import networkx as nx import numpy as np from . import _ncut from . import _ncut_cy from scipy.sparse import linalg def cut_threshold(labels, rag, thresh, in_place=True): """Combine regions separated by weight less than threshold. Given an image's labels and its RAG, output new labels by combining regions whose nodes are separated by a weight less than the given threshold. Parameters ---------- labels : ndarray The array of labels. rag : RAG The region adjacency graph. thresh : float The threshold. Regions connected by edges with smaller weights are combined. in_place : bool If set, modifies `rag` in place. The function will remove the edges with weights less that `thresh`. If set to `False` the function makes a copy of `rag` before proceeding. Returns ------- out : ndarray The new labelled array. Examples -------- >>> from skimage import data, segmentation >>> from skimage.future import graph >>> img = data.astronaut() >>> labels = segmentation.slic(img) >>> rag = graph.rag_mean_color(img, labels) >>> new_labels = graph.cut_threshold(labels, rag, 10) References ---------- .. [1] Alain Tremeau and Philippe Colantoni "Regions Adjacency Graph Applied To Color Image Segmentation" :DOI:`10.1109/83.841950` """ if not in_place: rag = rag.copy() # Because deleting edges while iterating through them produces an error. to_remove = [(x, y) for x, y, d in rag.edges(data=True) if d['weight'] >= thresh] rag.remove_edges_from(to_remove) comps = nx.connected_components(rag) # We construct an array which can map old labels to the new ones. # All the labels within a connected component are assigned to a single # label in the output. map_array = np.arange(labels.max() + 1, dtype=labels.dtype) for i, nodes in enumerate(comps): for node in nodes: for label in rag.nodes[node]['labels']: map_array[label] = i return map_array[labels] def cut_normalized(labels, rag, thresh=0.001, num_cuts=10, in_place=True, max_edge=1.0, *, random_state=None, ): """Perform Normalized Graph cut on the Region Adjacency Graph. Given an image's labels and its similarity RAG, recursively perform a 2-way normalized cut on it. All nodes belonging to a subgraph that cannot be cut further are assigned a unique label in the output. Parameters ---------- labels : ndarray The array of labels. rag : RAG The region adjacency graph. thresh : float The threshold. A subgraph won't be further subdivided if the value of the N-cut exceeds `thresh`. num_cuts : int The number or N-cuts to perform before determining the optimal one. in_place : bool If set, modifies `rag` in place. For each node `n` the function will set a new attribute ``rag.nodes[n]['ncut label']``. max_edge : float, optional The maximum possible value of an edge in the RAG. This corresponds to an edge between identical regions. This is used to put self edges in the RAG. random_state : {None, int, `numpy.random.Generator`}, optional If `random_state` is None the `numpy.random.Generator` singleton is used. If `random_state` is an int, a new ``Generator`` instance is used, seeded with `random_state`. If `random_state` is already a ``Generator`` instance then that instance is used. The `random_state` is used for the starting point of `scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh`. Returns ------- out : ndarray The new labeled array. Examples -------- >>> from skimage import data, segmentation >>> from skimage.future import graph >>> img = data.astronaut() >>> labels = segmentation.slic(img) >>> rag = graph.rag_mean_color(img, labels, mode='similarity') >>> new_labels = graph.cut_normalized(labels, rag) References ---------- .. [1] Shi, J.; Malik, J., "Normalized cuts and image segmentation", Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 888-905, August 2000. """ random_state = np.random.default_rng(random_state) if not in_place: rag = rag.copy() for node in rag.nodes(): rag.add_edge(node, node, weight=max_edge) _ncut_relabel(rag, thresh, num_cuts, random_state) map_array = np.zeros(labels.max() + 1, dtype=labels.dtype) # Mapping from old labels to new for n, d in rag.nodes(data=True): map_array[d['labels']] = d['ncut label'] return map_array[labels] def