# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """linear model with Theil prior probabilistic restrictions, generalized Ridge Created on Tue Dec 20 00:10:10 2011 Author: Josef Perktold License: BSD-3 open issues * selection of smoothing factor, strength of prior, cross validation * GLS, does this really work this way * None of inherited results have been checked yet, I'm not sure if any need to be adjusted or if only interpretation changes One question is which results are based on likelihood (residuals) and which are based on "posterior" as for example bse and cov_params * helper functions to construct priors? * increasing penalization for ordered regressors, e.g. polynomials * compare with random/mixed effects/coefficient, like estimated priors there is something fishy with the result instance, some things, e.g. normalized_cov_params, do not look like they update correctly as we search over lambda -> some stale state again ? I added df_model to result class using the hatmatrix, but df_model is defined in model instance not in result instance. -> not clear where refactoring should occur. df_resid does not get updated correctly. problem with definition of df_model, it has 1 subtracted for constant """ from statsmodels.compat.python import lrange import numpy as np from statsmodels.tools.decorators import cache_readonly from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import OLS, GLS, RegressionResults from statsmodels.regression.feasible_gls import atleast_2dcols class TheilGLS(GLS): r"""GLS with stochastic restrictions TheilGLS estimates the following linear model .. math:: y = X \beta + u using additional information given by a stochastic constraint .. math:: q = R \beta + v :math:`E(u) = 0`, :math:`cov(u) = \Sigma` :math:`cov(u, v) = \Sigma_p`, with full rank. u and v are assumed to be independent of each other. If :math:`E(v) = 0`, then the estimator is unbiased. Note: The explanatory variables are not rescaled, the parameter estimates not scale equivariant and fitted values are not scale invariant since scaling changes the relative penalization weights (for given \Sigma_p). Note: GLS is not tested yet, only Sigma is identity is tested Notes ----- The parameter estimates solves the moment equation: .. math:: (X' \Sigma X + \lambda R' \sigma^2 \Sigma_p^{-1} R) b = X' \Sigma y + \lambda R' \Sigma_p^{-1} q :math:`\lambda` is the penalization weight similar to Ridge regression. If lambda is zero, then the parameter estimate is the same as OLS. If lambda goes to infinity, then the restriction is imposed with equality. In the model `pen_weight` is used as name instead of $\lambda$ R does not have to be square. The number of rows of R can be smaller than the number of parameters. In this case not all linear combination of parameters are penalized. The stochastic constraint can be interpreted in several different ways: - The prior information represents parameter estimates from independent prior samples. - We can consider it just as linear restrictions that we do not want to impose without uncertainty. - With a full rank square restriction matrix R, the parameter estimate is the same as a Bayesian posterior mean for the case of an informative normal prior, normal likelihood and known error variance Sigma. If R is less than full rank, then it defines a partial prior. References ---------- Theil Goldberger Baum, Christopher slides for tgmixed in Stata (I do not remember what I used when I first wrote the code.) Parameters ---------- endog : array_like, 1-D dependent or endogenous variable exog : array_like, 1D or 2D array of explanatory or exogenous variables r_matrix : None or array_like, 2D array of linear restrictions for stochastic constraint. default is identity matrix that does not penalize constant, if constant is detected to be in `exog`. q_matrix : None or array_like mean of the linear restrictions. If None, the it is set to zeros. sigma_prior : None or array_like A fully specified sigma_prior is a square matrix with the same number of rows and columns as there are constraints (number of rows of r_matrix). If sigma_prior is None, a scalar or one-dimensional, then a diagonal matrix is created. sigma : None or array_like Sigma is the covariance matrix of the error term that is used in the same way as in GLS. """ def __init__(self, endog, exog, r_matrix=None, q_matrix=None, sigma_prior=None, sigma=None): super(TheilGLS, self).