# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © Spyder Project Contributors # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License # (see spyder/__init__.py for details) """Shortcut management widgets.""" # Standard library importsimport re import re # Third party imports from qtpy.compat import from_qvariant, to_qvariant from qtpy.QtCore import (QAbstractTableModel, QEvent, QModelIndex, QSortFilterProxyModel, Qt, Slot) from qtpy.QtGui import QIcon, QKeySequence from qtpy.QtWidgets import (QAbstractItemView, QApplication, QDialog, QGridLayout, QHBoxLayout, QKeySequenceEdit, QLabel, QLineEdit, QMessageBox, QPushButton, QSpacerItem, QTableView, QVBoxLayout) # Local imports from spyder.api.translations import get_translation from spyder.config.manager import CONF from spyder.utils.icon_manager import ima from spyder.utils.qthelpers import create_toolbutton from spyder.utils.stringmatching import get_search_regex, get_search_scores from spyder.widgets.helperwidgets import (VALID_FINDER_CHARS, CustomSortFilterProxy, FinderLineEdit, HelperToolButton, HTMLDelegate) # Localization _ = get_translation('spyder') # Valid shortcut keys SINGLE_KEYS = ["F{}".format(_i) for _i in range(1, 36)] + ["Del", "Esc"] EDITOR_SINGLE_KEYS = SINGLE_KEYS + ["Home", "End", "Ins", "Enter", "Return", "Backspace", "Tab", "PageUp", "PageDown", "Clear", "Pause", "Left", "Up", "Right", "Down"] # Key sequences blacklist for the shortcut editor dialog BLACKLIST = {} # Error codes for the shortcut editor dialog NO_WARNING = 0 SEQUENCE_EMPTY = 1 SEQUENCE_CONFLICT = 2 INVALID_KEY = 3 IN_BLACKLIST = 4 class ShortcutTranslator(QKeySequenceEdit): """ A QKeySequenceEdit that is not meant to be shown and is used only to convert QKeyEvent into QKeySequence. To our knowledge, this is the only way to do this within the Qt framework, because the code that does this in Qt is protected. Porting the code to Python would be nearly impossible because it relies on low level and OS-dependent Qt libraries that are not public for the most part. """ def __init__(self): super(ShortcutTranslator, self).__init__() self.hide() def keyevent_to_keyseq(self, event): """Return a QKeySequence representation of the provided QKeyEvent.""" self.keyPressEvent(event) event.accept() return self.keySequence() def keyReleaseEvent(self, event): """Qt Override""" return False def timerEvent(self, event): """Qt Override""" return False def event(self, event): """Qt Override""" return False class ShortcutLineEdit(QLineEdit): """QLineEdit that filters its key press and release events.""" def __init__(self, parent): super(ShortcutLineEdit, self).__init__(parent) self.setReadOnly(True) tw = self.fontMetrics().width( "Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Backspace, Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Backspace") fw = self.style().pixelMetric(self.style().PM_DefaultFrameWidth) self.setMinimumWidth(tw + (2 * fw) + 4) # We need to add 4 to take into account the horizontalMargin of the # line edit, whose value is hardcoded in qt. def keyPressEvent(self, e): """Qt Override""" self.parent().keyPressEvent(e) def keyReleaseEvent(self, e): """Qt Override""" self.parent().keyReleaseEvent(e) def setText(self, sequence): """Qt method extension.""" self.setToolTip(sequence) super(ShortcutLineEdit, self).setText(sequence) class ShortcutFinder(FinderLineEdit): """Textbox for filtering listed shortcuts in the table.""" def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Qt and FilterLineEdit Override.""" key = event.key() if key in [Qt.Key_Up]: self._parent.previous_row() elif key in [Qt.Key_Down]: self._parent.next_row() elif key in [Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Return]: self._parent.show_editor() else: super(ShortcutFinder, self).keyPressEvent(event) class ShortcutEditor(QDialog): """A dialog for entering key sequences.""" def __init__(self, parent, context, name, sequence, shortcuts): super(ShortcutEditor, self).