partition_by_cut(cut, rag): """Compute resulting subgraphs from given bi-partition. Parameters ---------- cut : array A array of booleans. Elements set to `True` belong to one set. rag : RAG The Region Adjacency Graph. Returns ------- sub1, sub2 : RAG The two resulting subgraphs from the bi-partition. """ # `cut` is derived from `D` and `W` matrices, which also follow the # ordering returned by `rag.nodes()` because we use # nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix. # Example # rag.nodes() = [3, 7, 9, 13] # cut = [True, False, True, False] # nodes1 = [3, 9] # nodes2 = [7, 10] nodes1 = [n for i, n in enumerate(rag.nodes()) if cut[i]] nodes2 = [n for i, n in enumerate(rag.nodes()) if not cut[i]] sub1 = rag.subgraph(nodes1) sub2 = rag.subgraph(nodes2) return sub1, sub2 def get_min_ncut(ev, d, w, num_cuts): """Threshold an eigenvector evenly, to determine minimum ncut. Parameters ---------- ev : array The eigenvector to threshold. d : ndarray The diagonal matrix of the graph. w : ndarray The weight matrix of the graph. num_cuts : int The number of evenly spaced thresholds to check for. Returns ------- mask : array The array of booleans which denotes the bi-partition. mcut : float The value of the minimum ncut. """ mcut = np.inf mn = ev.min() mx = ev.max() # If all values in `ev` are equal, it implies that the graph can't be # further sub-divided. In this case the bi-partition is the the graph # itself and an empty set. min_mask = np.zeros_like(ev, dtype=bool) if np.allclose(mn, mx): return min_mask, mcut # Refer Shi & Malik 2001, Section 3.1.3, Page 892 # Perform evenly spaced n-cuts and determine the optimal one. for t in np.linspace(mn, mx, num_cuts, endpoint=False): mask = ev > t cost = _ncut.ncut_cost(mask, d, w) if cost < mcut: min_mask = mask mcut = cost return min_mask, mcut def _label_all(rag, attr_name): """Assign a unique integer to the given attribute in the RAG. This function assumes that all labels in `rag` are unique. It picks up a random label from them and assigns it to the `attr_name` attribute of all the nodes. rag : RAG The Region Adjacency Graph. attr_name : string The attribute to which a unique integer is assigned. """ node = min(rag.nodes()) new_label = rag.nodes[node]['labels'][0] for n, d in rag.nodes(data=True): d[attr_name] = new_label def _ncut_relabel(rag, thresh, num_cuts, random_state): """Perform Normalized Graph cut on the Region Adjacency Graph. Recursively partition the graph into 2, until further subdivision yields a cut greater than `thresh` or such a cut cannot be computed. For such a subgraph, indices to labels of all its nodes map to a single unique value. Parameters ---------- rag : RAG The region adjacency graph. thresh : float The threshold. A subgraph won't be further subdivided if the value of the N-cut exceeds `thresh`. num_cuts : int The number or N-cuts to perform before determining the optimal one. random_state : `numpy.random.Generator` Provides initial values for eigenvalue solver. """ d, w = _ncut.DW_matrices(rag) m = w.shape[0] if m > 2: d2 = d.copy() # Since d is diagonal, we can directly operate on its data # the inverse of the square root = np.reciprocal(np.sqrt(,, # Refer Shi & Malik 2001, Equation 7, Page 891 A = d2 * (d - w) * d2 # Initialize the vector to ensure reproducibility. v0 = random_state.random(A.shape[0]) vals, vectors = linalg.eigsh(A, which='SM', v0=v0, k=min(100, m - 2)) # Pick second smallest eigenvector. # Refer Shi & Malik 2001, Section 3.2.3, Page 893 vals, vectors = np.real(vals), np.real(vectors) index2 = _ncut_cy.argmin2(vals) ev = vectors[:, index2] cut_mask, mcut = get_min_ncut(ev, d, w, num_cuts) if (mcut < thresh): # Sub divide and perform N-cut again # Refer Shi & Malik 2001, Section 3.2.5, Page 893 sub1, sub2 = partition_by_cut(cut_mask, rag) _ncut_relabel(sub1, thresh, num_cuts, random_state) _ncut_relabel(sub2, thresh, num_cuts, random_state) return # The N-cut wasn't small enough, or could not be computed. # The remaining graph is a region. # Assign `ncut label` by picking any label from the existing nodes, since # `labels` are unique, `new_label` is also unique. _label_all(rag, 'ncut label')