from functools import reduce import numpy as np from ..draw import polygon from .._shared.version_requirements import require LEFT_CLICK = 1 RIGHT_CLICK = 3 def _mask_from_vertices(vertices, shape, label): mask = np.zeros(shape, dtype=int) pr = [y for x, y in vertices] pc = [x for x, y in vertices] rr, cc = polygon(pr, pc, shape) mask[rr, cc] = label return mask @require("matplotlib", ">=3.0.3") def _draw_polygon(ax, vertices, alpha=0.4): from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection import matplotlib.pyplot as plt polygon = Polygon(vertices, closed=True) p = PatchCollection([polygon], match_original=True, alpha=alpha) polygon_object = ax.add_collection(p) plt.draw() return polygon_object @require("matplotlib", ">=3.0.3") def manual_polygon_segmentation(image, alpha=0.4, return_all=False): """Return a label image based on polygon selections made with the mouse. Parameters ---------- image : (M, N[, 3]) array Grayscale or RGB image. alpha : float, optional Transparency value for polygons drawn over the image. return_all : bool, optional If True, an array containing each separate polygon drawn is returned. (The polygons may overlap.) If False (default), latter polygons "overwrite" earlier ones where they overlap. Returns ------- labels : array of int, shape ([Q, ]M, N) The segmented regions. If mode is `'separate'`, the leading dimension of the array corresponds to the number of regions that the user drew. Notes ----- Use left click to select the vertices of the polygon and right click to confirm the selection once all vertices are selected. Examples -------- >>> from skimage import data, future, io >>> camera = >>> mask = future.manual_polygon_segmentation(camera) # doctest: +SKIP >>> io.imshow(mask) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt list_of_vertex_lists = [] polygons_drawn = [] temp_list = [] preview_polygon_drawn = [] if image.ndim not in (2, 3): raise ValueError('Only 2D grayscale or RGB images are supported.') fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) ax.imshow(image, cmap="gray") ax.set_axis_off() def _undo(*args, **kwargs): if list_of_vertex_lists: list_of_vertex_lists.pop() # Remove last polygon from list of polygons... last_poly = polygons_drawn.pop() # ... then from the plot last_poly.remove() fig.canvas.draw_idle() undo_pos = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.05, 0.075, 0.075]) undo_button = matplotlib.widgets.Button(undo_pos, u'\u27F2') undo_button.on_clicked(_undo) def _extend_polygon(event): # Do not record click events outside axis or in undo button if event.inaxes is None or event.inaxes is undo_pos: return # Do not record click events when toolbar is active if fig.canvas.manager.toolbar._active is not None: return if event.button == LEFT_CLICK: # Select vertex temp_list.append([event.xdata, event.ydata]) # Remove previously drawn preview polygon if any. if preview_polygon_drawn: poly = preview_polygon_drawn.pop() poly.remove() # Preview polygon with selected vertices. polygon = _draw_polygon(ax, temp_list, alpha=(alpha / 1.4)) preview_polygon_drawn.append(polygon) elif event.button == RIGHT_CLICK: # Confirm the selection if not temp_list: return # Store the vertices of the polygon as shown in preview. # Redraw polygon and store it in polygons_drawn so that # `_undo` works correctly. list_of_vertex_lists.append(temp_list[:]) polygon_object = _draw_polygon(ax, temp_list, alpha=alpha) polygons_drawn.append(polygon_object) # Empty the temporary variables. preview_poly = preview_polygon_drawn.pop() preview_poly.remove() del temp_list[:] plt.draw() fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', _extend_polygon) labels = (_mask_from_vertices(vertices, image.shape[:2], i) for i, vertices in enumerate(list_of_vertex_lists, start=1)) if return_all: return np.stack(labels) else: return reduce(np.maximum, labels, np.broadcast_to(0, image.shape[:2])) @require("matplotlib", ">=3.0.3") def manual_lasso_segmentation(image, alpha=0.4, return_all=False): """Return a label image based on freeform selections made with the mouse. Parameters ---------- image : (M, N[, 3]) array Grayscale or RGB image. alpha : float, optional Transparency value for polygons drawn over the image. return_all : bool, optional If True, an array containing each separate polygon drawn is returned. (The polygons may overlap.) If False (default), latter polygons "overwrite" earlier ones where they overlap. Returns ------- labels : array of int, shape ([Q, ]M, N) The segmented regions. If mode is `'separate'`, the leading dimension of the array corresponds to the number of regions that the user drew. Notes ----- Press and hold the left mouse button to draw around each object. Examples -------- >>> from skimage import data, future, io >>> camera = >>> mask = future.manual_lasso_segmentation(camera) # doctest: +SKIP >>> io.imshow(mask) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt list_of_vertex_lists = [] polygons_drawn = [] if image.ndim not in (2, 3): raise ValueError('Only 2D grayscale or RGB images are supported.') fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) ax.imshow(image, cmap="gray") ax.set_axis_off() def _undo(*args, **kwargs): if list_of_vertex_lists: list_of_vertex_lists.pop() # Remove last polygon from list of polygons... last_poly = polygons_drawn.pop() # ... then from the plot last_poly.remove() fig.canvas.draw_idle() undo_pos = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.05, 0.075, 0.075]) undo_button = matplotlib.widgets.Button(undo_pos, u'\u27F2') undo_button.on_clicked(_undo) def _on_lasso_selection(vertices): if len(vertices) < 3: return list_of_vertex_lists.append(vertices) polygon_object = _draw_polygon(ax, vertices, alpha=alpha) polygons_drawn.append(polygon_object) plt.draw() matplotlib.widgets.LassoSelector(ax, _on_lasso_selection) labels = (_mask_from_vertices(vertices, image.shape[:2], i) for i, vertices in enumerate(list_of_vertex_lists, start=1)) if return_all: return np.stack(labels) else: return reduce(np.maximum, labels, np.broadcast_to(0, image.shape[:2]))