__init__(parent) self._parent = parent self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & ~Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint) self.context = context self.name = name self.shortcuts = shortcuts self.current_sequence = sequence or _('') self._qsequences = list() self.setup() self.update_warning() @property def new_sequence(self): """Return a string representation of the new key sequence.""" return ', '.join(self._qsequences) @property def new_qsequence(self): """Return the QKeySequence object of the new key sequence.""" return QKeySequence(self.new_sequence) def setup(self): """Setup the ShortcutEditor with the provided arguments.""" # Widgets icon_info = HelperToolButton() icon_info.setIcon(ima.get_std_icon('MessageBoxInformation')) layout_icon_info = QVBoxLayout() layout_icon_info.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout_icon_info.setSpacing(0) layout_icon_info.addWidget(icon_info) layout_icon_info.addStretch(100) self.label_info = QLabel() self.label_info.setText( _("Press the new shortcut and select 'Ok' to confirm, " "click 'Cancel' to revert to the previous state, " "or use 'Clear' to unbind the command from a shortcut.")) self.label_info.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignLeft) self.label_info.setWordWrap(True) layout_info = QHBoxLayout() layout_info.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout_info.addLayout(layout_icon_info) layout_info.addWidget(self.label_info) layout_info.setStretch(1, 100) self.label_current_sequence = QLabel(_("Current shortcut:")) self.text_current_sequence = QLabel(self.current_sequence) self.label_new_sequence = QLabel(_("New shortcut:")) self.text_new_sequence = ShortcutLineEdit(self) self.text_new_sequence.setPlaceholderText(_("Press shortcut.")) self.helper_button = HelperToolButton() self.helper_button.setIcon(QIcon()) self.label_warning = QLabel() self.label_warning.setWordWrap(True) self.label_warning.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignLeft) self.button_default = QPushButton(_('Default')) self.button_ok = QPushButton(_('Ok')) self.button_ok.setEnabled(False) self.button_clear = QPushButton(_('Clear')) self.button_cancel = QPushButton(_('Cancel')) button_box = QHBoxLayout() button_box.addWidget(self.button_default) button_box.addStretch(100) button_box.addWidget(self.button_ok) button_box.addWidget(self.button_clear) button_box.addWidget(self.button_cancel) # New Sequence button box self.btn_clear_sequence = create_toolbutton( self, icon=ima.icon('editclear'), tip=_("Clear all entered key sequences"), triggered=self.clear_new_sequence) self.button_back_sequence = create_toolbutton( self, icon=ima.icon('previous'), tip=_("Remove last key sequence entered"), triggered=self.back_new_sequence) newseq_btnbar = QHBoxLayout() newseq_btnbar.setSpacing(0) newseq_btnbar.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) newseq_btnbar.addWidget(self.button_back_sequence) newseq_btnbar.addWidget(self.btn_clear_sequence) # Setup widgets self.setWindowTitle(_('Shortcut: {0}').format(self.name)) self.helper_button.setToolTip('') style = """ QToolButton { margin:1px; border: 0px solid grey; padding:0px; border-radius: 0px; }""" self.helper_button.setStyleSheet(style) icon_info.setToolTip('') icon_info.setStyleSheet(style) # Layout layout_sequence = QGridLayout() layout_sequence.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout_sequence.addLayout(layout_info, 0, 0, 1, 4) layout_sequence.addItem(QSpacerItem(15, 15), 1, 0, 1, 4) layout_sequence.addWidget(self.label_current_sequence, 2, 0) layout_sequence.addWidget(self.text_current_sequence, 2, 2) layout_sequence.addWidget(self.label_new_sequence, 3, 0) layout_sequence.addWidget(self.helper_button, 3, 1) layout_sequence.addWidget(self.text_new_sequence, 3, 2) layout_sequence.addLayout(newseq_btnbar, 3, 3) layout_sequence.addWidget(self.label_warning, 4, 2, 1, 2) layout_sequence.setColumnStretch(2, 100) layout_sequence.setRowStretch(4, 100) layout = QVBoxLayout(self) layout.addLayout(layout_sequence) layout.addSpacing(10) layout.addLayout(button_box) layout.setSizeConstraint(layout.SetFixedSize) # Signals self.button_ok.clicked.connect(self.accept_override) self.button_clear.clicked.connect(self.unbind_shortcut) self.button_cancel.clicked.connect(self.reject) self.button_default.clicked.connect(self.set_sequence_to_default) # Set all widget to no focus so that we can register key # press event. widgets = ( self.label_warning, self.helper_button, self.text_new_sequence, self.button_clear, self.button_default, self.button_cancel, self.button_ok, self.btn_clear_sequence, self.button_back_sequence) for w in widgets: w.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) w.clearFocus() @Slot() def reject(self): """Slot for rejected signal.""" # Added for spyder-ide/spyder#5426. Due to the focusPolicy of # Qt.NoFocus for the buttons, if the cancel button was clicked without # first setting focus to the button, it would cause a seg fault crash. self.button_cancel.setFocus() super(ShortcutEditor, self).reject() @Slot() def accept(self): """Slot for accepted signal.""" # Added for spyder-ide/spyder#5426. Due to the focusPolicy of # Qt.NoFocus for the buttons, if the cancel button was clicked without # first setting focus to the button, it would cause a seg fault crash. self.button_ok.setFocus() super(ShortcutEditor, self).accept() def event(self, event): """Qt method override.""" # We reroute all ShortcutOverride events to our keyPressEvent and block # any KeyPress and Shortcut event. This allows to register default # Qt shortcuts for which no key press event are emitted. # See spyder-ide/spyder/issues/10786. if event.type() == QEvent.ShortcutOverride: self.keyPressEvent(event) return True elif event.type() in [QEvent.KeyPress, QEvent.Shortcut]: return True else: return super(ShortcutEditor, self).event(event) def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Qt method override.""" event_key = event.key() if not event_key or event_key == Qt.Key_unknown: return if len(self._qsequences) == 4: # QKeySequence accepts a maximum of 4 different sequences. return if event_key in [Qt.Key_Control, Qt.Key_Shift, Qt.Key_Alt, Qt.Key_Meta]: # The event corresponds to just and only a special key. return translator = ShortcutTranslator() event_keyseq = translator.keyevent_to_keyseq(event) event_keystr = event_keyseq.toString(QKeySequence.PortableText) self._qsequences.append(event_keystr) self.update_warning() def check_conflicts(self): """Check shortcuts for conflicts.""" conflicts = [] if len(self._qsequences) == 0: return conflicts new_qsequence = self.new_qsequence for shortcut in self.shortcuts: shortcut_qsequence = QKeySequence.fromString(str(shortcut.key)) if shortcut_qsequence.isEmpty(): continue if (shortcut.context, shortcut.name) == (self.context, self.name): continue if shortcut.context in [self.context, '_'] or self.context == '_': if (shortcut_qsequence.matches(new_qsequence) or new_qsequence.matches(shortcut_qsequence)): conflicts.append(shortcut) return conflicts def check_ascii(self): """ Check that all characters in the new sequence are ascii or else the shortcut will not work. """ try: self.new_sequence.encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: return False else: return True def check_singlekey(self): """Check if the first sub-sequence of the new key sequence is valid.""" if len(self._qsequences) == 0: return True else: keystr = self._qsequences[0] valid_single_keys = (EDITOR_SINGLE_KEYS if self.context == 'editor' else SINGLE_KEYS) if any((m in keystr for m in ('Ctrl', 'Alt', 'Shift', 'Meta'))): return True else: # This means that the the first subsequence is composed of # a single key with no modifier. valid_single_keys = (EDITOR_SINGLE_KEYS if self.context == 'editor' else SINGLE_KEYS) if any((k == keystr for k in valid_single_keys)): return True else: return False def update_warning(self): """Update the warning label, buttons state and sequence text.""" new_qsequence = self.new_qsequence new_sequence = self.new_sequence self.text_new_sequence.setText( new_qsequence.toString(QKeySequence.NativeText)) conflicts = self.check_conflicts() if len(self._qsequences) == 0: warning = SEQUENCE_EMPTY tip = '' icon = QIcon() elif conflicts: warning = SEQUENCE_CONFLICT template = '


