# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © Spyder Project Contributors # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License # (see spyder/__init__.py for details) """ Language Server Protocol advanced configuration tab. """ # Standard library imports import re # Third party imports from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, Slot from qtpy.QtWidgets import (QGroupBox, QGridLayout, QLabel, QMessageBox, QVBoxLayout, QWidget) # Local imports from spyder.api.preferences import SpyderPreferencesTab from spyder.config.base import _ from spyder.utils.misc import check_connection_port class AdvancedConfigTab(SpyderPreferencesTab): """PyLS advanced configuration tab.""" TITLE = _('Advanced') def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) lsp_advanced_group = QGroupBox(_( 'Python Language Server configuration')) advanced_label = QLabel( _("Warning: Only modify these values if " "you know what you're doing!")) advanced_label.setWordWrap(True) advanced_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignJustify) # Advanced settings checkbox self.advanced_options_check = self.create_checkbox( _("Enable advanced settings"), 'advanced/enabled') # Advanced options self.advanced_module = self.create_lineedit( _("Module for the Python language server: "), 'advanced/module', alignment=Qt.Horizontal, word_wrap=False) self.advanced_host = self.create_lineedit( _("IP Address and port to bind the server to: "), 'advanced/host', alignment=Qt.Horizontal, word_wrap=False) self.advanced_port = self.create_spinbox( ":", "", 'advanced/port', min_=1, max_=65535, step=1) self.external_server = self.create_checkbox( _("This is an external server"), 'advanced/external') self.use_stdio = self.create_checkbox( _("Use stdio pipes to communicate with server"), 'advanced/stdio') self.use_stdio.stateChanged.connect(self.disable_tcp) self.external_server.stateChanged.connect(self.disable_stdio) # Advanced layout advanced_g_layout = QGridLayout() advanced_g_layout.addWidget(self.advanced_module.label, 1, 0) advanced_g_layout.addWidget(self.advanced_module.textbox, 1, 1) advanced_g_layout.addWidget(self.advanced_host.label, 2, 0) advanced_host_port_g_layout = QGridLayout() advanced_host_port_g_layout.addWidget(self.advanced_host.textbox, 1, 0) advanced_host_port_g_layout.addWidget(self.advanced_port.plabel, 1, 1) advanced_host_port_g_layout.addWidget(self.advanced_port.spinbox, 1, 2) advanced_g_layout.addLayout(advanced_host_port_g_layout, 2, 1) # External server and stdio options layout advanced_server_layout = QVBoxLayout() advanced_server_layout.addWidget(self.external_server) advanced_server_layout.addWidget(self.use_stdio) advanced_options_layout = QVBoxLayout() advanced_options_layout.addLayout(advanced_g_layout) advanced_options_layout.addLayout(advanced_server_layout) # Set advanced options enabled/disabled advanced_options_widget = QWidget() advanced_options_widget.setLayout(advanced_options_layout) advanced_options_widget.setEnabled(self.get_option('advanced/enabled')) self.advanced_options_check.toggled.connect( advanced_options_widget.setEnabled) self.advanced_options_check.toggled.connect( self.show_advanced_warning) # Advanced options layout advanced_layout = QVBoxLayout() advanced_layout.addWidget(advanced_label) advanced_layout.addWidget(self.advanced_options_check) advanced_layout.addWidget(advanced_options_widget) lsp_advanced_group.setLayout(advanced_layout) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(lsp_advanced_group) self.setLayout(layout) def disable_tcp(self, state): if state == Qt.Checked: self.advanced_host.textbox.setEnabled(False) self.advanced_port.spinbox.setEnabled(False) self.external_server.stateChanged.disconnect() self.external_server.setChecked(False) self.external_server.setEnabled(False) else: self.advanced_host.textbox.setEnabled(True) self.advanced_port.spinbox.setEnabled(True) self.external_server.setChecked(False) self.external_server.setEnabled(True) self.external_server.stateChanged.connect(self.disable_stdio) def disable_stdio(self, state): if state == Qt.Checked: self.advanced_host.textbox.setEnabled(True) self.advanced_port.spinbox.setEnabled(True) self.advanced_module.textbox.setEnabled(False) self.use_stdio.stateChanged.disconnect() self.use_stdio.setChecked(False) self.use_stdio.setEnabled(False) else: self.advanced_host.textbox.setEnabled(True) self.advanced_port.spinbox.setEnabled(True) self.advanced_module.textbox.setEnabled(True) self.use_stdio.setChecked(False) self.use_stdio.setEnabled(True) self.use_stdio.stateChanged.connect(self.disable_tcp) @Slot(bool) def show_advanced_warning(self, state): """ Show a warning when trying to modify the PyLS advanced settings. """ # Don't show warning if the option is already enabled. # This avoids showing it when the Preferences dialog # is created. if self.get_option('advanced/enabled'): return # Show warning when toggling the button state if state: QMessageBox.warning( self, _("Warning"), _("Modifying these options can break code completion!!" "

" "If that's the case, please reset your Spyder preferences " "by going to the menu" "

" "Tools > Reset Spyder to factory defaults" "

" "instead of reporting a bug.")) def is_valid(self): host = self.advanced_host.textbox.text() # If host is not local, the server must be external # and we need to automatically check the corresponding # option if host not in ['', 'localhost']: self.external_server.setChecked(True) # Checks for external PyLS if self.external_server.isChecked(): port = int(self.advanced_port.spinbox.text()) # Check that host and port of the current server are # different from the new ones provided to connect to # an external server. lsp = self.plugin.get_provider('lsp') pyclient = lsp.clients.get('python') if pyclient is not None: instance = pyclient['instance'] if (instance is not None and not pyclient['config']['external']): if (instance.server_host == host and instance.server_port == port): self.report_no_address_change() return False # Check connection to LSP server using a TCP socket response = check_connection_port(host, port) if not response: self.report_no_external_server(host, port, 'python') return False return True def report_no_external_server(self, host, port, language): """ Report that connection couldn't be established with an external server. """ QMessageBox.critical( self, _("Error"), _("It appears there is no {language} language server listening " "at address:" "

" "{host}:{port}" "

" "Please verify that the provided information is correct " "and try again.").format(host=host, port=port, language=language.capitalize()) ) def report_no_address_change(self): """ Report that server address has no changed after checking the external server option. """ QMessageBox.critical( self, _("Error"), _("The address of the external server you are trying to connect " "to is the same as the one of the current internal server " "started by Spyder." "

" "Please provide a different address!") )