import numpy as np import pytest from scipy import ndimage as ndi from scipy.signal import convolve2d from skimage import restoration, util from skimage._shared import filters from skimage._shared._warnings import expected_warnings from skimage._shared.testing import fetch from skimage._shared.utils import _supported_float_type from skimage.color import rgb2gray from import astronaut, camera from skimage.restoration import uft test_img = util.img_as_float(camera()) def _get_rtol_atol(dtype): rtol = 1e-3 atol = 0 if dtype == np.float16: rtol = 1e-2 atol = 1e-3 elif dtype == np.float32: atol = 1e-5 return rtol, atol @pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]) def test_wiener(dtype): psf = np.ones((5, 5), dtype=dtype) / 25 data = convolve2d(test_img, psf, 'same') np.random.seed(0) data += 0.1 * data.std() * np.random.standard_normal(data.shape) data = data.astype(dtype, copy=False) deconvolved = restoration.wiener(data, psf, 0.05) assert deconvolved.dtype == _supported_float_type(dtype) rtol, atol = _get_rtol_atol(dtype) path = fetch('restoration/tests/camera_wiener.npy') np.testing.assert_allclose(deconvolved, np.load(path), rtol=rtol, atol=atol) _, laplacian = uft.laplacian(2, data.shape) otf = uft.ir2tf(psf, data.shape, is_real=False) assert otf.real.dtype == _supported_float_type(dtype) deconvolved = restoration.wiener(data, otf, 0.05, reg=laplacian, is_real=False) assert deconvolved.real.dtype == _supported_float_type(dtype) np.testing.assert_allclose(np.real(deconvolved), np.load(path), rtol=rtol, atol=atol) @pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]) def test_unsupervised_wiener(dtype): psf = np.ones((5, 5), dtype=dtype) / 25 data = convolve2d(test_img, psf, 'same') seed = 16829302 # keep old-style RandomState here for compatibility with previously stored # reference data in camera_unsup.npy and camera_unsup2.npy rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) data += 0.1 * data.std() * rng.standard_normal(data.shape) data = data.astype(dtype, copy=False) deconvolved, _ = restoration.unsupervised_wiener(data, psf, random_state=seed) float_type = _supported_float_type(dtype) assert deconvolved.dtype == float_type rtol, atol = _get_rtol_atol(dtype) path = fetch('restoration/tests/camera_unsup.npy') np.testing.assert_allclose(deconvolved, np.load(path), rtol=rtol, atol=atol) _, laplacian = uft.laplacian(2, data.shape) otf = uft.ir2tf(psf, data.shape, is_real=False) assert otf.real.dtype == _supported_float_type(dtype) deconvolved2 = restoration.unsupervised_wiener( data, otf, reg=laplacian, is_real=False, user_params={ "callback": lambda x: None, "max_num_iter": 200, "min_num_iter": 30, }, random_state=seed)[0] assert deconvolved2.real.dtype == float_type path = fetch('restoration/tests/camera_unsup2.npy') np.testing.assert_allclose(np.real(deconvolved2), np.load(path), rtol=rtol, atol=atol) def test_unsupervised_wiener_deprecated_user_param(): psf = np.ones((5, 5), dtype=float) / 25 data = convolve2d(test_img, psf, 'same') otf = uft.ir2tf(psf, data.shape, is_real=False) _, laplacian = uft.laplacian(2, data.shape) with expected_warnings(["`max_iter` is a deprecated key", "`min_iter` is a deprecated key"]): restoration.unsupervised_wiener( data, otf, reg=laplacian, is_real=False, user_params={"max_iter": 200, "min_iter": 30}, random_state=5 ) def test_image_shape(): """Test that shape of output image in deconvolution is same as input. This addresses issue #1172. """ point = np.zeros((5, 5), float) point[2, 2] = 1. psf = filters.gaussian(point, sigma=1., mode='reflect') # image shape: (45, 45), as reported in #1172 image = util.img_as_float(camera()[65:165, 215:315]) # just the face image_conv = ndi.convolve(image, psf) deconv_sup = restoration.wiener(image_conv, psf, 1) deconv_un = restoration.unsupervised_wiener(image_conv, psf)[0] # test the shape np.testing.assert_equal(image.shape, deconv_sup.shape) np.testing.assert_equal(image.shape, deconv_un.shape) # test the reconstruction error sup_relative_error = np.abs(deconv_sup - image) / image un_relative_error = np.abs(deconv_un - image) / image np.testing.assert_array_less(np.median(sup_relative_error), 0.1) np.testing.assert_array_less(np.median(un_relative_error), 0.1) def test_richardson_lucy(): psf = np.ones((5, 5)) / 25 data = convolve2d(test_img, psf, 'same') np.random.seed(0) data += 0.1 * data.std() * np.random.standard_normal(data.shape) deconvolved = restoration.richardson_lucy(data, psf, num_iter=5) path = fetch('restoration/tests/camera_rl.npy') np.testing.assert_allclose(deconvolved, np.load(path), rtol=1e-3) def test_richardson_lucy_deprecated_iterations_kwarg(): psf = np.ones((5, 5)) / 25 data = convolve2d(test_img, psf, 'same') np.random.seed(0) data += 0.1 * data.std() * np.random.standard_normal(data.shape) with expected_warnings(["`iterations` is a deprecated argument"]): restoration.richardson_lucy(data, psf, iterations=5) @pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype_image', [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype_psf', [np.float32, np.float64]) def test_richardson_lucy_filtered(dtype_image, dtype_psf): if dtype_image == np.float64: atol = 1e-8 else: atol = 1e-5 test_img_astro = rgb2gray(astronaut()) psf = np.ones((5, 5), dtype=dtype_psf) / 25 data = convolve2d(test_img_astro, psf, 'same') data = data.astype(dtype_image, copy=False) deconvolved = restoration.richardson_lucy(data, psf, 5, filter_epsilon=1e-6) assert deconvolved.dtype == _supported_float_type(data.dtype) path = fetch('restoration/tests/astronaut_rl.npy') np.testing.assert_allclose(deconvolved, np.load(path), rtol=1e-3, atol=atol)