# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Multivariate Normal and t distributions Created on Sat May 28 15:38:23 2011 @author: Josef Perktold TODO: * renaming, - after adding t distribution, cov does not make sense for Sigma DONE - should mean also be renamed to mu, if there will be distributions with mean != mu * not sure about corner cases - behavior with (almost) singular sigma or transforms - df <= 2, is everything correct if variance is not finite or defined ? * check to return possibly univariate distribution for marginals or conditional distributions, does univariate special case work? seems ok for conditional * are all the extra transformation methods useful outside of testing ? - looks like I have some mixup in definitions of standardize, normalize * new methods marginal, conditional, ... just added, typos ? - largely tested for MVNormal, not yet for MVT DONE * conditional: reusing, vectorizing, should we reuse a projection matrix or allow for a vectorized, conditional_mean similar to OLS.predict * add additional things similar to LikelihoodModelResults? quadratic forms, F distribution, and others ??? * add Delta method for nonlinear functions here, current function is hidden somewhere in miscmodels * raise ValueErrors for wrong input shapes, currently only partially checked * quantile method (ppf for equal bounds for multiple testing) is missing http://svitsrv25.epfl.ch/R-doc/library/mvtnorm/html/qmvt.html seems to use just a root finder for inversion of cdf * normalize has ambiguous definition, and mixing it up in different versions std from sigma or std from cov ? I would like to get what I need for mvt-cdf, or not univariate standard t distribution has scale=1 but std>1 FIXED: add std_sigma, and normalize uses std_sigma * more work: bivariate distributions, inherit from multivariate but overwrite some methods for better efficiency, e.g. cdf and expect I kept the original MVNormal0 class as reference, can be deleted See Also -------- sandbox/examples/ex_mvelliptical.py Examples -------- Note, several parts of these examples are random and the numbers will not be (exactly) the same. >>> import numpy as np >>> import statsmodels.sandbox.distributions.mv_normal as mvd >>> >>> from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal >>> >>> cov3 = np.array([[ 1. , 0.5 , 0.75], ... [ 0.5 , 1.5 , 0.6 ], ... [ 0.75, 0.6 , 2. ]]) >>> mu = np.array([-1, 0.0, 2.0]) multivariate normal distribution -------------------------------- >>> mvn3 = mvd.MVNormal(mu, cov3) >>> mvn3.rvs(size=3) array([[-0.08559948, -1.0319881 , 1.76073533], [ 0.30079522, 0.55859618, 4.16538667], [-1.36540091, -1.50152847, 3.87571161]]) >>> mvn3.std array([ 1. , 1.22474487, 1.41421356]) >>> a = [0.0, 1.0, 1.5] >>> mvn3.pdf(a) 0.013867410439318712 >>> mvn3.cdf(a) 0.31163181123730122 Monte Carlo integration >>> mvn3.expect_mc(lambda x: (x>> mvn3.expect_mc(lambda x: (x>> mvt3 = mvd.MVT(mu, cov3, 4) >>> mvt3.rvs(size=4) array([[-0.94185437, 0.3933273 , 2.40005487], [ 0.07563648, 0.06655433, 7.90752238], [ 1.06596474, 0.32701158, 2.03482886], [ 3.80529746, 7.0192967 , 8.41899229]]) >>> mvt3.pdf(a) 0.010402959362646937 >>> mvt3.cdf(a) 0.30269483623249821 >>> mvt3.expect_mc(lambda x: (x>> mvt3.cov array([[ 2. , 1. , 1.5], [ 1. , 3. , 1.2], [ 1.5, 1.2, 4. ]]) >>> mvt3.corr array([[ 1. , 0.40824829, 0.53033009], [ 0.40824829, 1. , 0.34641016], [ 0.53033009, 0.34641016, 1. ]]) get normalized distribution >>> mvt3n = mvt3.normalized() >>> mvt3n.sigma array([[ 1. , 0.40824829, 0.53033009], [ 0.40824829, 1. , 0.34641016], [ 0.53033009, 0.34641016, 1. ]]) >>> mvt3n.cov array([[ 2. , 0.81649658, 1.06066017], [ 0.81649658, 2. , 0.69282032], [ 1.06066017, 0.69282032, 2. ]]) What's currently there? >>> [i for i in dir(mvn3) if not i[0]=='_'] ['affine_transformed', 'cdf', 'cholsigmainv', 'conditional', 'corr', 'cov', 'expect_mc', 'extra_args', 