"""Analyze a set of multiple variables with a linear models multiOLS: take a model and test it on a series of variables defined over a pandas dataset, returning a summary for each variable multigroup: take a boolean vector and the definition of several groups of variables and test if the group has a fraction of true values higher than the rest. It allows to test if the variables in the group are significantly more significant than outside the group. """ from patsy import dmatrix import pandas as pd from statsmodels.api import OLS from statsmodels.api import stats import numpy as np import logging def _model2dataframe(model_endog, model_exog, model_type=OLS, **kwargs): """return a series containing the summary of a linear model All the exceding parameters will be redirected to the linear model """ # create the linear model and perform the fit model_result = model_type(model_endog, model_exog, **kwargs).fit() # keeps track of some global statistics statistics = pd.Series({'r2': model_result.rsquared, 'adj_r2': model_result.rsquared_adj}) # put them togher with the result for each term result_df = pd.DataFrame({'params': model_result.params, 'pvals': model_result.pvalues, 'std': model_result.bse, 'statistics': statistics}) # add the complexive results for f-value and the total p-value fisher_df = pd.DataFrame({'params': {'_f_test': model_result.fvalue}, 'pvals': {'_f_test': model_result.f_pvalue}}) # merge them and unstack to obtain a hierarchically indexed series res_series = pd.concat([result_df, fisher_df]).unstack() return res_series.dropna() def multiOLS(model, dataframe, column_list=None, method='fdr_bh', alpha=0.05, subset=None, model_type=OLS, **kwargs): """apply a linear model to several endogenous variables on a dataframe Take a linear model definition via formula and a dataframe that will be the environment of the model, and apply the linear model to a subset (or all) of the columns of the dataframe. It will return a dataframe with part of the information from the linear model summary. Parameters ---------- model : str formula description of the model dataframe : pandas.dataframe dataframe where the model will be evaluated column_list : list[str], optional Names of the columns to analyze with the model. If None (Default) it will perform the function on all the eligible columns (numerical type and not in the model definition) model_type : model class, optional The type of model to be used. The default is the linear model. Can be any linear model (OLS, WLS, GLS, etc..) method : str, optional the method used to perform the pvalue correction for multiple testing. default is the Benjamini/Hochberg, other available methods are: `bonferroni` : one-step correction `sidak` : on-step correction `holm-sidak` : `holm` : `simes-hochberg` : `hommel` : `fdr_bh` : Benjamini/Hochberg `fdr_by` : Benjamini/Yekutieli alpha : float, optional the significance level used for the pvalue correction (default 0.05) subset : bool array the selected rows to be used in the regression all the other parameters will be directed to the model creation. Returns ------- summary : pandas.DataFrame a dataframe containing an extract from the summary of the model obtained for each columns. It will give the model complexive f test result and p-value, and the regression value and standard deviarion for each of the regressors. The DataFrame has a hierachical column structure, divided as: - params: contains the parameters resulting from the models. Has an additional column named _f_test containing the result of the F test. - pval: the pvalue results of the models. Has the _f_test column for the significativity of the whole test. - adj_pval: the corrected pvalues via the multitest function. - std: uncertainties of the model parameters - statistics: contains the r squared statistics and the adjusted r squared. Notes ----- The main application of this function is on system biology to perform a linear model testing of a lot of different parameters, like the different genetic expression of several genes. See Also -------- statsmodels.stats.multitest contains several functions to perform the multiple p-value correction Examples -------- Using the longley data as dataframe example >>> import statsmodels.api as sm >>> data = sm.datasets.longley.load_pandas() >>> df = data.exog >>> df['TOTEMP'] = data.endog This will perform the specified linear model on all the other columns of the dataframe >>> multiOLS('GNP + 1', df) This select only a certain subset of the columns >>> multiOLS('GNP + 0', df, ['GNPDEFL', 'TOTEMP', 'POP']) It is possible to specify a trasformation also on the target column, conforming to the patsy formula specification >>> multiOLS('GNP + 0', df, ['I(GNPDEFL**2)', 'center(TOTEMP)']) It is possible to specify the subset of the dataframe on which perform the analysis >> multiOLS('GNP + 1', df, subset=df.GNPDEFL > 90) Even a single column name can be given without enclosing it in a list >>> multiOLS('GNP + 0', df, 'GNPDEFL') """ # data normalization # if None take all the numerical columns that are not present in the model # it's not waterproof but is a good enough criterion for everyday use if column_list is None: column_list = [name for name in dataframe.columns if dataframe[name].dtype != object and name not in model] # if it's a single string transform it in a single element list if isinstance(column_list, str): column_list = [column_list] if subset is not None: dataframe = dataframe.loc[subset] # perform each model and retrieve the statistics col_results = {} # as the model will use always the same endogenous variables # we can create them once and reuse model_exog = dmatrix(model, data=dataframe, return_type="dataframe") for col_name in column_list: # it will try to interpret the column name as a valid dataframe # index as it can be several times faster. If it fails it # interpret it as a patsy formula (for example for centering) try: model_endog = dataframe[col_name] except KeyError: model_endog = dmatrix(col_name + ' + 0', data=dataframe) # retrieve the result and