# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright © Spyder Project Contributors # # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License # (see spyder/__init__.py for details) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- """Switcher widget interface.""" # Standard library imports from __future__ import print_function import os import sys # Third party imports from qtpy.QtCore import (QEvent, QObject, QSize, QSortFilterProxyModel, Qt, Signal, Slot, QModelIndex) from qtpy.QtGui import QStandardItem, QStandardItemModel, QTextDocument from qtpy.QtWidgets import (QAbstractItemView, QApplication, QDialog, QLineEdit, QListView, QListWidgetItem, QStyle, QVBoxLayout) # Local imports from spyder.config.base import _ from spyder.config.manager import CONF from spyder.config.utils import is_ubuntu from spyder.py3compat import TEXT_TYPES, to_text_string from spyder.utils.icon_manager import ima from spyder.utils.stringmatching import get_search_scores from spyder.widgets.helperwidgets import HTMLDelegate # Style dict constants FONT_SIZE = 10 ITEM_STYLES = { 'title_color': ima.MAIN_FG_COLOR, 'description_color': 'rgb(153, 153, 153)', 'section_color': 'rgb(70, 179, 239)', 'shortcut_color': 'rgb(153, 153, 153)', 'title_font_size': FONT_SIZE, 'description_font_size': FONT_SIZE, 'section_font_size': FONT_SIZE, 'shortcut_font_size': FONT_SIZE, } ITEM_SEPARATOR_STYLES = { 'color': ima.MAIN_FG_COLOR, 'font_size': FONT_SIZE, } def clean_string(text): """Remove regex special characters from string.""" for ch in ('(', ')', '.', '\\', '?', '*', '[', ']', '&', '|', '^', '+'): text = text.replace(ch, '') return text class KeyPressFilter(QObject): """Use with `installEventFilter` to get up/down arrow key press signal.""" sig_up_key_pressed = Signal() sig_down_key_pressed = Signal() sig_enter_key_pressed = Signal() def eventFilter(self, src, e): """Override Qt eventFilter.""" if e.type() == QEvent.KeyPress: if e.key() == Qt.Key_Up: self.sig_up_key_pressed.emit() return True elif e.key() == Qt.Key_Down: self.sig_down_key_pressed.emit() return True elif (e.key() == Qt.Key_Return): self.sig_enter_key_pressed.emit() return True return super(KeyPressFilter, self).eventFilter(src, e) class SwitcherDelegate(HTMLDelegate): """ This delegate allows the list view of the switcher to look like it has the focus, even when its focus policy is set to Qt.NoFocus. """ def paint(self, painter, option, index): """ Override Qt method to force this delegate to look active at all times. """ option.state |= QStyle.State_Active super(SwitcherDelegate, self).paint(painter, option, index) class SwitcherBaseItem(QStandardItem): """Base List Item.""" _PADDING = 5 _WIDTH = 400 _STYLES = None _TEMPLATE = None def __init__(self, parent=None, styles=_STYLES): """Create basic List Item.""" super(SwitcherBaseItem, self).__init__() # Style self._width = self._WIDTH self._padding = self._PADDING self._styles = styles if styles else {} self._action_item = False self._score = -1 self._height = self._get_height() # Setup # self._height is a float from QSizeF but # QSize() expects a QSize or (int, int) as parameters self.setSizeHint(QSize(0, int(self._height))) def _render_text(self): """Render the html template for this item.""" raise NotImplementedError def _set_rendered_text(self): """Set the rendered html template as text of this item.""" self.setText(self._render_text()) def _set_styles(self): """Set the styles for this item.""" raise NotImplementedError def _get_height(self): """ Return the expected height of this item's text, including the text margins. """ raise NotImplementedError # --- API def set_width(self, value): """Set the content width.""" self._width = value - (self._padding * 3) self._set_rendered_text() def get_width(self): """Return the content width.""" return self._width def get_height(self): """Return the content height.""" return self._height def get_score(self): """Return the fuzzy matchig score.""" return self._score def set_score(self, value): """Set the search text fuzzy match score.""" self._score = value self._set_rendered_text() def is_action_item(self): """Return whether the item is of action type.""" return bool(self._action_item) # --- Qt overrides def refresh(self): """Override Qt.""" super(SwitcherBaseItem, self).refresh() self._set_styles() self._set_rendered_text() class SwitcherSeparatorItem(SwitcherBaseItem): """ Separator Item represented as
