import tempfile import shutil import os import numpy as np from numpy import pi from numpy.testing import (assert_array_almost_equal, assert_equal, assert_warns) import pytest from pytest import raises as assert_raises from scipy.odr import (Data, Model, ODR, RealData, OdrStop, OdrWarning, multilinear, exponential, unilinear, quadratic, polynomial) class TestODR: # Bad Data for 'x' def test_bad_data(self): assert_raises(ValueError, Data, 2, 1) assert_raises(ValueError, RealData, 2, 1) # Empty Data for 'x' def empty_data_func(self, B, x): return B[0]*x + B[1] def test_empty_data(self): beta0 = [0.02, 0.0] linear = Model(self.empty_data_func) empty_dat = Data([], []) assert_warns(OdrWarning, ODR, empty_dat, linear, beta0=beta0) empty_dat = RealData([], []) assert_warns(OdrWarning, ODR, empty_dat, linear, beta0=beta0) # Explicit Example def explicit_fcn(self, B, x): ret = B[0] + B[1] * np.power(np.exp(B[2]*x) - 1.0, 2) return ret def explicit_fjd(self, B, x): eBx = np.exp(B[2]*x) ret = B[1] * 2.0 * (eBx-1.0) * B[2] * eBx return ret def explicit_fjb(self, B, x): eBx = np.exp(B[2]*x) res = np.vstack([np.ones(x.shape[-1]), np.power(eBx-1.0, 2), B[1]*2.0*(eBx-1.0)*eBx*x]) return res def test_explicit(self): explicit_mod = Model( self.explicit_fcn, fjacb=self.explicit_fjb, fjacd=self.explicit_fjd, meta=dict(name='Sample Explicit Model', ref='ODRPACK UG, pg. 39'), ) explicit_dat = Data([0.,0.,5.,7.,7.5,10.,16.,26.,30.,34.,34.5,100.], [1265.,1263.6,1258.,1254.,1253.,1249.8,1237.,1218.,1220.6, 1213.8,1215.5,1212.]) explicit_odr = ODR(explicit_dat, explicit_mod, beta0=[1500.0, -50.0, -0.1], ifixx=[0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0]) explicit_odr.set_job(deriv=2) explicit_odr.set_iprint(init=0, iter=0, final=0) out = assert_array_almost_equal( out.beta, np.array([1.2646548050648876e+03, -5.4018409956678255e+01, -8.7849712165253724e-02]), ) assert_array_almost_equal( out.sd_beta, np.array([1.0349270280543437, 1.583997785262061, 0.0063321988657267]), ) assert_array_almost_equal( out.cov_beta, np.array([[4.4949592379003039e-01, -3.7421976890364739e-01, -8.0978217468468912e-04], [-3.7421976890364739e-01, 1.0529686462751804e+00, -1.9453521827942002e-03], [-8.0978217468468912e-04, -1.9453521827942002e-03, 1.6827336938454476e-05]]), ) # Implicit Example def implicit_fcn(self, B, x): return (B[2]*np.power(x[0]-B[0], 2) + 2.0*B[3]*(x[0]-B[0])*(x[1]-B[1]) + B[4]*np.power(x[1]-B[1], 2) - 1.0) def test_implicit(self): implicit_mod = Model( self.implicit_fcn, implicit=1, meta=dict(name='Sample Implicit Model', ref='ODRPACK UG, pg. 49'), ) implicit_dat = Data([ [0.5,1.2,1.6,1.86,2.12,2.36,2.44,2.36,2.06,1.74,1.34,0.9,-0.28, -0.78,-1.36,-1.9,-2.5,-2.88,-3.18,-3.44], [-0.12,-0.6,-1.,-1.4,-2.54,-3.36,-4.,-4.75,-5.25,-5.64,-5.97,-6.32, -6.44,-6.44,-6.41,-6.25,-5.88,-5.5,-5.24,-4.86]], 1, ) implicit_odr = ODR(implicit_dat, implicit_mod, beta0=[-1.0, -3.0, 0.09, 0.02, 0.08]) out = assert_array_almost_equal( out.beta, np.array([-0.9993809167281279, -2.9310484652026476, 