# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © Spyder Project Contributors # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License # (see spyder/__init__.py for details) """Pylint widget.""" # pylint: disable=C0103 # pylint: disable=R0903 # pylint: disable=R0911 # pylint: disable=R0201 # Standard library imports import os import os.path as osp import pickle import re import sys import time # Third party imports import pylint from qtpy.compat import getopenfilename from qtpy.QtCore import (QByteArray, QProcess, QProcessEnvironment, Signal, Slot) from qtpy.QtWidgets import (QInputDialog, QLabel, QMessageBox, QTreeWidgetItem, QVBoxLayout) # Local imports from spyder.api.config.decorators import on_conf_change from spyder.api.translations import get_translation from spyder.api.widgets.main_widget import PluginMainWidget from spyder.config.base import get_conf_path, running_in_mac_app from spyder.plugins.pylint.utils import get_pylintrc_path from spyder.plugins.variableexplorer.widgets.texteditor import TextEditor from spyder.utils.icon_manager import ima from spyder.utils.misc import getcwd_or_home from spyder.utils.palette import QStylePalette, SpyderPalette from spyder.widgets.comboboxes import (PythonModulesComboBox, is_module_or_package) from spyder.widgets.onecolumntree import OneColumnTree, OneColumnTreeActions # Localization _ = get_translation("spyder") # --- Constants # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PYLINT_VER = pylint.__version__ MIN_HISTORY_ENTRIES = 5 MAX_HISTORY_ENTRIES = 100 DANGER_COLOR = SpyderPalette.COLOR_ERROR_1 WARNING_COLOR = SpyderPalette.COLOR_WARN_1 SUCCESS_COLOR = SpyderPalette.COLOR_SUCCESS_1 # TODO: There should be some palette from the appearance plugin so this # is easier to use MAIN_TEXT_COLOR = QStylePalette.COLOR_TEXT_1 MAIN_PREVRATE_COLOR = QStylePalette.COLOR_TEXT_1 class PylintWidgetActions: ChangeHistory = "change_history_depth_action" RunCodeAnalysis = "run_analysis_action" BrowseFile = "browse_action" ShowLog = "log_action" class PylintWidgetOptionsMenuSections: Global = "global_section" Section = "section_section" History = "history_section" class PylintWidgetMainToolbarSections: Main = "main_section" class PylintWidgetToolbarItems: FileComboBox = 'file_combo' RateLabel = 'rate_label' DateLabel = 'date_label' Stretcher1 = 'stretcher_1' Stretcher2 = 'stretcher_2' # --- Widgets # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: display results on 3 columns instead of 1: msg_id, lineno, message class ResultsTree(OneColumnTree): sig_edit_goto_requested = Signal(str, int, str) """ This signal will request to open a file in a given row and column using a code editor. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to file. row: int Cursor starting row position. word: str Word to select on given row. """ def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.filename = None self.results = None self.data = None self.set_title("") def activated(self, item): """Double-click event""" data = self.data.get(id(item)) if data is not None: fname, lineno = data self.sig_edit_goto_requested.emit(fname, lineno, "") def clicked(self, item): """Click event""" self.activated(item) def clear_results(self): self.clear() self.set_title("") def set_results(self, filename, results): self.filename = filename self.results = results self.refresh() def refresh(self): title = _("Results for ")+self.filename self.set_title(title) self.clear() self.data = {} # Populating tree results = ( (_("Convention"), ima.icon("convention"), self.results["C:"]), (_("Refactor"), ima.icon("refactor"), self.results["R:"]), (_("Warning"), ima.icon("warning"), self.results["W:"]), (_("Error"), ima.icon("error"), self.results["E:"]), ) for title, icon, messages in results: title += " (%d message%s)" % (len(messages), "s" if len(messages) > 1 else "") title_item = QTreeWidgetItem(self, [title], QTreeWidgetItem.Type) title_item.setIcon(0, icon) if not messages: title_item.setDisabled(True) modules = {} for message_data in messages: # If message data is legacy version without message_name if len(message_data) == 4: message_data = tuple(list(message_data) + [None]) module, lineno, message, msg_id, message_name = message_data basename = osp.splitext(osp.basename(self.filename))[0] if not module.startswith(basename): # Pylint bug i_base = module.find(basename) module = module[i_base:] dirname = osp.dirname(self.filename) if module.startswith(".") or module == basename: modname = osp.join(dirname, module) else: modname = osp.join(dirname, *module.split(".")) if osp.isdir(modname): modname = osp.join(modname, "__init__") for ext in (".py", ".pyw"): if osp.isfile(modname+ext): modname = modname + ext break if osp.isdir(self.filename): parent = modules.get(modname) if parent is None: item = QTreeWidgetItem(title_item, [module], QTreeWidgetItem.Type) item.setIcon(0, ima.icon("python")) modules[modname] = item parent = item else: parent = title_item if len(msg_id) > 1: if not message_name: message_string = "{msg_id} " else: message_string = "{msg_id} ({message_name}) " message_string += "line {lineno}: {message}" message_string = message_string.format( msg_id=msg_id, message_name=message_name, lineno=lineno, message=message) msg_item = QTreeWidgetItem( parent, [message_string], QTreeWidgetItem.Type) msg_item.setIcon(0, ima.icon("arrow")) self.data[id(msg_item)] = (modname, lineno) class PylintWidget(PluginMainWidget): """ Pylint widget. """ ENABLE_SPINNER = True DATAPATH = get_conf_path("pylint.results") VERSION = "1.1.0" # --- Signals sig_edit_goto_requested = Signal(str, int, str) """ This signal will request to open a file in a given row and column using a code editor. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to file. row: int Cursor starting row position. word: str Word to select on given row. """ sig_start_analysis_requested = Signal() """ This signal will request the plugin to start the analysis. This is to be able to interact with other plugins, which can only be done at the plugin level. """ def __init__(self, name=None, plugin=None, parent=None): super().__init__(name, plugin, parent) # Attributes self._process = None self.output = None self.error_output = None self.filename = None self.rdata = [] self.curr_filenames = self.get_conf("history_filenames") self.code_analysis_action = None self.browse_action = None # Widgets self.filecombo = PythonModulesComboBox( self, id_=PylintWidgetToolbarItems.FileComboBox) self.ratelabel = QLabel(self) self.ratelabel.ID = PylintWidgetToolbarItems.RateLabel self.datelabel = QLabel(self) self.datelabel.ID = PylintWidgetToolbarItems.DateLabel self.treewidget = ResultsTree(self) if osp.isfile(self.DATAPATH): try: with open(self.DATAPATH, "rb") as fh: data = pickle.loads(fh.read()) if data[0] == self.VERSION: self.rdata = data[1:] except (EOFError, ImportError): pass # Widget setup self.filecombo.setInsertPolicy(self.filecombo.InsertAtTop) for fname in self.curr_filenames[::-1]: self.set_filename(fname) # Layout layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.treewidget) self.setLayout(layout) # Signals self.filecombo.valid.connect(self._check_new_file) self.treewidget.sig_edit_goto_requested.connect( self.sig_edit_goto_requested) # --- Private API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Slot() def _start(self): """Start the code analysis.""" self.start_spinner() self.output = "" self.error_output = "" self._process = process = QProcess(self) process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess.SeparateChannels) process.setWorkingDirectory(getcwd_or_home()) process.readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self._read_output) process.readyReadStandardError.connect( lambda: self._read_output(error=True)) process.finished.connect( lambda ec, es=QProcess.ExitStatus: self._finished(ec, es)) command_args = self.get_command(self.get_filename()) processEnvironment = QProcessEnvironment() processEnvironment.insert("PYTHONIOENCODING", "utf8") # resolve spyder-ide/spyder#14262 if running_in_mac_app(): pyhome = os.environ.get("PYTHONHOME") processEnvironment.insert("PYTHONHOME", pyhome) process.setProcessEnvironment(processEnvironment) process.start(sys.executable, command_args) running = process.waitForStarted() if not running: self.stop_spinner() QMessageBox.critical( self, _("Error"), _("Process failed to start"), ) def _read_output(self, error=False): process = self._process if error: process.setReadChannel(QProcess.StandardError) else: process.setReadChannel(QProcess.StandardOutput) qba = QByteArray() while process.bytesAvailable(): if error: qba += process.readAllStandardError() else: qba += process.readAllStandardOutput() text = str(qba.data(), "utf-8") if error: self.error_output += text else: self.output += text self.update_actions() def _finished(self, exit_code, exit_status): if not self.output: self.stop_spinner() if self.error_output: QMessageBox.critical( self, _("Error"), self.error_output, ) print("pylint error:\n\n" + self.error_output, file=sys.stderr) return filename = self.get_filename() rate, previous, results = self.parse_output(self.output) self._save_history() self.set_data(filename, (time.localtime(), rate, previous, results)) self.output = self.error_output + self.output self.show_data(justanalyzed=True) self.update_actions() self.stop_spinner() def _check_new_file(self): fname = self.get_filename() if fname != self.filename: self.filename = fname self.show_data() def _is_running(self): process = self._process return process is not None and process.state() == QProcess.Running def _kill_process(self): self._process.kill() self._process.waitForFinished() self.stop_spinner() def _update_combobox_history(self): """Change the number of files listed in the history combobox.""" max_entries = self.get_conf("max_entries") if self.filecombo.count() > max_entries: num_elements = self.filecombo.count() diff = num_elements - max_entries for __ in range(diff): num_elements = self.filecombo.count() self.filecombo.removeItem(num_elements - 1) self.filecombo.selected() else: num_elements = self.filecombo.count() diff = max_entries - num_elements for i in range(num_elements, num_elements + diff): if i >= len(self.curr_filenames): break act_filename = self.curr_filenames[i] self.filecombo.insertItem(i, act_filename) def _save_history(self): """Save the current history filenames.""" if self.parent: list_save_files = [] for fname in self.curr_filenames: if _("untitled") not in fname: filename = osp.normpath(fname) list_save_files.append(fname) self.curr_filenames = list_save_files[:MAX_HISTORY_ENTRIES] self.set_conf("history_filenames", self.curr_filenames) else: self.curr_filenames = [] # --- PluginMainWidget API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_title(self): return _("Code Analysis") def get_focus_widget(self): return self.treewidget def setup(self): change_history_depth_action = self.create_action( PylintWidgetActions.ChangeHistory, text=_("History..."), tip=_("Set history maximum entries"), icon=self.create_icon("history"), triggered=self.change_history_depth, ) self.code_analysis_action = self.create_action( PylintWidgetActions.RunCodeAnalysis, text=_("Run code analysis"), tip=_("Run code analysis"), icon=self.create_icon("run"), triggered=lambda: self.sig_start_analysis_requested.emit(), ) self.browse_action = self.create_action( PylintWidgetActions.BrowseFile, text=_("Select Python file"), tip=_("Select Python file"), icon=self.create_icon("fileopen"), triggered=self.select_file, ) self.log_action = self.create_action( PylintWidgetActions.ShowLog, text=_("Output"), tip=_("Complete output"), icon=self.create_icon("log"), triggered=self.show_log, ) options_menu = self.get_options_menu() self.add_item_to_menu( self.treewidget.get_action( OneColumnTreeActions.CollapseAllAction), menu=options_menu, section=PylintWidgetOptionsMenuSections.Global, ) self.add_item_to_menu( self.treewidget.get_action( OneColumnTreeActions.ExpandAllAction), menu=options_menu, section=PylintWidgetOptionsMenuSections.Global, ) self.add_item_to_menu( self.treewidget.get_action( OneColumnTreeActions.CollapseSelectionAction), menu=options_menu, section=PylintWidgetOptionsMenuSections.Section, ) self.add_item_to_menu( self.treewidget.get_action( OneColumnTreeActions.ExpandSelectionAction), menu=options_menu, section=PylintWidgetOptionsMenuSections.Section, ) self.add_item_to_menu( change_history_depth_action, menu=options_menu, section=PylintWidgetOptionsMenuSections.History, ) # Update OneColumnTree contextual menu self.add_item_to_menu( change_history_depth_action, menu=self.treewidget.menu, section=PylintWidgetOptionsMenuSections.History, ) self.treewidget.restore_action.setVisible(False) toolbar = self.get_main_toolbar() for item in [self.filecombo, self.browse_action, self.code_analysis_action]: self.add_item_to_toolbar( item, toolbar, section=PylintWidgetMainToolbarSections.Main, ) secondary_toolbar = self.create_toolbar("secondary") for item in [self.ratelabel, self.create_stretcher( id_=PylintWidgetToolbarItems.Stretcher1), self.datelabel, self.create_stretcher( id_=PylintWidgetToolbarItems.Stretcher2), self.log_action]: self.add_item_to_toolbar( item, secondary_toolbar, section=PylintWidgetMainToolbarSections.Main, ) self.show_data() if self.rdata: self.remove_obsolete_items() self.filecombo.insertItems(0, self.get_filenames()) self.code_analysis_action.setEnabled(self.filecombo.is_valid()) else: self.code_analysis_action.setEnabled(False) # Signals self.filecombo.valid.connect(self.code_analysis_action.setEnabled) @on_conf_change(option=['max_entries', 