import hashlib import logging from scrapy.utils.misc import create_instance logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _path_safe(text): """ Return a filesystem-safe version of a string ``text`` >>> _path_safe('').startswith('') True >>> _path_safe('').startswith('') True >>> _path_safe('some@symbol?').startswith('some_symbol_') True """ pathable_slot = "".join([c if c.isalnum() or c in '-._' else '_' for c in text]) # as we replace some letters we can get collision for different slots # add we add unique part unique_slot = hashlib.md5(text.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() return '-'.join([pathable_slot, unique_slot]) class ScrapyPriorityQueue: """A priority queue implemented using multiple internal queues (typically, FIFO queues). It uses one internal queue for each priority value. The internal queue must implement the following methods: * push(obj) * pop() * close() * __len__() Optionally, the queue could provide a ``peek`` method, that should return the next object to be returned by ``pop``, but without removing it from the queue. ``__init__`` method of ScrapyPriorityQueue receives a downstream_queue_cls argument, which is a class used to instantiate a new (internal) queue when a new priority is allocated. Only integer priorities should be used. Lower numbers are higher priorities. startprios is a sequence of priorities to start with. If the queue was previously closed leaving some priority buckets non-empty, those priorities should be passed in startprios. """ @classmethod def from_crawler(cls, crawler, downstream_queue_cls, key, startprios=()): return cls(crawler, downstream_queue_cls, key, startprios) def __init__(self, crawler, downstream_queue_cls, key, startprios=()): self.crawler = crawler self.downstream_queue_cls = downstream_queue_cls self.key = key self.queues = {} self.curprio = None self.init_prios(startprios) def init_prios(self, startprios): if not startprios: return for priority in startprios: self.queues[priority] = self.qfactory(priority) self.curprio = min(startprios) def qfactory(self, key): return create_instance( self.downstream_queue_cls, None, self.crawler, self.key + '/' + str(key), ) def priority(self, request): return -request.priority def push(self, request): priority = self.priority(request) if priority not in self.queues: self.queues[priority] = self.qfactory(priority) q = self.queues[priority] q.push(request) # this may fail (eg. serialization error) if self.curprio is None or priority < self.curprio: self.curprio = priority def pop(self): if self.curprio is None: return q = self.queues[self.curprio] m = q.pop() if not q: del self.queues[self.curprio] q.close() prios = [p for p, q in self.queues.items() if q] self.curprio = min(prios) if prios else None return m def peek(self): """Returns the next object to be returned by :meth:`pop`, but without removing it from the queue. Raises :exc:`NotImplementedError` if the underlying queue class does not implement a ``peek`` method, which is optional for queues. """ if self.curprio is None: return None queue = self.queues[self.curprio] return queue.peek() def close(self): active = [] for p, q in self.queues.items(): active.append(p) q.close() return active def __len__(self): return sum(len(x) for x in self.queues.values()) if self.queues else 0 class DownloaderInterface: def __init__(self, crawler): self.downloader = crawler.engine.downloader def stats(self, possible_slots): return [(self._active_downloads(slot), slot) for slot in possible_slots] def get_slot_key(self, request): return self.downloader._get_slot_key(request, None) def _active_downloads(self, slot): """ Return a number of requests in a Downloader for a given slot """ if slot not in self.downloader.slots: return 0 return len(self.downloader.slots[slot].active) class DownloaderAwarePriorityQueue: """ PriorityQueue which takes Downloader activity into account: domains (slots) with the least amount of active downloads are dequeued first. """ @classmethod def from_crawler(cls, crawler, downstream_queue_cls, key, startprios=()): return cls(crawler, downstream_queue_cls, key, startprios) def __init__(self, crawler, downstream_queue_cls, key, slot_startprios=()): if crawler.settings.getint('CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PER_IP') != 0: raise ValueError(f'"{self.__class__}" does not support CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PER_IP') if slot_startprios and not isinstance(slot_startprios, dict): raise ValueError("DownloaderAwarePriorityQueue accepts " "``slot_startprios`` as a dict; " f"{slot_startprios.__class__!r} instance " "is passed. Most likely, it means the state is" "created by an incompatible priority queue. " "Only a crawl started with the same priority " "queue class can be resumed.") self._downloader_interface = DownloaderInterface(crawler) self.downstream_queue_cls = downstream_queue_cls self.key = key self.crawler = crawler self.pqueues = {} # slot -> priority queue for slot, startprios in (slot_startprios or {}).items(): self.pqueues[slot] = self.pqfactory(slot, startprios) def pqfactory(self, slot, startprios=()): return ScrapyPriorityQueue( self.crawler, self.downstream_queue_cls, self.key + '/' + _path_safe(slot), startprios, ) def pop(self): stats = self._downloader_interface.stats(self.pqueues) if not stats: return slot = min(stats)[1] queue = self.pqueues[slot] request = queue.pop() if len(queue) == 0: del self.pqueues[slot] return request def push(self, request): slot = self._downloader_interface.get_slot_key(request) if slot not in self.pqueues: self.pqueues[slot] = self.pqfactory(slot) queue = self.pqueues[slot] queue.push(request) def peek(self): """Returns the next object to be returned by :meth:`pop`, but without removing it from the queue. Raises :exc:`NotImplementedError` if the underlying queue class does not implement a ``peek`` method, which is optional for queues. """ stats = self._downloader_interface.stats(self.pqueues) if not stats: return None slot = min(stats)[1] queue = self.pqueues[slot] return queue.peek() def close(self): active = {slot: queue.close() for slot, queue in self.pqueues.items()} self.pqueues.clear() return active def __len__(self): return sum(len(x) for x in self.pqueues.values()) if self.pqueues else 0 def __contains__(self, slot): return slot in self.pqueues