__init__(endog, exog, sigma=sigma) if r_matrix is not None: r_matrix = np.asarray(r_matrix) else: try: const_idx = self.data.const_idx except AttributeError: const_idx = None k_exog = exog.shape[1] r_matrix = np.eye(k_exog) if const_idx is not None: keep_idx = lrange(k_exog) del keep_idx[const_idx] r_matrix = r_matrix[keep_idx] # delete row for constant k_constraints, k_exog = r_matrix.shape self.r_matrix = r_matrix if k_exog != self.exog.shape[1]: raise ValueError('r_matrix needs to have the same number of columns' 'as exog') if q_matrix is not None: self.q_matrix = atleast_2dcols(q_matrix) else: self.q_matrix = np.zeros(k_constraints)[:, None] if self.q_matrix.shape != (k_constraints, 1): raise ValueError('q_matrix has wrong shape') if sigma_prior is not None: sigma_prior = np.asarray(sigma_prior) if np.size(sigma_prior) == 1: sigma_prior = np.diag(sigma_prior * np.ones(k_constraints)) #no numerical shortcuts are used for this case elif sigma_prior.ndim == 1: sigma_prior = np.diag(sigma_prior) else: sigma_prior = np.eye(k_constraints) if sigma_prior.shape != (k_constraints, k_constraints): raise ValueError('sigma_prior has wrong shape') self.sigma_prior = sigma_prior self.sigma_prior_inv = np.linalg.pinv(sigma_prior) #or inv def fit(self, pen_weight=1., cov_type='sandwich', use_t=True): """Estimate parameters and return results instance Parameters ---------- pen_weight : float penalization factor for the restriction, default is 1. cov_type : str, 'data-prior' or 'sandwich' 'data-prior' assumes that the stochastic restriction reflects a previous sample. The covariance matrix of the parameter estimate is in this case the same form as the one of GLS. The covariance matrix for cov_type='sandwich' treats the stochastic restriction (R and q) as fixed and has a sandwich form analogously to M-estimators. Returns ------- results : TheilRegressionResults instance Notes ----- cov_params for cov_type data-prior, is calculated as .. math:: \\sigma^2 A^{-1} cov_params for cov_type sandwich, is calculated as .. math:: \\sigma^2 A^{-1} (X'X) A^{-1} where :math:`A = X' \\Sigma X + \\lambda \\sigma^2 R' \\Simga_p^{-1} R` :math:`\\sigma^2` is an estimate of the error variance. :math:`\\sigma^2` inside A is replaced by the estimate from the initial GLS estimate. :math:`\\sigma^2` in cov_params is obtained from the residuals of the final estimate. The sandwich form of the covariance estimator is not robust to misspecified heteroscedasticity or autocorrelation. """ lambd = pen_weight #this does duplicate transformation, but I need resid not wresid res_gls = GLS(self.endog, self.exog, sigma=self.sigma).fit() self.res_gls = res_gls sigma2_e = res_gls.mse_resid r_matrix = self.r_matrix q_matrix = self.q_matrix sigma_prior_inv = self.sigma_prior_inv x = self.wexog y = self.wendog[:,None] #why are sigma2_e * lambd multiplied, not ratio? #larger lambd -> stronger prior (it's not the variance) # Bayesian: lambd is precision = 1/sigma2_prior #print('lambd inside fit', lambd xx = np.dot(x.T, x) xpx = xx + \ sigma2_e * lambd * np.dot(r_matrix.T, np.dot(sigma_prior_inv, r_matrix)) xpy = np.dot(x.T, y) + \ sigma2_e * lambd * np.dot(r_matrix.T, np.dot(sigma_prior_inv, q_matrix)) #xpy = xpy[:,None] xpxi = np.linalg.pinv(xpx, rcond=1e-15**2) #to match pinv(x) in OLS case xpxi_sandwich = xpxi.dot(xx).dot(xpxi) params = np.dot(xpxi, xpy) #or solve params = np.squeeze(params) # normalized_cov_params should have sandwich form xpxi @ xx @ xpxi if cov_type == 'sandwich': normalized_cov_params = xpxi_sandwich elif cov_type == 'data-prior': normalized_cov_params = xpxi #why attach it to self, i.e. model? else: raise ValueError("cov_type has to be 'sandwich' or 'data-prior'") self.normalized_cov_params = xpxi_sandwich self.xpxi = xpxi self.sigma2_e = sigma2_e lfit = TheilRegressionResults(self, params, normalized_cov_params=normalized_cov_params, use_t=use_t) lfit.penalization_factor = lambd return lfit def select_pen_weight(self, method='aicc', start_params=1., optim_args=None): """find penalization factor that minimizes gcv or an information criterion Parameters ---------- method : str the name of an attribute of the results class. Currently the following are available aic, aicc, bic, gc and gcv. start_params : float starting values for the minimization to find the penalization factor `lambd`. Not since there can be local minima, it is best to try different starting values. optim_args : None or dict optimization keyword arguments used with `scipy.optimize.fmin` Returns ------- min_pen_weight : float The penalization factor at which the target criterion is (locally) minimized. Notes ----- This uses `scipy.optimize.fmin` as optimizer. """ if optim_args is None: optim_args = {} #this does not make sense, since number of parameters stays unchanged # information criteria changes if we use df_model based on trace(hat_matrix) #need leave-one-out, gcv; or some penalization for weak priors #added extra penalization for lambd def get_ic(lambd): # this can be optimized more # for pure Ridge we can keep the eigenvector decomposition return getattr(self.fit(lambd), method) from scipy import optimize lambd = optimize.fmin(get_ic, start_params, **optim_args) return lambd #TODO: #I need the hatmatrix in the model if I want to do iterative fitting, e.g. GCV #move to model or use it from a results instance inside the model, # each call to fit returns results instance # note: we need to recalculate hatmatrix for each