. Based on HTML delegate. See: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/richtext-html-subset.html """ _SEPARATOR = '_' _STYLE_ATTRIBUTES = ['color', 'font_size'] _STYLES = { 'color': QApplication.palette().text().color().name(), 'font_size': 10, } _TEMPLATE = \ u'''

''' def __init__(self, parent=None, styles=_STYLES): """Separator Item represented as
.""" super(SwitcherSeparatorItem, self).__init__(parent=parent, styles=styles) self.setFlags(Qt.NoItemFlags) self._set_rendered_text() # --- Helpers def _set_styles(self): """Set the styles for this item.""" for attr in self._STYLE_ATTRIBUTES: if attr not in self._styles: self._styles[attr] = self._STYLES[attr] rich_font = self._styles['font_size'] if sys.platform == 'darwin': font_size = rich_font elif os.name == 'nt': font_size = rich_font elif is_ubuntu(): font_size = rich_font - 2 else: font_size = rich_font - 2 self._styles['font_size'] = font_size def _render_text(self): """Render the html template for this item.""" padding = self._padding width = self._width height = self.get_height() text = self._TEMPLATE.format(width=width, height=height, padding=padding, **self._styles) return text def _get_height(self): """ Return the expected height of this item's text, including the text margins. """ doc = QTextDocument() doc.setHtml('
') doc.setDocumentMargin(self._PADDING) return doc.size().height() class SwitcherItem(SwitcherBaseItem): """ Switcher item with title, description, shortcut and section. SwitcherItem: [title description section] Based on HTML delegate. See: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/richtext-html-subset.html """ _FONT_SIZE = 10 _STYLE_ATTRIBUTES = ['title_color', 'description_color', 'section_color', 'shortcut_color', 'title_font_size', 'description_font_size', 'section_font_size', 'shortcut_font_size'] _STYLES = { 'title_color': QApplication.palette().text().color().name(), 'description_color': 'rgb(153, 153, 153)', 'section_color': 'rgb(70, 179, 239)', 'shortcut_color': 'rgb(153, 153, 153)', 'title_font_size': _FONT_SIZE, 'description_font_size': _FONT_SIZE, 'section_font_size': _FONT_SIZE, 'shortcut_font_size': _FONT_SIZE, } _TEMPLATE = u'''
{title}   {description} {shortcut}   {section}
''' def __init__(self, parent=None, icon=None, title=None, description=None, shortcut=None, section=None, data=None, tool_tip=None, action_item=False, styles=_STYLES): """Switcher item with title, description, shortcut and section.""" super(SwitcherItem, self).__init__(parent=parent, styles=styles) self._title = title if title else '' self._rich_title = '' self._shortcut = shortcut if shortcut else '' self._description = description if description else '' self._section = section if section else '' self._icon = icon self._data = data self._score = -1 self._action_item = action_item self._section_visible = True # Setup self.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable) if icon: self.setIcon(icon) # TODO: Change fixed icon size value self._icon_width = 20 else: self._icon_width = 0 self._set_styles() self._set_rendered_text() # --- Helpers def _render_text(self, title=None, description=None, section=None): """Render the html template for this item.""" if self._rich_title: title = self._rich_title else: title = title if title else self._title # TODO: Based on width this should elide/shorten description = description if description else self._description if self._section_visible: section = section if section else self._section else: section = '' padding = self._PADDING width = int(self._width - self._icon_width) height = int(self.get_height()) self.setSizeHint(QSize(width, height)) shortcut = '<' + self._shortcut + '>' if self._shortcut else '' title = to_text_string(title, encoding='utf-8') section = to_text_string(section, encoding='utf-8') description = to_text_string(description, encoding='utf-8') shortcut = to_text_string(shortcut, encoding='utf-8') text = self._TEMPLATE.format(width=width, height=height, title=title, section=section, description=description, padding=padding, shortcut=shortcut, **self._styles) return text def _set_styles(self): """Set the styles for this item.""" for attr in self._STYLE_ATTRIBUTES: if attr not in self._styles: self._styles[attr] = self._STYLES[attr] rich_font = self._styles['title_font_size'] if sys.platform == 'darwin': title_font_size = rich_font description_font_size = title_font_size + 2 elif os.name == 