'logdetsigma', 'logpdf', 'marginal', 'mean', 'normalize', 'normalized', 'normalized2', 'nvars', 'pdf', 'rvs', 'sigma', 'sigmainv', 'standardize', 'standardized', 'std', 'std_sigma', 'whiten'] >>> [i for i in dir(mvt3) if not i[0]=='_'] ['affine_transformed', 'cdf', 'cholsigmainv', 'corr', 'cov', 'df', 'expect_mc', 'extra_args', 'logdetsigma', 'logpdf', 'marginal', 'mean', 'normalize', 'normalized', 'normalized2', 'nvars', 'pdf', 'rvs', 'sigma', 'sigmainv', 'standardize', 'standardized', 'std', 'std_sigma', 'whiten'] """ import numpy as np from scipy import special from statsmodels.sandbox.distributions.multivariate import mvstdtprob from .extras import mvnormcdf def expect_mc(dist, func=lambda x: 1, size=50000): '''calculate expected value of function by Monte Carlo integration Parameters ---------- dist : distribution instance needs to have rvs defined as a method for drawing random numbers func : callable function for which expectation is calculated, this function needs to be vectorized, integration is over axis=0 size : int number of random samples to use in the Monte Carlo integration, Notes ----- this does not batch Returns ------- expected value : ndarray return of function func integrated over axis=0 by MonteCarlo, this will have the same shape as the return of func without axis=0 Examples -------- integrate probability that both observations are negative >>> mvn = mve.MVNormal([0,0],2.) >>> mve.expect_mc(mvn, lambda x: (x>> c = stats.norm.isf(0.05, scale=np.sqrt(2.)) >>> expect_mc(mvn, lambda x: (np.abs(x)>np.array([c, c])), size=100000) array([ 0.09969, 0.0986 ]) or calling the method >>> mvn.expect_mc(lambda x: (np.abs(x)>np.array([c, c])), size=100000) array([ 0.09937, 0.10075]) ''' def fun(x): return func(x) # * dist.pdf(x) rvs = dist.rvs(size=size) return fun(rvs).mean(0) def expect_mc_bounds(dist, func=lambda x: 1, size=50000, lower=None, upper=None, conditional=False, overfact=1.2): '''calculate expected value of function by Monte Carlo integration Parameters ---------- dist : distribution instance needs to have rvs defined as a method for drawing random numbers func : callable function for which expectation is calculated, this function needs to be vectorized, integration is over axis=0 size : int minimum number of random samples to use in the Monte Carlo integration, the actual number used can be larger because of oversampling. lower : None or array_like lower integration bounds, if None, then it is set to -inf upper : None or array_like upper integration bounds, if None, then it is set to +inf conditional : bool If true, then the expectation is conditional on being in within [lower, upper] bounds, otherwise it is unconditional overfact : float oversampling factor, the actual number of random variables drawn in each attempt are overfact * remaining draws. Extra draws are also used in the integration. Notes ----- this does not batch Returns ------- expected value : ndarray return of function func integrated over axis=0 by MonteCarlo, this will have the same shape as the return of func without axis=0 Examples -------- >>> mvn = mve.MVNormal([0,0],2.) >>> mve.expect_mc_bounds(mvn, lambda x: np.ones(x.shape[0]), lower=[-10,-10],upper=[0,0]) 0.24990416666666668 get 3 marginal moments with one integration >>> mvn = mve.MVNormal([0,0],1.) >>> mve.expect_mc_bounds(mvn, lambda x: np.dstack([x, x**2, x**3, x**4]), lower=[-np.inf,-np.inf], upper=[np.inf,np.inf]) array([[ 2.88629497e-03, 9.96706297e-01, -2.51005344e-03, 2.95240921e+00], [ -5.48020088e-03, 9.96004409e-01, -2.23803072e-02, 2.96289203e+00]]) >>> from scipy import stats >>> [stats.norm.moment(i) for i in [1,2,3,4]] [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3.0] ''' #call rvs once to find length of random vector rvsdim = dist.rvs(size=1).shape[-1] if lower is None: lower = -np.inf * np.ones(rvsdim) else: lower = np.asarray(lower) if