{1}{2}' tip_title = _('This key sequence conflicts with:') tip_body = '' for s in conflicts: tip_body += ' ' * 2 tip_body += ' - {0}: {1}
'.format(s.context, s.name) tip_body += '
' if len(conflicts) == 1: tip_override = _("Press 'Ok' to unbind it and assign it to") else: tip_override = _("Press 'Ok' to unbind them and assign it to") tip_override += ' {}.'.format(self.name) tip = template.format(tip_title, tip_body, tip_override) icon = ima.get_std_icon('MessageBoxWarning') elif new_sequence in BLACKLIST: warning = IN_BLACKLIST tip = _('This key sequence is forbidden.') icon = ima.get_std_icon('MessageBoxWarning') elif self.check_singlekey() is False or self.check_ascii() is False: warning = INVALID_KEY tip = _('This key sequence is invalid.') icon = ima.get_std_icon('MessageBoxWarning') else: warning = NO_WARNING tip = _('This key sequence is valid.') icon = ima.get_std_icon('DialogApplyButton') self.warning = warning self.conflicts = conflicts self.helper_button.setIcon(icon) self.button_ok.setEnabled( self.warning in [NO_WARNING, SEQUENCE_CONFLICT]) self.label_warning.setText(tip) def set_sequence_from_str(self, sequence): """ This is a convenience method to set the new QKeySequence of the shortcut editor from a string. """ self._qsequences = [QKeySequence(s) for s in sequence.split(', ')] self.update_warning() def set_sequence_to_default(self): """Set the new sequence to the default value defined in the config.""" sequence = CONF.get_default( 'shortcuts', "{}/{}".format(self.context, self.name)) if sequence: self._qsequences = sequence.split(', ') self.update_warning() else: self.unbind_shortcut() def back_new_sequence(self): """Remove the last subsequence from the sequence compound.""" self._qsequences = self._qsequences[:-1] self.update_warning() def clear_new_sequence(self): """Clear the new sequence.""" self._qsequences = [] self.update_warning() def unbind_shortcut(self): """Unbind the shortcut.""" self._qsequences = [] self.accept() def accept_override(self): """Unbind all conflicted shortcuts, and accept the new one""" conflicts = self.check_conflicts() if conflicts: for shortcut in conflicts: shortcut.key = '' self.accept() class Shortcut(object): """Shortcut convenience class for holding shortcut context, name, original ordering index, key sequence for the shortcut and localized text. """ def __init__(self, context, name, key=None): self.index = 0 # Sorted index. Populated when loading shortcuts self.context = context self.name = name self.key = key def __str__(self): return "{0}/{1}: {2}".format(self.context, self.name, self.key) def load(self): self.key = CONF.get_shortcut(self.context, self.name) def save(self): CONF.set_shortcut(self.context, self.name, self.key) CONTEXT, NAME, SEQUENCE, SEARCH_SCORE = [0, 1, 2, 3] class ShortcutsModel(QAbstractTableModel): def __init__(self, parent, text_color=None, text_color_highlight=None): QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self) self._parent = parent self.shortcuts = [] self.scores = [] self.rich_text = [] self.normal_text = [] self.context_rich_text = [] self.letters = '' self.label = QLabel() self.widths = [] # Needed to compensate for the HTMLDelegate color selection unawarness palette = parent.palette() if text_color is None: self.text_color = palette.text().color().name() else: self.text_color = text_color if text_color_highlight is None: self.text_color_highlight = \ palette.highlightedText().color().name() else: self.text_color_highlight = text_color_highlight def current_index(self): """Get the currently selected index in the parent table view.""" i = self._parent.proxy_model.mapToSource(self._parent.currentIndex()) return