[i]) if g[i] in orders[col] else -1, ) return orders, sorted_group_names def make_figure(args, constructor, trace_patch=None, layout_patch=None): trace_patch = trace_patch or {} layout_patch = layout_patch or {} apply_default_cascade(args) args = build_dataframe(args, constructor) if constructor in [go.Treemap, go.Sunburst, go.Icicle] and args["path"] is not None: args = process_dataframe_hierarchy(args) if constructor == "timeline": constructor = go.Bar args = process_dataframe_timeline(args) trace_specs, grouped_mappings, sizeref, show_colorbar = infer_config( args, constructor, trace_patch, layout_patch ) grouper = [x.grouper or one_group for x in grouped_mappings] or [one_group] grouped = args["data_frame"].groupby(grouper, sort=False) orders, sorted_group_names = get_orderings(args, grouper, grouped) col_labels = [] row_labels = [] nrows = ncols = 1 for m in grouped_mappings: if m.grouper not in orders: m.val_map[""] = m.sequence[0] else: sorted_values = orders[m.grouper] if m.facet == "col": prefix = get_label(args, args["facet_col"]) + "=" col_labels = [prefix + str(s) for s in sorted_values] ncols = len(col_labels) if m.facet == "row": prefix = get_label(args, args["facet_row"]) + "=" row_labels = [prefix + str(s) for s in sorted_values] nrows = len(row_labels) for val in sorted_values: if val not in m.val_map: # always False if it's an IdentityMap m.val_map[val] = m.sequence[len(m.val_map) % len(m.sequence)] subplot_type = _subplot_type_for_trace_type(constructor().type) trace_names_by_frame = {} frames = OrderedDict() trendline_rows = [] trace_name_labels = None facet_col_wrap = args.get("facet_col_wrap", 0) for group_name in sorted_group_names: group = grouped.get_group(group_name if len(group_name) > 1 else group_name[0]) mapping_labels = OrderedDict() trace_name_labels = OrderedDict() frame_name = "" for col, val, m in zip(grouper, group_name, grouped_mappings): if col != one_group: key = get_label(args, col) if not isinstance(m.val_map, IdentityMap): mapping_labels[key] = str(val) if m.show_in_trace_name: trace_name_labels[key] = str(val) if m.variable == "animation_frame": frame_name = val trace_name = ", ".join(trace_name_labels.values()) if frame_name not in trace_names_by_frame: trace_names_by_frame[frame_name] = set() trace_names = trace_names_by_frame[frame_name] for trace_spec in trace_specs: # Create the trace trace = trace_spec.constructor(name=trace_name) if trace_spec.constructor not in [ go.Parcats, go.Parcoords, go.Choropleth, go.Choroplethmapbox, go.Densitymapbox, go.Histogram2d, go.Sunburst, go.Treemap, go.Icicle, ]: trace.update( legendgroup=trace_name, showlegend=(trace_name != "" and trace_name not in trace_names), ) if trace_spec.constructor in [go.Bar, go.Violin, go.Box, go.Histogram]: trace.update(alignmentgroup=True, offsetgroup=trace_name) trace_names.add(trace_name) # Init subplot row/col trace._subplot_row = 1 trace._subplot_col = 1 for i, m in enumerate(grouped_mappings): val = group_name[i] try: m.updater(trace, m.val_map[val]) # covers most cases except ValueError: # this catches some odd cases like marginals if ( trace_spec != trace_specs[0] and ( trace_spec.constructor in [go.Violin, go.Box] and m.variable in ["symbol", "pattern", "dash"] ) or ( trace_spec.constructor in [go.Histogram] and m.variable in ["symbol", "dash"] ) ): pass elif ( trace_spec != trace_specs[0] and trace_spec.constructor in [go.Histogram] and m.variable == "color" ): trace.update(marker=dict(color=m.val_map[val])) elif ( trace_spec.constructor in [go.Choropleth, go.Choroplethmapbox] and m.variable == "color" ): trace.update( z=[1] * len(group), colorscale=[m.val_map[val]] * 2, showscale=False, showlegend=True, ) else: raise # Find row for trace, handling facet_row and marginal_x if m.facet == "row": row = m.val_map[val] else: if ( args.get("marginal_x") is not None # there is a marginal and trace_spec.marginal != "x" # and we're not it ): row = 2 else: row = 1 # Find col for trace, handling facet_col and marginal_y if m.facet == "col": col = m.val_map[val] if facet_col_wrap: # assumes no facet_row, no marginals row = 1 + ((col - 1) // facet_col_wrap) col = 1 + ((col - 1) % facet_col_wrap) else: if trace_spec.marginal == "y": col = 2 else: col = 1 if row > 1: trace._subplot_row = row if col > 1: trace._subplot_col = col if ( trace_specs[0].constructor == go.Histogram2dContour and trace_spec.constructor == go.Box and trace.line.color ): trace.update(marker=dict(color=trace.line.color)) if "ecdfmode" in args: base = args["x"] if args["orientation"] == "v" else args["y"] var = args["x"] if args["orientation"] == "h" else args["y"] ascending = args.get("ecdfmode", "standard") != "reversed" group = group.sort_values(by=base, ascending=ascending) group_sum = group[var].sum() # compute here before next line mutates group[var] = group[var].cumsum() if not ascending: group = group.sort_values(by=base, ascending=True) if args.get("ecdfmode", "standard") == "complementary": group[var] = group_sum - group[var] if args["ecdfnorm"] == "probability": group[var] = group[var] / group_sum elif args["ecdfnorm"] == "percent": group[var] = 100.0 * group[var] / group_sum patch, fit_results = make_trace_kwargs( args, trace_spec, group, mapping_labels.copy(), sizeref ) trace.update(patch) if fit_results is not None: trendline_rows.append(mapping_labels.copy()) trendline_rows[-1]["px_fit_results"] = fit_results if frame_name not in frames: frames[frame_name] = dict(data=[], name=frame_name) frames[frame_name]["data"].append(trace) frame_list = [f for f in frames.values()] if len(frame_list) > 1: frame_list = sorted( frame_list, key=lambda f: orders[args["animation_frame"]].index(f["name"]) ) if show_colorbar: colorvar = "z" if constructor in [go.Histogram2d, go.Densitymapbox] else "color" range_color = args["range_color"] or [None, None] colorscale_validator = ColorscaleValidator("colorscale", "make_figure") layout_patch["coloraxis1"] = dict( colorscale=colorscale_validator.validate_coerce( args["color_continuous_scale"] ), cmid=args["color_continuous_midpoint"], cmin=range_color[0], cmax=range_color[1], colorbar=dict( title_text=get_decorated_label(args, args[colorvar], colorvar) ), ) for v in ["height", "width"]: if args[v]: layout_patch[v] = args[v] layout_patch["legend"] = dict(tracegroupgap=0) if trace_name_labels: layout_patch["legend"]["title_text"] = ", ".join(trace_name_labels) if args["title"]: layout_patch["title_text"] = args["title"] elif args["template"].layout.margin.t is None: layout_patch["margin"] = {"t": 60} if ( "size" in args and args["size"] and args["template"].layout.legend.itemsizing is None ): layout_patch["legend"]["itemsizing"] = "constant" if facet_col_wrap: nrows = math.ceil(ncols / facet_col_wrap) ncols = min(ncols, facet_col_wrap) if args.get("marginal_x") is not None: nrows += 1 if args.get("marginal_y") is not None: ncols += 1 fig = init_figure( args, subplot_type, frame_list, nrows, ncols, col_labels, row_labels ) # Position traces in subplots for frame in frame_list: for trace in frame["data"]: if isinstance(trace, go.Splom): # Special case that is not compatible with make_subplots continue _set_trace_grid_reference( trace, fig.layout, fig._grid_ref, nrows - trace._subplot_row + 1, trace._subplot_col, ) # Add traces, layout and frames to figure fig.add_traces(frame_list[0]["data"] if len(frame_list) > 0 else []) fig.update_layout(layout_patch) if "template" in args and args["template"] is not None: fig.update_layout(template=args["template"], overwrite=True) fig.frames = frame_list if len(frames) > 1 else [] if args.get("trendline") and