upper is None: upper = np.inf * np.ones(rvsdim) else: upper = np.asarray(upper) def fun(x): return func(x) # * dist.pdf(x) rvsli = [] used = 0 #remain = size #inplace changes size total = 0 while True: remain = size - used #just a temp variable rvs = dist.rvs(size=int(remain * overfact)) total += int(size * overfact) rvsok = rvs[((rvs >= lower) & (rvs <= upper)).all(-1)] #if rvsok.ndim == 1: #possible shape problems if only 1 random vector rvsok = np.atleast_2d(rvsok) used += rvsok.shape[0] rvsli.append(rvsok) #[:remain]) use extras instead print(used) if used >= size: break rvs = np.vstack(rvsli) print(rvs.shape) assert used == rvs.shape[0] #saftey check mean_conditional = fun(rvs).mean(0) if conditional: return mean_conditional else: return mean_conditional * (used * 1. / total) def bivariate_normal(x, mu, cov): """ Bivariate Gaussian distribution for equal shape *X*, *Y*. See `bivariate normal `_ at mathworld. """ X, Y = np.transpose(x) mux, muy = mu sigmax, sigmaxy, tmp, sigmay = np.ravel(cov) sigmax, sigmay = np.sqrt(sigmax), np.sqrt(sigmay) Xmu = X-mux Ymu = Y-muy rho = sigmaxy/(sigmax*sigmay) z = Xmu**2/sigmax**2 + Ymu**2/sigmay**2 - 2*rho*Xmu*Ymu/(sigmax*sigmay) denom = 2*np.pi*sigmax*sigmay*np.sqrt(1-rho**2) return np.exp( -z/(2*(1-rho**2))) / denom class BivariateNormal(object): #TODO: make integration limits more flexible # or normalize before integration def __init__(self, mean, cov): self.mean = mu self.cov = cov self.sigmax, self.sigmaxy, tmp, self.sigmay = np.ravel(cov) self.nvars = 2 def rvs(self, size=1): return np.random.multivariate_normal(self.mean, self.cov, size=size) def pdf(self, x): return bivariate_normal(x, self.mean, self.cov) def logpdf(self, x): #TODO: replace this return np.log(self.pdf(x)) def cdf(self, x): return self.expect(upper=x) def expect(self, func=lambda x: 1, lower=(-10,-10), upper=(10,10)): def fun(x, y): x = np.column_stack((x,y)) return func(x) * self.pdf(x) from scipy.integrate import dblquad return dblquad(fun, lower[0], upper[0], lambda y: lower[1], lambda y: upper[1]) def kl(self, other): '''Kullback-Leibler divergence between this and another distribution int f(x) (log f(x) - log g(x)) dx where f is the pdf of self, and g is the pdf of other uses double integration with scipy.integrate.dblquad limits currently hardcoded ''' fun = lambda x : self.logpdf(x) - other.logpdf(x) return self.expect(fun) def kl_mc(self, other, size=500000): fun = lambda x : self.logpdf(x) - other.logpdf(x) rvs = self.rvs(size=size) return fun(rvs).mean() class MVElliptical(object): '''Base Class for multivariate elliptical distributions, normal and t contains common initialization, and some common methods subclass needs to implement at least rvs and logpdf methods ''' #getting common things between normal and t distribution def __init__(self, mean, sigma, *args, **kwds): '''initialize instance Parameters ---------- mean : array_like parameter mu (might be renamed), for symmetric distributions this is the mean sigma : array_like, 2d dispersion matrix, covariance matrix in normal distribution, but only proportional to covariance matrix in t distribution args : list distribution specific arguments, e.g. df for t distribution kwds : dict currently not used ''' self.extra_args = [] self.mean = np.asarray(mean) self.sigma = sigma = np.asarray(sigma) sigma = np.squeeze(sigma) self.nvars = nvars = len(mean) #self.covchol = np.linalg.cholesky(sigma) #in the following sigma is original, self.sigma is full matrix if sigma.shape == (): #iid self.sigma = np.eye(nvars) * sigma self.sigmainv = np.eye(nvars) / sigma self.cholsigmainv = np.eye(nvars) / np.sqrt(sigma) elif (sigma.ndim == 1) and (len(sigma) == nvars): #independent heteroskedastic self.sigma = np.diag(sigma) self.sigmainv = np.diag(1. / sigma) self.cholsigmainv = np.diag( 1. / np.sqrt(sigma)) elif sigma.shape == (nvars, nvars): #python tuple