i def sortByName(self): """Qt Override.""" self.shortcuts = sorted(self.shortcuts, key=lambda x: x.context+'/'+x.name) self.reset() def flags(self, index): """Qt Override.""" if not index.isValid(): return Qt.ItemIsEnabled return Qt.ItemFlags(int(QAbstractTableModel.flags(self, index))) def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): """Qt Override.""" row = index.row() if not index.isValid() or not (0 <= row < len(self.shortcuts)): return to_qvariant() shortcut = self.shortcuts[row] key = shortcut.key column = index.column() if role == Qt.DisplayRole: color = self.text_color if self._parent == QApplication.focusWidget(): if self.current_index().row() == row: color = self.text_color_highlight else: color = self.text_color if column == CONTEXT: if len(self.context_rich_text) > 0: text = self.context_rich_text[row] else: text = shortcut.context text = '


'.format(color, text) return to_qvariant(text) elif column == NAME: text = self.rich_text[row] text = '


'.format(color, text) return to_qvariant(text) elif column == SEQUENCE: text = QKeySequence(key).toString(QKeySequence.NativeText) return to_qvariant(text) elif column == SEARCH_SCORE: # Treating search scores as a table column simplifies the # sorting once a score for a specific string in the finder # has been defined. This column however should always remain # hidden. return to_qvariant(self.scores[row]) elif role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: return to_qvariant(int(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter)) return to_qvariant() def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole): """Qt Override.""" if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: return to_qvariant(int(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter)) return to_qvariant(int(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter)) if role != Qt.DisplayRole: return to_qvariant() if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section == CONTEXT: return to_qvariant(_("Context")) elif section == NAME: return to_qvariant(_("Name")) elif section == SEQUENCE: return to_qvariant(_("Shortcut")) elif section == SEARCH_SCORE: return to_qvariant(_("Score")) return to_qvariant() def rowCount(self, index=QModelIndex()): """Qt Override.""" return len(self.shortcuts) def columnCount(self, index=QModelIndex()): """Qt Override.""" return 4 def setData(self, index, value, role=Qt.EditRole): """Qt Override.""" if index.isValid() and 0 <= index.row() < len(self.shortcuts): shortcut = self.shortcuts[index.row()] column = index.column() text = from_qvariant(value, str) if column == SEQUENCE: shortcut.key = text self.dataChanged.emit(index, index) return True return False def update_search_letters(self, text): """Update search letters with text input in search box.""" self.letters = text contexts = [shortcut.context for shortcut in self.shortcuts] names = [shortcut.name for shortcut in self.shortcuts] context_results = get_search_scores( text, contexts, template='{0}') results = get_search_scores(text, names, template='{0}') __, self.context_rich_text, context_scores = ( zip(*context_results)) self.normal_text, self.rich_text, self.scores = zip(*results) self.scores = [x + y for x, y in zip(self.scores, context_scores)] self.reset() def update_active_row(self): """Update active row to update color in selected text.""" self.data(self.current_index()) def row(self, row_num): """Get row based on model index. Needed for the custom proxy model.""" return self.shortcuts[row_num] def reset(self): """"Reset model to take into account new search letters.""" self.beginResetModel() self.endResetModel() class ShortcutsTable(QTableView): def __init__(self, parent=None, text_color=None, text_color_highlight=None): QTableView.