# Authors: Alexandre Gramfort # Raghav RV # License: BSD 3 clause import inspect import warnings import importlib from pkgutil import walk_packages from inspect import signature import numpy as np import sklearn from sklearn.utils import IS_PYPY from sklearn.utils._testing import check_docstring_parameters from sklearn.utils._testing import _get_func_name from sklearn.utils._testing import ignore_warnings from sklearn.utils import all_estimators from sklearn.utils.estimator_checks import _enforce_estimator_tags_y from sklearn.utils.estimator_checks import _enforce_estimator_tags_x from sklearn.utils.estimator_checks import _construct_instance from sklearn.utils.deprecation import _is_deprecated from sklearn.datasets import make_classification from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer import pytest # walk_packages() ignores DeprecationWarnings, now we need to ignore # FutureWarnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning) # mypy error: Module has no attribute "__path__" sklearn_path = sklearn.__path__ # type: ignore # mypy issue #1422 PUBLIC_MODULES = set( [ pckg[1] for pckg in walk_packages(prefix="sklearn.", path=sklearn_path) if not ("._" in pckg[1] or ".tests." in pckg[1]) ] ) # functions to ignore args / docstring of _DOCSTRING_IGNORES = [ "sklearn.utils.deprecation.load_mlcomp", "sklearn.pipeline.make_pipeline", "sklearn.pipeline.make_union", "sklearn.utils.extmath.safe_sparse_dot", "sklearn.utils._joblib", ] # Methods where y param should be ignored if y=None by default _METHODS_IGNORE_NONE_Y = [ "fit", "score", "fit_predict", "fit_transform", "partial_fit", "predict", ] # numpydoc 0.8.0's docscrape tool raises because of collections.abc under # Python 3.7 @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore::FutureWarning") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore::DeprecationWarning") @pytest.mark.skipif(IS_PYPY, reason="test segfaults on PyPy") def test_docstring_parameters(): # Test module docstring formatting # Skip test if numpydoc is not found pytest.importorskip( "numpydoc", reason="numpydoc is required to test the docstrings" ) # XXX unreached code as of v0.22 from numpydoc import docscrape incorrect = [] for name in PUBLIC_MODULES: if name.endswith(".conftest"): # pytest tooling, not part of the scikit-learn API continue if name == "sklearn.utils.fixes": # We cannot always control these docstrings continue with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): module = importlib.import_module(name) classes = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass) # Exclude non-scikit-learn classes classes = [cls for cls in classes if cls[1].__module__.startswith("sklearn")] for cname, cls in classes: this_incorrect = [] if cname in _DOCSTRING_IGNORES or cname.startswith("_"): continue if inspect.isabstract(cls): continue with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: cdoc = docscrape.ClassDoc(cls) if len(w): raise RuntimeError( "Error for __init__ of %s in %s:\n%s" % (cls, name, w[0]) ) cls_init = getattr(cls, "__init__", None) if _is_deprecated(cls_init): continue elif cls_init is not None: this_incorrect += check_docstring_parameters(cls.__init__, cdoc) for method_name in cdoc.methods: method = getattr(cls, method_name) if _is_deprecated(method): continue param_ignore = None # Now skip docstring test for y when y is None # by default for API reason if method_name in _METHODS_IGNORE_NONE_Y: sig = signature(method) if "y" in sig.parameters and sig.parameters["y"].default is None: param_ignore = ["y"] # ignore y for fit and score result = check_docstring_parameters(method, ignore=param_ignore) this_incorrect += result incorrect += this_incorrect functions = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isfunction) # Exclude imported functions functions = [fn for fn in functions if fn[1].__module__ == name] for fname, func in functions: # Don't test private methods / functions if fname.startswith("_"): continue if fname == "configuration" and name.endswith("setup"): continue name_ = _get_func_name(func) if not any(d in name_ for d in _DOCSTRING_IGNORES) and not _is_deprecated( func ): incorrect += check_docstring_parameters(func) msg = "\n".join(incorrect) if len(incorrect) > 0: raise AssertionError("Docstring Error:\n" + msg) @ignore_warnings(category=FutureWarning) def test_tabs(): # Test that there are no tabs in our source files for importer, modname, ispkg in walk_packages(sklearn.__path__, prefix="sklearn."): if IS_PYPY and ( "_svmlight_format_io" in modname or "feature_extraction._hashing_fast" in modname ): continue # because we don't import mod = importlib.import_module(modname) try: source = inspect.getsource(mod) except IOError: # user probably should have run "make clean" continue assert "\t" not in source, ( '"%s" has tabs, please remove them ', "or add it to the ignore list" % modname, ) def _construct_searchcv_instance(SearchCV): return SearchCV(LogisticRegression(), {"C": [0.1, 1]}) def _construct_compose_pipeline_instance(Estimator): # Minimal / degenerate instances: only useful to test the docstrings. if Estimator.