comparison #general self.sigmainv = np.linalg.pinv(sigma) self.cholsigmainv = np.linalg.cholesky(self.sigmainv).T else: raise ValueError('sigma has invalid shape') #store logdetsigma for logpdf self.logdetsigma = np.log(np.linalg.det(self.sigma)) def rvs(self, size=1): '''random variable Parameters ---------- size : int or tuple the number and shape of random variables to draw. Returns ------- rvs : ndarray the returned random variables with shape given by size and the dimension of the multivariate random vector as additional last dimension ''' raise NotImplementedError def logpdf(self, x): '''logarithm of probability density function Parameters ---------- x : array_like can be 1d or 2d, if 2d, then each row is taken as independent multivariate random vector Returns ------- logpdf : float or array probability density value of each random vector this should be made to work with 2d x, with multivariate normal vector in each row and iid across rows does not work now because of dot in whiten ''' raise NotImplementedError def cdf(self, x, **kwds): '''cumulative distribution function Parameters ---------- x : array_like can be 1d or 2d, if 2d, then each row is taken as independent multivariate random vector kwds : dict contains options for the numerical calculation of the cdf Returns ------- cdf : float or array probability density value of each random vector ''' raise NotImplementedError def affine_transformed(self, shift, scale_matrix): '''affine transformation define in subclass because of distribution specific restrictions''' #implemented in subclass at least for now raise NotImplementedError def whiten(self, x): """ whiten the data by linear transformation Parameters ---------- x : array_like, 1d or 2d Data to be whitened, if 2d then each row contains an independent sample of the multivariate random vector Returns ------- np.dot(x, self.cholsigmainv.T) Notes ----- This only does rescaling, it does not subtract the mean, use standardize for this instead See Also -------- standardize : subtract mean and rescale to standardized random variable. """ x = np.asarray(x) return np.dot(x, self.cholsigmainv.T) def pdf(self, x): '''probability density function Parameters ---------- x : array_like can be 1d or 2d, if 2d, then each row is taken as independent multivariate random vector Returns ------- pdf : float or array probability density value of each random vector ''' return np.exp(self.logpdf(x)) def standardize(self, x): '''standardize the random variable, i.e. subtract mean and whiten Parameters ---------- x : array_like, 1d or 2d Data to be whitened, if 2d then each row contains an independent sample of the multivariate random vector Returns ------- np.dot(x - self.mean, self.cholsigmainv.T) Notes ----- See Also -------- whiten : rescale random variable, standardize without subtracting mean. ''' return self.whiten(x - self.mean) def standardized(self): '''return new standardized MVNormal instance ''' return self.affine_transformed(-self.mean, self.cholsigmainv) def normalize(self, x): '''normalize the random variable, i.e. subtract mean and rescale The distribution will have zero mean and sigma equal to correlation Parameters ---------- x : array_like, 1d or 2d Data to be whitened, if 2d then each row contains an independent sample of the multivariate random vector Returns ------- (x - self.mean)/std_sigma Notes ----- See Also -------- whiten : rescale random variable, standardize without subtracting mean. ''' std_ = np.atleast_2d(self.std_sigma) return (x - self.mean)/std_ #/std_.T def normalized(self, demeaned=True): '''return a normalized distribution where sigma=corr if demeaned is True, then mean will be set to zero ''' if demeaned: mean_new = np.zeros_like(self.mean) else: mean_new = self.mean / self.std_sigma sigma_new = self.corr args = [getattr(self, ea) for ea in self.extra_args] return self.