args.get("trendline_scope", "trace") == "overall": trendline_spec = make_trendline_spec(args, constructor) trendline_trace = trendline_spec.constructor( name="Overall Trendline", legendgroup="Overall Trendline", showlegend=False ) if "line" not in trendline_spec.trace_patch: # no color override for m in grouped_mappings: if m.variable == "color": next_color = m.sequence[len(m.val_map) % len(m.sequence)] trendline_spec.trace_patch["line"] = dict(color=next_color) patch, fit_results = make_trace_kwargs( args, trendline_spec, args["data_frame"], {}, sizeref ) trendline_trace.update(patch) fig.add_trace( trendline_trace, row="all", col="all", exclude_empty_subplots=True ) fig.update_traces(selector=-1, showlegend=True) if fit_results is not None: trendline_rows.append(dict(px_fit_results=fit_results)) fig._px_trendlines = pd.DataFrame(trendline_rows) configure_axes(args, constructor, fig, orders) configure_animation_controls(args, constructor, fig) return fig def init_figure(args, subplot_type, frame_list, nrows, ncols, col_labels, row_labels): # Build subplot specs specs = [[dict(type=subplot_type or "domain")] * ncols for _ in range(nrows)] # Default row/column widths uniform column_widths = [1.0] * ncols row_heights = [1.0] * nrows facet_col_wrap = args.get("facet_col_wrap", 0) # Build column_widths/row_heights if subplot_type == "xy": if args.get("marginal_x") is not None: if args["marginal_x"] == "histogram" or ("color" in args and args["color"]): main_size = 0.74 else: main_size = 0.84 row_heights = [main_size] * (nrows - 1) + [1 - main_size] vertical_spacing = 0.01 elif facet_col_wrap: vertical_spacing = args.get("facet_row_spacing") or 0.07 else: vertical_spacing = args.get("facet_row_spacing") or 0.03 if args.get("marginal_y") is not None: if args["marginal_y"] == "histogram" or ("color" in args and args["color"]): main_size = 0.74 else: main_size = 0.84 column_widths = [main_size] * (ncols - 1) + [1 - main_size] horizontal_spacing = 0.005 else: horizontal_spacing = args.get("facet_col_spacing") or 0.02 else: # Other subplot types: # 'scene', 'geo', 'polar', 'ternary', 'mapbox', 'domain', None # # We can customize subplot spacing per type once we enable faceting # for all plot types if facet_col_wrap: vertical_spacing = args.get("facet_row_spacing") or 0.07 else: vertical_spacing = args.get("facet_row_spacing") or 0.03 horizontal_spacing = args.get("facet_col_spacing") or 0.02 if facet_col_wrap: subplot_labels = [None] * nrows * ncols while len(col_labels) < nrows * ncols: col_labels.append(None) for i in range(nrows): for j in range(ncols): subplot_labels[i * ncols + j] = col_labels[(nrows - 1 - i) * ncols + j] def _spacing_error_translator(e, direction, facet_arg): """ Translates the spacing errors thrown by the underlying make_subplots routine into one that describes an argument adjustable through px. """ if ("%s spacing" % (direction,)) in e.args[0]: e.args = ( e.args[0] + """ Use the {facet_arg} argument to adjust this spacing.""".format( facet_arg=facet_arg ), ) raise e # Create figure with subplots try: fig = make_subplots( rows=nrows, cols=ncols, specs=specs, shared_xaxes="all", shared_yaxes="all", row_titles=[] if facet_col_wrap else list(reversed(row_labels)), column_titles=[] if facet_col_wrap else col_labels, subplot_titles=subplot_labels if facet_col_wrap else [], horizontal_spacing=horizontal_spacing, vertical_spacing=vertical_spacing, row_heights=row_heights, column_widths=column_widths, start_cell="bottom-left", ) except ValueError as e: _spacing_error_translator(e, "Horizontal", "facet_col_spacing") _spacing_error_translator(e, "Vertical", "facet_row_spacing") # Remove explicit font size of row/col titles so template can take over for annot in fig.layout.annotations: annot.update(font=None) return fig