import numpy as np from scipy import sparse from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve import scipy.ndimage as ndi from scipy.ndimage import laplace import skimage from .._shared import utils from ..measure import label from ._inpaint import _build_matrix_inner def _get_neighborhood(nd_idx, radius, nd_shape): bounds_lo = np.maximum(nd_idx - radius, 0) bounds_hi = np.minimum(nd_idx + radius + 1, nd_shape) return bounds_lo, bounds_hi def _get_neigh_coef(shape, center, dtype=float): # Create biharmonic coefficients ndarray neigh_coef = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) neigh_coef[center] = 1 neigh_coef = laplace(laplace(neigh_coef)) # extract non-zero locations and values coef_idx = np.where(neigh_coef) coef_vals = neigh_coef[coef_idx] coef_idx = np.stack(coef_idx, axis=0) return neigh_coef, coef_idx, coef_vals def _inpaint_biharmonic_single_region(image, mask, out, neigh_coef_full, coef_vals, raveled_offsets): """Solve a (sparse) linear system corresponding to biharmonic inpainting. This function creates a linear system of the form: ``A @ u = b`` where ``A`` is a sparse matrix, ``b`` is a vector enforcing smoothness and boundary constraints and ``u`` is the vector of inpainted values to be (uniquely) determined by solving the linear system. ``A`` is a sparse matrix of shape (n_mask, n_mask) where `n_mask`` corresponds to the number of non-zero values in ``mask`` (i.e. the number of pixels to be inpainted). Each row in A will have a number of non-zero values equal to the number of non-zero values in the biharmonic kernel, ``neigh_coef_full``. In practice, biharmonic kernels with reduced extent are used at the image borders. This matrix, ``A`` is the same for all image channels (since the same inpainting mask is currently used for all channels). ``u`` is a dense matrix of shape ``(n_mask, n_channels)`` and represents the vector of unknown values for each channel. ``b`` is a dense matrix of shape ``(n_mask, n_channels)`` and represents the desired output of convolving the solution with the biharmonic kernel. At mask locations where there is no overlap with known values, ``b`` will have a value of 0. This enforces the biharmonic smoothness constraint in the interior of inpainting regions. For regions near the boundary that overlap with known values, the entries in ``b`` enforce boundary conditions designed to avoid discontinuity with the known values. """ n_channels = out.shape[-1] radius = neigh_coef_full.shape[0] // 2 edge_mask = np.ones(mask.shape, dtype=bool) edge_mask[(slice(radius, -radius),) * mask.ndim] = 0 boundary_mask = edge_mask * mask center_mask = ~edge_mask * mask boundary_pts = np.where(boundary_mask) boundary_i = np.flatnonzero(boundary_mask) center_i = np.flatnonzero(center_mask) mask_i = np.concatenate((boundary_i, center_i)) center_pts = np.where(center_mask) mask_pts = tuple( [np.concatenate((b, c)) for b, c in zip(boundary_pts, center_pts)] ) # Use convolution to predetermine the number of non-zero entries in the # sparse system matrix. structure = neigh_coef_full != 0 tmp = ndi.convolve(mask, structure, output=np.uint8, mode='constant') nnz_matrix = tmp[mask].sum() # Need to estimate the number of zeros for the right hand side vector. # The computation below will slightly overestimate the true number of zeros # due to edge effects (the kernel itself gets shrunk in size near the # edges, but that isn't accounted for here). We can trim any excess entries # later. n_mask = np.count_nonzero(mask) n_struct = np.count_nonzero(structure) nnz_rhs_vector_max = n_mask - np.count_nonzero(tmp == n_struct) # pre-allocate arrays storing sparse matrix indices and values row_idx_known = np.empty(nnz_rhs_vector_max, dtype=np.intp) data_known = np.zeros((nnz_rhs_vector_max, n_channels), dtype=out.dtype) row_idx_unknown = np.empty(nnz_matrix, dtype=np.intp) col_idx_unknown = np.empty(nnz_matrix, dtype=np.intp) data_unknown = np.empty(nnz_matrix, dtype=out.dtype) # cache the various small, non-square Laplacians used near the boundary coef_cache = {} # Iterate over masked points near the boundary mask_flat = mask.reshape(-1) out_flat = np.ascontiguousarray(out.reshape((-1, n_channels))) idx_known = 0 idx_unknown = 0 mask_pt_n = -1 boundary_pts = np.stack(boundary_pts, axis=1) for mask_pt_n, nd_idx in enumerate(boundary_pts): # Get bounded neighborhood of selected radius b_lo, b_hi = _get_neighborhood(nd_idx, radius, mask.shape) # Create (truncated) biharmonic coefficients ndarray coef_shape = tuple(b_hi - b_lo) coef_center = tuple(nd_idx - b_lo) coef_idx, coefs = coef_cache.get((coef_shape, coef_center), (None, None)) if coef_idx is None: _ , coef_idx, coefs = _get_neigh_coef(coef_shape, coef_center, dtype=out.dtype) coef_cache[(coef_shape, coef_center)] = (coef_idx, coefs) # compute corresponding 1d indices into the mask coef_idx = coef_idx + b_lo[:, np.newaxis] index1d = np.ravel_multi_index(coef_idx, mask.shape) # Iterate over masked point's neighborhood nvals = 0 for coef, i in zip(coefs, index1d): if mask_flat[i]: row_idx_unknown[idx_unknown] = mask_pt_n col_idx_unknown[idx_unknown] = i data_unknown[idx_unknown] = coef idx_unknown += 1 else: data_known[idx_known, :] -= coef * out_flat[i, :] nvals += 1 if nvals: row_idx_known[idx_known] = mask_pt_n idx_known += 1 # Call an efficient Cython-based implementation for all interior points row_start = mask_pt_n + 1 known_start_idx = idx_known unknown_start_idx = idx_unknown nnz_rhs = _build_matrix_inner( # starting indices row_start, known_start_idx, unknown_start_idx, # input arrays center_i, raveled_offsets, coef_vals, mask_flat, out_flat, # output arrays row_idx_known, data_known, row_idx_unknown, col_idx_unknown, data_unknown ) # trim RHS vector values and indices to the exact length row_idx_known = row_idx_known[:nnz_rhs] data_known = data_known[:nnz_rhs, :] # Form sparse matrix of unknown values sp_shape = (n_mask, out.size) matrix_unknown = sparse.coo_matrix( (data_unknown, (row_idx_unknown, col_idx_unknown)), shape=sp_shape ).tocsr() # Solve linear system for masked points matrix_unknown = matrix_unknown[:, mask_i] # dense vectors representing the right hand side for each channel rhs = np.zeros((n_mask, n_channels), dtype=out.dtype) rhs[row_idx_known, :] = data_known # set use_umfpack to False so float32 data is supported result = spsolve(matrix_unknown, rhs, use_umfpack=False, permc_spec='MMD_ATA') if result.ndim == 1: result = result[:, np.newaxis] out[mask_pts] = result return out @utils.channel_as_last_axis() @utils.deprecate_multichannel_kwarg(multichannel_position=2) def inpaint_biharmonic(image, mask, multichannel=False, *, split_into_regions=False, channel_axis=None): """Inpaint masked points in image with biharmonic equations. Parameters ---------- image : (M[, N[, ..., P]][, C]) ndarray Input image. mask : (M[, N[, ..., P]]) ndarray Array of pixels to be inpainted. Have to be the same shape as one of the 'image' channels. Unknown pixels have to be represented with 1, known pixels - with 0. multichannel : boolean, optional If True, the last `image` dimension is considered as a color channel, otherwise as spatial. This argument is deprecated: specify `channel_axis` instead. split_into_regions : boolean, optional If True, inpainting is performed on a region-by-region basis. This is likely to be slower, but will have reduced memory requirements. channel_axis : int or