__class__(mean_new, sigma_new, *args) def normalized2(self, demeaned=True): '''return a normalized distribution where sigma=corr second implementation for testing affine transformation ''' if demeaned: shift = -self.mean else: shift = self.mean * (1. / self.std_sigma - 1.) return self.affine_transformed(shift, np.diag(1. / self.std_sigma)) #the following "standardizes" cov instead #return self.affine_transformed(shift, self.cholsigmainv) @property def std(self): '''standard deviation, square root of diagonal elements of cov ''' return np.sqrt(np.diag(self.cov)) @property def std_sigma(self): '''standard deviation, square root of diagonal elements of sigma ''' return np.sqrt(np.diag(self.sigma)) @property def corr(self): '''correlation matrix''' return self.cov / np.outer(self.std, self.std) expect_mc = expect_mc def marginal(self, indices): '''return marginal distribution for variables given by indices this should be correct for normal and t distribution Parameters ---------- indices : array_like, int list of indices of variables in the marginal distribution Returns ------- mvdist : instance new instance of the same multivariate distribution class that contains the marginal distribution of the variables given in indices ''' indices = np.asarray(indices) mean_new = self.mean[indices] sigma_new = self.sigma[indices[:,None], indices] args = [getattr(self, ea) for ea in self.extra_args] return self.__class__(mean_new, sigma_new, *args) #parts taken from linear_model, but heavy adjustments class MVNormal0(object): '''Class for Multivariate Normal Distribution original full version, kept for testing, new version inherits from MVElliptical uses Cholesky decomposition of covariance matrix for the transformation of the data ''' def __init__(self, mean, cov): self.mean = mean self.cov = cov = np.asarray(cov) cov = np.squeeze(cov) self.nvars = nvars = len(mean) #in the following cov is original, self.cov is full matrix if cov.shape == (): #iid self.cov = np.eye(nvars) * cov self.covinv = np.eye(nvars) / cov self.cholcovinv = np.eye(nvars) / np.sqrt(cov) elif (cov.ndim == 1) and (len(cov) == nvars): #independent heteroskedastic self.cov = np.diag(cov) self.covinv = np.diag(1. / cov) self.cholcovinv = np.diag( 1. / np.sqrt(cov)) elif cov.shape == (nvars, nvars): #python tuple comparison #general self.covinv = np.linalg.pinv(cov) self.cholcovinv = np.linalg.cholesky(self.covinv).T else: raise ValueError('cov has invalid shape') #store logdetcov for logpdf self.logdetcov = np.log(np.linalg.det(self.cov)) def whiten(self, x): """ whiten the data by linear transformation Parameters ---------- X : array_like, 1d or 2d Data to be whitened, if 2d then each row contains an independent sample of the multivariate random vector Returns ------- np.dot(x, self.cholcovinv.T) Notes ----- This only does rescaling, it does not subtract the mean, use standardize for this instead See Also -------- standardize : subtract mean and rescale to standardized random variable. """ x = np.asarray(x) if np.any(self.cov): #return np.dot(self.cholcovinv, x) return np.dot(x, self.cholcovinv.T) else: return x def rvs(self, size=1): '''random variable Parameters ---------- size : int or tuple the number and shape of random variables to draw. Returns ------- rvs : ndarray the returned random variables with shape given by size and the dimension of the multivariate random vector as additional last dimension Notes ----- uses numpy.random.multivariate_normal directly ''' return np.random.multivariate_normal(self.mean, self.cov, size=size) def pdf(self, x): '''probability density function Parameters ---------- x : array_like can be 1d or 2d, if 2d, then each row is taken as independent multivariate random vector Returns ------- pdf : float or array probability density value of each random vector ''' return np.exp(self.logpdf(x)) def logpdf(self, x): '''logarithm of probability density