""" Copyright (C) 2010 David Fong and Michael Saunders Distributed under the same license as SciPy Testing Code for LSMR. 03 Jun 2010: First version release with lsmr.py David Chin-lung Fong clfong@stanford.edu Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering Stanford University Michael Saunders saunders@stanford.edu Systems Optimization Laboratory Dept of MS&E, Stanford University. """ from numpy import array, arange, eye, zeros, ones, sqrt, transpose, hstack from numpy.linalg import norm from numpy.testing import (assert_allclose, assert_almost_equal, assert_array_almost_equal) from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix from scipy.sparse.linalg.interface import aslinearoperator from scipy.sparse.linalg import lsmr from .test_lsqr import G, b class TestLSMR: def setup_method(self): self.n = 10 self.m = 10 def assertCompatibleSystem(self, A, xtrue): Afun = aslinearoperator(A) b = Afun.matvec(xtrue) x = lsmr(A, b)[0] assert_almost_equal(norm(x - xtrue), 0, decimal=5) def testIdentityACase1(self): A = eye(self.n) xtrue = zeros((self.n, 1)) self.assertCompatibleSystem(A, xtrue) def testIdentityACase2(self): A = eye(self.n) xtrue = ones((self.n,1)) self.assertCompatibleSystem(A, xtrue) def testIdentityACase3(self): A = eye(self.n) xtrue = transpose(arange(self.n,0,-1)) self.assertCompatibleSystem(A, xtrue) def testBidiagonalA(self): A = lowerBidiagonalMatrix(20,self.n) xtrue = transpose(arange(self.n,0,-1)) self.assertCompatibleSystem(A,xtrue) def testScalarB(self): A = array([[1.0, 2.0]]) b = 3.0 x = lsmr(A, b)[0] assert_almost_equal(norm(A.dot(x) - b), 0) def testComplexX(self): A = eye(self.n) xtrue = transpose(arange(self.n, 0, -1) * (1 + 1j)) self.assertCompatibleSystem(A, xtrue) def testComplexX0(self): A = 4 * eye(self.n) + ones((self.n, self.n)) xtrue = transpose(arange(self.n, 0, -1)) b = aslinearoperator(A).matvec(xtrue) x0 = zeros(self.n, dtype=complex) x = lsmr(A, b, x0=x0)[0] assert_almost_equal(norm(x - xtrue), 0, decimal=5) def testComplexA(self): A = 4 * eye(self.n) + 1j * ones((self.n, self.n)) xtrue = transpose(arange(self.n, 0, -1).astype(complex)) self.assertCompatibleSystem(A, xtrue) def testComplexB(self): A = 4 * eye(self.n) + ones((self.n, self.n)) xtrue = transpose(arange(self.n, 0, -1) * (1 + 1j)) b = aslinearoperator(A).matvec(xtrue) x = lsmr(A, b)[0] assert_almost_equal(norm(x - xtrue), 0, decimal=5) def testColumnB(self): A = eye(self.n) b = ones((self.n, 1)) x = lsmr(A, b)[0] assert_almost_equal(norm(A.dot(x) - b.ravel()), 0) def testInitialization(self): # Test that the default setting is not modified x_ref, _, itn_ref, normr_ref, *_ = lsmr(G, b) assert_allclose(norm(b - G@x_ref), normr_ref, atol=1e-6) # Test passing zeros yields similiar result x0 = zeros(b.shape) x = lsmr(G, b, x0=x0)[0] assert_array_almost_equal(x, x_ref) # Test warm-start with single iteration x0 = lsmr(G, b, maxiter=1)[0] x, _, itn, normr, *_ = lsmr(G, b, x0=x0) assert_allclose(norm(b - G@x), normr, atol=1e-6) # NOTE(gh-12139): This doesn't always converge to the same value as # ref because error estimates will be slightly different when calculated # from zeros vs x0 as a result only compare norm and itn (not x). # x generally converges 1 iteration faster because it started at x0. # itn == itn_ref means that lsmr(x0) took an extra iteration see above. # -1 is technically possible but is rare (1 in 100000) so it's more # likely to be an error elsewhere. assert itn - itn_ref in (0, 1) # If an extra iteration is performed normr may be 0, while normr_ref # may be much larger. assert normr < normr_ref * (1 + 1e-6) class TestLSMRReturns: def setup_method(self): self.n = 10 self.A = lowerBidiagonalMatrix(20,self.n) self.xtrue = transpose(arange(self.n,0,-1)) self.Afun = aslinearoperator(self.A) self.b = self.Afun.matvec(self.xtrue) self.returnValues = lsmr(self.A,self.b) def testNormr(self): x, istop, itn, normr, normar, normA, condA, normx = self.returnValues assert_almost_equal(normr, norm(self.b - self.Afun.matvec(x))) def testNormar(self): x, istop, itn, normr, normar, normA, condA, normx = self.returnValues assert_almost_equal(normar, norm(self.Afun.rmatvec(self.b - self.Afun.matvec(x)))) def testNormx(self): x, istop, itn, normr, normar, normA, condA, normx = self.returnValues assert_almost_equal(normx, norm(x)) def lowerBidiagonalMatrix(m, n): # This is a simple example for testing LSMR. # It uses the leading m*n submatrix from # A = [ 1 # 1 2 # 2 3 # 3 4 # ... # n ] # suitably padded by zeros. # # 04 Jun 2010: First version for distribution with lsmr.py if m <= n: row = hstack((arange(m, dtype=int), arange(1, m, dtype=int))) col = hstack((arange(m, dtype=int), arange(m-1, dtype=int))) data = hstack((arange(1, m+1, dtype=float), arange(1,m, dtype=float))) return coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(m,n)) else: row = hstack((arange(n, dtype=int), arange(1, n+1, dtype=int))) col = hstack((arange(n, dtype=int), arange(n, dtype=int))) data = hstack((arange(1, n+1, dtype=float), arange(1,n+1, dtype=float))) return coo_matrix((data,(row, col)), shape=(m,n)) def lsmrtest(m, n, damp): """Verbose testing of lsmr""" A = lowerBidiagonalMatrix(m,n) xtrue = arange(n,0,-1, dtype=float) Afun = aslinearoperator(A) b = Afun.matvec(xtrue) atol = 1.0e-7 btol = 1.0e-7 conlim = 1.0e+10 itnlim = 10*n show = 1 x, istop, itn, normr, normar, norma, conda, normx \ = lsmr(A, b, damp, atol, btol, conlim, itnlim, show) j1 = min(n,5) j2 = max(n-4,1) print(' ') print('First elements of x:') str = ['%10.4f' % (xi) for xi in x[0:j1]] print(''.join(str)) print(' ') print('Last elements of x:') str = ['%10.4f' % (xi) for xi in x[j2-1:]] print(''.join(str)) r = b - Afun.matvec(x) r2 = sqrt(norm(r)**2 + (damp*norm(x))**2) print(' ') str = 'normr (est.) %17.10e' % (normr) str2 = 'normr (true) %17.10e' % (r2) print(str) print(str2) print(' ') if __name__ == "__main__": lsmrtest(20,10,0)