'nt': title_font_size = rich_font description_font_size = title_font_size + 1 elif is_ubuntu(): title_font_size = rich_font - 2 description_font_size = title_font_size + 1 else: title_font_size = rich_font - 2 description_font_size = title_font_size + 1 self._styles['description_font_size'] = description_font_size self._styles['section_font_size'] = description_font_size def _get_height(self): """ Return the expected height of this item's text, including the text margins. """ doc = QTextDocument() try: doc.setHtml('Title' .format(self._styles['title_font_size'])) except KeyError: doc.setHtml('Title') doc.setDocumentMargin(self._PADDING) return doc.size().height() # --- API def set_icon(self, icon): """Set the QIcon for the list item.""" self._icon = icon self.setIcon(icon) def get_icon(self): """Return the QIcon for the list item.""" return self._icon def set_title(self, value): """Set the main text (title) of the item.""" self._title = value self._set_rendered_text() def get_title(self): """Return the the main text (title) of the item.""" return self._title def set_rich_title(self, value): """Set the rich title version (filter highlight) of the item.""" self._rich_title = value self._set_rendered_text() def get_rich_title(self): """Return the rich title version (filter highlight) of the item.""" return self._rich_title def set_description(self, value): """Set the item description text.""" self._description = value self._set_rendered_text() def get_description(self): """Return the item description text.""" return self._description def set_shortcut(self, value): """Set the shortcut for the item action.""" self._shortcut = value self._set_rendered_text() def get_shortcut(self, value): """Return the shortcut for the item action.""" return self._shortcut def set_tooltip(self, value): """Set the tooltip text for the item.""" super(SwitcherItem, self).setTooltip(value) def set_data(self, value): """Set the additional data associated to the item.""" self._data = value def get_data(self): """Return the additional data associated to the item.""" return self._data def set_section(self, value): """Set the item section name.""" self._section = value self._set_rendered_text() def get_section(self): """Return the item section name.""" return self._section def set_section_visible(self, value): """Set visibility of the item section.""" self._section_visible = value self._set_rendered_text() def set_action_item(self, value): """Enable/disable the action type for the item.""" self._action_item = value self._set_rendered_text() class SwitcherProxyModel(QSortFilterProxyModel): """A proxy model to perform sorting on the scored items.""" def __init__(self, parent=None): """Proxy model to perform sorting on the scored items.""" super(SwitcherProxyModel, self).__init__(parent) self.setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.setSortCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.setDynamicSortFilter(True) self.__filter_by_score = False def set_filter_by_score(self, value): """ Set whether the items should be filtered by their score result. Parameters ---------- value : bool Indicates whether the items should be filtered by their score result. """ self.__filter_by_score = value self.invalidateFilter() def filterAcceptsRow(self, source_row, source_parent): """Override Qt method to filter items by their score result.""" item = self.sourceModel().item(source_row) if self.__filter_by_score is False or item.is_action_item(): return True else: return not item.get_score() == -1 def sortBy(self, attr): """Override Qt method.""" self.__sort_by = attr self.invalidate() self.sort(0, Qt.AscendingOrder) def lessThan(self, left, right): """Override Qt method.""" left_item = self.sourceModel().itemFromIndex(left) right_item = self.sourceModel().itemFromIndex(right) # Check for attribute, otherwise, check for data if hasattr(left_item, self.__sort_by): left_data = getattr(left_item, self.__sort_by) right_data = getattr(right_item, self.