function Parameters ---------- x : array_like can be 1d or 2d, if 2d, then each row is taken as independent multivariate random vector Returns ------- logpdf : float or array probability density value of each random vector this should be made to work with 2d x, with multivariate normal vector in each row and iid across rows does not work now because of dot in whiten ''' x = np.asarray(x) x_whitened = self.whiten(x - self.mean) SSR = np.sum(x_whitened**2, -1) llf = -SSR llf -= self.nvars * np.log(2. * np.pi) llf -= self.logdetcov llf *= 0.5 return llf expect_mc = expect_mc class MVNormal(MVElliptical): '''Class for Multivariate Normal Distribution uses Cholesky decomposition of covariance matrix for the transformation of the data ''' __name__ == 'Multivariate Normal Distribution' def rvs(self, size=1): '''random variable Parameters ---------- size : int or tuple the number and shape of random variables to draw. Returns ------- rvs : ndarray the returned random variables with shape given by size and the dimension of the multivariate random vector as additional last dimension Notes ----- uses numpy.random.multivariate_normal directly ''' return np.random.multivariate_normal(self.mean, self.sigma, size=size) def logpdf(self, x): '''logarithm of probability density function Parameters ---------- x : array_like can be 1d or 2d, if 2d, then each row is taken as independent multivariate random vector Returns ------- logpdf : float or array probability density value of each random vector this should be made to work with 2d x, with multivariate normal vector in each row and iid across rows does not work now because of dot in whiten ''' x = np.asarray(x) x_whitened = self.whiten(x - self.mean) SSR = np.sum(x_whitened**2, -1) llf = -SSR llf -= self.nvars * np.log(2. * np.pi) llf -= self.logdetsigma llf *= 0.5 return llf def cdf(self, x, **kwds): '''cumulative distribution function Parameters ---------- x : array_like can be 1d or 2d, if 2d, then each row is taken as independent multivariate random vector kwds : dict contains options for the numerical calculation of the cdf Returns ------- cdf : float or array probability density value of each random vector ''' #lower = -np.inf * np.ones_like(x) #return mvstdnormcdf(lower, self.standardize(x), self.corr, **kwds) return mvnormcdf(x, self.mean, self.cov, **kwds) @property def cov(self): '''covariance matrix''' return self.sigma def affine_transformed(self, shift, scale_matrix): '''return distribution of an affine transform for full rank scale_matrix only Parameters ---------- shift : array_like shift of mean scale_matrix : array_like linear transformation matrix Returns ------- mvt : instance of MVNormal instance of multivariate normal distribution given by affine transformation Notes ----- the affine transformation is defined by y = a + B x where a is shift, B is a scale matrix for the linear transformation Notes ----- This should also work to select marginal distributions, but not tested for this case yet. currently only tested because it's called by standardized ''' B = scale_matrix #tmp variable mean_new = np.dot(B, self.mean) + shift sigma_new = np.dot(np.dot(B, self.sigma), B.T) return MVNormal(mean_new, sigma_new) def conditional(self, indices, values): r'''return conditional distribution indices are the variables to keep, the complement is the conditioning set values are the values of the conditioning variables \bar{\mu} = \mu_1 + \Sigma_{12} \Sigma_{22}^{-1} \left( a - \mu_2 \right) and covariance matrix \overline{\Sigma} = \Sigma_{11} - \Sigma_{12} \Sigma_{22}^{-1} \Sigma_{21}.T Parameters ---------- indices : array_like, int list of indices of variables in the marginal distribution given : array_like values of the conditioning variables Returns ------- mvn : instance of MVNormal new instance of the MVNormal class that contains the conditional distribution of the