External Utilities License Information ###################################### See __init__.py in this directory for general information about its contents. If adding or modifying a file or directory in this module, please see README.rst in this directory for important information. Thanks! Source files in this directory originate from sources other than Spyder itself, and each is covered by its own license and copyright notice. These are listed in the headers for all files, and in the LICENSE.txt file in the package's subdirectory if multiple are present. Additionally, they are all listed in full in NOTICE.txt at the root of this repo/package, which should be included with any distribution that includes these files. The NOTICE.txt file can also be viewed online at Spyder's Github repository: https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/blob/master/NOTICE.txt Any file not otherwise listed is covered by Spyder's MIT (Expat) License, described in the LICENSE.txt file in this repository and Spyder's __init__.py, which should also be included with any distribution. The current version can also be viewed online at: https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/blob/master/LICENSE.txt All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.