import struct from gzip import GzipFile from io import BytesIO from scrapy.utils.decorators import deprecated # - GzipFile's read() has issues returning leftover uncompressed data when # input is corrupted # - read1(), which fetches data before raising EOFError on next call # works here @deprecated('GzipFile.read1') def read1(gzf, size=-1): return gzf.read1(size) def gunzip(data): """Gunzip the given data and return as much data as possible. This is resilient to CRC checksum errors. """ f = GzipFile(fileobj=BytesIO(data)) output_list = [] chunk = b'.' while chunk: try: chunk = f.read1(8196) output_list.append(chunk) except (IOError, EOFError, struct.error): # complete only if there is some data, otherwise re-raise # see issue 87 about catching struct.error # some pages are quite small so output_list is empty and f.extrabuf # contains the whole page content if output_list or getattr(f, 'extrabuf', None): try: output_list.append(f.extrabuf[-f.extrasize:]) finally: break else: raise return b''.join(output_list) def gzip_magic_number(response): return response.body[:3] == b'\x1f\x8b\x08'