lambda, so keep in results is fine class TheilRegressionResults(RegressionResults): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super(TheilRegressionResults, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) # overwrite df_model and df_resid self.df_model = self.hatmatrix_trace() - 1 #assume constant self.df_resid = self.model.endog.shape[0] - self.df_model - 1 @cache_readonly def hatmatrix_diag(self): '''diagonal of hat matrix diag(X' xpxi X) where xpxi = (X'X + sigma2_e * lambd * sigma_prior)^{-1} Notes ----- uses wexog, so this includes weights or sigma - check this case not clear whether I need to multiply by sigmahalf, i.e. (W^{-0.5} X) (X' W X)^{-1} (W^{-0.5} X)' or (W X) (X' W X)^{-1} (W X)' projection y_hat = H y or in terms of transformed variables (W^{-0.5} y) might be wrong for WLS and GLS case ''' # TODO is this still correct with sandwich normalized_cov_params, I guess not xpxi = self.model.normalized_cov_params #something fishy with self.normalized_cov_params in result, does not update #print(self.model.wexog.shape, np.dot(xpxi, self.model.wexog.T).shape return (self.model.wexog * np.dot(xpxi, self.model.wexog.T).T).sum(1) #@cache_readonly def hatmatrix_trace(self): """trace of hat matrix """ return self.hatmatrix_diag.sum() ## #this does not update df_resid ## @property #needs to be property or attribute (no call) ## def df_model(self): ## return self.hatmatrix_trace() #Note: mse_resid uses df_resid not nobs-k_vars, which might differ if df_model, tr(H), is used #in paper for gcv ess/nobs is used instead of mse_resid @cache_readonly def gcv(self): return self.mse_resid / (1. - self.hatmatrix_trace() / self.nobs)**2 @cache_readonly def cv(self): return ((self.resid / (1. - self.hatmatrix_diag))**2).sum() / self.nobs @cache_readonly def aicc(self): aic = np.log(self.mse_resid) + 1 aic += 2 * (1. + self.hatmatrix_trace()) / (self.nobs - self.hatmatrix_trace() -2) return aic def test_compatibility(self): """Hypothesis test for the compatibility of prior mean with data """ # TODO: should we store the OLS results ? not needed so far, but maybe cache #params_ols = np.linalg.pinv(self.model.exog).dot(self.model.endog) #res = self.wald_test(self.model.r_matrix, q_matrix=self.model.q_matrix, use_f=False) #from scratch res_ols = OLS(self.model.endog, self.model.exog).fit() r_mat = self.model.r_matrix r_diff = self.model.q_matrix - r_mat.dot(res_ols.params)[:,None] ols_cov_r = res_ols.cov_params(r_matrix=r_mat) statistic = r_diff.T.dot(np.linalg.solve(ols_cov_r + self.model.sigma_prior, r_diff)) from scipy import stats df = np.linalg.matrix_rank(self.model.sigma_prior) # same as r_mat.shape[0] pvalue = stats.chi2.sf(statistic, df) # TODO: return results class return statistic, pvalue, df def share_data(self): """a measure for the fraction of the data in the estimation result The share of the prior information is `1 - share_data`. Returns ------- share : float between 0 and 1 share of data defined as the ration between effective degrees of freedom of the model and the number (TODO should be rank) of the explanatory variables. """ # this is hatmatrix_trace / self.exog.shape[1] # This needs to use rank of exog and not shape[1], # since singular exog is allowed return (self.df_model + 1) / self.model.rank # + 1 is for constant # contrast/restriction matrices, temporary location def coef_restriction_meandiff(n_coeffs, n_vars=None, position=0): reduced = np.eye(n_coeffs) - 1./n_coeffs if n_vars is None: return reduced else: full = np.zeros((n_coeffs, n_vars)) full[:, position:position+n_coeffs] = reduced return full def coef_restriction_diffbase(n_coeffs, n_vars=None, position=0, base_idx=0): reduced = -np.eye(n_coeffs) #make all rows, drop one row later reduced[:, base_idx] = 1 keep = lrange(n_coeffs) del keep[base_idx] reduced = np.take(reduced, keep, axis=0) if n_vars is None: return reduced else: full = np.zeros((n_coeffs-1, n_vars)) full[:, position:position+n_coeffs] = reduced return full def next_odd(d): return d + (1 - d % 2) def coef_restriction_diffseq(n_coeffs, degree=1, n_vars=None, position=0, base_idx=0): #check boundaries, returns "valid" ? if degree == 1: diff_coeffs = [-1, 1] n_points = 2 elif degree > 1: from scipy import misc n_points = next_odd(degree + 1) #next odd integer after degree+1 diff_coeffs = misc.central_diff_weights(n_points, ndiv=degree) dff = np.concatenate((diff_coeffs, np.zeros(n_coeffs - len(diff_coeffs)))) from scipy import linalg reduced = linalg.toeplitz(dff, np.zeros(n_coeffs - len(diff_coeffs) + 1)).T #reduced = np.kron(np.eye(n_coeffs-n_points), diff_coeffs) if n_vars is None: return reduced else: full = np.zeros((n_coeffs-1, n_vars)) full[:, position:position+n_coeffs] = reduced return full ## ## R = np.c_[np.zeros((n_groups, k_vars-1)), np.eye(n_groups)] ## r = np.zeros(n_groups) ## R = np.c_[np.zeros((n_groups-1, k_vars)), ## np.eye(n_groups-1)-1./n_groups * np.ones((n_groups-1, n_groups-1))]