# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © Spyder Project Contributors # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License # (see spyder/__init__.py for details) """ Container Widget. Holds references for base actions in the Application of Spyder. """ # Standard library imports import os import sys import glob # Third party imports from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, QThread, QTimer, Signal, Slot from qtpy.QtWidgets import QAction, QMessageBox, QPushButton # Local imports from spyder import __docs_url__, __forum_url__, __trouble_url__ from spyder import dependencies from spyder.api.translations import get_translation from spyder.api.widgets.main_container import PluginMainContainer from spyder.config.utils import is_anaconda from spyder.config.base import get_conf_path, get_debug_level from spyder.plugins.console.api import ConsoleActions from spyder.utils.qthelpers import start_file, DialogManager from spyder.widgets.about import AboutDialog from spyder.widgets.dependencies import DependenciesDialog from spyder.widgets.helperwidgets import MessageCheckBox from spyder.workers.updates import WorkerUpdates WinUserEnvDialog = None if os.name == 'nt': from spyder.utils.environ import WinUserEnvDialog # Localization _ = get_translation('spyder') class ApplicationPluginMenus: DebugLogsMenu = "debug_logs_menu" class LogsMenuSections: SpyderLogSection = "spyder_log_section" LSPLogsSection = "lsp_logs_section" # Actions class ApplicationActions: # Help # The name of the action needs to match the name of the shortcut so # 'spyder documentation' is used instead of something # like 'spyder_documentation' SpyderDocumentationAction = "spyder documentation" SpyderDocumentationVideoAction = "spyder_documentation_video_action" SpyderTroubleshootingAction = "spyder_troubleshooting_action" SpyderDependenciesAction = "spyder_dependencies_action" SpyderCheckUpdatesAction = "spyder_check_updates_action" SpyderSupportAction = "spyder_support_action" SpyderAbout = "spyder_about_action" # Tools SpyderWindowsEnvVariables = "spyder_windows_env_variables_action" # File # The name of the action needs to match the name of the shortcut # so 'Restart' is used instead of something like 'restart_action' SpyderRestart = "Restart" SpyderRestartDebug = "Restart in debug mode" class ApplicationContainer(PluginMainContainer): sig_report_issue_requested = Signal() """ Signal to request reporting an issue to Github. """ sig_load_log_file = Signal(str) """ Signal to load a log file """ def __init__(self, name, plugin, parent=None): super().__init__(name, plugin, parent) # Keep track of dpi message self.current_dpi = None self.dpi_messagebox = None # ---- PluginMainContainer API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setup(self): # Compute dependencies in a thread to not block the interface. self.dependencies_thread = QThread() # Attributes self.dialog_manager = DialogManager() self.give_updates_feedback = False self.thread_updates = None self.worker_updates = None # Actions # Documentation actions self.documentation_action = self.create_action( ApplicationActions.SpyderDocumentationAction, text=_("Spyder documentation"), icon=self.create_icon("DialogHelpButton"), triggered=lambda: start_file(__docs_url__), context=Qt.ApplicationShortcut, register_shortcut=True, shortcut_context="_") spyder_video_url = ("https://www.youtube.com/playlist" "?list=PLPonohdiDqg9epClEcXoAPUiK0pN5eRoc") self.video_action = self.create_action( ApplicationActions.SpyderDocumentationVideoAction, text=_("Tutorial videos"), icon=self.create_icon("VideoIcon"), triggered=lambda: start_file(spyder_video_url)) # Support actions self.trouble_action = self.create_action( ApplicationActions.SpyderTroubleshootingAction, _("Troubleshooting..."), triggered=lambda: start_file(__trouble_url__)) self.report_action = self.create_action( ConsoleActions.SpyderReportAction, _("Report issue..."), icon=self.create_icon('bug'), triggered=self.sig_report_issue_requested) self.dependencies_action = self.create_action( ApplicationActions.SpyderDependenciesAction, _("Dependencies..."), triggered=self.show_dependencies, icon=self.create_icon('advanced')) self.check_updates_action = self.create_action( ApplicationActions.SpyderCheckUpdatesAction, _("Check for updates..."), triggered=self.check_updates) self.support_group_action = self.create_action( ApplicationActions.SpyderSupportAction, _("Spyder support..."), triggered=lambda: start_file(__forum_url__)) # About action self.about_action = self.create_action( ApplicationActions.SpyderAbout, _("About %s...") % "Spyder", icon=self.create_icon('MessageBoxInformation'), triggered=self.show_about, menurole=QAction.AboutRole) # Tools actions if WinUserEnvDialog is not None: self.winenv_action = self.create_action( ApplicationActions.SpyderWindowsEnvVariables, _("Current user environment variables..."), icon=self.create_icon('win_env'), tip=_("Show and edit current user environment " "variables in Windows registry " "(i.e. for all sessions)"), triggered=self.show_windows_env_variables) else: self.winenv_action = None # Application base actions self.restart_action = self.create_action( ApplicationActions.SpyderRestart, _("&Restart"), icon=self.create_icon('restart'), tip=_("Restart"), triggered=self.restart_normal, context=Qt.ApplicationShortcut, shortcut_context="_", register_shortcut=True) self.restart_debug_action = self.create_action( ApplicationActions.SpyderRestartDebug, _("&Restart in debug mode"), tip=_("Restart in debug mode"), triggered=self.restart_debug, context=Qt.ApplicationShortcut, shortcut_context="_", register_shortcut=True) # Debug logs if get_debug_level() >= 2: self.menu_debug_logs = self.create_menu( ApplicationPluginMenus.DebugLogsMenu, _("Debug logs") ) # The menu can't be built at startup because Completions can # start after Application. self.menu_debug_logs.aboutToShow.connect( self.create_debug_log_actions) def update_actions(self): pass # ---- Other functionality # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def on_close(self): """To call from Spyder when the plugin is closed.""" self.dialog_manager.close_all() @Slot() def show_about(self): """Show Spyder About dialog.""" abt = AboutDialog(self) abt.show() @Slot() def show_windows_env_variables(self): """Show Windows current user environment variables.""" self.dialog_manager.show(WinUserEnvDialog(self)) # ---- Updates # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _check_updates_ready(self): """Show results of the Spyder update checking process.""" # `feedback` = False is used on startup, so only positive feedback is # given. `feedback` = True is used when after startup (when using the # menu action, and gives feeback if updates are, or are not found. feedback = self.give_updates_feedback # Get results from worker update_available = self.worker_updates.update_available latest_release = self.worker_updates.latest_release error_msg = self.worker_updates.error # Release url if sys.platform == 'darwin': url_r = ('https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/releases/latest/' 'download/Spyder.dmg') else: url_r = ('https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/releases/latest/' 'download/Spyder_64bit_full.exe') url_i = 'https://docs.spyder-ide.org/installation.html' # Define the custom QMessageBox box = MessageCheckBox(icon=QMessageBox.Information, parent=self) box.setWindowTitle(_("New Spyder version")) box.setAttribute(Qt.WA_ShowWithoutActivating) box.set_checkbox_text(_("Check for updates at startup")) box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Ok) # Adjust the checkbox depending on the stored configuration option = 'check_updates_on_startup' check_updates = self.get_conf(option) box.set_checked(check_updates) if error_msg is not None: msg = error_msg box.setText(msg) box.set_check_visible(False) box.exec_() check_updates = box.is_checked() else: if update_available: header = _("Spyder {} is available!