__sort_by) return left_data < right_data # --- Widgets # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Switcher(QDialog): """ A multi purpose switcher. Example ------- SwitcherItem: [title description section] SwitcherItem: [title description section] SwitcherSeparator: [---------------------------------------] SwitcherItem: [title description section] SwitcherItem: [title description section] """ # Dismissed switcher sig_rejected = Signal() # Search/Filter text changes sig_text_changed = Signal(TEXT_TYPES[-1]) # Current item changed sig_item_changed = Signal(object) # List item selected, mode and cleaned search text sig_item_selected = Signal(object, TEXT_TYPES[-1], TEXT_TYPES[-1], ) sig_mode_selected = Signal(TEXT_TYPES[-1]) _MAX_NUM_ITEMS = 15 _MIN_WIDTH = 580 _MIN_HEIGHT = 200 _MAX_HEIGHT = 390 _ITEM_WIDTH = _MIN_WIDTH - 20 def __init__(self, parent, help_text=None, item_styles=ITEM_STYLES, item_separator_styles=ITEM_SEPARATOR_STYLES): """Multi purpose switcher.""" super(Switcher, self).__init__(parent) self._modes = {} self._mode_on = '' self._item_styles = item_styles self._item_separator_styles = item_separator_styles # Widgets self.edit = QLineEdit(self) self.list = QListView(self) self.model = QStandardItemModel(self.list) self.proxy = SwitcherProxyModel(self.list) self.filter = KeyPressFilter() # Widgets setup self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Popup | Qt.FramelessWindowHint) self.setWindowOpacity(0.95) # self.setMinimumHeight(self._MIN_HEIGHT) self.setMaximumHeight(self._MAX_HEIGHT) self.edit.installEventFilter(self.filter) self.edit.setPlaceholderText(help_text if help_text else '') self.list.setMinimumWidth(self._MIN_WIDTH) self.list.setItemDelegate(SwitcherDelegate(self)) self.list.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) self.list.setSelectionBehavior(self.list.SelectItems) self.list.setSelectionMode(self.list.SingleSelection) self.list.setVerticalScrollMode(QAbstractItemView.ScrollPerItem) self.proxy.setSourceModel(self.model) self.list.setModel(self.proxy) # Layout layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.edit) layout.addWidget(self.list) self.setLayout(layout) # Signals self.filter.sig_up_key_pressed.connect(self.previous_row) self.filter.sig_down_key_pressed.connect(self.next_row) self.filter.sig_enter_key_pressed.connect(self.enter) self.edit.textChanged.connect(self.setup) self.edit.textChanged.connect(self.sig_text_changed) self.edit.returnPressed.connect(self.enter) self.list.clicked.connect(self.enter) self.list.clicked.connect(self.edit.setFocus) self.list.selectionModel().currentChanged.connect( self.current_item_changed) self.edit.setFocus() # --- Helper methods def _add_item(self, item, last_item=True): """Perform common actions when adding items.""" item.set_width(self._ITEM_WIDTH) self.model.appendRow(item) if last_item: # Only set the current row to the first item when the added item is # the last one in order to prevent performance issues when # adding multiple items self.set_current_row(0) self.set_height() self.setup_sections() # --- API def clear(self): """Remove all items from the list and clear the search text.""" self.set_placeholder_text('') self.model.beginResetModel() self.model.clear() self.model.endResetModel() self.setMinimumHeight(self._MIN_HEIGHT) def set_placeholder_text(self, text): """Set the text appearing on the empty line edit.""" self.edit.setPlaceholderText(text) def add_mode(self, token, description): """Add mode by token key and description.""" if len(token) == 1: self._modes[token] = description else: raise Exception('Token must be of length 1!') def get_mode(self): """Get the current mode the switcher is in.""" return self._mode_on def remove_mode(self, token): """Remove mode by token key.""" if token in self._modes: self._modes.pop(token) def clear_modes(self): """Delete all modes spreviously defined.""" del self._modes self._modes = {} def add_item(self, icon=None, title=None, description=None, shortcut=None, section=None, data=None, tool_tip=None, action_item=False, last_item=True): """Add switcher list item.""" item = SwitcherItem( parent=self.list, icon=icon, title=title, description=description, data=data, shortcut=shortcut, section=section, action_item=action_item, tool_tip=tool_tip, styles=self._item_styles ) self._add_item(item, last_item=last_item) def add_separator(self): """Add separator item.""" item = SwitcherSeparatorItem(parent=self.list, styles=self._item_separator_styles) self._add_item(item) def setup(self): """Set-up list widget content based on the filtering.""" # Check exited mode mode = self._mode_on if mode: search_text = self.search_text()[len(mode):] else: search_text = self.search_text() # Check exited mode if self.search_text() == '': self._mode_on = '' self.clear() self.proxy.set_filter_by_score(False) self.sig_mode_selected.emit(self._mode_on) return # Check entered mode for key in self._modes: if self.search_text().startswith(key) and not mode: self._mode_on = key self.sig_mode_selected.emit(key) return # Filter by text titles = [] for row in range(self.model.rowCount()): item = self.model.item(row) if isinstance(item, SwitcherItem): title = item.get_title() else: title = '' titles.append(title) search_text = clean_string(search_text) scores = get_search_scores(to_text_string(search_text), titles, template=u"{0}") for idx, (title, rich_title, score_value) in enumerate(scores): item = self.model.item(idx) if not self._is_separator(item) and not item.is_action_item(): rich_title = rich_title.replace(" ", " ") item.set_rich_title(rich_title) item.set_score(score_value) self.proxy.set_filter_by_score(True) self.setup_sections() if self.count(): self.set_current_row(0) else: self.set_current_row(-1) self.set_height() def setup_sections(self): """Set-up which sections appear on the item list.""" mode = self._mode_on if mode: search_text = self.search_text()[len(mode):] else: search_text = self.search_text() if search_text: for row in range(self.model.rowCount()): item = self.model.item(row) if isinstance(item, SwitcherItem): item.set_section_visible(False) else: sections = [] for row in range(self.model.rowCount()): item = self.model.item(row) if isinstance(item, SwitcherItem): sections.append(item.get_section()) item.set_section_visible(bool(search_text)) else: sections.append('') if row != 0: visible = sections[row] != sections[row - 1] if not self._is_separator(item): item.set_section_visible(visible) else: item.set_section_visible(True) self.proxy.sortBy('_score') self.sig_item_changed.emit(self.current_item()) def set_height(self): """Set height taking into account the number of items.""" if self.count() >= self._MAX_NUM_ITEMS: switcher_height = self._MAX_HEIGHT elif self.count() != 0 and self.current_item(): current_item = self.current_item() item_height = current_item.get_height() list_height = item_height * (self.count() + 3) edit_height = self.edit.height() spacing_height = self.layout().spacing() * 4 switcher_height = list_height + edit_height + spacing_height switcher_height = max(switcher_height, self._MIN_HEIGHT) else: switcher_height = self._MIN_HEIGHT self.setFixedHeight(int(switcher_height)) def set_position(self, top): """Set the position of the dialog.""" parent = self.parent() if parent is not None: geo = parent.geometry() width = self.list.width() # This has been set in setup left = parent.geometry().width()/2 - width/2 while parent: geo = parent.geometry() top += geo.top() left += geo.left() parent = parent.parent() self.move(round(left), top) @Slot(QModelIndex, QModelIndex) def current_item_changed(self, current, previous): """Handle item selection.""" self.sig_item_changed.emit(self.current_item()) # --- Qt overrides # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Slot() @Slot(QListWidgetItem) def enter(self, itemClicked=None): """Override Qt method.""" row = self.current_row() model_index = self.proxy.mapToSource(self.proxy.index(row, 0)) item = self.model.item(model_index.row()) if item: mode = self._mode_on self.sig_item_selected.emit(item, mode, self.search_text()[len(mode):]) def accept(self): """Override Qt method.""" super(Switcher, self).accept() def reject(self): """Override Qt method.""" self.set_search_text('') self.sig_rejected.emit() super(Switcher, self).reject() def resizeEvent(self, event): """Override Qt method.""" super(Switcher, self).resizeEvent(event) # --- Helper methods: Lineedit widget def search_text(self): """Get the normalized (lowecase) content of the search text.""" return to_text_string(self.edit.text()).lower() def set_search_text(self, string): """Set the content of the search text.""" self.edit.setText(string) # --- Helper methods: List widget def _is_separator(self, item): """Check if item is an separator item (SwitcherSeparatorItem).""" return isinstance(item, SwitcherSeparatorItem) def _select_row(self, steps): """Select row in list widget based on a number of steps with direction. Steps can be positive (next rows) or negative (previous rows). """ row = self.current_row() + steps if 0 <= row < self.count(): self.set_current_row(row) def count(self): """Get the item count in the list widget.""" return self.proxy.rowCount() def current_row(self): """Return the current selected row in the list widget.""" return