variables given in indices for given values of the excluded variables. ''' #indices need to be nd arrays for broadcasting keep = np.asarray(indices) given = np.asarray([i for i in range(self.nvars) if i not in keep]) sigmakk = self.sigma[keep[:, None], keep] sigmagg = self.sigma[given[:, None], given] sigmakg = self.sigma[keep[:, None], given] sigmagk = self.sigma[given[:, None], keep] sigma_new = sigmakk - np.dot(sigmakg, np.linalg.solve(sigmagg, sigmagk)) mean_new = self.mean[keep] + \ np.dot(sigmakg, np.linalg.solve(sigmagg, values-self.mean[given])) # #or # sig = np.linalg.solve(sigmagg, sigmagk).T # mean_new = self.mean[keep] + np.dot(sigmakg, values-self.mean[given]) # sigma_new = sigmakk - np.dot(sigmakg, sig) return MVNormal(mean_new, sigma_new) #redefine some shortcuts np_log = np.log np_pi = np.pi sps_gamln = special.gammaln class MVT(MVElliptical): __name__ == 'Multivariate Student T Distribution' def __init__(self, mean, sigma, df): '''initialize instance Parameters ---------- mean : array_like parameter mu (might be renamed), for symmetric distributions this is the mean sigma : array_like, 2d dispersion matrix, covariance matrix in normal distribution, but only proportional to covariance matrix in t distribution args : list distribution specific arguments, e.g. df for t distribution kwds : dict currently not used ''' super(MVT, self).__init__(mean, sigma) self.extra_args = ['df'] #overwrites extra_args of super self.df = df def rvs(self, size=1): '''random variables with Student T distribution Parameters ---------- size : int or tuple the number and shape of random variables to draw. Returns ------- rvs : ndarray the returned random variables with shape given by size and the dimension of the multivariate random vector as additional last dimension - TODO: Not sure if this works for size tuples with len>1. Notes ----- generated as a chi-square mixture of multivariate normal random variables. does this require df>2 ? ''' from .multivariate import multivariate_t_rvs return multivariate_t_rvs(self.mean, self.sigma, df=self.df, n=size) def logpdf(self, x): '''logarithm of probability density function Parameters ---------- x : array_like can be 1d or 2d, if 2d, then each row is taken as independent multivariate random vector Returns ------- logpdf : float or array probability density value of each random vector ''' x = np.asarray(x) df = self.df nvars = self.nvars x_whitened = self.whiten(x - self.mean) #should be float llf = - nvars * np_log(df * np_pi) llf -= self.logdetsigma llf -= (df + nvars) * np_log(1 + np.sum(x_whitened**2,-1) / df) llf *= 0.5 llf += sps_gamln((df + nvars) / 2.) - sps_gamln(df / 2.) return llf def cdf(self, x, **kwds): '''cumulative distribution function Parameters ---------- x : array_like can be 1d or 2d, if 2d, then each row is taken as independent multivariate random vector kwds : dict contains options for the numerical calculation of the cdf Returns ------- cdf : float or array probability density value of each random vector ''' lower = -np.inf * np.ones_like(x) #std_sigma = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.sigma)) upper = (x - self.mean)/self.std_sigma return mvstdtprob(lower, upper, self.corr, self.df, **kwds) #mvstdtcdf does not exist yet #return mvstdtcdf(lower, x, self.corr, df, **kwds) @property def cov(self): '''covariance matrix The covariance matrix for the t distribution does not exist for df<=2, and is equal to sigma * df/(df-2) for df>2 ''' if self.df <= 2: return np.nan * np.ones_like(self.sigma) else: return self.df / (self.df - 2.) * self.sigma def affine_transformed(self, shift, scale_matrix): '''return distribution of a full rank affine transform for full rank scale_matrix only Parameters ---------- shift : array_like shift of mean scale_matrix : array_like linear transformation matrix Returns ------- mvt : instance of MVT instance of multivariate