").format( latest_release) footer = _( "For more information visit our " "installation guide." ).format(url_i) if is_anaconda(): content = _( "Important note: Since you installed " "Spyder with Anaconda, please don't use " "pip to update it as that will break " "your installation.

" "Instead, run the following commands in a " "terminal:
" "conda update anaconda
" "conda install spyder={}

" ).format(latest_release) else: content = _( "Click this link to " "download it.

" ).format(url_r) msg = header + content + footer box.setText(msg) box.set_check_visible(True) box.show() check_updates = box.is_checked() elif feedback: msg = _("Spyder is up to date.") box.setText(msg) box.set_check_visible(False) box.exec_() check_updates = box.is_checked() # Update checkbox based on user interaction self.set_conf(option, check_updates) # Enable check_updates_action after the thread has finished self.check_updates_action.setDisabled(False) # Provide feeback when clicking menu if check on startup is on self.give_updates_feedback = True @Slot() def check_updates(self, startup=False): """Check for spyder updates on github releases using a QThread.""" # Disable check_updates_action while the thread is working self.check_updates_action.setDisabled(True) if self.thread_updates is not None: self.thread_updates.terminate() self.thread_updates = QThread(self) self.worker_updates = WorkerUpdates(self, startup=startup) self.worker_updates.sig_ready.connect(self._check_updates_ready) self.worker_updates.sig_ready.connect(self.thread_updates.quit) self.worker_updates.moveToThread(self.thread_updates) self.thread_updates.started.connect(self.worker_updates.start) # Delay starting this check to avoid blocking the main window # while loading. # Fixes spyder-ide/spyder#15839 updates_timer = QTimer(self) updates_timer.setInterval(3000) updates_timer.setSingleShot(True) updates_timer.timeout.connect(self.thread_updates.start) updates_timer.start() # ---- Dependencies # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Slot() def show_dependencies(self): """Show Spyder Dependencies dialog.""" dlg = DependenciesDialog(self) dlg.set_data(dependencies.DEPENDENCIES) dlg.show() def compute_dependencies(self): """Compute dependencies""" self.dependencies_thread.run = dependencies.declare_dependencies self.dependencies_thread.finished.connect( self.report_missing_dependencies) # This avoids computing missing deps before the window is fully up dependencies_timer = QTimer(self) dependencies_timer.setInterval(10000) dependencies_timer.setSingleShot(True) dependencies_timer.timeout.connect(self.dependencies_thread.start) dependencies_timer.start() @Slot() def report_missing_dependencies(self): """Show a QMessageBox with a list of missing hard dependencies.""" missing_deps = dependencies.missing_dependencies() if missing_deps: # We change '
' by '\n', in order to replace the '<' # that appear in our deps by '<' (to not break html # formatting) and finally we restore '
' again. missing_deps = (missing_deps.replace('
', '\n'). replace('<', '<').replace('\n', '
')) message = ( _("You have missing dependencies!" "

" "Please install them to avoid this message." "

" "Note: Spyder could work without some of these " "dependencies, however to have a smooth experience when " "using Spyder we strongly recommend you to install " "all the listed missing dependencies.