0.0875730502693354, 0.0162299708984738, 0.0797537982976416]), ) assert_array_almost_equal( out.sd_beta, np.array([0.1113840353364371, 0.1097673310686467, 0.0041060738314314, 0.0027500347539902, 0.0034962501532468]), ) assert_array_almost_equal( out.cov_beta, np.array([[2.1089274602333052e+00, -1.9437686411979040e+00, 7.0263550868344446e-02, -4.7175267373474862e-02, 5.2515575927380355e-02], [-1.9437686411979040e+00, 2.0481509222414456e+00, -6.1600515853057307e-02, 4.6268827806232933e-02, -5.8822307501391467e-02], [7.0263550868344446e-02, -6.1600515853057307e-02, 2.8659542561579308e-03, -1.4628662260014491e-03, 1.4528860663055824e-03], [-4.7175267373474862e-02, 4.6268827806232933e-02, -1.4628662260014491e-03, 1.2855592885514335e-03, -1.2692942951415293e-03], [5.2515575927380355e-02, -5.8822307501391467e-02, 1.4528860663055824e-03, -1.2692942951415293e-03, 2.0778813389755596e-03]]), ) # Multi-variable Example def multi_fcn(self, B, x): if (x < 0.0).any(): raise OdrStop theta = pi*B[3]/2. ctheta = np.cos(theta) stheta = np.sin(theta) omega = np.power(2.*pi*x*np.exp(-B[2]), B[3]) phi = np.arctan2((omega*stheta), (1.0 + omega*ctheta)) r = (B[0] - B[1]) * np.power(np.sqrt(np.power(1.0 + omega*ctheta, 2) + np.power(omega*stheta, 2)), -B[4]) ret = np.vstack([B[1] + r*np.cos(B[4]*phi), r*np.sin(B[4]*phi)]) return ret def test_multi(self): multi_mod = Model( self.multi_fcn, meta=dict(name='Sample Multi-Response Model', ref='ODRPACK UG, pg. 56'), ) multi_x = np.array([30.0, 50.0, 70.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 500.0, 700.0, 1000.0, 1500.0, 2000.0, 3000.0, 5000.0, 7000.0, 10000.0, 15000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0, 50000.0, 70000.0, 100000.0, 150000.0]) multi_y = np.array([ [4.22, 4.167, 4.132, 4.038, 4.019, 3.956, 3.884, 3.784, 3.713, 3.633, 3.54, 3.433, 3.358, 3.258, 3.193, 3.128, 3.059, 2.984, 2.934, 2.876, 2.838, 2.798, 2.759], [0.136, 0.167, 0.188, 0.212, 0.236, 0.257, 0.276, 0.297, 0.309, 0.311, 0.314, 0.311, 0.305, 0.289, 0.277, 0.255, 0.24, 0.218, 0.202, 0.182, 0.168, 0.153, 0.139], ]) n = len(multi_x) multi_we = np.zeros((2, 2, n), dtype=float) multi_ifixx = np.ones(n, dtype=int) multi_delta = np.zeros(n, dtype=float) multi_we[0,0,:] = 559.6 multi_we[1,0,:] = multi_we[0,1,:] = -1634.0 multi_we[1,1,:] = 8397.0 for i in range(n): if multi_x[i] < 100.0: multi_ifixx[i] = 0 elif multi_x[i] <= 150.0: pass # defaults are fine elif multi_x[i] <= 1000.0: multi_delta[i] = 25.0 elif multi_x[i] <= 10000.0: multi_delta[i] = 560.0 elif multi_x[i] <= 100000.0: multi_delta[i] = 9500.0 else: multi_delta[i] = 144000.0 if multi_x[i] == 100.0 or multi_x[i] == 150.0: multi_we[:,:,i] = 0.0 multi_dat = Data(multi_x, multi_y, wd=1e-4/np.power(multi_x, 2), we=multi_we) multi_odr = ODR(multi_dat, multi_mod, beta0=[4.,2.,7.,.4,.5], delta0=multi_delta, ifixx=multi_ifixx) multi_odr.set_job(deriv=1, del_init=1) out = assert_array_almost_equal( out.beta, np.array([4.3799880305938963, 2.4333057577497703, 8.0028845899503978, 0.5101147161764654, 