__name__ == "ColumnTransformer": return Estimator(transformers=[("transformer", "passthrough", [0, 1])]) elif Estimator.__name__ == "Pipeline": return Estimator(steps=[("clf", LogisticRegression())]) elif Estimator.__name__ == "FeatureUnion": return Estimator(transformer_list=[("transformer", FunctionTransformer())]) def _construct_sparse_coder(Estimator): # XXX: hard-coded assumption that n_features=3 dictionary = np.array( [[0, 1, 0], [-1, -1, 2], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1], [0, 2, 1]], dtype=np.float64, ) return Estimator(dictionary=dictionary) @pytest.mark.parametrize("name, Estimator", all_estimators()) def test_fit_docstring_attributes(name, Estimator): pytest.importorskip("numpydoc") from numpydoc import docscrape doc = docscrape.ClassDoc(Estimator) attributes = doc["Attributes"] if Estimator.__name__ in ( "HalvingRandomSearchCV", "RandomizedSearchCV", "HalvingGridSearchCV", "GridSearchCV", ): est = _construct_searchcv_instance(Estimator) elif Estimator.__name__ in ( "ColumnTransformer", "Pipeline", "FeatureUnion", ): est = _construct_compose_pipeline_instance(Estimator) elif Estimator.__name__ == "SparseCoder": est = _construct_sparse_coder(Estimator) else: est = _construct_instance(Estimator) if Estimator.__name__ == "SelectKBest": est.set_params(k=2) elif Estimator.__name__ == "DummyClassifier": est.set_params(strategy="stratified") elif Estimator.__name__ == "CCA" or Estimator.__name__.startswith("PLS"): # default = 2 is invalid for single target est.set_params(n_components=1) elif Estimator.__name__ in ( "GaussianRandomProjection", "SparseRandomProjection", ): # default="auto" raises an error with the shape of `X` est.set_params(n_components=2) # FIXME: TO BE REMOVED in 1.4 (avoid FutureWarning) if Estimator.__name__ in ( "OrthogonalMatchingPursuit", "OrthogonalMatchingPursuitCV", "Lars", "LarsCV", "LassoLars", "LassoLarsCV", "LassoLarsIC", ): est.set_params(normalize=False) # FIXME: TO BE REMOVED for 1.1 (avoid FutureWarning) if Estimator.__name__ == "NMF": est.set_params(init="nndsvda") # FIXME: TO BE REMOVED for 1.2 (avoid FutureWarning) if Estimator.__name__ == "TSNE": est.set_params(learning_rate=200.0, init="random") # For PLS, TODO remove in 1.1 skipped_attributes = {"x_scores_", "y_scores_"} if Estimator.__name__.endswith("Vectorizer"): # Vectorizer require some specific input data if Estimator.__name__ in ( "CountVectorizer", "HashingVectorizer", "TfidfVectorizer", ): X = [ "This is the first document.", "This document is the second document.", "And this is the third one.", "Is this the first document?", ] elif Estimator.__name__ == "DictVectorizer": X = [{"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, {"foo": 3, "baz": 1}] y = None else: X, y = make_classification( n_samples=20, n_features=3, n_redundant=0, n_classes=2, random_state=2, ) y = _enforce_estimator_tags_y(est, y) X = _enforce_estimator_tags_x(est, X) if "1dlabels" in est._get_tags()["X_types"]: est.fit(y) elif "2dlabels" in est._get_tags()["X_types"]: est.fit(np.c_[y, y]) else: est.fit(X, y) for attr in attributes: if attr.name in skipped_attributes: continue desc = " ".join(attr.desc).lower() # As certain attributes are present "only" if a certain parameter is # provided, this checks if the word "only" is present in the attribute # description, and if not the attribute is required to be present. if "only " in desc: continue # ignore deprecation warnings with ignore_warnings(category=FutureWarning): assert hasattr(est, attr.name) fit_attr = _get_all_fitted_attributes(est) fit_attr_names = [attr.name for attr in attributes] undocumented_attrs = set(fit_attr).difference(fit_attr_names) undocumented_attrs = set(undocumented_attrs).difference(skipped_attributes) if undocumented_attrs: raise AssertionError( f"Undocumented attributes for {Estimator.__name__}: {undocumented_attrs}" ) def _get_all_fitted_attributes(estimator): "Get all the fitted attributes of an estimator including properties" # attributes fit_attr = list(estimator.__dict__.keys()) # properties with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=FutureWarning) for name in dir(estimator.__class__): obj = getattr(estimator.__class__, name) if not isinstance(obj, property): continue # ignore properties that raises an AttributeError and deprecated # properties try: getattr(estimator, name) except (AttributeError, FutureWarning): continue fit_attr.append(name) return [k for k in fit_attr if k.endswith("_") and not k.startswith("_")]