store them res = _model2dataframe(model_endog, model_exog, model_type, **kwargs) col_results[col_name] = res # mangle them togheter and sort by complexive p-value summary = pd.DataFrame(col_results) # order by the p-value: the most useful model first! summary = summary.T.sort_values([('pvals', '_f_test')]) summary.index.name = 'endogenous vars' # implementing the pvalue correction method smt = stats.multipletests for (key1, key2) in summary: if key1 != 'pvals': continue p_values = summary[key1, key2] corrected = smt(p_values, method=method, alpha=alpha)[1] # extend the dataframe of results with the column # of the corrected p_values summary['adj_' + key1, key2] = corrected return summary def _test_group(pvalues, group_name, group, exact=True): """test if the objects in the group are different from the general set. The test is performed on the pvalues set (ad a pandas series) over the group specified via a fisher exact test. """ from scipy.stats import fisher_exact, chi2_contingency totals = 1.0 * len(pvalues) total_significant = 1.0 * np.sum(pvalues) cross_index = [c for c in group if c in pvalues.index] missing = [c for c in group if c not in pvalues.index] if missing: s = ('the test is not well defined if the group ' 'has elements not presents in the significativity ' 'array. group name: {}, missing elements: {}') logging.warning(s.format(group_name, missing)) # how many are significant and not in the group group_total = 1.0 * len(cross_index) group_sign = 1.0 * len([c for c in cross_index if pvalues[c]]) group_nonsign = 1.0 * (group_total - group_sign) # how many are significant and not outside the group extern_sign = 1.0 * (total_significant - group_sign) extern_nonsign = 1.0 * (totals - total_significant - group_nonsign) # make the fisher test or the chi squared test = fisher_exact if exact else chi2_contingency table = [[extern_nonsign, extern_sign], [group_nonsign, group_sign]] pvalue = test(np.array(table))[1] # is the group more represented or less? part = group_sign, group_nonsign, extern_sign, extern_nonsign #increase = (group_sign / group_total) > (total_significant / totals) increase = np.log((totals * group_sign) / (total_significant * group_total)) return pvalue, increase, part def multigroup(pvals, groups, exact=True, keep_all=True, alpha=0.05): """Test if the given groups are different from the total partition. Given a boolean array test if each group has a proportion of positives different than the complexive proportion. The test can be done as an exact Fisher test or approximated as a Chi squared test for more speed. Parameters ---------- pvals : pandas series of boolean the significativity of the variables under analysis groups : dict of list the name of each category of variables under exam. each one is a list of the variables included exact : bool, optional If True (default) use the fisher exact test, otherwise use the chi squared test for contingencies tables. For high number of elements in the array the fisher test can be significantly slower than the chi squared. keep_all : bool, optional if False it will drop those groups where the fraction of positive is below the expected result. If True (default) it will keep all the significant results. alpha : float, optional the significativity level for the pvalue correction on the whole set of groups (not inside the groups themselves). Returns ------- result_df: pandas dataframe for each group returns: pvals - the fisher p value of the test adj_pvals - the adjusted pvals increase - the log of the odd ratio between the internal significant ratio versus the external one _in_sign - significative elements inside the group _in_non - non significative elements inside the group _out_sign - significative elements outside the group _out_non - non significative elements outside the group Notes ----- This test allow to see if a category of variables is generally better suited to be described for the model. For example to see if a predictor gives more information on demographic or economical parameters, by creating two groups containing the endogenous variables of each category. This function is conceived for medical dataset with a lot of variables that can be easily grouped into functional groups. This is because The significativity of a group require a rather large number of composing elements. Examples -------- A toy example on a real dataset, the Guerry dataset from R >>> url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vincentarelbundock/" >>> url = url + "Rdatasets/csv/HistData/Guerry.csv" >>> df = pd.read_csv(url, index_col='dept') evaluate the relationship between the various paramenters whith the Wealth >>> pvals = multiOLS('Wealth', df)['adj_pvals', '_f_test'] define the groups >>> groups = {} >>> groups['crime'] = ['Crime_prop', 'Infanticide', ... 'Crime_parents', 'Desertion', 'Crime_pers'] >>> groups['religion'] = ['Donation_clergy', 'Clergy', 'Donations'] >>> groups['wealth'] = ['Commerce', 'Lottery', 'Instruction', 'Literacy'] do the analysis of the significativity >>> multigroup(pvals < 0.05, groups) """ pvals = pd.Series(pvals) if not (set(pvals.unique()) <= set([False, True])): raise ValueError("the series should be binary") if hasattr(pvals.index, 'is_unique') and not pvals.index.is_unique: raise ValueError("series with duplicated index is not accepted") results = {'pvals': {}, 'increase': {}, '_in_sign': {}, '_in_non': {}, '_out_sign': {}, '_out_non': {}} for group_name, group_list in groups.items(): res = _test_group(pvals, group_name, group_list, exact) results['pvals'][group_name] = res[0] results['increase'][group_name] = res[1] results['_in_sign'][group_name] = res[2][0] results['_in_non'][group_name] = res[2][1] results['_out_sign'][group_name] = res[2][2] results['_out_non'][group_name] = res[2][3] result_df = pd.DataFrame(results).sort_values('pvals') if not keep_all: result_df = result_df[result_df.increase] smt = stats.multipletests corrected = smt(result_df['pvals'], method='fdr_bh', alpha=alpha)[1] result_df['adj_pvals'] = corrected return result_df