'history_filenames']) def on_conf_update(self, option, value): if option == "max_entries": self._update_combobox_history() elif option == "history_filenames": self.curr_filenames = value self._update_combobox_history() def update_actions(self): if self._is_running(): self.code_analysis_action.setIcon(self.create_icon("stop")) else: self.code_analysis_action.setIcon(self.create_icon("run")) self.remove_obsolete_items() # --- Public API # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Slot() @Slot(int) def change_history_depth(self, value=None): """ Set history maximum entries. Parameters ---------- value: int or None, optional The valur to set the maximum history depth. If no value is provided, an input dialog will be launched. Default is None. """ if value is None: dialog = QInputDialog(self) # Set dialog properties dialog.setModal(False) dialog.setWindowTitle(_("History")) dialog.setLabelText(_("Maximum entries")) dialog.setInputMode(QInputDialog.IntInput) dialog.setIntRange(MIN_HISTORY_ENTRIES, MAX_HISTORY_ENTRIES) dialog.setIntStep(1) dialog.setIntValue(self.get_conf("max_entries")) # Connect slot dialog.intValueSelected.connect( lambda value: self.set_conf("max_entries", value)) dialog.show() else: self.set_conf("max_entries", value) def get_filename(self): """ Get current filename in combobox. """ return str(self.filecombo.currentText()) @Slot(str) def set_filename(self, filename): """ Set current filename in combobox. """ if self._is_running(): self._kill_process() filename = str(filename) filename = osp.normpath(filename) # Normalize path for Windows # Don't try to reload saved analysis for filename, if filename # is the one currently displayed. # Fixes spyder-ide/spyder#13347 if self.get_filename() == filename: return index, _data = self.get_data(filename) if filename not in self.curr_filenames: self.filecombo.insertItem(0, filename) self.curr_filenames.insert(0, filename) self.filecombo.setCurrentIndex(0) else: try: index = self.filecombo.findText(filename) self.filecombo.removeItem(index) self.curr_filenames.pop(index) except IndexError: self.curr_filenames.remove(filename) self.filecombo.insertItem(0, filename) self.curr_filenames.insert(0, filename) self.filecombo.setCurrentIndex(0) num_elements = self.filecombo.count() if num_elements > self.get_conf("max_entries"): self.filecombo.removeItem(num_elements - 1) self.filecombo.selected() def start_code_analysis(self, filename=None): """ Perform code analysis for given `filename`. If `filename` is None default to current filename in combobox. If this method is called while still running it will stop the code analysis. """ if self._is_running(): self._kill_process() else: if filename is not None: self.set_filename(filename) if self.filecombo.is_valid(): self._start() self.update_actions() def stop_code_analysis(self): """ Stop the code analysis process. """ if self._is_running(): self._kill_process() def remove_obsolete_items(self): """ Removing obsolete items. """ self.rdata = [(filename, data) for filename, data in self.rdata if is_module_or_package(filename)] def get_filenames(self): """ Return all filenames for which there is data available. """ return [filename for filename, _data in self.rdata] def get_data(self, filename): """ Get and load code analysis data for given `filename`. """ filename = osp.abspath(filename) for index, (fname, data) in enumerate(self.rdata): if fname == filename: return index, data else: return None, None def set_data(self, filename, data): """ Set and save code analysis `data` for given `filename`. """ filename = osp.abspath(filename) index, _data = self.get_data(filename) if index is not None: self.rdata.pop(index) self.rdata.insert(0, (filename, data)) while len(self.rdata) > self.get_conf("max_entries"): self.rdata.pop(-1) with open(self.DATAPATH, "wb") as fh: pickle.dump([self.VERSION] + self.rdata, fh, 2) def show_data(self, justanalyzed=False): """ Show data in treewidget. """ text_color = MAIN_TEXT_COLOR prevrate_color = MAIN_PREVRATE_COLOR if not justanalyzed: self.output = None self.log_action.setEnabled(self.output is not None and len(self.output) > 0) if self._is_running(): self._kill_process() filename = self.get_filename() if not filename: return _index, data = self.get_data(filename) if data is None: text = _("Source code has not been rated yet.") self.treewidget.clear_results() date_text = "" else: datetime, rate, previous_rate, results = data if rate is None: text = _("Analysis did not succeed " "(see output for more details).") self.treewidget.clear_results() date_text = "" else: text_style = "%s " rate_style = "%s" prevrate_style = "%s" color = DANGER_COLOR if float(rate) > 5.: color = SUCCESS_COLOR elif float(rate) > 3.: color = WARNING_COLOR text = _("Global evaluation:") text = ((text_style % (text_color, text)) + (rate_style % (color, ("%s/10" % rate)))) if previous_rate: text_prun = _("previous run:") text_prun = " (%s %s/10)" % (text_prun, previous_rate) text += prevrate_style % (prevrate_color, text_prun) self.treewidget.set_results(filename, results) date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", datetime) date_text = text_style % (text_color, date) self.ratelabel.setText(text) self.datelabel.setText(date_text) @Slot() def show_log(self): """ Show output log dialog. """ if self.output: output_dialog = TextEditor( self.output, title=_("Code analysis output"), parent=self, readonly=True ) output_dialog.resize(700, 500) output_dialog.exec_() # --- Python Specific # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_pylintrc_path(self, filename): """ Get the path to the most proximate pylintrc config to the file. """ search_paths = [ # File"s directory osp.dirname(filename), # Working directory getcwd_or_home(), # Project directory self.get_conf("project_dir"), # Home directory osp.expanduser("~"), ] return get_pylintrc_path(search_paths=search_paths) @Slot() def select_file(self, filename=None): """ Select filename using a open file dialog and set as current filename. If `filename` is provided, the dialog is not used. """ if filename is None: self.sig_redirect_stdio_requested.emit(False) filename, _selfilter = getopenfilename( self, _("Select Python file"), getcwd_or_home(), _("Python files") + " (*.py ; *.pyw)", ) self.sig_redirect_stdio_requested.emit(True) if filename: self.set_filename(filename) self.start_code_analysis() def get_command(self, filename): """ Return command to use to run code analysis on given filename """ command_args = [] if PYLINT_VER is not None: command_args = [ "-m", "pylint", "--output-format=text", "--msg-template=" '{msg_id}:{symbol}:{line:3d},{column}: {msg}"', ] pylintrc_path = self.get_pylintrc_path(filename=filename) if pylintrc_path is not None: command_args += ["--rcfile={}".format(pylintrc_path)] command_args.append(filename) return command_args def parse_output(self, output): """ Parse output and return current revious rate and results. """ # Convention, Refactor, Warning, Error results = {"C:": [], "R:": [], "W:": [], "E:": []} txt_module = "************* Module " module = "" # Should not be needed - just in case something goes wrong for line in output.splitlines(): if line.startswith(txt_module): # New module module = line[len(txt_module):] continue # Supporting option include-ids: ("R3873:" instead of "R:") if not re.match(r"^[CRWE]+([0-9]{4})?:", line): continue items = {} idx_0 = 0 idx_1 = 0 key_names = ["msg_id", "message_name", "line_nb", "message"] for key_idx, key_name in enumerate(key_names): if key_idx == len(key_names) - 1: idx_1 = len(line) else: idx_1 = line.find(":", idx_0) if idx_1 < 0: break item = line[(idx_0):idx_1] if not item: break if key_name == "line_nb": item = int(item.split(",")[0]) items[key_name] = item idx_0 = idx_1 + 1 else: pylint_item = (module, items["line_nb"], items["message"], items["msg_id"], items["message_name"]) results[line[0] + ":"].append(pylint_item) # Rate rate = None txt_rate = "Your code has been rated at " i_rate = output.find(txt_rate) if i_rate > 0: i_rate_end = output.find("/10", i_rate) if i_rate_end > 0: rate = output[i_rate+len(txt_rate):i_rate_end] # Previous run previous = "" if rate is not None: txt_prun = "previous run: " i_prun = output.find(txt_prun, i_rate_end) if i_prun > 0: i_prun_end = output.find("/10", i_prun) previous = output[i_prun+len(txt_prun):i_prun_end] return rate, previous, results # ============================================================================= # Tests # ============================================================================= def test(): """Run pylint widget test""" from spyder.utils.qthelpers import qapplication from unittest.mock import MagicMock plugin_mock = MagicMock() plugin_mock.CONF_SECTION = 'pylint' app = qapplication(test_time=20) widget = PylintWidget(name="pylint", plugin=plugin_mock) widget._setup() widget.setup() widget.resize(640, 480) widget.show() widget.start_code_analysis(filename=__file__) sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == "__main__": test()