import datetime import re import pytest from fastjsonschema import JsonSchemaValueException exc = JsonSchemaValueException('data must be date-time', value='{data}', name='data', definition='{definition}', rule='format') @pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [ ('', exc), ('bla', exc), ('2018-02-05T14:17:10.00', exc), ('2018-02-05T14:17:10.00Z\n', exc), ('2018-02-05T14:17:10.00Z', '2018-02-05T14:17:10.00Z'), ('2018-02-05T14:17:10Z', '2018-02-05T14:17:10Z'), ('2020-09-09T01:01:01+0100', '2020-09-09T01:01:01+0100'), ]) def test_datetime(asserter, value, expected): asserter({'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time'}, value, expected) exc = JsonSchemaValueException('data must be hostname', value='{data}', name='data', definition='{definition}', rule='format') @pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [ ('', exc), ('LDhsjf878&d', exc), ('bla.bla-', exc), ('', exc), ('\n', exc), ('localhost', 'localhost'), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ]) def test_hostname(asserter, value, expected): asserter({'type': 'string', 'format': 'hostname'}, value, expected) exc = JsonSchemaValueException('data must be custom-format', value='{data}', name='data', definition='{definition}', rule='format') @pytest.mark.parametrize('value,expected,custom_format', [ ('', exc, r'^[ab]$'), ('', exc, lambda value: value in ('a', 'b')), ('a', 'a', r'^[ab]$'), ('a', 'a', lambda value: value in ('a', 'b')), ('c', exc, r'^[ab]$'), ('c', exc, lambda value: value in ('a', 'b')), ]) def test_custom_format(asserter, value, expected, custom_format): asserter({'format': 'custom-format'}, value, expected, formats={ 'custom-format': custom_format, }) def test_custom_format_override(asserter): asserter({'format': 'date-time'}, 'a', 'a', formats={ 'date-time': r'^[ab]$', })