" "Failing to install these dependencies might result in bugs." " Please be sure that any found bugs are not the direct " "result of missing dependencies, prior to reporting a new " "issue." ) % missing_deps ) message_box = QMessageBox(self) message_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) message_box.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) message_box.setAttribute(Qt.WA_ShowWithoutActivating) message_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) message_box.setWindowModality(Qt.NonModal) message_box.setWindowTitle(_('Error')) message_box.setText(message) message_box.show() # ---- Restart # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Slot() def restart_normal(self): """Restart in standard mode.""" os.environ['SPYDER_DEBUG'] = '' self.sig_restart_requested.emit() @Slot() def restart_debug(self): """Restart in debug mode.""" box = QMessageBox(self) box.setWindowTitle(_("Question")) box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Question) box.setText( _("Which debug mode do you want Spyder to restart in?") ) button_verbose = QPushButton(_('Verbose')) button_minimal = QPushButton(_('Minimal')) box.addButton(button_verbose, QMessageBox.AcceptRole) box.addButton(button_minimal, QMessageBox.AcceptRole) box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Cancel) box.exec_() if box.clickedButton() == button_minimal: os.environ['SPYDER_DEBUG'] = '2' elif box.clickedButton() == button_verbose: os.environ['SPYDER_DEBUG'] = '3' else: return self.sig_restart_requested.emit() # ---- Log files # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_debug_log_actions(self): """Create an action for each lsp and debug log file.""" self.menu_debug_logs.clear_actions() files = [os.environ['SPYDER_DEBUG_FILE']] files += glob.glob(os.path.join(get_conf_path('lsp_logs'), '*.log')) debug_logs_actions = [] for file in files: action = self.create_action( file, os.path.basename(file), tip=file, triggered=lambda _, file=file: self.load_log_file(file), overwrite=True, register_action=False ) debug_logs_actions.append(action) # Add Spyder log on its own section self.add_item_to_menu( debug_logs_actions[0], self.menu_debug_logs, section=LogsMenuSections.SpyderLogSection ) # Add LSP logs for action in debug_logs_actions[1:]: self.add_item_to_menu( action, self.menu_debug_logs, section=LogsMenuSections.LSPLogsSection ) # Render menu self.menu_debug_logs._render() def load_log_file(self, file): """Load log file in editor""" self.sig_load_log_file.emit(file) # ---- DPI changes # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_window(self, window): """Set window property of main window.""" self._window = window def handle_new_screen(self, new_screen): """Connect DPI signals for new screen.""" if new_screen is not None: new_screen_dpi = new_screen.logicalDotsPerInch() if self.current_dpi != new_screen_dpi: self.show_dpi_change_message(new_screen_dpi) else: new_screen.logicalDotsPerInchChanged.connect( self.show_dpi_change_message) def handle_dpi_change_response(self, result, dpi): """Handle dpi change message dialog result.""" if self.dpi_messagebox.is_checked(): self.set_conf('show_dpi_message', False) self.dpi_messagebox = None if result == 0: # Restart button was clicked # Activate HDPI auto-scaling option since is needed for a # proper display when using OS scaling self.set_conf('normal_screen_resolution', False) self.set_conf('high_dpi_scaling', True) self.set_conf('high_dpi_custom_scale_factor', False) self.sig_restart_requested.emit() else: # Update current dpi for future checks self.current_dpi = dpi def show_dpi_change_message(self, dpi): """Show message to restart Spyder since the DPI scale changed.""" if not self.get_conf('show_dpi_message'): return if self.current_dpi != dpi: # Check the window state to not show the message if the window # is in fullscreen mode. window = self._window.windowHandle() if (window.windowState() == Qt.WindowFullScreen and sys.platform == 'darwin'): return if self.dpi_messagebox is not None: return self.dpi_messagebox = MessageCheckBox(icon=QMessageBox.Warning, parent=self) self.dpi_messagebox.set_checkbox_text(_("Don't show again.")) self.dpi_messagebox.set_checked(False) self.dpi_messagebox.set_check_visible(True) self.dpi_messagebox.setText( _ ("A monitor scale change was detected.

" "We recommend restarting Spyder to ensure that it's properly " "displayed. If you don't want to do that, please be sure to " "activate the option

Enable auto high DPI scaling" "

in Preferences > Application > " "Interface, in case Spyder is not displayed " "correctly.

" "Do you want to restart Spyder?")) self.dpi_messagebox.addButton(_('Restart now'), QMessageBox.NoRole) dismiss_button = self.dpi_messagebox.addButton( _('Dismiss'), QMessageBox.NoRole) self.dpi_messagebox.setDefaultButton(dismiss_button) self.dpi_messagebox.finished.connect( lambda result: self.handle_dpi_change_response(result, dpi)) self.dpi_messagebox.open()