r""" qtawesome ========= Font-Awesome and other iconic fonts for PyQt / PySide applications. .. currentmodule:: qtawesome .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generate icon load_font charmap font set_defaults """ # Third party imports from qtpy import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtGui # Local imports from ._version import __version__, version_info from .animation import Pulse, Spin from .iconic_font import IconicFont, set_global_defaults # Constants _resource = { 'iconic': None } def has_valid_font_ids(inst): """Validate instance's font ids are loaded to QFontDatabase. It is possible that QFontDatabase was reset or QApplication was recreated in both cases it is possible that font is not available. """ # Check stored font ids are still available for font_id in inst.fontids.values(): font_families = QtGui.QFontDatabase.applicationFontFamilies( font_id ) if not font_families: return False return True def _instance(): """ Return the singleton instance of IconicFont. Functions ``icon``, ``load_font``, ``charmap``, ``font`` and ``set_defaults`` all rebind to methods of the singleton instance of IconicFont. """ if ( _resource['iconic'] is not None and not has_valid_font_ids(_resource['iconic']) ): # Reset cached instance _resource['iconic'] = None if _resource['iconic'] is None: _resource['iconic'] = IconicFont( ('fa', 'fontawesome4.7-webfont.ttf', 'fontawesome4.7-webfont-charmap.json'), ('fa5', 'fontawesome5-regular-webfont.ttf', 'fontawesome5-regular-webfont-charmap.json'), ('fa5s', 'fontawesome5-solid-webfont.ttf', 'fontawesome5-solid-webfont-charmap.json'), ('fa5b', 'fontawesome5-brands-webfont.ttf', 'fontawesome5-brands-webfont-charmap.json'), ('ei', 'elusiveicons-webfont.ttf', 'elusiveicons-webfont-charmap.json'), ('mdi', 'materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf', 'materialdesignicons-webfont-charmap.json') ) return _resource['iconic'] def icon(*names, **kwargs): """ Return a QIcon object corresponding to the provided icon name(s). This function is the main interface of qtawesome. It can be used to create a QIcon instance from a single glyph or from a list of glyphs that are displayed on the top of each other. Such icon stacks are generally used to combine multiple glyphs to make more complex icons. Glyph names are specified by strings, of the form ``prefix.name``. The ``prefix`` corresponds to the font to be used and ``name`` is the name of the icon. - The prefix corresponding to Font-Awesome 4.x is 'fa' - The prefix corresponding to Font-Awesome 5.x (regular) is 'fa5' - The prefix corresponding to Font-Awesome 5.x (solid) is 'fa5s' - The prefix corresponding to Font-Awesome 5.x (brands) is 'fa5b' - The prefix corresponding to Elusive-Icons is 'ei' - The prefix corresponding to Material-Design-Icons is 'mdi' When requesting a single glyph, options (such as color or positional offsets) can be passed as keyword arguments:: import qtawesome as qta music_icon = qta.icon( 'fa5s.music', color='blue', color_active='orange') When requesting multiple glyphs, the `options` keyword argument contains the list of option dictionaries to be used for each glyph:: camera_ban = qta.icon('fa5s.camera', 'fa5s.ban', options=[{ 'scale_factor': 0.5, 'active': 'fa5s.balance-scale' }, { 'color': 'red', 'opacity': 0.7 }]) Qt's ``QIcon`` object has four modes - ``Normal``: The user is not interacting with the icon, but the functionality represented by the icon is available. - ``Disabled``: The functionality corresponding to the icon is not available. - ``Active``: The functionality corresponding to the icon is available. The user is interacting with the icon, for example, moving the mouse over it or clicking it. - ``Selected``: The item represented by the icon is selected. The glyph for the Normal mode is the one specified with the main positional argument. - ``color``: icon color in the ``Normal`` mode. The following four options will apply to the icon regardless of the mode. - ``offset``: tuple (x, y) corresponding to the horizontal and vertical offsets for the glyph, specified as a proportion of the icon size. - ``animation``: animation object for the icon. - ``scale_factor``: multiplicative scale factor to be used for the glyph. The following options apply to the different modes of the icon - ``active``: name of the glyph to be used when the icon is ``Active``. - ``color_active``: the corresponding icon color. - ``disabled``: name of the glyph to be used when the icon is ``Disabled``. - ``color_disabled``: the corresponding icon color. - ``selected``: name of the glyph to be used when the icon is ``Selected``. - ``color_selected``: the corresponding icon color. Default values for these options can be specified via the function ``set_defaults``. If unspecified, the default defaults are:: { 'opacity': 1.0, 'scale_factor': 1.0 'color': QColor(50, 50, 50), 'color_disabled': QColor(150, 150, 150), } If no default value is provided for ``active``, ``disabled`` or ``selected`` the glyph specified for the ``Normal`` mode will be used. """ return _instance().icon(*names, **kwargs) def load_font(prefix, ttf_filename, charmap_filename, directory=None): """ Loads a font file and the associated charmap. If ``directory`` is None, the files will be looked for in ``./fonts/``. Parameters ---------- prefix: str Prefix string to be used when accessing a given font set ttf_filename: str Ttf font filename charmap_filename: str Character map filename directory: str or None, optional Directory for font and charmap files Example ------- The spyder ide uses qtawesome and uses a custom font for spyder-specific icons:: qta.load_font('spyder', 'spyder.ttf', 'spyder-charmap.json') """ return _instance().load_font(prefix, ttf_filename, charmap_filename, directory) def charmap(prefixed_name): """ Return the character map used for a given font. Returns ------- return_value: dict The dictionary mapping the icon names to the corresponding unicode character. """ prefix, name = prefixed_name.split('.') return _instance().charmap[prefix][name] def font(prefix, size): """ Return the font corresponding to the specified prefix. This can be used to render text using the iconic font directly:: import qtawesome as qta from qtpy import QtWidgets label = QtWidgets.QLabel(unichr(0xf19c) + ' ' + 'Label') label.setFont(qta.font('fa', 16)) Parameters ---------- prefix: str prefix string of the loaded font size: int size for the font """ return _instance().font(prefix, size) def set_defaults(**kwargs): """ Set default options for icons. The valid keyword arguments are: 'active', 'animation', 'color', 'color_active', 'color_disabled', 'color_selected', 'disabled', 'offset', 'scale_factor', 'selected'. """ return set_global_defaults(**kwargs) class IconWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel): """ IconWidget gives the ability to display an icon as a widget if supports the same arguments as icon() for example music_icon = qta.IconWidget('fa5s.music', color='blue', color_active='orange') it also have setIcon() and setIconSize() functions """ def __init__(self, *names, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=kwargs.get('parent')) self._icon = None self._size = QtCore.QSize(16, 16) self.setIcon(icon(*names, **kwargs)) def setIcon(self, _icon): """ set a new icon() Parameters ---------- _icon: qtawesome.icon icon to set """ self._icon = _icon self.setPixmap(_icon.pixmap(self._size)) def setIconSize(self, size): """ set icon size Parameters ---------- size: QtCore.QSize size of the icon """ self._size = size def update(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._icon: self.setPixmap(self._icon.pixmap(self._size)) return super().update(*args, **kwargs)