None, optional If None, the image is assumed to be a grayscale (single channel) image. Otherwise, this parameter indicates which axis of the array corresponds to channels. .. versionadded:: 0.19 ``channel_axis`` was added in 0.19. Returns ------- out : (M[, N[, ..., P]][, C]) ndarray Input image with masked pixels inpainted. References ---------- .. [1] S.B.Damelin and N.S.Hoang. "On Surface Completion and Image Inpainting by Biharmonic Functions: Numerical Aspects", International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 2018, Article ID 3950312 :DOI:`10.1155/2018/3950312` .. [2] C. K. Chui and H. N. Mhaskar, MRA Contextual-Recovery Extension of Smooth Functions on Manifolds, Appl. and Comp. Harmonic Anal., 28 (2010), 104-113, :DOI:`10.1016/j.acha.2009.04.004` Examples -------- >>> img = np.tile(np.square(np.linspace(0, 1, 5)), (5, 1)) >>> mask = np.zeros_like(img) >>> mask[2, 2:] = 1 >>> mask[1, 3:] = 1 >>> mask[0, 4:] = 1 >>> out = inpaint_biharmonic(img, mask) """ if image.ndim < 1: raise ValueError('Input array has to be at least 1D') multichannel = channel_axis is not None img_baseshape = image.shape[:-1] if multichannel else image.shape if img_baseshape != mask.shape: raise ValueError('Input arrays have to be the same shape') if raise TypeError('Masked arrays are not supported') image = skimage.img_as_float(image) # float16->float32 and float128->float64 float_dtype = utils._supported_float_type(image.dtype) image = image.astype(float_dtype, copy=False) mask = mask.astype(bool, copy=False) if not multichannel: image = image[..., np.newaxis] out = np.copy(image) # Create biharmonic coefficients ndarray radius = 2 coef_shape = (2 * radius + 1,) * mask.ndim coef_center = (radius,) * mask.ndim neigh_coef_full, coef_idx, coef_vals = _get_neigh_coef(coef_shape, coef_center, dtype=out.dtype) # stride for the last spatial dimension channel_stride_bytes = out.strides[-2] # offsets to all neighboring non-zero elements in the footprint offsets = coef_idx - radius # determine per-channel intensity limits known_points = image[~mask] limits = (known_points.min(axis=0), known_points.max(axis=0)) if split_into_regions: # Split inpainting mask into independent regions kernel = ndi.generate_binary_structure(mask.ndim, 1) mask_dilated = ndi.binary_dilation(mask, structure=kernel) mask_labeled = label(mask_dilated) mask_labeled *= mask bbox_slices = ndi.find_objects(mask_labeled) for idx_region, bb_slice in enumerate(bbox_slices, 1): # expand object bounding boxes by the biharmonic kernel radius roi_sl = tuple(slice(max(sl.start - radius, 0), min(sl.stop + radius, size)) for sl, size in zip(bb_slice, mask_labeled.shape)) # extract only the region surrounding the label of interest mask_region = mask_labeled[roi_sl] == idx_region # add slice for axes roi_sl += (slice(None), ) # copy for contiguity and to account for possible ROI overlap otmp = out[roi_sl].copy() # compute raveled offsets for the ROI ostrides = np.array([s // channel_stride_bytes for s in otmp[..., 0].strides]) raveled_offsets = np.sum(offsets * ostrides[..., np.newaxis], axis=0) _inpaint_biharmonic_single_region( image[roi_sl], mask_region, otmp, neigh_coef_full, coef_vals, raveled_offsets ) # assign output to the out[roi_sl] = otmp else: # compute raveled offsets for output image ostrides = np.array([s // channel_stride_bytes for s in out[..., 0].strides]) raveled_offsets = np.sum(offsets * ostrides[..., np.newaxis], axis=0) _inpaint_biharmonic_single_region( image, mask, out, neigh_coef_full, coef_vals, raveled_offsets ) # Handle enormous values on a per-channel basis np.clip(out, a_min=limits[0], a_max=limits[1], out=out) if not multichannel: out = out[..., 0] return out