# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © Spyder Project Contributors # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License # (see spyder/__init__.py for details) """Profiler config page.""" from qtpy.QtCore import Qt from qtpy.QtWidgets import QGroupBox, QLabel, QVBoxLayout from spyder.api.preferences import PluginConfigPage from spyder.config.base import _ from spyder.plugins.profiler.widgets.main_widget import ProfilerWidget class ProfilerConfigPage(PluginConfigPage): def setup_page(self): results_group = QGroupBox(_("Results")) results_label1 = QLabel(_("Profiler plugin results " "(the output of python's profile/cProfile)\n" "are stored here:")) results_label1.setWordWrap(True) # Warning: do not try to regroup the following QLabel contents with # widgets above -- this string was isolated here in a single QLabel # on purpose: to fix spyder-ide/spyder#863. results_label2 = QLabel(ProfilerWidget.DATAPATH) results_label2.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) results_label2.setWordWrap(True) results_layout = QVBoxLayout() results_layout.addWidget(results_label1) results_layout.addWidget(results_label2) results_group.setLayout(results_layout) vlayout = QVBoxLayout() vlayout.addWidget(results_group) vlayout.addStretch(1) self.setLayout(vlayout)