# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © Spyder Project Contributors # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License # (see spyder/__init__.py for details) """ PyDoc widget. """ # Standard library imports import os.path as osp import pydoc import sys # Third party imports from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, QThread, QUrl, Signal, Slot from qtpy.QtGui import QCursor from qtpy.QtWebEngineWidgets import WEBENGINE from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QVBoxLayout # Local imports from spyder.api.translations import get_translation from spyder.api.widgets.main_widget import PluginMainWidget from spyder.plugins.onlinehelp.pydoc_patch import _start_server, _url_handler from spyder.widgets.browser import FrameWebView, WebViewActions from spyder.widgets.comboboxes import UrlComboBox from spyder.widgets.findreplace import FindReplace # Localization _ = get_translation('spyder') # --- Constants # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PORT = 30128 class PydocBrowserActions: # Triggers Home = 'home_action' Find = 'find_action' class PydocBrowserMainToolbarSections: Main = 'main_section' class PydocBrowserToolbarItems: PackageLabel = 'package_label' UrlCombo = 'url_combo' # ============================================================================= # Pydoc adjustments # ============================================================================= # This is needed to prevent pydoc raise an ErrorDuringImport when # trying to import numpy. # See spyder-ide/spyder#10740 DIRECT_PYDOC_IMPORT_MODULES = ['numpy', 'numpy.core'] try: from pydoc import safeimport def spyder_safeimport(path, forceload=0, cache={}): if path in DIRECT_PYDOC_IMPORT_MODULES: forceload = 0 return safeimport(path, forceload=forceload, cache=cache) pydoc.safeimport = spyder_safeimport except Exception: pass class PydocServer(QThread): """ Pydoc server. """ sig_server_started = Signal() def __init__(self, port): QThread.__init__(self) self.port = port self.server = None self.complete = False self.closed = False def run(self): self.callback( _start_server( _url_handler, hostname='', port=self.port, ) ) def callback(self, server): self.server = server if self.closed: self.quit_server() else: self.sig_server_started.emit() def completer(self): self.complete = True def is_running(self): """Check if the server is running""" if self.isRunning(): # Startup return True if self.server is None: return False return self.server.serving def quit_server(self): self.closed = True if self.server is None: return if self.server.serving: self.server.stop() class PydocBrowser(PluginMainWidget): """PyDoc browser widget.""" ENABLE_SPINNER = True # --- Signals # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sig_load_finished = Signal() """ This signal is emitted to indicate the help page has finished loading. """ def __init__(self, name=None, plugin=None, parent=None): super().__init__(name, plugin, parent=parent) self._is_running = False self.home_url = None self.server = None # Widgets self.label = QLabel(_("Package:")) self.label.ID = PydocBrowserToolbarItems.PackageLabel self.url_combo = UrlComboBox( self, id_=PydocBrowserToolbarItems.UrlCombo) self.webview = FrameWebView( self, handle_links=self.get_conf('handle_links') ) self.find_widget = FindReplace(self) # Setup self.find_widget.set_editor(self.webview) self.find_widget.hide() self.url_combo.setMaxCount(self.get_conf('max_history_entries')) tip = _('Write a package name here, e.g. pandas') self.url_combo.lineEdit().setPlaceholderText(tip) self.url_combo.lineEdit().setToolTip(tip) self.webview.setup() self.webview.set_zoom_factor(self.get_conf('zoom_factor')) # Layout layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.webview) layout.addSpacing(1) layout.addWidget(self.find_widget) self.setLayout(layout) # Signals self.url_combo.valid.connect( lambda x: self._handle_url_combo_activation()) self.webview.loadStarted.connect(self._start) self.webview.loadFinished.connect(self._finish) self.webview.titleChanged.connect(self.setWindowTitle) self.webview.urlChanged.connect(self._change_url) if not WEBENGINE: self.webview.iconChanged.connect(self._handle_icon_change) # --- PluginMainWidget API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_title(self): return _('Online help') def get_focus_widget(self): self.url_combo.lineEdit().selectAll() return self.url_combo def setup(self): # Actions home_action = self.create_action( PydocBrowserActions.Home, text=_("Home"), tip=_("Home"), icon=self.create_icon('home'), triggered=self.go_home, ) find_action = self.create_action( PydocBrowserActions.Find, text=_("Find"), tip=_("Find text"), icon=self.create_icon('find'), toggled=self.toggle_find_widget, initial=False, ) stop_action = self.get_action(WebViewActions.Stop) refresh_action = self.get_action(WebViewActions.Refresh) # Toolbar toolbar = self.get_main_toolbar() for item in [self.get_action(WebViewActions.Back), self.get_action(WebViewActions.Forward), refresh_action, stop_action, home_action, self.label, self.url_combo, self.get_action(WebViewActions.ZoomIn), self.get_action(WebViewActions.ZoomOut), find_action, ]: self.add_item_to_toolbar( item, toolbar=toolbar, section=PydocBrowserMainToolbarSections.Main, ) # Signals self.find_widget.visibility_changed.connect(find_action.setChecked) for __, action in self.get_actions().items(): if