__init__(self, parent) self._parent = parent self.finder = None self.shortcut_data = None self.source_model = ShortcutsModel( self, text_color=text_color, text_color_highlight=text_color_highlight) self.proxy_model = ShortcutsSortFilterProxy(self) self.last_regex = '' self.proxy_model.setSourceModel(self.source_model) self.proxy_model.setDynamicSortFilter(True) self.proxy_model.setFilterByColumn(CONTEXT) self.proxy_model.setFilterByColumn(NAME) self.proxy_model.setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.setModel(self.proxy_model) self.hideColumn(SEARCH_SCORE) self.setItemDelegateForColumn(NAME, HTMLDelegate(self, margin=9)) self.setItemDelegateForColumn(CONTEXT, HTMLDelegate(self, margin=9)) self.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) self.setSortingEnabled(True) self.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.AllEditTriggers) self.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(self.selection) self.verticalHeader().hide() def set_shortcut_data(self, shortcut_data): """ Shortcut data comes from the registration of actions on the main window. This allows to only display the right actions on the shortcut table. This also allows to display the localize text. """ self.shortcut_data = shortcut_data def focusOutEvent(self, e): """Qt Override.""" self.source_model.update_active_row() super(ShortcutsTable, self).focusOutEvent(e) def focusInEvent(self, e): """Qt Override.""" super(ShortcutsTable, self).focusInEvent(e) self.selectRow(self.currentIndex().row()) def selection(self, index): """Update selected row.""" self.update() self.isActiveWindow() def adjust_cells(self): """Adjust column size based on contents.""" self.resizeColumnsToContents() fm = self.horizontalHeader().fontMetrics() names = [fm.width(s.name + ' '*9) for s in self.source_model.shortcuts] if len(names) == 0: # This condition only applies during testing names = [0] self.setColumnWidth(NAME, max(names)) self.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) def load_shortcuts(self): """Load shortcuts and assign to table model.""" # item[1] -> context, item[2] -> name # Data might be capitalized so we user lower() # See: spyder-ide/spyder/#12415 shortcut_data = set([(item[1].lower(), item[2].lower()) for item in self.shortcut_data]) shortcut_data = list(sorted(set(shortcut_data))) shortcuts = [] for context, name, keystr in CONF.iter_shortcuts(): if (context, name) in shortcut_data: context = context.lower() name = name.lower() # Only add to table actions that are registered from the main # window shortcut = Shortcut(context, name, keystr) shortcuts.append(shortcut) shortcuts = sorted(shortcuts, key=lambda item: item.context+item.name) # Store the original order of shortcuts for i, shortcut in enumerate(shortcuts): shortcut.index = i self.source_model.shortcuts = shortcuts self.source_model.scores = [0]*len(shortcuts) self.source_model.rich_text = [s.name for s in shortcuts] self.source_model.reset() self.adjust_cells() self.sortByColumn(CONTEXT, Qt.AscendingOrder) def check_shortcuts(self): """Check shortcuts for conflicts.""" conflicts = [] for index, sh1 in enumerate(self.source_model.shortcuts): if index == len(self.source_model.shortcuts)-1: break if str(sh1.key) == '': continue for sh2 in self.source_model.shortcuts[index+1:]: if sh2 is sh1: continue if str(sh2.key) == str(sh1.key) \ and (sh1.context == sh2.context or sh1.context == '_' or sh2.context == '_'): conflicts.append((sh1, sh2)) if conflicts: self.parent().show_this_page.emit() cstr = "\n".join(['%s <---> %s' % (sh1, sh2) for sh1, sh2 in conflicts]) QMessageBox.warning(self, _("Conflicts"), _("The following conflicts have been " "detected:")+"\n"+cstr, QMessageBox.Ok) def save_shortcuts(self): """Save shortcuts from table model.""" self.check_shortcuts() for shortcut in self.source_model.shortcuts: shortcut.save() def show_editor(self): """Create, setup and display the shortcut editor dialog.""" index = self.proxy_model.mapToSource(self.currentIndex()) row, column = index.row(), index.column() shortcuts = self.source_model.shortcuts context = shortcuts[row].context name = shortcuts[row].name sequence_index = self.source_model.index(row, SEQUENCE) sequence = sequence_index.data() dialog = ShortcutEditor(self, context, name, sequence, shortcuts) if dialog.exec_(): new_sequence = dialog.new_sequence self.source_model.setData(sequence_index, new_sequence) def set_regex(self, regex=None, reset=False): """Update the regex text for the shortcut finder.""" if reset: text = '' else: text = self.finder.text().replace(' ', '').lower() self.proxy_model.set_filter(text) self.source_model.update_search_letters(text) self.sortByColumn(SEARCH_SCORE, Qt.AscendingOrder) if self.last_regex != regex: self.selectRow(0) self.last_regex = regex def next_row(self): """Move to next row from currently selected row.""" row = self.currentIndex().row() rows = self.proxy_model.rowCount() if row + 1 == rows: row = -1 self.selectRow(row + 1) def previous_row(self): """Move to previous row from currently selected row.""" row = self.currentIndex().row() rows = self.proxy_model.rowCount() if row == 0: row = rows self.selectRow(row - 1) def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Qt Override.""" key = event.key() if key in [Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Return]: self.show_editor() elif key in [Qt.Key_Tab]: self.finder.setFocus() elif key in [Qt.Key_Backtab]: self.parent().reset_btn.setFocus() elif key in [Qt.Key_Up, Qt.Key_Down, Qt.Key_Left, Qt.Key_Right]: super(ShortcutsTable, self).keyPressEvent(event) elif key not in [Qt.Key_Escape, Qt.Key_Space]: text = event.text() if text: if re.search(VALID_FINDER_CHARS, text) is not None: self.finder.setFocus() self.finder.set_text(text) elif key in [Qt.Key_Escape]: self.finder.keyPressEvent(event) def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): """Qt Override.""" self.show_editor() self.update() class ShortcutsSortFilterProxy(QSortFilterProxyModel): """Custom proxy for supporting shortcuts multifiltering.""" def __init__(self, parent=None): """Initialize the multiple sort filter proxy.""" super(ShortcutsSortFilterProxy, self).__init__(parent) self._parent = parent self.pattern = re.compile(r'') self.filters = {} def setFilterByColumn(self, column): """Set regular expression in the given column.""" self.filters[column] = self.pattern self.invalidateFilter() def set_filter(self, text): """Set regular expression for filter.""" for key, __ in self.filters.items(): self.pattern = get_search_regex(text) if self.pattern and text: self._parent.setSortingEnabled(False) else: self._parent.setSortingEnabled(True) self.filters[key] = self.pattern self.invalidateFilter() def clearFilter(self, column): """Clear the filter of the given column.""" self.filters.pop(column) self.invalidateFilter() def clearFilters(self): """Clear all the filters.""" self.filters = {} self.invalidateFilter() def filterAcceptsRow(self, row_num, parent): """Qt override. Reimplemented to allow filtering in multiple columns. """ results = [] for key, regex in self.filters.items(): model = self.sourceModel() idx = model.index(row_num, key, parent) if idx.isValid(): name = model.row(row_num).name r_name = re.search(regex, name) if r_name is None: r_name = '' context = model.row(row_num).context r_context = re.search(regex, context) if r_context is None: r_context = '' results.append(r_name) results.append(r_context) return any(results) def load_shortcuts_data(): """ Load shortcuts from CONF for testing. """ shortcut_data = [] for context, name, __ in CONF.iter_shortcuts(): context = context.lower() name = name.lower() shortcut_data.append((None, context, name, None, None)) return shortcut_data def load_shortcuts(shortcut_table): """ Load shortcuts into `shortcut_table`. """ shortcut_data = load_shortcuts_data() shortcut_table.set_shortcut_data(shortcut_data) shortcut_table.load_shortcuts() return shortcut_table def test(): from spyder.utils.qthelpers import qapplication app = qapplication() table = ShortcutsTable() table = load_shortcuts(table) table.show() app.exec_() table.check_shortcuts() if __name__ == '__main__': test()