import re import os import string from importlib.util import find_spec from os.path import join, exists, abspath from shutil import ignore_patterns, move, copy2, copystat from stat import S_IWUSR as OWNER_WRITE_PERMISSION import scrapy from scrapy.commands import ScrapyCommand from scrapy.utils.template import render_templatefile, string_camelcase from scrapy.exceptions import UsageError TEMPLATES_TO_RENDER = ( ('scrapy.cfg',), ('${project_name}', ''), ('${project_name}', ''), ('${project_name}', ''), ('${project_name}', ''), ) IGNORE = ignore_patterns('*.pyc', '__pycache__', '.svn') def _make_writable(path): current_permissions = os.stat(path).st_mode os.chmod(path, current_permissions | OWNER_WRITE_PERMISSION) class Command(ScrapyCommand): requires_project = False default_settings = {'LOG_ENABLED': False, 'SPIDER_LOADER_WARN_ONLY': True} def syntax(self): return " [project_dir]" def short_desc(self): return "Create new project" def _is_valid_name(self, project_name): def _module_exists(module_name): spec = find_spec(module_name) return spec is not None and spec.loader is not None if not'^[_a-zA-Z]\w*$', project_name): print('Error: Project names must begin with a letter and contain' ' only\nletters, numbers and underscores') elif _module_exists(project_name): print(f'Error: Module {project_name!r} already exists') else: return True return False def _copytree(self, src, dst): """ Since the original function always creates the directory, to resolve the issue a new function had to be created. It's a simple copy and was reduced for this case. More info at: """ ignore = IGNORE names = os.listdir(src) ignored_names = ignore(src, names) if not os.path.exists(dst): os.makedirs(dst) for name in names: if name in ignored_names: continue srcname = os.path.join(src, name) dstname = os.path.join(dst, name) if os.path.isdir(srcname): self._copytree(srcname, dstname) else: copy2(srcname, dstname) _make_writable(dstname) copystat(src, dst) _make_writable(dst) def run(self, args, opts): if len(args) not in (1, 2): raise UsageError() project_name = args[0] project_dir = args[0] if len(args) == 2: project_dir = args[1] if exists(join(project_dir, 'scrapy.cfg')): self.exitcode = 1 print(f'Error: scrapy.cfg already exists in {abspath(project_dir)}') return if not self._is_valid_name(project_name): self.exitcode = 1 return self._copytree(self.templates_dir, abspath(project_dir)) move(join(project_dir, 'module'), join(project_dir, project_name)) for paths in TEMPLATES_TO_RENDER: path = join(*paths) tplfile = join(project_dir, string.Template(path).substitute(project_name=project_name)) render_templatefile(tplfile, project_name=project_name, ProjectName=string_camelcase(project_name)) print(f"New Scrapy project '{project_name}', using template directory " f"'{self.templates_dir}', created in:") print(f" {abspath(project_dir)}\n") print("You can start your first spider with:") print(f" cd {project_dir}") print(" scrapy genspider example") @property def templates_dir(self): return join( self.settings['TEMPLATES_DIR'] or join(scrapy.__path__[0], 'templates'), 'project' )