0.5173902330489161]), ) assert_array_almost_equal( out.sd_beta, np.array([0.0130625231081944, 0.0130499785273277, 0.1167085962217757, 0.0132642749596149, 0.0288529201353984]), ) assert_array_almost_equal( out.cov_beta, np.array([[0.0064918418231375, 0.0036159705923791, 0.0438637051470406, -0.0058700836512467, 0.011281212888768], [0.0036159705923791, 0.0064793789429006, 0.0517610978353126, -0.0051181304940204, 0.0130726943624117], [0.0438637051470406, 0.0517610978353126, 0.5182263323095322, -0.0563083340093696, 0.1269490939468611], [-0.0058700836512467, -0.0051181304940204, -0.0563083340093696, 0.0066939246261263, -0.0140184391377962], [0.011281212888768, 0.0130726943624117, 0.1269490939468611, -0.0140184391377962, 0.0316733013820852]]), ) # Pearson's Data # K. Pearson, Philosophical Magazine, 2, 559 (1901) def pearson_fcn(self, B, x): return B[0] + B[1]*x def test_pearson(self): p_x = np.array([0.,.9,1.8,2.6,3.3,4.4,5.2,6.1,6.5,7.4]) p_y = np.array([5.9,5.4,4.4,4.6,3.5,3.7,2.8,2.8,2.4,1.5]) p_sx = np.array([.03,.03,.04,.035,.07,.11,.13,.22,.74,1.]) p_sy = np.array([1.,.74,.5,.35,.22,.22,.12,.12,.1,.04]) p_dat = RealData(p_x, p_y, sx=p_sx, sy=p_sy) # Reverse the data to test invariance of results pr_dat = RealData(p_y, p_x, sx=p_sy, sy=p_sx) p_mod = Model(self.pearson_fcn, meta=dict(name='Uni-linear Fit')) p_odr = ODR(p_dat, p_mod, beta0=[1.,1.]) pr_odr = ODR(pr_dat, p_mod, beta0=[1.,1.]) out = assert_array_almost_equal( out.beta, np.array([5.4767400299231674, -0.4796082367610305]), ) assert_array_almost_equal( out.sd_beta, np.array([0.3590121690702467, 0.0706291186037444]), ) assert_array_almost_equal( out.cov_beta, np.array([[0.0854275622946333, -0.0161807025443155], [-0.0161807025443155, 0.003306337993922]]), ) rout = assert_array_almost_equal( rout.beta, np.array([11.4192022410781231, -2.0850374506165474]), ) assert_array_almost_equal( rout.sd_beta, np.array([0.9820231665657161, 0.3070515616198911]), ) assert_array_almost_equal( rout.cov_beta, np.array([[0.6391799462548782, -0.1955657291119177], [-0.1955657291119177, 0.0624888159223392]]), ) # Lorentz Peak # The data is taken from one of the undergraduate physics labs I performed. def lorentz(self, beta, x): return (beta[0]*beta[1]*beta[2] / np.sqrt(np.power(x*x - beta[2]*beta[2], 2.0) + np.power(beta[1]*x, 2.0))) def test_lorentz(self): l_sy = np.array([.29]*18) l_sx = np.array([.000972971,.000948268,.000707632,.000706679, .000706074, .000703918,.000698955,.000456856, .000455207,.000662717,.000654619,.000652694, .000000859202,.00106589,.00106378,.00125483, .00140818,.00241839]) l_dat = RealData( [3.9094, 3.85945, 3.84976, 3.84716, 3.84551, 3.83964, 3.82608, 3.78847, 3.78163, 3.72558, 3.70274, 3.6973, 3.67373, 3.65982, 3.6562, 3.62498, 3.55525, 3.41886], [652, 910.5, 984, 1000, 1007.5, 1053, 1160.5, 1409.5, 1430, 1122, 957.5, 920, 777.5, 709.5, 698, 578.5, 418.5, 275.5], sx=l_sx, sy=l_sy, ) l_mod = Model(self.lorentz, meta=dict(name='Lorentz Peak')) l_odr = ODR(l_dat, l_mod, beta0=(1000., .1, 3.8)) out = assert_array_almost_equal( out.beta, np.array([1.4306780846149925e+03, 1.3390509034538309e-01, 3.7798193600109009e+00]), ) assert_array_almost_equal( out.sd_beta, np.array([7.3621186811330963e-01, 3.5068899941471650e-04, 2.4451209281408992e-04]), ) assert_array_almost_equal( out.cov_beta, np.array([[2.4714409064597873e-01, -6.9067261911110836e-05, -3.1236953270424990e-05], [-6.9067261911110836e-05, 5.6077531517333009e-08, 3.6133261832722601e-08], [-3.1236953270424990e-05, 3.6133261832722601e-08, 2.7261220025171730e-08]]), ) def test_ticket_1253(self): def linear(c, x): return c[0]*x+c[1] c = [2.0, 3.0] x = np.linspace(0, 10) y = linear(c, x) model = Model(linear) data = Data(x, y, wd=1.0, we=1.0) job = ODR(data, model, beta0=[1.0, 1.0]) result = assert_equal(, 2) # Verify fix for gh-9140 def test_ifixx(self): x1 = [-2.01, -0.99, -0.001, 1.02, 1.98] x2 = [3.98, 1.01, 0.001, 0.998, 4.01] fix = np.vstack((np.zeros_like(x1, dtype=int), np.ones_like(x2, dtype=int))) data = Data(np.vstack((x1, x2)), y=1, fix=fix) model = Model(lambda beta, x: x[1, :] - beta[0] * x[0, :]**2., implicit=True) odr1 = ODR(data, model, beta0=np.array([1.])) sol1 = odr2 = ODR(data, model, beta0=np.array([1.]), ifixx=fix) sol2 = assert_equal(sol1.beta, sol2.beta) # verify bugfix for #11800 in #11802 def test_ticket_11800(self): # parameters beta_true = np.array([1.0, 2.3, 1.1, -1.0, 1.3, 0.5]) nr_measurements = 10 std_dev_x = 0.01 x_error = np.array([[0.00063445, 0.00515731, 0.00162719, 0.01022866, -0.01624845, 0.00482652, 0.00275988, -0.00714734, -0.00929201, -0.00687301], [-0.00831623, -0.00821211, -0.00203459, 0.00938266, -0.00701829, 0.0032169, 0.00259194, -0.00581017, -0.0030283, 0.01014164]]) std_dev_y = 0.05 y_error = np.array([[0.05275304, 0.04519563, -0.07524086, 0.03575642, 0.04745194, 0.03806645, 0.07061601, -0.00753604, -0.02592543, -0.02394929], [0.03632366, 0.06642266, 0.08373122, 0.03988822, -0.0092536, -0.03750469, -0.03198903, 0.01642066, 0.01293648, -0.05627085]]) beta_solution = np.array([ 2.62920235756665876536e+00, -1.26608484996299608838e+02, 1.29703572775403074502e+02, -1.88560985401185465804e+00, 7.83834160771274923718e+01, -7.64124076838087091801e+01]) # model's function and Jacobians def func(beta, x): y0 = beta[0] + beta[1] * x[0, :] + beta[2] * x[1, :] y1 = beta[3] + beta[4] * x[0, :] + beta[5] * x[1, :] return np.vstack((y0, y1)) def df_dbeta_odr(beta, x): nr_meas = np.shape(x)[1] zeros = np.zeros(nr_meas) ones = np.ones(nr_meas) dy0 = np.array([ones, x[0, :], x[1, :], zeros, zeros, zeros]) dy1 = np.array([zeros, zeros, zeros, ones, x[0, :], x[1, :]]) return np.stack((dy0, dy1)) def df_dx_odr(beta, x): nr_meas = np.shape(x)[1] ones = np.ones(nr_meas) dy0 = np.array([beta[1] * ones, beta[2] * ones]) dy1 = np.array([beta[4] * ones, beta[5] * ones]) return np.stack((dy0, dy1)) # do measurements with errors in independent and dependent variables x0_true = np.linspace(1, 10, nr_measurements) x1_true = np.linspace(1, 10, nr_measurements) x_true = np.array([x0_true, x1_true]) y_true = func(beta_true, x_true) x_meas = x_true + x_error y_meas = y_true + y_error # estimate model's parameters model_f = Model(func, fjacb=df_dbeta_odr, fjacd=df_dx_odr) data = RealData(x_meas, y_meas, sx=std_dev_x, sy=std_dev_y) odr_obj = ODR(data, model_f, beta0=0.9 * beta_true, maxit=100) #odr_obj.set_iprint(init=2, iter=0, iter_step=1, final=1) odr_obj.set_job(deriv=3) odr_out = # check results assert_equal(, 1) assert_array_almost_equal(odr_out.beta, beta_solution) def test_multilinear_model(self): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = 10.0 + 5.0 * x data = Data(x, y) odr_obj = ODR(data, multilinear) output = assert_array_almost_equal(output.beta, [10.0, 5.0]) def test_exponential_model(self): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = -10.0 + np.exp(0.5*x) data = Data(x, y) odr_obj = ODR(data, exponential) output = assert_array_almost_equal(output.beta, [-10.0, 0.5]) def test_polynomial_model(self): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = 1.0 + 2.0 * x + 3.0 * x ** 2 + 4.0 * x ** 3 poly_model = polynomial(3) data = Data(x, y) odr_obj = ODR(data, poly_model) output = assert_array_almost_equal(output.beta, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]) def test_unilinear_model(self): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = 1.0 * x + 2.0 data = Data(x, y) odr_obj = ODR(data, unilinear) output = assert_array_almost_equal(output.beta, [1.0, 2.0]) def test_quadratic_model(self): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = 1.0 * x ** 2 + 2.0 * x + 3.0 data = Data(x, y) odr_obj = ODR(data, quadratic) output = assert_array_almost_equal(output.beta, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) def test_work_ind(self): def func(par, x): b0, b1 = par return b0 + b1 * x # generate some data n_data = 4 x = np.arange(n_data) y = np.where(x % 2, x + 0.1, x - 0.1) x_err = np.full(n_data, 0.1) y_err = np.full(n_data, 0.1) # do the fitting linear_model = Model(func) real_data = RealData(x, y, sx=x_err, sy=y_err) odr_obj = ODR(real_data, linear_model, beta0=[0.4, 0.4]) odr_obj.set_job(fit_type=0) out = sd_ind = out.work_ind['sd'] assert_array_almost_equal(out.sd_beta,[sd_ind:sd_ind + len(out.sd_beta)]) @pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="Fortran I/O prone to crashing so better " "not to run this test, see gh-13127") def test_output_file_overwrite(self): """ Verify fix for gh-1892 """ def func(b, x): return b[0] + b[1] * x p = Model(func) data = Data(np.arange(10), 12 * np.arange(10)) tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() error_file_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "error.dat") report_file_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "report.dat") try: ODR(data, p, beta0=[0.1, 13], errfile=error_file_path, rptfile=report_file_path).run() ODR(data, p, beta0=[0.1, 13], errfile=error_file_path, rptfile=report_file_path, overwrite=True).run() finally: # remove output files for clean up shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)