""" Testing mio5_utils Cython module """ import sys from io import BytesIO cStringIO = BytesIO import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_equal, assert_ from pytest import raises as assert_raises import scipy.io.matlab.byteordercodes as boc import scipy.io.matlab.streams as streams import scipy.io.matlab.mio5_params as mio5p import scipy.io.matlab.mio5_utils as m5u def test_byteswap(): for val in ( 1, 0x100, 0x10000): a = np.array(val, dtype=np.uint32) b = a.byteswap() c = m5u.byteswap_u4(a) assert_equal(b.item(), c) d = m5u.byteswap_u4(c) assert_equal(a.item(), d) def _make_tag(base_dt, val, mdtype, sde=False): ''' Makes a simple matlab tag, full or sde ''' base_dt = np.dtype(base_dt) bo = boc.to_numpy_code(base_dt.byteorder) byte_count = base_dt.itemsize if not sde: udt = bo + 'u4' padding = 8 - (byte_count % 8) all_dt = [('mdtype', udt), ('byte_count', udt), ('val', base_dt)] if padding: all_dt.append(('padding', 'u1', padding)) else: # is sde udt = bo + 'u2' padding = 4-byte_count if bo == '<': # little endian all_dt = [('mdtype', udt), ('byte_count', udt), ('val', base_dt)] else: # big endian all_dt = [('byte_count', udt), ('mdtype', udt), ('val', base_dt)] if padding: all_dt.append(('padding', 'u1', padding)) tag = np.zeros((1,), dtype=all_dt) tag['mdtype'] = mdtype tag['byte_count'] = byte_count tag['val'] = val return tag def _write_stream(stream, *strings): stream.truncate(0) stream.seek(0) for s in strings: stream.write(s) stream.seek(0) def _make_readerlike(stream, byte_order=boc.native_code): class R: pass r = R() r.mat_stream = stream r.byte_order = byte_order r.struct_as_record = True r.uint16_codec = sys.getdefaultencoding() r.chars_as_strings = False r.mat_dtype = False r.squeeze_me = False return r def test_read_tag(): # mainly to test errors # make reader-like thing str_io = BytesIO() r = _make_readerlike(str_io) c_reader = m5u.VarReader5(r) # This works for StringIO but _not_ cStringIO assert_raises(IOError, c_reader.read_tag) # bad SDE tag = _make_tag('i4', 1, mio5p.miINT32, sde=True) tag['byte_count'] = 5 _write_stream(str_io, tag.tobytes()) assert_raises(ValueError, c_reader.read_tag) def test_read_stream(): tag = _make_tag('i4', 1, mio5p.miINT32, sde=True) tag_str = tag.tobytes() str_io = cStringIO(tag_str) st = streams.make_stream(str_io) s = streams._read_into(st, tag.itemsize) assert_equal(s, tag.tobytes()) def test_read_numeric(): # make reader-like thing str_io = cStringIO() r = _make_readerlike(str_io) # check simplest of tags for base_dt, val, mdtype in (('u2', 30, mio5p.miUINT16), ('i4', 1, mio5p.miINT32), ('i2', -1, mio5p.miINT16)): for byte_code in ('<', '>'): r.byte_order = byte_code c_reader = m5u.VarReader5(r) assert_equal(c_reader.little_endian, byte_code == '<') assert_equal(c_reader.is_swapped, byte_code != boc.native_code) for sde_f in (False, True): dt = np.dtype(base_dt).newbyteorder(byte_code) a = _make_tag(dt, val, mdtype, sde_f) a_str = a.tobytes() _write_stream(str_io, a_str) el = c_reader.read_numeric() assert_equal(el, val) # two sequential reads _write_stream(str_io, a_str, a_str) el = c_reader.read_numeric() assert_equal(el, val) el = c_reader.read_numeric() assert_equal(el, val) def test_read_numeric_writeable(): # make reader-like thing str_io = cStringIO() r = _make_readerlike(str_io, '<') c_reader = m5u.VarReader5(r) dt = np.dtype('