import pytest from fastjsonschema import JsonSchemaValueException exc = JsonSchemaValueException('data must be array', value='{data}', name='data', definition='{definition}', rule='type') @pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [ (0, exc), (None, exc), (True, exc), (False, exc), ('abc', exc), ([], []), ([1, 'a', True], [1, 'a', True]), ({}, exc), ]) def test_array(asserter, value, expected): asserter({'type': 'array'}, value, expected) exc = JsonSchemaValueException('data must contain less than or equal to 1 items', value='{data}', name='data', definition='{definition}', rule='maxItems') @pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [ ([], []), ([1], [1]), ([1, 1], exc), ([1, 2, 3], exc), ]) def test_max_items(asserter, value, expected): asserter({ 'type': 'array', 'maxItems': 1, }, value, expected) exc = JsonSchemaValueException('data must contain at least 2 items', value='{data}', name='data', definition='{definition}', rule='minItems') @pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [ ([], exc), ([1], exc), ([1, 1], [1, 1]), ([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]), ]) def test_min_items(asserter, value, expected): asserter({ 'type': 'array', 'minItems': 2, }, value, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [ ([], []), ([1], [1]), ([1, 1], JsonSchemaValueException('data must contain unique items', value='{data}', name='data', definition='{definition}', rule='uniqueItems')), ([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]), ]) def test_unique_items(asserter, value, expected): asserter({ 'type': 'array', 'uniqueItems': True, }, value, expected) def test_min_and_unique_items(asserter): value = None asserter({ 'type': ['array', 'null'], 'minItems': 1, 'uniqueItems': True, }, value, value) @pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [ ([], []), ([1], [1]), ([1, 'a'], JsonSchemaValueException('data[1] must be number', value='a', name='data[1]', definition={'type': 'number'}, rule='type')), ]) def test_items_all_same(asserter, value, expected): asserter({ 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'number'}, }, value, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [ ([], []), ([1], [1]), ([1, 'a'], [1, 'a']), ([1, 2], JsonSchemaValueException('data[1] must be string', value=2, name='data[1]', definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type')), ([1, 'a', 2], [1, 'a', 2]), ([1, 'a', 'b'], [1, 'a', 'b']), ]) def test_different_items(asserter, value, expected): asserter({ 'type': 'array', 'items': [ {'type': 'number'}, {'type': 'string'}, ], }, value, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [ ([], []), ([1], [1]), ([1, 'a'], [1, 'a']), ([1, 2], JsonSchemaValueException('data[1] must be string', value=2, name='data[1]', definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type')), ([1, 'a', 2], JsonSchemaValueException('data[2] must be string', value=2, name='data[2]', definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type')), ([1, 'a', 'b'], [1, 'a', 'b']), ]) def test_different_items_with_additional_items(asserter, value, expected): asserter({ 'type': 'array', 'items': [ {'type': 'number'}, {'type': 'string'}, ], 'additionalItems': {'type': 'string'}, }, value, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [ ([], []), ([1], [1]), ([1, 'a'], [1, 'a']), ([1, 2], JsonSchemaValueException('data[1] must be string', value=2, name='data[1]', definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type')), ([1, 'a', 2], JsonSchemaValueException('data must contain only specified items', value='{data}', name='data', definition='{definition}', rule='items')), ([1, 'a', 'b'], JsonSchemaValueException('data must contain only specified items', value='{data}', name='data', definition='{definition}', rule='items')), ]) def test_different_items_without_additional_items(asserter, value, expected): asserter({ 'type': 'array', 'items': [ {'type': 'number'}, {'type': 'string'}, ], 'additionalItems': False, }, value, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [ ((), ()), (('a',), ('a',)), (('a', 'b'), ('a', 'b')), (('a', 'b', 3), JsonSchemaValueException('data[2] must be string', value=3, name='data[2]', definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type')), ]) def test_tuples_as_arrays(asserter, value, expected): asserter({ '$schema': '', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, }, value, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [ ({'a': [], 'b': ()}, {'a': [], 'b': ()}), ({'a': (1, 2), 'b': (3, 4)}, {'a': (1, 2), 'b': (3, 4)}), ]) def test_mixed_arrays(asserter, value, expected): asserter({ 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'a': {'type': 'array'}, 'b': {'type': 'array'}, }, }, value, expected)