t distribution given by affine transformation Notes ----- This checks for eigvals<=0, so there are possible problems for cases with positive eigenvalues close to zero. see: http://www.statlect.com/mcdstu1.htm I'm not sure about general case, non-full rank transformation are not multivariate t distributed. y = a + B x where a is shift, B is full rank scale matrix with same dimension as sigma ''' #full rank method could also be in elliptical and called with super #after the rank check B = scale_matrix #tmp variable as shorthand if not B.shape == (self.nvars, self.nvars): if (np.linalg.eigvals(B) <= 0).any(): raise ValueError('affine transform has to be full rank') mean_new = np.dot(B, self.mean) + shift sigma_new = np.dot(np.dot(B, self.sigma), B.T) return MVT(mean_new, sigma_new, self.df) def quad2d(func=lambda x: 1, lower=(-10,-10), upper=(10,10)): def fun(x, y): x = np.column_stack((x,y)) return func(x) from scipy.integrate import dblquad return dblquad(fun, lower[0], upper[0], lambda y: lower[1], lambda y: upper[1]) if __name__ == '__main__': from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal, assert_array_almost_equal examples = ['mvn'] mu = (0,0) covx = np.array([[1.0, 0.5], [0.5, 1.0]]) mu3 = [-1, 0., 2.] cov3 = np.array([[ 1. , 0.5 , 0.75], [ 0.5 , 1.5 , 0.6 ], [ 0.75, 0.6 , 2. ]]) if 'mvn' in examples: bvn = BivariateNormal(mu, covx) rvs = bvn.rvs(size=1000) print(rvs.mean(0)) print(np.cov(rvs, rowvar=0)) print(bvn.expect()) print(bvn.cdf([0,0])) bvn1 = BivariateNormal(mu, np.eye(2)) bvn2 = BivariateNormal(mu, 4*np.eye(2)) fun = lambda x : np.log(bvn1.pdf(x)) - np.log(bvn.pdf(x)) print(bvn1.expect(fun)) print(bvn1.kl(bvn2), bvn1.kl_mc(bvn2)) print(bvn2.kl(bvn1), bvn2.kl_mc(bvn1)) print(bvn1.kl(bvn), bvn1.kl_mc(bvn)) mvn = MVNormal(mu, covx) mvn.pdf([0,0]) mvn.pdf(np.zeros((2,2))) #np.dot(mvn.cholcovinv.T, mvn.cholcovinv) - mvn.covinv cov3 = np.array([[ 1. , 0.5 , 0.75], [ 0.5 , 1.5 , 0.6 ], [ 0.75, 0.6 , 2. ]]) mu3 = [-1, 0., 2.] mvn3 = MVNormal(mu3, cov3) mvn3.pdf((0., 2., 3.)) mvn3.logpdf((0., 2., 3.)) #comparisons with R mvtnorm::dmvnorm #decimal=14 # mvn3.logpdf(cov3) - [-7.667977543898155, -6.917977543898155, -5.167977543898155] # #decimal 18 # mvn3.pdf(cov3) - [0.000467562492721686, 0.000989829804859273, 0.005696077243833402] # #cheating new mean, same cov # mvn3.mean = np.array([0,0,0]) # #decimal= 16 # mvn3.pdf(cov3) - [0.02914269740502042, 0.02269635555984291, 0.01767593948287269] #as asserts r_val = [-7.667977543898155, -6.917977543898155, -5.167977543898155] assert_array_almost_equal( mvn3.logpdf(cov3), r_val, decimal = 14) #decimal 18 r_val = [0.000467562492721686, 0.000989829804859273, 0.005696077243833402] assert_array_almost_equal( mvn3.pdf(cov3), r_val, decimal = 17) #cheating new mean, same cov, too dangerous, got wrong instance in tests #mvn3.mean = np.array([0,0,0]) mvn3c = MVNormal(np.array([0,0,0]), cov3) r_val = [0.02914269740502042, 0.02269635555984291, 0.01767593948287269] assert_array_almost_equal( mvn3c.pdf(cov3), r_val, decimal = 16) mvn3b = MVNormal((0,0,0), 1) fun = lambda x : np.log(mvn3.pdf(x)) - np.log(mvn3b.pdf(x)) print(mvn3.expect_mc(fun)) print(mvn3.expect_mc(fun, size=200000)) mvt = MVT((0,0), 1, 5) assert_almost_equal(mvt.logpdf(np.array([0.,0.])), -1.837877066409345, decimal=15) assert_almost_equal(mvt.pdf(np.array([0.,0.])), 0.1591549430918953, decimal=15) mvt.logpdf(np.array([1.,1.]))-(-3.01552989458359) mvt1 = MVT((0,0), 1, 1) mvt1.logpdf(np.array([1.,1.]))-(-3.48579549941151) #decimal=16 rvs = mvt.rvs(100000) assert_almost_equal(np.cov(rvs, rowvar=0), mvt.cov, decimal=1) mvt31 = MVT(mu3, cov3, 1) assert_almost_equal(mvt31.pdf(cov3), [0.0007276818698165781, 0.0009980625182293658, 0.0027661422056214652], decimal=18) mvt = MVT(mu3, cov3, 3) assert_almost_equal(mvt.pdf(cov3), [0.000863777424247410, 0.001277510788307594, 0.004156314279452241], decimal=17)