action: # IMPORTANT: Since we are defining the main actions in here # and the context is WidgetWithChildrenShortcut we need to # assign the same actions to the children widgets in order # for shortcuts to work self.webview.addAction(action) self.sig_toggle_view_changed.connect(self.initialize) def update_actions(self): stop_action = self.get_action(WebViewActions.Stop) refresh_action = self.get_action(WebViewActions.Refresh) refresh_action.setVisible(not self._is_running) stop_action.setVisible(self._is_running) # --- Private API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _start(self): """Webview load started.""" self._is_running = True self.start_spinner() self.update_actions() def _finish(self, code): """Webview load finished.""" self._is_running = False self.stop_spinner() self.update_actions() self.sig_load_finished.emit() def _continue_initialization(self): """Load home page.""" self.go_home() QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() def _handle_url_combo_activation(self): """Load URL from combo box first item.""" if not self._is_running: text = str(self.url_combo.currentText()) self.go_to(self.text_to_url(text)) else: self.get_action(WebViewActions.Stop).trigger() self.get_focus_widget().setFocus() def _change_url(self, url): """ Displayed URL has changed -> updating URL combo box. """ self.url_combo.add_text(self.url_to_text(url)) def _handle_icon_change(self): """ Handle icon changes. """ self.url_combo.setItemIcon(self.url_combo.currentIndex(), self.webview.icon()) self.setWindowIcon(self.webview.icon()) # --- Qt overrides # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def closeEvent(self, event): self.server.quit_server() event.accept() # --- Public API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def load_history(self, history): """ Load history. Parameters ---------- history: list List of searched items. """ self.url_combo.addItems(history) @Slot(bool) def initialize(self, checked=True): """ Start pydoc server. Parameters ---------- checked: bool, optional This method is connected to the `sig_toggle_view_changed` signal, so that the first time the widget is made visible it will start the server. Default is True. """ if checked and self.server is None: self.sig_toggle_view_changed.disconnect(self.initialize) QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) QApplication.processEvents() self.start_server() def is_server_running(self): """Return True if pydoc server is already running.""" return self.server is not None def start_server(self): """Start pydoc server.""" if self.server is None: self.set_home_url('{}/'.format(PORT)) elif self.server.isRunning(): self.server.sig_server_started.disconnect( self._continue_initialization) self.server.quit() self.server = PydocServer(port=PORT) self.server.sig_server_started.connect( self._continue_initialization) self.server.start() def quit_server(self): """Quit the server.""" if self.server is None: return if self.server.is_running(): self.server.sig_server_started.disconnect( self._continue_initialization) self.server.quit_server() self.server.quit() def get_label(self): """Return address label text""" return _("Package:") def reload(self): """Reload page.""" if self.server: self.webview.reload() def text_to_url(self, text): """ Convert text address into QUrl object. Parameters ---------- text: str Url address. """ if text != 'about:blank': text += '.html' if text.startswith('/'): text = text[1:] return QUrl(self.home_url.toString() + text) def url_to_text(self, url): """ Convert QUrl object to displayed text in combo box. Parameters ---------- url: QUrl Url address. """ string_url = url.toString() if 'about:blank' in string_url: return 'about:blank' elif 'get?key=' in string_url or 'search?key=' in string_url: return url.toString().split('=')[-1] return osp.splitext(str(url.path()))[0][1:] def set_home_url(self, text): """ Set home URL. Parameters ---------- text: str Home url address. """ self.home_url = QUrl(text) def set_url(self, url): """ Set current URL. Parameters ---------- url: QUrl or str Url address. """ self._change_url(url) self.go_to(url) def go_to(self, url_or_text): """ Go to page URL. """ if isinstance(url_or_text, str): url = QUrl(url_or_text) else: url = url_or_text self.webview.load(url) @Slot() def go_home(self): """ Go to home page. """ if self.home_url is not None: self.set_url(self.home_url) def get_zoom_factor(self): """ Get the current zoom factor. Returns ------- int Zoom factor. """ return self.webview.get_zoom_factor() def get_history(self): """ Return the list of history items in the combobox. Returns ------- list List of strings. """ history = [] for index in range(self.url_combo.count()): history.append(str(self.url_combo.itemText(index))) return history @Slot(bool) def toggle_find_widget(self, state): """ Show/hide the find widget. Parameters ---------- state: bool True to show and False to hide the find widget. """ if state: self.find_widget.show() else: self.find_widget.hide() def test(): """Run web browser.""" from spyder.utils.qthelpers import qapplication from unittest.mock import MagicMock plugin_mock = MagicMock() plugin_mock.CONF_SECTION = 'onlinehelp' app = qapplication(test_time=8) widget = PydocBrowser(None, plugin=plugin_mock) widget._setup() widget.setup() widget.show() sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == '__main__': test()