self.list.currentIndex().row() def current_item(self): """Return the current selected item in the list widget.""" row = self.current_row() model_index = self.proxy.mapToSource(self.proxy.index(row, 0)) item = self.model.item(model_index.row()) return item def set_current_row(self, row): """Set the current selected row in the list widget.""" proxy_index = self.proxy.index(row, 0) selection_model = self.list.selectionModel() # https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qitemselectionmodel.html#SelectionFlag-enum selection_model.setCurrentIndex( proxy_index, selection_model.ClearAndSelect) # Ensure that the selected item is visible self.list.scrollTo(proxy_index, QAbstractItemView.EnsureVisible) def previous_row(self): """Select previous row in list widget.""" steps = 1 prev_row = self.current_row() - steps if prev_row == -1: self.set_current_row(self.count() - 1) else: if prev_row >= 0: # Need to map the filtered list to the actual model items list_index = self.proxy.index(prev_row, 0) model_index = self.proxy.mapToSource(list_index) item = self.model.item(model_index.row(), 0) if self._is_separator(item): steps += 1 self._select_row(-steps) def next_row(self): """Select next row in list widget.""" steps = 1 next_row = self.current_row() + steps # Need to map the filtered list to the actual model items list_index = self.proxy.index(next_row, 0) model_index = self.proxy.mapToSource(list_index) item = self.model.item(model_index.row(), 0) if next_row >= self.count(): self.set_current_row(0) else: if item: if self._is_separator(item): steps += 1 self._select_row(steps) def create_vcs_example_switcher(sw): """Add example data for vcs.""" sw.clear() sw.set_placeholder_text('Select a ref to Checkout') sw.add_item(title='Create New Branch', action_item=True, icon=ima.icon('MessageBoxInformation')) sw.add_item(title='master', description='123123') sw.add_item(title='develop', description='1231232a') sw.add_item(title=u'test-试', description='1231232ab') sw.add_separator() sw.add_item(title='other', description='q2211231232a') def create_options_example_switcher(sw): """Add example actions.""" sw.clear() sw.set_placeholder_text('Select Action') section = _('change view') sw.add_item(title=_('Indent Using Spaces'), description='Test', section=section, shortcut='Ctrl+I') sw.add_item(title=_('Indent Using Tabs'), description='Test', section=section) sw.add_item(title=_('Detect Indentation from Content'), section=section) sw.add_separator() section = _('convert file') sw.add_item(title=_('Convert Indentation to Spaces'), description='Test', section=section) sw.add_item(title=_('Convert Indentation to Tabs'), section=section) sw.add_item(title=_('Trim Trailing Whitespace'), section=section) def create_help_example_switcher(sw): """Add help data.""" sw.clear() sw.add_item(title=_('Help me!'), section='1') sw.add_separator() sw.add_item(title=_('Help me 2!'), section='2') sw.add_separator() sw.add_item(title=_('Help me 3!'), section='3') def create_line_example_switcher(sw): """Add current line example.""" sw.clear() sw.add_item(title=_('Current line, type something'), action_item=True) def create_symbol_example_switcher(sw): """Add symbol data example.""" sw.clear() sw.add_item(title=_('Some symbol')) sw.add_item(title=_('another symbol')) def create_example_switcher(main=None): """Create example switcher.""" # Create Switcher if main is None: main = QLineEdit() sw = Switcher(main) sw.add_mode('>', _('Commands')) sw.add_mode('?', _('Help')) sw.add_mode(':', _('Go to Line')) sw.add_mode('@', _('Go to Symbol in File')) def handle_modes(mode): if mode == '>': create_options_example_switcher(sw) elif mode == '?': create_help_example_switcher(sw) elif mode == ':': create_line_example_switcher(sw) elif mode == '@': create_symbol_example_switcher(sw) elif mode == '': create_vcs_example_switcher(sw) def item_selected(item, mode, search_text): print([item, mode, search_text]) # spyder: test-skip print([item.get_title(), mode, search_text]) # spyder: test-skip sw.sig_mode_selected.connect(handle_modes) sw.sig_item_selected.connect(item_selected) create_vcs_example_switcher(sw) sw.show() def test(main=None): # pragma: no cover """Launch the switcher with some test values.""" from spyder.utils.qthelpers import qapplication app = qapplication() create_example_switcher(main=main) app.exec_() if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover test()